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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we grab the hand, oops, that’s it, the man has fallen. zaslonov, konstantin sergeevich. partisan pseudonym uncle kostya, one of the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus during the great patriotic war, commander of the partisan detachment of the brigade, commander of all partisan forces in the arshan zone.
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from the very first days, the zaslonovo detachment launched active combat activities. in a short period of time , the zaslonovites destroyed about ten food warehouses and boldly attacked german garrisons located in the villages near orsha, they organized the collapse of railway trains heading to the front line. on november 13, 1942, the nazis, having learned that the headquarters of the zaslonov brigade was located in the village of kupovaya, surrounded it. the battle continued for more than 4 hours. zaslonov decided to wait until darkness and make a breakthrough. he was mowed down by a machine gun burst. on november 14 , 1942, in a battle with punitive forces near the village of kupovat , sennen region, the legendary kambrik died. he was thirty-three years old. during
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the great patriotic war, his name was given to two partisan brigades, operating in the occupied territory of belarus. he was awarded two orders of lenin and a medal. on march 7, 1943, he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the name of konstantin sergeevich zaslonov is forever included in the book of national glory. the heroes of our program are outstanding asobs, buried in their right. and you think, what
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can you do so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs, and a lot of lows , and not a lot of balalaikas, it’s very difficult to achieve such a balance of sound, know them, leave the bright expression, and you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, she has to play, work, dance, hold her hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on and still feel it? this is a puppet theater artist. someday, well, when perhaps we will have such an area, we will try, it would be nice for this museum to be combined with a workshop, so that not only people come to the museum, but also come and see how it is done, and allow you can understand the soul of the belarusian people. my only dream is that we are all healthy, that there is peace and of course to live and work and do something for people, even if it’s small.
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glyadzice project "belarusians" on our tv channel. she is the only woman in belarus who does this, this is not a romantic profession in the sense that people usually put it in, her work is considered one of the most dangerous, the injuries that i received, they allowed me to introduce myself... in general it
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could be, but she decided to forge her own destiny, from the first moments, from the first notes of some smells that sounded, from everything, you understand, it’s yours, everything, it’s yours, she. they say, if you don’t know what to do, do as people expect, it’s boring, but reliable, stereotypes live in our heads, control us and give us a feeling of calm, but if you need something more, sometimes it’s worth breaking them, so, as oksana kirilyuk did. how does a woman become a blacksmith? oksana kirilyuk had to change several professions and businesses before this. in high school, she
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chose between a sailing school, a linguistic university and an academy arts of course, i prepared for the academy of arts not as a metal artist, but... just as an artist, i have been drawing since childhood, it was my hobby, from the age of 3, when i started reading, at the same time i started drawing, the phrase you can’t make money with creativity, i heard when we were discussing where i should go, why not the academy of arts as a result, because, well, really at that time, these were the nineties, mid -nineties, it was impossible to make much money from creativity, so at the insistence of her parents, as often happens, oksana received a diploma international economist, so that...
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at that time in her native molodechno there were no dance schools, so when oksana opened hers, she immediately began to flourish, in parquet, ball gowns and no office routine of creative development either. to everyone's surprise, oksana decides to close the school. it existed for 8 years, then it was transferred to the city palace of culture, and it still exists there. she had to start from scratch again, but oksana was not afraid. you know, you should never be afraid, here. fear and laziness are what prevent you from finding happiness in life. life, present. by that time, oksana had already realized that she was not looking for a profession, but a business, a matter of life, for which she would like to get up in the morning. ask yourself two questions: if you were paid money, that is, that is, not paid money, would you do this and
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would you do this if you lived on a desert island, if you answer at least one question, yes, it makes sense to go into this field, it was landscape design, why landscape design, because? again, my childhood passion for botany, here i have my mother introduced gardeners from an early age, and the desire to create some images, it came together, that is, you can draw some images in space with flowers, but planting roses and hanging pots, oksana did not gather from our belarusian plants that you see everywhere, the same chicory, milkweed, the same meadow china, the same wild cornflowers, if... planted correctly, you can achieve amazing results. she dreamed of english gardens, and her parents' potato beds became a field for experimentation. under the shovel for a month here the main relief was simply made with a shovel, and within 3 months this garden was
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completely planted. well then , oksana was still separated from her own forge by a few more years and horses. one day an acquaintance said that the local sports school was falling apart, and... horses were simply killed or sent for meat, such ugly mistakes, well, i think they need to be corrected, it was basically impossible to pass by, i took it, that’s how they showed up, the first horses , and the horses needed somewhere to live, and if relatives still allowed experimenting with the garden, then build a stable on the site was not allowed, so a series of oksana’s moves began, the turning point actually happened, probably after i was 25,
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dad, what is this really, why do you need this girls, no one even considered the option that i would cook, over time cook very well, having mastered welding, oksana was surprised, of course, at first, my mother needed ironwork, she covered herself in books and began to study the theory, it doesn’t happen that you watched a video, learned, went to lay tiles, never put walls there, always before...
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you know, the first feeling you get in minsk is safety, this calm feeling of security, and we are different countries, but we have a union state, and just this year opens up opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards , which could be between...
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i really couldn’t, because all the equipment is very dangerous, from the hammer to the welding equipment, about the grinders, well, it’s clear, looking back at that time, the first year when i worked, this you really walked on the edge some very thin line, then an abyss, because the injuries that i received allowed me to imagine what could have happened, well, somehow it carried me through, you know, i learned very quickly from my injuries. and oksana would not have stayed at the forge a single day if she had come wearing rose-colored glasses. and this is not
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a romantic profession, in the understanding that people usually put in it, that you came, lit a fire, you are in some kind of natural linen clothes and so on, well , that is, this stereotypical idea, actually no, you definitely need to dress, and not in some light linen clothes, these are usually jeans, it’s like... something that doesn’t burn, and there’s a constant smell of smoke, and often the coal is not of very high quality, after this may just make you feel sick in the evening, because there are large sulfur impurities, abrasive dust, soot, working with chemicals, the same solvent, for example, all around, and your hands get tired and your back hurts, and the noise from the blacksmith hammer stays in your ears for a long time, well now... let's make a door handle with you, this is permanent, this is something that is constantly in demand, sometimes
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it just makes sense to keep them in stock, so that later you can give them away and forget about them, but for those who believe that the forge is not a place for a woman, oksana answers, it’s a stereotype that in a man’s job a woman is rude, never, femininity is essentially an attitude, a subtle, delicate projection, this is the perception of the world and projection. accordingly, the same attitude towards the world around us, this is femininity, how can you lose it at some job? a mystery to me. femininity and grace of oksana in her works, her... business card, openwork forged elements and park sculptures. the iron lady is not only recommended, but also passed down from generation to generation. and in the 14 years that i have been working, almost 14 years that i have been working, i have never advertised. only word of mouth works. here, as some later call me, i am the family blacksmith, because the parents once applied, and now the children
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have built houses and are applying. oksana has nothing against family, because over time , the main... assistant and apprentice in her mother became the forge, she loved to come and clean the forge very much, a special thank you here, because there is not always enough time for cleaning, and the truth is that after cleaning it is difficult to find something, because you leave it somewhere in your places, and then not you can find, well, this is already a cost, when you work alone, naturally with a large product, your brain begins to work and invent, i just asked her to help, uh, well, somehow it just started happening on its own and we... began come, help me with something, suddenly i wanted to help her, well, i wanted to, i looked, she was working, working all day long, alone, heavy objects, everything was there, i said, well , let me help you, oh well, oksana agreed, with difficulty, but she agreed, in her 60s alla mikhailovna manages her ponytail no worse than her daughter, she says physical activity is only
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good for her, when she has a minute, unlike her peers, she may not tie it up, but something...
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an evil attitude, now they have already grown over for the winter, they are in nature is generally very interesting to observe when they live freely as they like it, they have their own daily routine, so they get up in the morning, go out, and walk a little, then eat, all four of them, they do it all synchronously, as if dogs are in a pack, someone will say that oksana’s horse has a special position, and she considers it the only humanely possible, this is such a fragile creature in health and vulnerable, and a baby. that they really need to be constantly monitored and there is no need to break the evolutionary regimes of their lives that evolution has laid down. if there is a minute left, oksana definitely looks into the garden is also her creation, but not in metal, in plants. here, the zoning of each piece is thought out, because when the plants
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gain full volume and full growth in the summer, they separate each area from each other. and so we have. she repents, it was not in vain that she was looking for her favorite thing for so long, now it not only makes her happy, but also feeds her, it all depends on the person’s attitude, if for you this is a hobby, well, you won’t make much money from it, if for you this is really your business life, then this is a very good income, believe me, my word, our heroine can not only support herself, but help others, she is a volunteer animal rights activist, and also
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conducts free master classes on landscape design for those who do not have enough flower beds and paths. when you are happy, you are already giving, you are in a state where you are not interested in taking, you are interested in giving, and although society does not understand oksana in everything, she never proved anything to anyone, but simply tried to choose her own path. life should be spent in joy, because it is alone, and i always say that i i live with pleasure, i emphasize with pleasure, and not for pleasure, this is a very big difference, i and...
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the telelenova agency represents, in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. we baked a loaf, what a beautiful loaf, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh, difficult, priceless. buns and loaves will be baked
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so that we will not know the fear of hunger, and bread will become light and familiar to us, the artel field is called a green workshop, and happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day are consumed by our city less and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because the cultivation of other high-calorie products has fallen, which is important because pork is small, there has been a decline in attempts to fish and bird, and salt - 9 tons in the afternoon, eighth summer , 10 kalgasau, three ancestral successions to perapracotsy. products, our own project organizations, our own towns and gardens, branded stores, and direct
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connections with foreign partners, and a good currency, all this first in the republic of agrarian and industrial complexes in bukh. for any and all, the land of the world is a terrible surprise, and there are several kamunaras in the future, at home, and the sunny day is becoming... absolved by the cruelest of their thoughts. only kalgasny harmony with a high culture of agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavitskaya region to develop such rich wealth. the ganus experimental station is aimed at dismantling the michuryn methods of the rural gas reserve and growing new crops. the exhibitions have been re-opened holy kalgasnay ​​pratsy.
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their aryans, as well as to increase the german population by labeling children from slavic peoples; children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others, they turn a blind eye to this.
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military standards in the project are different, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also train pharmacists.
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these are the only ones.
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acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work, the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, our equipment today is actually a very reliable margin of safety in it a colossal approach to business is being laid, which everyone should strive for, we maintain one hundred percent control. in order for these products to comply with technical regulations and standards, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the news is on the air now, lyudmila kazak is with you, hello, today at the palace of independence, personnel day, new appointments in ministries and the local vertical of power, the vacant position of the head of the ministry of justice was filled by evgeniy kovalenko, a native of
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hell , the first deputy elena morgunova sits in this chair to this day. the leadership has changed in kostyukovichiy, berestovitsky, ostrovetsky and glusk districts, as well as in novopolotsk in several districts of gomel and grodno. new deputy in the mogilev regional executive committee. alexander lukashenko set it up.


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