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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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the candidate was also nominated by the council of the republic, unanimously, members of the presidium of the upper house of parliament supported the candidacy of sergei sevets. the first meeting of the seventh supreme council will take place on april 24-25. delegates will have to elect the chairman of the supreme council, his deputy, and members of the presidium of the supreme council. the nomination of candidates is being held as openly as possible, and elections to the presidium will also be held publicly and transparently. the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly will be a working body, this is an additional responsibility. powers, for example, the presidium has the right to initiate questions of the legitimacy of the presidential and parliamentary elections, it is the presidium that will consider the functioning of the supreme and constitutional courts of the central election commission. only young people will go into battle. the leader of the kiev regime said that the youth of ukraine should widely participate in hostilities, since they are better versed in modern technologies. actually, this is how zelensky explained the decrease in age.
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the us and the philippines have launched annual military exercises balikatan 2024 amid rising tensions in south china. sea ​​around taiwan. a group of protesters gathered in a network caisson in front of the armed forces headquarters. preparations for war, there is no need to exaggerate the situation, if we do not prepare, we will do a disservice to the country, the press secretary of the abc cbn news tv channel said in a statement, among other things, the united states has deployed anti-aircraft guided missiles in the philippines. earlier, china called for an end to provocations. more relevant information at 19:00. see you on
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the evening newscast.
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during the times of ancient russia, it was this river that connected voryazhskoye, as it was then called, with pont fsinsky, the modern black sea. but the famous trade route from voryak to the greeks did not pass through the city, located on the coast, although individual boats most likely sailed here. archaeological finds are direct confirmation of this. and here the lungs of europe breathe and the heart of the belarusian woodland beats. a fair wind carries us to pinsk. perhaps it is the clear, leisurely waters.
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wooden architecture, its appearance marks the arrival of spring, disappears with the onset of cold weather, but there is no mysticism in this. in america they call houses afloat the fashionable word is houseboard, house, ship, but they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. what would they call our river port, i think rivy station board. by the way, the contents of this unusual structure are no different from the filling.
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stations familiar to us, standard ticket offices and waiting rooms. in soviet times, you could buy a ticket here, even for a rocket, and go, no, not into space. that was the name of the hydrofoil motor ship , which, like today's passenger flights, went on a journey down, along pripyat, they say, the city above pinoy is like a magical vision, woven from water, ancient buildings and fogs, the latter giving rise to the famous russian poet alexander blok to compare pinsk with the mythical kitizhgrad. fortunately, the water element was more favorable to this glorious one. city, otherwise our journey would have been underwater, sounds good in search of the belarusian atlantis. every trip is new impressions, pleasant acquaintances, experience, they say people
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who have traveled a lot and seen a lot can be recognized from thousands, and not only by a properly packed suitcase, loose-fitting clothes and comfortable shoes. come here. look, enterprising pinsk residents, advertising is even on the asphalt, let's go further and see black and white portals into the history of the ancient city, the author of street art is evgeniy syusyura. on the supports of the old bridge, across the back there are wheeled gunpowders floating along the river, a sawmill across the river, a plot with palishuks, reminiscent of the existence of the pinsk bazaar on boats and the church of st. stanislav of the 17th century, blown up by the soviet authorities in 1953, there was a shrine on the main square of the city. once upon a time, the grandiose church was part of
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a single majestic ensemble of the jesuit monastery. today there is a park in its place. but the monumental collegium is the oldest historical and architectural memory. the capital of polesie has been fortunately preserved to this day; from a bird's eye view, as well as from other angles, the patriarch of pinsk looks impressive. in the 17th century it was the best educational institution in the city. for 12-13 years of study here it was possible to receive not only secular, but also spiritual education. among famous graduates of the college, publicist and teacher anastas ludwig kirsnitsa. as well as the historian poet adam naruszewicz and the rector of the university of warsaw, karol wyrwicz. by the way, i heard that the jesuits were the first to abandon the stick, that is, corporal punishment, and used awards and distinctions as carrots. it is also curious that in
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the academic year of the college there were only 190 days; classes, to the envy of today’s students , lasted no more than two hours at a time. today, within the walls of the former collegium there is a children's choreographic school and a museum of belarusian polesye, here is his first exhibit - a tractor-monument. when the front line was approaching the city in 1941, a worker from the town of david dismantled the machine into separate parts, greased it with solid oil and buried it in the ground, but after the liberation of the bssr, the tractor was reassembled and given to him. personal name - captain, do not touch the museum exhibit with your hands. let's take a look inside, here, as if along strings , the historical path of the city and its inhabitants is assembled into a single canvas, about 75,000 exhibits. my eyes
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widen. pink slate sarcophagus from the 12th century. scandinavian fork in viking style - pendulous seal of the grand duke of kyiv. yadislav yaroslavich. here, pay attention, an unremarkable mace at first glance is, in fact, a sign of power from the period of property stratification of tribal communities. in general, what is not a step is a one-off piece. it was made in the early thirties by a resident of the luninets district, the village of bogdanovka, vasily ilyuchik. vasily ilyuchik, self-taught master. as he himself says. that he made this bicycle to the envy of the local gentry, who at that time were rolling out metal constructions on bicycles. by the way, owner they also tried to make a wooden helicopter of this bicycle, but it
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was not used for its intended purpose. and why? didn't fly? it probably didn't work out to take off. i feel detailed. a tour of the museum may take the whole day, but i’ll still pop into the pale tretivka for a minute. canvas by vosnetsov, pena, shishkin. the collection of paintings is second only to the national art museum, here is the sea of ​​poseidon brushes. ivan aivazovsky, aka avanes gayvazyan, painted almost all of his paintings not from life, but from memory. by the way, in one of the halls museum, i managed to notice the most curious shell, amber, and the fossilized remains of marine life. herodotus was not right, once upon a time. the waves crashed and crashed onto the local shores.
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they were born in different parts of the world. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband, sergei, was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here. i was born in telinogradey, that is, so to speak, there is a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something for themselves here, here is our favorite scene, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing.
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in the torah to the ancient greek historian and some modern researchers. they consider the pinsk swamps to be an echo of an ancient press sea formed after the melting of the glacier. was there really a sea? if you believe herodotus, then yes, it’s true, the father of history himself had never been to these parts, he believed the word of travelers and
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soldiers, and later recorded their observations. so now guess whether there was great water here 2,500 years ago, or whether the herodototovo sea is a historical phantom. and they also say that in ancient times, in these places lived a tribe of people who could turn into wolves, however, they did not howl with melancholy and anger at the moon, because since ancient times the swamps protected them from enemies, fed them, and finally healed them. many medicinal herbs grow in this area to this day. according to popular beliefs, the belarusian snake gorynych lived here. smoke, from latin smalk. seems, that was the name of the bloodthirsty dragon in the hollywood film about the adventures of the hobbit. but his polesie brother was good-natured and completely harmless. be that as it may, the pinsk swamps have long become the highlight
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of excursion programs. landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. not so long ago , russian cryptozoologists visited these places and were looking for a large reptile or at least its traces, but did not find it. i hope we 're lucky enough not to see her. but to the village of kudrichi, which is located about 30 km from pinsk is definitely worth a look. kudrichi is a completely separate issue; nowhere else in the world will you find such archaic villages on small islands among swamps, where almost everything remains as it was a hundred years ago. a unique place for ecological, ornithological, nostalgic educational tours. all
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biotypes that are typical for woodland and have become rare in europe are concentrated here. ripe floodplain oak meadows, wetlands, and not only rare species of fauna and flora, but birds, 155 breeding species, what? the place is unique, of course, but it’s time for us to fly. we return to the city limits . the first mention of pinsk in the ipatiev chronicle dates back to 197. then the city was part of the principality of turov, and later gained independence. in the memory of these lands are kievan rus, the grand duchy of lithuania, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the russian empire, poland, the soviet union. architects of the seventies of the last century considered pinsk the second city of belarus after grodno. according to the number of surviving
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architectural monuments. well, let's see. they will tell us about the history of the city. the streets themselves, the buildings and the citizens. by the way, you know how to determine who is in front of you, a native resident of pinsk or a visitor, you need to ask a simple question: with whom do you have the honor to communicate, with a penchan or a penchuk? hello, who do you consider yourself to be, penchans or pinchuks? probably penchans. pinsk residents? are you indigenous or from pinsk? pinchuk is both a surname and a local resident. don't even know.
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consider themselves penchuk, that’s the collective image of an indigenous resident on the main pedestrian street city ​​street, boots are polished, the koszul is of good quality, there is clearly money in the bag , find 10 differences, i came from pinsk, says the real pinchuk, then bends his finger and lists all his merits, it seems, although i really doubt it... , this is how all the inhabitants of this region introduced themselves. well, to list all the sights of pinsk with its rich history, there won’t be enough fingers from our entire film crew. in this building, behind the polish hour , one of the best hotels in the city was located. the rooms here were telephoned and even
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amenities. as a rule, there is an english one near the hotel, but... at the beginning of the date, so that later you can hit the gas. this phrase, combining polish and hebrew words, meant going for a walk along the main street of pinsk. we go to shpatsir along the main pedestrian street and here we are, as nowhere else in the city have historical buildings been preserved. club of editors any nation needs bonds, this flight is a bond, a bond of our society. for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud. this a truly national
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achievement mobilizing the entire country, so many people rejoiced at her flight, everyone greeted her with tears in their eyes. no country in the world pays so much attention to women as women, that is, today a belarusian woman has the opportunity to do everything and even fly into space. i don’t want to live in a country where, excuse me, peasants are forced to go out into the streets and throw manure at government agencies and the police. i want to live in this country, where they fly into space, where they build nuclear power plants. where women go on maternity leave for 3 years i want to live in this country, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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pinsk is a large center of several religious denominations, it is even called the second... here, as in an israeli city of three religions, churches, churches and synagogues coexist. basilica minor, the honorary title of minor basilica, was given to the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary by the pope. the appearance of the temple combines the medieval power of gothic and the baroque layout of the ilju temple in rome. unity of internal space is emphasized by an integral complex. monumental and decorative carvings made at the beginning of the 16th century. to the left of the entrance to the church is the altar of the ostro-abram mother of god. this. the chapel is associated with such two personalities, very legendary, one might say for us, this is, first of all, the servant of god, bishop zygmont of lazinsky, yes, who was the first bishop of this pinsk decease of ours, the second
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person is the priest cardinal casimir zion, as he was a young man prayed near the tomb of zygmut lazinski, told us, had these two requests, his mother was sick, so she asked for health for her mother, the second was to recognize her calling, her mother somewhere... lived and also chose that path, became a priest, then a bishop and a cardinal, yes, that is, it was the only cardan in the post-soviet space. when soviet power was established in the capital of polesie, kazimir świątok and his parishioners hid the coffin with the bishop’s relics. they hollowed out that wall, and there is such a niche there, and they hid this coffin there, they walled it up, no one didn't know he was here. in the nineties there was freedom, then already... kazimir świątek himself, who considered zygmund lazinski his heavenly patron, rests under
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a white marble tombstone in the crypt of the church. thousands of believers are waiting for the courageous witness of the faith to be counted as a saint, but so far the vatican lacks miracles associated with his name. not for every tourist. we will be able to get into the oldest part of the church, the sacrestium, our creative group was lucky, antique furniture, a copper washbasin, then more, in the spiritual cross gallery seminaries, miraculously preserved frescoes of the 18th century, a real exclusive, here is a special source of pride for all residents of pinsk: the church organ, one of the oldest... in belarus, here the famous pinsk madonna, alfred romer, steps on clouds similar to thick polesie fogs, its prototype was the real
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-life penchanka. by the way, the four-tiered belfry next to the church was built a hundred years earlier than the pesan tower, but they made a similar architectural mistake; this bell tower was also rejected. off its axis, but for now the whole world in the photographs it prevents the pesan tower from falling, i will support pinskaya in every sense. another reason why pinsk is called polevsky jerusalem is the close connection of the city with the history of the israeli people. before world war ii, 70% of the population were jews. the first israeli president , chaim weizmann, was born , the future fifth prime minister of israel, golda meyer, spent seven childhood years with her grandmother here, and this is also where
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the parents of billionaire and ex- microsoft ceo steve ballmer lived. you can also find out about your historical status from the inscription in polish. about this building. men's state gymnasium, the oldest. polesie. today the city department of education is located here. i also recommend including this temple on sovetskaya street in your personal itinerary. the first prayers were heard here in 1712. in the cathedral of st. barbara there is one of the oldest icons in belarus, the 15th century mother of god adigetria of jerusalem. counts. according to the stories of parishioners, miracles happen here,
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people are healed from various diseases, find help in solving many problems, family conflicts, overcoming depression and sadness, and varvara also patronizes travelers and is considered the intercessor of pinsk. memorial plaque in memory. i’ll tell you a big secret: in fact, the sacrament of wedding, as the old-timers say, did not take place here, in the wooden church that was once part of the varvara monastery. unfortunately, this temple has not survived. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global
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dominance, the only one.
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don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. life in pinsk is an important milestone in yakub's life kolos, here he met his future wife, got married and called himself names. the first heir, and 100 years ago it was in this by no means pompous wooden house that kola and his family lived. kolos, blok, turgenev, glinka, kuprin, korotkevich, gubilev - this is not a complete list of celebrities whose destinies are connected with pinsk. it is known that louise boyt, the daughter of the owner of a california gold mine, also visited these parts. yes, yes, that
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same legendary american. who discovered woodland to the world and spent all her inheritance on studying the arctic. by the way, the pinsk gentry from the creator of the first belarusian opera, vincent dunin martinkevich, is also woven from local stories. but here are the heroes of the play, recreated in wooden sculptures, who have been in the repertoire of the polesie drama theater for many years. by the way , a louver could have appeared in its place earlier, that’s what the sponsor of its construction, the merchant son david boyarsky, wanted to call the first city cinema, then, as usual, he changed his mind, it happens, according to wikipedia, the first stone, the foundation of this monument architecture, founded by
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the last polish... king stanisław august ponitovsky, it turns out, no; by that time the monarch was no longer in the city. the polish writer, jozef kraszewski, once joked that this building stands like a dandy in the village. today you can often hear another definition of a building. this palace is called the pearl of polesie. the building was built by a city judge, financier, and politician. and grandfather of the famous artist, musician and composer napoleon ordet. this is the first secular residential stone structure from the late 14th century. butrimovich palace. synthesis of baroque classicism - the author's solution of vilna architect sheldgauz. three glorious families, the butrimovichs, the hordes, the skirmunts, took turns
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in possession of this.
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young people from all over the country, and this is stalinist pseudo-classicism in architecture, the drainage technical school is the largest center in the country for... training specialists who at one time drained a considerable part of the woodland. and there are so many wall mosaics and paintings in pinsk, it seems that original drawings and subjects are everywhere here.


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