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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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do more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. don’t suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turay. propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24. hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening.
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release. ministry of justice, standardization committee of the ministry of natural resources with new leadership. the president made a number of personnel appointments and outlined the range of tasks. mps and senators decided on their candidates for the presidium of the all-belarus people's assembly. we'll announce the names in a few minutes. the west is heating up the situation at our borders. lithuania is holding its largest participation exercise. strengthening contacts in the healthcare sectors, a route of good deeds has been built, a youth campaign has started. today the president held personnel monday, new appointments in ministries and the local vertical, so in belarus two ministerial portfolios were distributed at once, a vacant position.
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legal management. ministerial position was the head of the main state natural resources and environmental protection for sergei moslyak, ex-head of the administration of the zavodsky district of khtolitsa. there is a new chairman of the standardization committee in the country. first deputy elena morgunova sits in this chair to this day. when appointing each president, he outlines a range of tasks and priorities for the appointees. as for the ministry of justice, it has always been a very serious ministry, i really want the work to work out. the ministry is not easy on the one hand, on the other hand there is a person unreliable, what should you call it, ours, not ours, a stranger cannot work there, you know all this better, because i say, i have encountered and not just encountered, we worked together, as far as the ministry is concerned.
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to hear the problems that we face today and that we will have to solve in the near future, as i tell everyone, i want to tell you that you have to manage large teams, you have certain territories in your area of ​​responsibility, please do not forget that you presidents in these territories, in cities, areas of cities and regional centers, the work will not be easy, it’s a political year, you know this very well, and many issues will have to be resolved, but now this also applies to cities and ordinary district centers of regional
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subordination, sowing company, agriculture, relatively good weather, well, already i probably filled it up too much, this means that we need...
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and two deputies, alexander storovoytov and svetlana nichai. sergei lukashevich was agreed to be the first deputy minister of foreign affairs. from the supply of equipment to the modernization of large enterprises. belarus is not limited to discussing targeted projects with russian regions, proposing to enter into cooperation roadmaps. arkhangelsk region, an example of this today, the president received the governor of the region at the palace of independence. alexander tsybulsky arrived in our country on the first direct flight connecting minsk.
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for our main export product , rut fertilizers, which is 15 million tons, your specialization, containers, general...
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the port will be very interesting for belarus, especially considering that the project is starting for the development of the arkhangelsk transport hub, this will open up new opportunities for partners. promising areas for further cooperation were discussed today at the fourth meeting of the working group on cooperation. emphasis on industry, supply of passenger equipment, agro-industrial complex, as well as subsoil use, science and education. the arkhangelsk region is interested in the belarusian experience in the development of consumer cooperation, governor. taught me to study this issue in more detail. among the areas in which it was decided
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to significantly intensify work is development of natural resources. one of them, for example, is on the development of captured deposits, of which there are a lot in the arkhangelsk region, while the competence in the republic of belarus is very large, there is an entire scientific and media institute that has been dealing with this topic for almost 100 years, so here, i think, is the most we will have interesting results soon. more than 150.
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part of the common interests, the parties agreed to increase cooperation in the field of science and education, sports and tourism. the president
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signed a law on issues entrepreneurial activity, it establishes a renewed entrepreneurial architecture. the document provides for two categories engaged in entrepreneurial activities. firstly, legal entities are small organizations with up to 100 employees, with an average of up to 250 employees. over 250 people, secondly, the category of individuals, which includes artisans, owners of agro-eco-estates, self-employed, individual entrepreneurs. the types of activities that tps can carry out will be determined government until july 1. for those that are not included in the planned list , registration of new individual entrepreneurs will cease from october 1. it also establishes the obligation to transfer existing individual entrepreneurs to a legal entity by january 1, 2026, while a simplified procedure is introduced for them. transition to commercial organizations with continuity in all rights and obligations to
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the budget and counterparties. the law provides for new types of financial support, including reimbursement from the budget of part of the capital costs during implementation investment projects involving loans from the development bank. the right to receive financial government support for medium-sized businesses is expanding. previously, this tool was only available to small businesses. the meeting of the belarusian people's assembly very soon on april 24 will hold its first meeting since the adoption of the new version of the constitution in belarus and will bring together representatives of all branches of government, employees and leaders. enterprises of social activists from all over belarus. deputies have decided on their candidate composition presidium of the all-belarus people's assembly, unanimously supporting linchevskaya. she is the chairman of the standing committee on
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legislation of the supreme national assembly and will open a new page in the development of a sovereign country, noted speaker of the lower house of parliament igor sergeen.
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international affairs of national security. delegates will vote in support or against nominated candidates for the presidium of the supreme national assembly on the first day of the meeting on april 24; elections for the presidium of the highest body of democracy will be held publicly and transparently. for me personally , this is a very high level of trust, at the same time, this is the highest responsibility, since the all-belarusian people's assembly, based on its status,
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will determine the strategic directions for the development of belarusian society and the belarusian state, and since the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly is a working one.
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actions, but there is still something to work on, this was discussed today at a working meeting of the council of the house of representatives with the presidium of the council of the republic. the main direction of activity is legislative, and here the specialized commissions need to work more closely, it is necessary to bring it to a new level and international cooperation, including working with alternative forces of foreign countries that advocate a multipolar world and dialogue on equal terms. another task is to develop a unified strategy for working in the information field and, of course, continue to work with '.
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and the presidium of the body. for this purpose , nine voting platforms will be deployed in the palace of the republic, and a small hall will become a place for the work of the counting commission. today , final preparations are underway at the palace of the republic site. in a few months the palace the republic knows about such an upcoming event, and we are already starting this preparation. it is quite difficult, because absolutely everything is checked, from technological systems to the same scenography of the stage. that's why. by the way, it will also look completely new, there will be a completely different approach, these are different led screens, this is a completely different style, this is what it might look like, it will be presented this year. in a completely new format. the set design of the all-belarus people's assembly is more than 400 km of led screens, over three hundred lighting devices.
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more than 140 people are involved in scene editing alone. preparations are being carried out in close cooperation with the organizing committee and other departments. our democracy is our tradition. why the vns can be considered a symbol of independence. how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in its sovereign history. the state is unbalanced, the new status of the supreme national assembly and new functions, why the kept women of the west generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make together, we’ll break it down into understandable politics, watch this evening’s broadcast after the panorama.
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moscow and beijing have carried out an almost complete de-dollarization of trade and economic relations; as the head of the russian foreign ministry noted, supplies of agricultural products to the chinese market are growing, and joint projects are being implemented in the investment and industrial spheres. mutual benefits from such cooperation are felt on both sides of the russian-chinese border. russian-chinese trade and economic cooperation is actively developing, this despite the persistent attempts of the states of the collective west to insert how they say, a spoke in the wheels, there has been
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an almost complete de-dollarization of bilateral economic ties. today, more than 90% of mutual settlements are translated into national currencies. de-dolarization began both in practice and in conceptual speeches. within the framework of brix brazil. has already proposed to seriously consider at the upcoming summit in august the task of protecting financial calculations from the american dollar. flooding in china's most populous province, nearly 60,000 people evacuated, heavy rains and gale-force winds already for several days they attack the southern province of guangdong, home to 127 million people. there have been no reports of casualties yet. several large rivers overflowed their banks. local officials say the water could reach a peak that occurs once every 100 years. in a number
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of cities and the province, schools were closed and there were disruptions at the local international airport over the weekend due to the floods, more than a million households lost electricity, but at the moment , in about 80% of them, power supply has been restored. the west continues heating up the situation at our border. may, the lithuanian army and government agencies are working out the transition from peacetime to wartime. the defense headquarters noted that more than 10 thousand people have been called up to participate in the exercises, american and german brigades of over 500 military personnel will also take part, and 400 units of equipment will be used. lithuania and poland are launching exercises for the defense of the suwałki corridor, the area is located between our territory and the kaleningrad region of russia; in addition to
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the forces and maneuvers, contingents from the united states and portugal, each with 200 military personnel, have been involved. tanstart youth patriotic action route of good deeds. this year the event is taking place for the tenth time and has already become international. 15 young doctors from belarus, russia, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan are taking part.


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