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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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what is emphasized and what tasks are assigned to the appointees, details are to come. poland does not give up hope of acquiring a nuclear arsenal. warsaw dictator duda announced his intention to deploy american nuclear missiles on his territory. and respond in a timely manner to ever new threat challenges. we'll tell you how the spc delegates approach the main political event and how they prepare for it in the palace of the republic. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day.
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most of the country's territory is at the mercy of snowfalls, strong gusty winds and rains that provoke flooding on washed-out sections of highways are eliminated by road service employees; the state traffic inspectorate works in a special mode to help them. details in the panorama. a busy program on monday at the palace of independence, the president signed a number of personnel decisions. on the list of appointees. time has chosen us, the president will say, the year will not be easy, politically or economically. new people will go to the regions, three chairmen of agriculture committees and deputies will head individual districts. needed on earth understanding people. the ambassador of belarus to brazil will return to minsk for a promotion, and in another move towards minsk, doctors from the mogilev region will become the new deputies of the minister of health. to the head of
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local authorities, you are the presidents of these territories, this is how the appointee alexander lukashenko will outline the terms of reference, but the responsibility will also be proportionate. the nuances of katerina kortalevich’s personnel day. the red hall and the president's office, everyone knows, if the press service stated in the language of journalists, these specific points, by personnel appointment be. new people, most of them undergoing the procedure for the first time, are as restrained and collected as possible, even if the appointment is just one step up, not to mention.
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movement in the gomel and grodno city executive committees, business manager alexey vasyuchenko became the head of the administration of one of the districts of gomel. andrey boltrik took the same vacant position in the oktyabrsky district in grodny. this is a conditionally horizontal change of activity. yes, the powers have changed, but within the same framework. for example, there are people right there at the table whose lives have simply turned upside down.
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for example, colonel, it doesn’t matter what kind of troops retire at 50, this is precisely the managerial age, can everyone be managers in civilian life after the realities of war, of course not, but someone who is ready to understand the situation can obviously bring a lot of useful things from the training ground to offices. that region, well, it’s not a stranger to me, i already served there once with people, i kind of know it there, the people there are very hardworking, that’s why. well, all the tasks set by the president will be completed. as many as three: committee chairman dmitry kadrgulov the heads of departments sergey medvedskas and alexey zhuravlev for agriculture of different regions became chairmen of district executive committees, now in the region, and they are the biggest bosses from the land,
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they hired people for a reason, the weather is relatively good, well, it’s probably already flooded too much, that says that we need to prepare for a sterling summer.
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i know very well, i am watching this area, kostyukovich and other areas of the east of the mogilev region, they are implementing a certain plan of mine for the development of the east in the magilev region, which will also be affected by the chernobyl attack, it is desirable that there are more opportunities for special kostyukovichi, so that this area will be indicative for us. bcz is a belarusian cement plant, one of three in the country. now kostyukovichi is a city-forming city, they sell very well to russia, and they want to repeat this experience in other projects, everything that they are going to launch as production has a market in advance. before this, vyacheslav maksachov was deputy chairman of the construction line, the promotion was in line with interests of the region. these are projects for
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the production of metal products from thin sheet metal, we are already implementing them, an investment agreement has been concluded, this project will be implemented , a deadline has been set. the general conclusion is to work carefully.
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in the forest, and i’m used to taking care, not only of animals, but of plants, there should
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be more of them, there should be a lot of them, take control of planting trees, as i say, on road slopes, on inaccessible areas, ditches and so on, a tree can grow anywhere, and in 80 years it will be good timber that our children can use and also look for oil? in the depths - this is also a task for the new leadership of the ministry of natural resources, the appointment today is one of the harshest rumors, the head of the administration of the zavodsky district of minsk becomes a minister, but behind this there is also a specialized education, sergei moslyak, a forestry engineer, and more than one year of work in his specialty, but inside the administration, he himself comes from minsk, by the way, the factory district, which he previously managed, is native to him, well, it’s generally difficult to scare a factory worker, so his colleagues are not they will understand if i say something.
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management in the presidential administration, a famous person in the union of lawyers. the new minister says he will not give up this work, which is generally public. you know, this feeling is somewhere deep down, first of all , a feeling of great responsibility and great honor, and of course, a wide range of tasks. as for the standardization committee, its head is now a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor elena morgunova, and behind her is the quality mark for everything that concerns the state standards, complex detailed things with fierce competition games.
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so everything that happens in the middle of this week will affect the life of the country, so it is very important who will make these decisions. katerina krutalevich, alexander oreshko, television news agency. new managers will also have to increase projects, develop trade with russian regions, with some of them there is no end to work in these areas. especially at the ends of the earth. among such areas that have been little explored for us, judging by the figures of trade turnover , is arkhangelsk, but the harsh russian north is not will be a hindrance to the allies. our president is convinced of this. minsk and arkhangelsk have become closer to our capital; today there is a direct flight. the governor was one of the first to appreciate the new speeds; now almost 2.0 km can be covered in 2.5 hours, and
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this is a good signal for business and tourists. a good start. both for businessmen and for people, especially from remote corners of russia, to come to belarus and not only get to know belarus, but also receive appropriate sanatorium and resort procedures, we have a lot of russians visiting belarus, arkhangelsk region is a long-standing, very reliable partner of belarus, we have not yet achieved, of course , for... 5 years ago we talked about achieving the maximum exchange of goods at that time , approximately 46 million dollars, but already in the twenty- third year we set a corresponding
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record, which is 85 million dollars in trade turnover, approximately. but we are determined and i think that we will catch up in the near future. minsk arkhangelsk has many mutual interests. export of our equipment from the heaviest to passenger - flagship direction. there is a need in the region for large forestry machines. amkador is ready to present an alternative to western brands that have left the russian market. the president noted that along with supplies, it is important to organize warranty service. we can do this too. another area of ​​joint work is industrial modernization. for enterprises in the region , belarusian machines and equipment can be a good help, but the president called the organization of transshipment of our goods a strategic task. opportunities of the arkhangelsk port allow belarus not only to significantly increase exports, but also to join the development of the northern sea route. it is very important for us to seriously develop the northern sea route, and this means tens of millions of tons of cargo,
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because due to sanctions, western... countries have closed their ports, so it is very important for us to develop the northern sea route, we have tried to supply our goods in small quantities along this route, especially to the people's republic of china, to the far east of russia, this is a very profitable route for us, so it will be very big for us interest in working with the arkhangelsk region, perhaps even bypassing the ports that we are creating near leningrad and murmansk. directly to your ports, but i think we will decide with you in the near future what to do. the strategic task for belarus is to find new opportunities for transshipment of export cargo. we know the specifics of the port infrastructure of arkhangelsk; unfortunately, it is not intended for our
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main export product, rut fertilizers, which is 15 million tons. yours. specialization, containers, general cargo, in this you may be of interest to our producers of timber and metal products, but competition in this matter is intense, including in the north-west, the economics of transportation come first, so we are ready to work sapsha. we offered our capabilities, the capabilities of the arkhangelsk sea trade port for transshipment of export cargo from the republic of belarus, this question has now been given to the appropriate one. the instruction of the president of the republic was taken into consideration together with companies in order to look at the formation of the tariff, the cost of transshipment, but i am sure that in the near future the arkhangelsk port will be very interesting for belarusian exporters, since , in accordance with the decision of the government of the russian federation, we are starting a project for
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the development of the arkhangelsk transport hub, a new deep-water area of ​​arkhangelsk will be built. sports, which, of course, will significantly increase the volume of cargo transshipment, but today we have up to 5 million additional opportunities to transship through our port. but in general, despite constant western criticism, belarus has retained everything key sectors of the economy, the president emphasized, this is what gives results today , allowing us to cooperate with our partners in a variety of areas with our own production base. the countdown to the country's most important political event is under. days remain until the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. the new high status also implies the highest level of training. the president also demands impeccable organization of work. many things will be for the first time, for example. elections to the presidium, who has already nominated their candidates and how it will be voting has been organized, vladislav bondar will tell you. there has never been, again, it seems,
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the best description of the upcoming seventh national assembly, again experienced politicians, our recently elected deputies, the shield of the country will take their places in the hall.
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scale, the participants did not get confused; their own logistics were developed. from the new delegates will have to choose their presidium , chairman izam. additional places for secret voting are already being set up, given the number of participants - nine sites at once. a separate small hall will accommodate the counting commission, everything public and transparent, will change the appearance of the main hall. absolutely everything is checked, from technological systems to the same scenography of the stage. this year, by the way, she will also look absolutely perfect. there will be a completely different approach in a new way, these are different led screens, this is a completely different style, with the presidium, during the voting, delegates will be determined on
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the very first day of the meeting on april 24, these elected representatives will have even greater responsibility, they will have serious issues in their powers that they have the right to initiate, how much the presidential and parliamentary elections are legitimate, how the supreme and constitutional courts and the central election commission work; they have already nominated their candidates.
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it took a long time, the first step of the amendment to the constitution, then we all decided to be in political perestroika, but in such a way as not to break, but to build on the already laid bricks, and all the tools are in their hands, read as ours, in the person of the delegates, who are already in midweek these 1,162 seats will be occupied. vladislav bunder, yulia alferova, veronika buta and dmitry chumak, television news agency. one of the main roles in the implementation of the tasks that will be set by the all-belarusian people's assembly. parliament will take over. there is constructive interaction between the two chambers, but there is still work to be done. this was discussed today at a working meeting of the council of the house of representatives with the presidium of the council
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of the republic. the main direction of activity is legislative and here the specialized commissions need to work more closely. it is necessary to take international cooperation to a new level, including working with alternative forces of foreign countries, who advocate a multipolar world and dialogue on equal terms. another task is to develop a single one. the main conclusion of the meeting is that in order to achieve its goals, parliament must be a single team. definitely, the delegates of the supreme council, people with an active life position, have already formulated a range of proposals for themselves: 10 delegates will come from the brest region, these are people of different ages and professions, including an officer of the brez paratroopers brigade dmitry beletsky. on issues of preserving history and peace. security, about the vision of the future, the ideas with which he goes on people's meeting, victoria radevich talked to him. probably the main ideas on behalf
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of young people, i think, are that of the year. eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders, we must pay more attention to veterans. now we see everything perfectly well, we all know perfectly well that western countries are trying to rewrite history and present the great patriotic war in a completely different way in order to rewrite history. we will not allow this to happen and we can say with confidence that there is a monument on the territory of the republic of belarus. soviet soldiers who died during the great patriotic war will not be demolished, already this year we started the patriotic marathon of the holy great victory, we have already visited several veterans, and it is a great honor for us that we can still communicate live with these people and hear from the primary source that information, the life experience that he experienced during the war and the post-war period, now there is a lot of talk about how the situation is worsening at our borders, you, as
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a person in...
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they reflect the draft concepts of the national security and military doctrine have already been posted on the legal information portal in electronic form, anyone can familiarize themselves with the projects and upon approval, if somewhere again they notice some shortcoming or want to correct it, they can raise their hand and go to microphone and voice it. we are not gathering to raise our hands, but to discuss, if any other proposals arise, they can... will be voiced, starting from the military academy, you have devoted yourself completely military affairs, and what made you nominate yourself as a delegate to the supreme national assembly? i can simply say that i am a person with an active life position and am the secretary of the brsm thirty air assault brigade, that is , we constantly participate in some kind of public events on a national scale, regional, city, we always receive some kind of feedback from young people, we can
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hear them... with initiatives from the youth of the brigade, we can also speak at such a large-scale forum, we cannot make much predictions for 5 years in advance, yes, but in order to everything was evolutionary, in order for us to move forward evolutionarily, we must comply with everything that will be adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is the program:
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the state is unbalanced, the new status of the national assembly and new functions, why the westerners generate negativity, and what decisions belarusians will make together, let's break it down into understandable politics, watch today after the panorama.
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entrepreneurial activity, it establishes a renewed entrepreneurial architecture. according to the document , there are two categories dealing with entrepreneurial activity. firstly, legal entities are small organizations with up to 100 employees, medium-sized organizations with up to 250 employees, and large organizations with more than 250 employees. secondly, the category of individuals, which includes artisans, owners of agro-eco-estates, self-employed, and individual entrepreneurs. types of activities that can be carried out. will be determined by the government before july 1, for those that are not included in the planned list, registration of new individual entrepreneurs will cease from october 1. also installed the obligation to transfer until january 1 of the twenty -sixth year of existing individual entrepreneurs of wurlitz, while
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a simplified procedure for transferring to commercial organizations is introduced for them with continuity in all rights and obligations to the budget and counterparties. the law provides for new types of financial support, including: reimbursement from the budget of part of capital costs when implementing investment projects using loans from the development bank. the right to receive financial government support for medium-sized businesses is expanding. previously this the document was only available to small businesses. in other words, the state has created conditions to stimulate the transition of individual entrepreneurs to legal entities. according to relevant minister yuri chebatar, the law provides for the possibility of re-registration in just one day. in addition, ...
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licenses, and so on, are prescribed, including the ability to very quickly re-register, for example, your current bank account. the second incentive measure is preservation for such legal entities,
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the possibility of simplified administration in various areas, well, conditionally, office work can be introduced as before, and the third thing has been provided, again in order to stimulate... the transition to the category of legal entities, additional support measures. specialists from the department of entrepreneurship spoke in more detail about the incentives for transitioning from an individual entrepreneur to a legal entity and named deadlines after which the work of some individual entrepreneurs will be illegal. irina, let’s start, perhaps, with the most important thing: a signed document, it promises business reduction of administrative.
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this is how to understand who is who, today i am an individual entrepreneur, tomorrow i will remain one, or i will need to undergo re-registration, but there is no talk about any re-registration in the bill, but we have one registration with the relevant local executive administrative bodies, when a citizen has already registered a legal entity or...
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a few examples from the pilot draft
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of the document, but, probably, in order to understand why some types of activities, i will now name, yes, it is necessary talk about some basic principles that we laid as the basis for our work when we formed the corresponding pilot lists, but first of all these are issues of competition, yes, because it is no secret that today we have the same type of activity that can be implemented in in different forms, it... could be a self-employed person, it could be an individual entrepreneur, it could be a legal entity, but in particular, i already mentioned hairdressing services today, this is the most popular example, yes, when, essentially, one type of activity, it is implemented in slightly different conditions, in fact, the same commercial organizations complain that when this is some kind of individual provision of services, then the competitive field is somewhat distorted, and therefore, well , first of all, it is a question of competition, most importantly - of course, we were guided by regional interests, yes, in order to
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maintain regional balance, to preserve the jobs that were created in the regions, the level of wages, and therefore - when the preliminary discussion took place, then, for example, already now, well, we understand that the pilot lists contain this type of activity that will remain, this is retail trade, these are transportation services. passengers, this is some kind of construction work that does not require such very serious technological preparation, also at the time of the discussion of this bill, a lot of people wrote about micro-organizations, they say their rights are infringed, what is your answer? let me remind you that microorganizations are commercial organizations with up to 15 people, and so for this category of commercial organizations actually had certain... such relaxations in the regulatory sphere, which somewhat
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distinguished their mode of operation from other organizations, that is, this category was positioned as such a kind of start, and acceleration for the formation of a legal entity itself, and so there is a bill there is a norm in it that says that legislative acts, in principle, are the entire legislation of the country, they should be oriented towards this. that for an organization, but now with a staff of up to 50 people, inclusive, a regime must be created, functioning, which would not differ from the existing one not only for micro-organizations, but also for individual entrepreneurs, and in the event of a fork between the established regimes , the best one will be chosen from the point of view of the business entity, thus, in essence, we let’s not narrow down this, well, let’s say this kind of privileged category. on the contrary, we are significantly expanding it, and here it must be said
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that there are no analogues to such a mode of functioning of business entities; in fact, our neighbors. maybe you can offer some new support measures? at least three new instruments are being added to the existing ones, today, yes, to the usual ones of business entities, this is the opportunity to take advantage of guarantees for the borrowed obligations of business entities, this is an instrument such as: they will be able to legally use
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instruments of non-financial support, then this is the whole category individuals, they have entrepreneurship support centers, small business incubators, they will now are also open to this category of subjects. how much time is given for the transition and will it cost entrepreneurs a lot? the business entity will need one day for this, law. the draft also contains a rule that any re-issuance of documents that are related to entrepreneurial activity, yes, that is, this is all the entrepreneurial baggage that was accumulated by an individual entrepreneur, all some permits, yes, some licenses, certificates, other documents of a similar nature, they must be re-issued on a free of charge basis, in addition, the bill contains a provision that during the year, a new legal entity can use documents that
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are issued in the name of an individual entrepreneur, that is, this is also such an essential point that allows you not to fuss in moment. time, yes, that is, as if re-registering all the numerous documents, actually building a certain schedule for yourself, and in such a progressive mode to carry out all these necessary bureaucratic procedures, but in any case we really like to do everything at the last minute, what happens if we didn’t have time to go through this procedure and didn’t re-issue all the documents? december 31, 2025, just before this date, which means, well... the road map and the transition from one format to another, this is the time before which you can decide on the future in such a calm, absolutely mode format of his work, yes, this is december 31, twenty-fifth
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year, if after this date, yes, the individual entrepreneur continues the type of activity that will not be named in scroll. permitted types, then such activities are prohibited on the territory of the republic of belarus. an all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership, a meeting was held in minsk between the chairman of the house of representatives and the chinese delegation led by the deputy head of the international department of the central committee of the communist party of china. igor sergeenko noted that the basis of cooperation between belarus and china is mutual respect, political. trust, strong friendship between the president of belarus and the president of the people's republic of china, and also the peoples of the two states. the conversation between belarusian and chinese representatives turned out to be thorough. the chairman of the standing committee on international affairs of the house of representatives emphasized that absolutely all issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation were touched upon. the parties emphasized that under the leadership of the president
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of the republic of belarus and the president of the people's republic of china , xidinpinya. relations are developing very dynamically, progressively, first of all , economic cooperation, investment interaction, trade between two countries exceeded $8 billion, grew by more than 34%, these are very good indicators taking into account all the circumstances associated with international turbulence, since
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much attention is paid to the protection and support of veterans. by may 9 , 8,400 people will receive financial assistance. on the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the amounts have been significantly increased , almost doubling. so, 4.0 rub. disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in the battles against.


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