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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 9:45pm-10:06pm MSK

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belarus and china. one of the most important elements of our social policy, which receives great attention, is the protection and support of veterans. by may 9, 8,400 people will receive financial assistance. in the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, the amounts were significantly increased , almost doubling. thus , disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in battles, will receive 4.0 rubles each.
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against the japanese army. awarded orders and medals of the ussr for selfless labor and impeccable military service in the rear and others citizens are given 2,000 rubles for meritorious services in wartime. family members of military personnel who went missing, as well as former prisoners of fascism, will receive a thousand rubles each. this year , 10.5 million rubles will be allocated for financial assistance to veterans. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4. all payments will be accompanied. solemn honoring of veterans, congratulations, which will take place throughout the country, with the wide participation of public associations, youth, children, students, since we understand that veterans, unfortunately, are becoming fewer and fewer, of course, for young people, it is especially very important to hear these living, so to speak, testaments, advice, which, i am sure, the memories of which they will carry throughout their entire lives. veterans in belarus are supported
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not only on the eve of holidays. throughout the year, social services, youth, and volunteers help meet the basic needs of older people in cleaning living quarters, local areas, repairs, and security. prose, a difficult path to becoming. today belarus is a guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of democratic principles of the planned development of society and the state. this is how the belarusian people created the state. we walked step by step towards a strong and prosperous country. and have repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation, as it was, see tomorrow in the tv news agency’s project the right to independence. our country is once again becoming a second home for the children for a while. belarus organizes holidays for more than 400 children from egypt, china, kyrgyzstan, laos, syria and uzbekistan. they will stay at the belarusian health
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center zubrenok, a corresponding order was signed by president alexander lukashenko. children will undergo a medical examination, receive the necessary sanatorium-resort treatment, and visit cultural events and iconic historical sites in minsk and the regions. the peaceful intentions of belarus are still out of sight of the west. poland does not give up hope of acquiring a nuclear arsenal. warsaw dictator. in an interview with the newspaper, fakt stated his intention to place american nuclear missiles on its territory. according to duda, warheads could be provided to poland under the us program of agreement with allied countries on the transfer, in case of military necessity, of nuclear weapons from american storage bases. allegedly, such negotiations have been going on for a long time. at the same time, duda showed some common sense and noted that he does not yet see an immediate threat of attack on his country from the territory of russia or belarus. in his opinion, this will definitely not happen in the next few years. it is noteworthy that a year ago. poland condemned
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russia's decision to place nuclear weapons in belarus, but immediately took advantage of the opportunity to demand the united states to place nuclear missiles on its territory. then they received a refusal, however, judging by duda’s statement, they are not going to give up. let’s face it, the west continues to escalate the situation on our borders. one of the largest military exercises has started in lithuania, the perkūnas thunder maneuvers will last until may 10. the lithuanian army and government institutions are working out the transition from peacetime to... the defense headquarters noted that more than 10,000 people have received invitations to serve human. an american and german brigade of over 5.00 military personnel, as well as almost 400 pieces of equipment, will also take part in the exercises. meanwhile, lithuania and poland are conducting exercises to defend the sovualki corridor. the site is located between our country and kaliningrad. region of russia, in addition to
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the national forces, contingents from the usa and portugal were involved in the maneuvers, only 2.0 military personnel, as well as several hundred units of equipment. such regular large-scale maneuvers need modernization. structures, as stated by the general director of lithuanian railways, vilnius terminal is being adapted for nato cargo. this will ensure rapid transportation of alliance military equipment to the region. rivers and reservoirs overflow their banks, roads on highways are washed away, and trees bend under the weight of snow caps. april continues to test everyone's strength, demonstrating its harsh and... today it was covered with snow to cope with drifts on the roads, and in the grodno region, drivers had to promptly eliminate the consequences of power line breaks. in the south of the country, the flood situation has worsened, coastal areas are flooded in a number of regions of the gomel region. spot cases
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were recorded in bresskaya and minsk. how long will the cyclone stay in belarus? ilya svetkov's meteorological and news report. 150 km of the r-28 road literally turned into an underwater highway at night. the torrential flow washed away part of the asphalt surface and destroyed the side of the road. the reason is a dam failure near the village of pasanki, myadel district. work to eliminate the consequences began immediately. the emergency situations commission coordinated the action at the scene. on the site employs three pieces of equipment and more than 10 people. the goal is to repair the damage in a short time, but the weather gets in the way. their adjustments to the schedule, add sand , restore the asphalt surface in the pouring rain and snowfall to help the road services, traffic police inspectors, they explain to the drivers the detour scheme, then we have road work going on now on one section of the road, an organized detour, detours through
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pasnki, we are releasing cars now, coming from this side, then you will go, often at all you use this road all the time, the crossings of frogs were seasonal, but this... their seasonal migration here is purely natural, but so that it never gets flooded with water, the asphalt-concrete covering is cut off, the road pavement is poured, we carry it further, we fill it with water, we’re done roadworks to allow traffic to flow entirely into two lanes. at the moment, the detour sign for this section of the road has been removed, both lanes are open, traffic has started on a temporary surface, and in the near future the asphalt here will be completely replaced. precipitation the water level in reservoirs is constantly rising, this is what the velei reservoir looks like now: the water literally comes up to the roadway and gradually fills the forest that is nearby; the situation in the south of the country is even more complicated. the water level on pripyat near petrikov is
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20 cm higher than the dangerously high level. according to the ministry of emergency situations, flooding of coastal areas is observed in a number of districts of the gomel region and the brest region. thanks to close cooperation with belhydromed. the ministry of emergency situations, receiving data on dangerous meteorological phenomena, analyzes possible risks, what does this give us? firstly, the ministry of emergency situations unit is in a state of high alert; if possible, all basement rooms, which may contain some electrical appliances, valuables, all this must be moved to higher floors. and in the west of the country there is a real return to winter. part of the grodno region is covered in a snowstorm today. power engineers of the grodno region quickly restored power supply; the most massive outages due to wet snow sticking to the wires were recorded in ivyevsky and voronovsky districts. stormy wind, rain, sleet, all this was brought to our country by a new cyclone from the bryansk region. in the second
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half of april, cold weather set in, with precipitation often falling in the form of rain and sleet. snow at this time occurs approximately once every 2-3 years. at kuta. friendship, strengthening cultural ties with no whims of nature is an obstacle to warm tajikistan. the colorful evening at the belarusian state philharmonic society was timed to coincide with the spring holiday of navrus, celebrated with music and traditional treats, this is an initiative embassies.
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develop our relationships in all spheres of life, help somewhere, learn from them somewhere, so i think that a great and bright future awaits us. friendly relations between minsk and dushan-be continue to strengthen, and in may i will get acquainted with the belarusian flavor in tajikistan. and this is the information picture of monday , april 22, sports news and weather forecast are ahead, right now the “clear politics” project about the upcoming all-belarusian meeting. new status of the supreme national assembly and new functions, what decisions will belarusians make? together? with this i say goodbye, all the best,
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happily. this is an understandable policy. hello, belarus is preparing to hold an all-belarusian people's assembly. the name itself seems to reflect both significance and scale. today the program is about why the new status of the site plays a special role in the fate of every belarusian. an extra structure requires large expenses, and in general there will be only officials in the room and no one will decide anything. those who want to see something other than peace on the streets of belarus tried to actively throw maxims into society. discrediting the national assembly was one of the main tasks of the fugitive brethren, which they did not hide in the public space. the reaction of the info dumpsters once again proved that we are everything.
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this year the supreme council turns 28, you see, a decent period, especially since the first meeting was in the turbulent, poor and dashing nineties, when after the collapse of the big...
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and the country’s development strategy for the future, and this strategy, today we can talk,
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because that well, you know, you can smile as much as you want, but from marxism, but the main criterion is practice, our practice evidence of the correctness of those approaches, of the importance of those approaches, of the importance of the institution itself, because the most important turning points in the history of belarus, in the history of statehood, were decided precisely. at such all-belarusian people’s meetings, the president’s idea to consult with belarusians looks more than logical, if one of the main mottos of the government is the state for the people, but just imagine what it’s like to decide on a direct dialogue with a big country, when factories are idle, wages are meager or no at all, many simply have nothing to eat, wild inflation, in general, a difficult and harsh life, but the president communicates directly with those who... serving the people is not
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empty words for me, but everyday practice. fulfilling the will of the people who elected me, i try to firmly follow their requirements, doing everything possible to save the country. i will do everything possible so that parents can earn a living for their family, so that children’s eyes radiate joy, so that old people are not overcome by feelings.
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the meeting will approve the main directions of the country’s socio-economic development at the next 5 years. today these images evoke nostalgia; back then these decisions determined the future of the country. it is at the first supreme national assembly that the foundation of the effective political structure of the country is essentially laid. the initiative to hold a republican referendum on introducing amendments and additions to the constitution was approved. it will also take place in 1996, and belarus will become a presidential republic. sitting on western handouts from the supreme. the council will no longer be able to sabotage the development of belarus; as we see, they have overcome a difficult time, including the common national assembly, so it’s time to call the supreme national assembly a symbol of independence. these days , it is not the fate of president lukashenko, not the institution of the presidency, that is being decided, but the fate of the entire belarusian
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people, the future of our children and grandchildren. the principle of direct, open, honest conversation with people. is fundamental for the belarusian authorities. our strength is that we are united, together, we are belarus, together we will achieve more, we will make our home, our native belarus, beautiful, cozy and rich, so that our children and grandchildren can live comfortably in it. but despite the political tension in society artificially created by external forces, the state stood up. as i said, bye. has stood and i must assure you, looking ahead, we will stand, be sure of this, we will stand, no matter what it costs us. but time is changing, the world palette is changing, only the desire of the west does not change, to subjugate everything, as the president said, they will continue to wobble. this is what the streets of different countries look like when politics turns into
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a farce, if the state does not have traditions, mechanisms and tools for preserving balance. for a strong, prosperous belarus - this is already the slogan of the second national assembly; our country has moved away from the brink of the abyss, which was especially obvious against the backdrop of the color revolution of what was still yugoslavia. the bulldozer revolution of 2000 was a death sentence for yugoslavia. western hawks, led by us secretary of state madeline albrade, were eating the corpse of a once great state. this is the first effective application of that same scarf technique in practice.
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the orange revolution in ukraine, the ros revolution in georgia, the tulip revolution in kyrgyzstan, it was easy for belarusians not to notice this, because everything was fine, but it was thanks to those same five-year plans that the people of the state understood it.
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strengthened national immunity, then the president uttered a phrase that becomes more relevant every year. we have outlined very ambitious plans; to implement them we will have to mobilize everything, will, energy, intelligence, initiative, creativity, available resources and reserves. but there is simply no other way than to implement these plans in belarus. the all-belarusian people's assembly, among other things, is still important a stabilizer of society, an alternative to various kinds of maidans and riots. revolutions, that is , the civilized way of political processes. imagine that in the country, god forbid, there is unrest, political parties or different branches of government are dragging their feet.


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