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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 10:05pm-11:06pm MSK

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we are the next ones, belarusians, elections are scheduled for 2006, well, 2006 and 2010 showed the sweet speeches of the west about the garden of eden do not work for society, only for radicals, fortunately there was already a vaccine in the form of vns, the third meeting was held in 2010 strengthened the national immunity, then the president uttered a phrase that becomes more relevant every year. we have outlined very ambitious plans, and we will mobilize to implement them.
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in general, there is a squabble for high offices. in this case, it is the ans that acts as the organ that must cool down hot heads and place all the dots. the vns is the option that will allow us not only to survive as a sovereign, independent state in the current difficult conditions, but to form continuity. any color revolution is a clear example of how, instead of natural democratic processes and the legitimacy of the system, riots, coups d'etat, chaos and destabilization occur. both civil society and democracy as a whole, our main task is to prevent a situation of devaluation and nullification of institutions similar scenarios. going head-on or wall -to-wall is fraught with victims; devastation is certainly not a better life. therefore, even if there are reasons for contradictions within, the state offers society a mechanism and places where it is necessary not to fight, but to resolve basic issues. stabilize society at all stages of its development. it is this role that the ans will call the most important.
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existence of other institutions of power, including legislative institutions of power, but this is an additional opportunity for the representation of the people, and those powers which the entire belarusian people's assembly has currently received, makes this body of power actually expressing the will of the people a very important component of belarusian political practice. in expert circles
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, vns is called insurance against the new gorbachev. he came with the loud slogan of perestroika and renewal, but instead of modernizing the soviet union, he quickly destroyed it. the collective mind will ensure that tragic mistakes do not occur. above the decisions adopted in the supreme national assembly are only the fundamental law and the results of referendums, that is, the people's veche can block almost any document that contradicts national interests. as you know, the supreme national assembly now has a new status; it is now a fundamentally new constitutional body, the highest body of democracy in the country. such changes are also not out of the blue. the updated constitution gives us high powers, for which you and i voted together. the draft law on vns also underwent active discussion in society. the law on the vns can rightly be called a people's project. during the dialogue platforms , hundreds of proposals were received. all of them studied and analyzed. the more successful ones
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were taken into account by the developers, so that a landmark document was prepared for the entire belarusian people; it is the residents of our country who, within the framework of the supreme national assembly, will have to form the main contours of the future of belarus. quite serious functionality is prescribed for this. the supreme national assembly is vested with specific powers to adopt socio-economic development programs, the concept of national security, military doctrine, elect the leadership of the central election commission and the constitutional court and a number of other actions. that's it the all-belarus people's assembly, such a people's veche, it is capable of solving problems at the level of their occurrence, and this, as it were , frees up the central government to solve truly strategically important tasks, at the same time, the people's representatives determine the strategy that the central government is already developing, that is, i i see in...
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belarusian society in this process. we started the program in 1996, when the vns to some extent became a lifeline and again the people's veche was nearby at a turning point. modernize the delegates site also decided in turbulent times. the last congress was held in 2021, six months after the presidential election, an obvious attempt to rebel to overthrow the government. and while some called for a boycott, the head of state called for peaceful changes, which have happened now. from now on, this is the vns.
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a compact cross-section of our country will have to make a decision together,
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delegates from rural workers to scientists, all spheres of society, political views, people who enjoy well-deserved authority in the region, people who are united by the desire to create are represented. people who support belarus with their soul and heart: a political party, a public labor collective or a deputy corps, young people, everyone’s voice will be heard in the supreme people’s assembly. the advantage of the all-belarusian people's assembly is that only it is capable of uniting all political forces, government and civil society, including political parties, regardless of ideology, youth and pensioners, workers and intellectuals, private business and representatives of government agencies, many friends. not a closed club, delegates are first and foremost nominees from the people. a third of the meeting consists only of representatives of civil society. the composition will also include the current president, members of the government, parliamentarians, deputies of local councils, a total of 1,200 people. no one
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is going to turn the all-belarusian people's assembly into a farce. this is unlike some of the noble sejmiks that existed in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. where each individual delegate had the right of liberation, here a certain factionalism will be needed, and the promotion of certain ideas will require collective creativity and collective approach. but the main criterion is no wedding generals, professionals, experienced people who are respected in teams, for whom the vns is not an empty formality, to come and sit in the hall, but a desire to work with full dedication, improve life and develop the state. if we want civil. society was formed evolutionarily, through appropriate institutions, it is very important to give it the opportunity to influence political processes, the supreme council, let me remind you, is the highest body of democracy, the presence in it of delegates from civil society suggests that we take
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its development very seriously in belarus. in form, a historical tradition is, in essence, an innovative mechanism. the first vns became a phenomenon in europe. while the elite gathered in the houses of lords and european parliaments, at the belarusian meeting there were people, from students to retired factory workers, they listened, and most importantly, they heard everyone. after the first all-belarusian people's assembly, i, like many other delegates, had a strong feeling that the situation was under control, that real pride in one’s country, for the fact that a man has appeared who is needed by the people, who was not afraid of responsibility and took charge of it. it became clear that as on...
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they made noise, the people came, listened, made a decision, and the country moved on, so we are grateful to the head of state, we were completely young, that’s why he laid out such a program for us, we, as far as possible , everyone in their place...
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who have not had it for a long time, but what is important is not what they tell us, what is important is what we ourselves do, the west will never come to terms with the fact that we are forming our own traditions and our own people's democracy, there it is somehow not customary to rejoice in the success of others, but as long as some bark, it will pass, in a country where independence is an opportunity and where words... always gets down to business. happily.
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in this new day, we are working on our music, the music that is thick inside
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our skin, in the sunshine, in our timid hands, on the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, luscious, thoughtful and revealing to us. good morning belarus with svetlana
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borovskaya, this is a fascinating introduction to unusual people. hello, how wonderful it is that there are enough girls and boys and everyone, it’s such a great value. secrets of a good mood. after such a dance, you simply had to marry her. it's true. what are dyvans?
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this is not only an acquaintance with history and sights. the volkovyya river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, wolf's in the slavic-baltic translation is wolf's neck, hence also wolves. student of yavse avsevich moisenko oleg pavlovich marushkin donated a gift to the art gallery with the work he had. painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. cherena, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant. well, this too, this is a cardiac plant here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s
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reading. and, of course, join in. to unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and with two handles and knock it down, hard, not scary, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look in the project, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel, we’re going to the expedition in the corners of our country, we’re going there, where you can get away with it and light up at the moment. things will happen again and again at the past palesse! let's follow the history and meat abrasions! we are jumping up and down with you in the ruzhany brest region. some of the largest palace complexes have 16-18 centuries. residences of the magnatskaya family of sapega. the holy tsarka was hanging around here paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the baroque period.
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minutes ahead of time with projects. on the belarus24 tv channel
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, children from all over study in our college-gymnasium.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, tatyana cherbina and svetlana smolonskaya are in the studio. and today our guest is the director of the republican gymnasium-college at the belarusian state academy of music, natalya korotina. hello, natalya arkadyevna, we are very glad to see you in our studio. hello, today you are the head of a gymnasium, a college, and this is unique in an educational institution of its own, we discussed this, what is its uniqueness? well? well, first of all, i would like to note that this beautiful building is nearby, absolutely true, our educational institution was opened in 1935, that is, next year we will
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celebrate our ninetieth anniversary, indeed the educational institution is completely unique in its kind, it was originally opened as a department for young talents at the belarusian state conservatory, a little later after the end of the second world war, we have become... a characteristic pattern due to the fact that this is an educational institution that trains professional personnel, prepares them from the very beginning, i ask you to note that children often come to us at 5 years old, yeah, and leave at
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18-19 years old, that is, they spend quite a large period of their lives in our school, it is important to note that these should be gifted children, talented children, children who were truly kissed by god, and talent is not given to everyone, this... must be treated calmly, that is if a situation occurs that someone needs to change their occupation, maybe move to another educational institution, this should be taken calmly, this is normal, if we remember other well-known educational institutions that train young and old, we can remember the academy of russian ballet, named after vaganova, well, i think the situation is the same, that the child must really be gifted, the child must strive, that is, a question like this cannot be entered into, absolutely not, i’ll tell you more, i often, even if such a situation occurs, they come very worried parents, i’m trying to simply
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explain to them the specifics of the profession, given that , after all, the musician herself is a graduate of our wonderful school, and i’m trying to explain to them in detail what the difficulty of the profession is and what insurmountable obstacles their child may simply face and how may later be reflected much more painfully, well, it’s time...
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parents, their attention, their participation in the educational process, and moreover, even throughout not only the preparatory group, but also the junior school, we we welcome with pleasure when parents are present at classes, yeah, it’s even possible, even like that, yes, so that they understand what needs to be done with their child at home, reinforced, repeated, children are often not gray-haired, this is normal, really educate homework culture depends on it. in many ways the success of our profession, this is an important component, complex work of both the teacher and parents arkadyevna, but maybe you
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are doing some kind of raids on kindergartens there, well, so that you yourself can look for these talents and young talents, yes there is such a thing, that’s absolutely true, this year we very actively worked on our cooperation with kindergartens, and this very clearly, we can say, ultimately resulted in... a wonderful bright stars competition, which we recently completed, children from kindergartens participated gardens not only in the city of minsk, but throughout the republic, and students of the first grades of schools also participated, that is, we saw how absolutely diverse the palette of talented our children is, the nominations were both for vocals, the young maestro was also for the soloist, and a separate nomination for young chatter, that is, the guys told stories and recited poems. well, great, yes, that is, they are so small and will immediately take part in competitions, and the conductor can be immediately recognized among them, you know, by character, it seems to me,
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the conductor is definitely a leader, i will a little... explain the specifics, how it comes to this profession, the fact is that in the plans of our gymnasium and college, such a subject as conducting appears at the college level, that is, after the ninth grade, if the guys enter the first year, they will have such a discipline as orchestral conducting, at this stage, of course, of course, we already see those guys who are actively showing themselves precisely from the point of view of conducting, then they have the opportunity to continue their own searches - then - some kind of improvement of their skills already at the conservatory at the academy of music. how many boys and girls are students at your gymnasium today? there are a little more than 400 children, i can say that they are absolutely, absolutely different, both boys and girls, they are talented, they are bright, they are very energetic, they strive to improve, they are, of course,
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in something, somewhere, when they are small, somewhere...
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parents, when does the introductory campaign begin? the question is really so important, and thanks to this company we are joining the ranks of our wonderful, talented children, and from the second grade upon completion , this is exactly the ninth grade, the introductory company will be in early june, that is, very, very soon, as for the college level , admission to the first year will be in august, you can find all the complete information on the official website on...
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children need to grow and develop, often we are faced with the fact that there is a desire to go to competitions from the same program, yeah, but in order to comprehensively educate a musician there were . excellent programs have been created that include extensive coverage of a large amount of material, that is, one program every two years cannot be done, children must take at least three to four programs a year, plus technical tests, plus some creative activities, it is precisely all this together in the complex that then gives that most important result for all of us, there was such... an absolutely wonderful pianist, musician, teacher evgeniy temakin, at the moscow central music school, and so he believed and he expressed it, that all technology a pianist is formed before the age of 12, this was his opinion, but there is something in it, so it is very important in the desire on the one
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hand to show oneself on stage, at a competition, to prove oneself, but at the same time to continue to develop, and we are talking about this too so many, we talk in detail with parents, with students, then how... everyone really wants to go on stage more often and go to competitions, but skills are acquired through many hours of repetition, preparation and study, but still we meet with you just in a series these competitions, march-april, this is your competitive period, maybe in blitz mode you can talk about these creative competitions that have already taken place, well , first of all, on february 24 we had the festival of the republic
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choose the wrong instrument, which seems to be a large number of participants in the competition, but nevertheless there is a lot of attention to it and thanks to this competition we also see children whom we can subsequently invite to study at our educational institution, and the bright stars competition took place, about which we we’ve already talked about searching for talent among the youngest kids, well, in college there is a choir department only for boys, this is a continuation of this topic, let’s look at a short video, glory, glory,
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learn it off, let’s all sing together so that everything sounded. all around, in order to brighten, peacefully fill the magic of all people, well, handsome, of course, there is nothing to say, so... we saw here, about whom we have already talked, but the choir department is only for boys, what is this gender inequality connected with? the choral department, in principle, as today we call it the subject-tselkh committee, choral,
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vocal choral disciplines, it was created by an absolutely amazing person who came to us on assignment from the moscow conservatory, igor andreevich zhuravlenko, which is what our completely unique one is called today... which are also headed by just such purely male choral groups, this has its own peculiarity, it has its own specificity, we preserve those same traditions, we train personnel, and indeed you yourself understand, the guys come at the age of 5 to us,
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for so many years they have the opportunity to grow, develop, communicate with their absolutely amazing leader, semyon mikhailovich klimanov, also a graduate of our school at one time, today i'm jealous for a moment... let's watch another video then, and you will comment on it for us. all
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people are always venomous, jumping with wings, we have a sacred duty to fight, and the meetings are younger. our maras, your happiness, our faith and tension, you can feel your heart asleep, this music is playing, well, it’s 50/50, plus or minus, yes
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, really, depending on the specialty, i think you noticed that wind instruments are predominantly played boys, it’s completely different on string instruments, but at the same time, how many kids are on stage, and what pride there is in the fact that these are all our children, i always wanted to know when the voice breaks, how they explain to the children that they can’t sing there now or, well , there are some restrictions for them, that’s what again, specifics? a very difficult psychological moment, because there are moments when the boy sang
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with an absolutely angelic bright voice and only he enters this period of mutation, for him it is, to put it mildly, stress, and he does not know what will happen next, that’s something important. natalya arkadyevna, thank you very much, you have reassured us, and we understand that the child will not have stress even during the mutation, and for now we will take a short musical break while you can subscribe to our telegram. it’s called say don’t be silent, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we are in touch. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look.
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the town hall, where the city magistrate was located, so the kobrin princes of their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish. i caught the bait myself, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program "cities of belarus"! on the belarus 24 tv channel, an ancient asian proverb says:
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strong is the one who is wise xsport - this phrase has direct relationship, because they win not by force, but by mind. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. this asian city was the first in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. vladislav, beijing, beijing, that’s right. according to the rules of the game, participants must. go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. third level. paris, london, new york. name the last city , provided that we are talking about tennis. sydney, you were very close, let's do it again, the winner of which league gets the lari cup o'brien, nba. nba. this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women. what sport are
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we talking about? it will be volleyball. watch an intellectual sports show, game. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the director of the republican gymnasium and college at the belarusian academy of music, natalya korotina. natalya arkadyevna, before being appointed to the position of director of the gymnasium, you worked directly at the belarusian academy of music in various positions. from the concertmaster department of singing to the dean of the piano and composer-music faculty, the question is: where is it more difficult to work in the belarusian academy of music or in the gymnasium and college at the belarusian academy of music? here i probably agree with the statements that you need to find this job that you love, and you will never work. in fact,
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i am very lucky in that i truly love my job, and in absolutely different manifestations, starting, as you already noted, from my position. concertmaster of the penya department ending today with my position as director. to say that something is more difficult, something is easier, it seems to me that in this case it will not be entirely correct in relation to my colleagues, every profession is important, and indeed, if we even take the position of concertmaster of the department of fines, in general, concertmaster , because often, when a student performs, for example, yes, or a soloist performs, everyone remembers about him, remembers about the teacher, and the accompanist finds himself in the background, as if not in the background.
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department and then the management faculty, i would like to thank for the trust that the belarusian state academy of music showed me, and gave me the opportunity, gave me that chance to really get to know each other, to find out what a managerial position is, and indeed this helps me a lot today, well, at the same time,
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i must note , that thanks to this , the creative ties of our school, academy of music , are very strong and i do my part absolutely. to do everything so that they only become stronger. well, what from your previous experience was most useful to you? current position? the ability to interact with people, the most important thing, the ability to communicate with people, the ability not to shut down, the ability to solve any of their problems, to listen even when they are worried about something, because as creative people, you understand perfectly well, and sometimes emotions go a little off scale, and i want to help, because he is truly a truly talented person.
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and the director of the bolshoi theater ekaterina dulova visited us more than once, artistic friend of the belarusian state philharmonic society yuri geldyuk, our
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wonderful interlocutor natalya korotina, young artist nikita belko, and many, many others, well-known personalities in culture and art, that’s what it says, that graduates and students of the gymnasium are in demand at all times, how can you explain this demand, that’s what it’s all about. .. i said, we are preparing professional personnel, we are preparing those who really truly love their profession, we are preparing those who in the future will form the basis of the very musical art that we have, what is the success, is that our teaching staff always very loved children, the most important thing is to love your students, no matter how difficult they may be, always love them, always support them, and you showed me a photo of a wonderful group of pianists that i produced, a lineup that included nikita belko, i remember very well how in those days when he
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participated in the factories, how we supported him, how he always shared his impressions, and nikita never missed a single lesson without a good reason, even being absolutely tired , he always came to me at saturday at 9 am, nikita stood on the threshold , always ready. says that in order to achieve success, talent alone is not enough, hard work and discipline are also important; in principle, they are often compared to athletes, probably not in vain. natalya arkadyevna, during the break we talked about the fact that there are such cases that a person studied in a gymnasium, college, and then bang and economic crisis, of course, it happens, that is, we give the education that allows children to choose other universities, but at the same time i must say that the smallest the percentage is 85%.
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music, i want to ask the following question: are there any plans to open a pop-jazz department within the walls of our college in the future? after all, there are many striking examples - students who received a classical education from us, but subsequently proved themselves to be very cool and high-quality musicians already on the big stage. thanks a lot. what will you answer nikita? in fact, the questions are also very serious and important. but i can say the following, nikita correctly noted that many graduates who graduated from classical education,
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they show themselves to be absolutely brilliant in other genres, in other directions, so i think that all... countries now i want to note that over the past year we have signed quite a large number of international treaties, we interact, basically, of course , this is the russian federation, and an agreement was also signed with kazakhstan, almaty and uzbekistan, tashkent, basically these are the same educational institutions as we are, ten-year schools, that’s what i told you at
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the beginning of our meeting, the same schools, which they prepare everything completely. from the very beginning to the end, because we understand the specifics of our institutions, and we do everything to preserve the uniqueness and pass it on, at the same time i want to note that we actively cooperate with the saransk music college in mordovi, last year a bus of our students, a whole bus, we sent on a long journey with great pleasure communicated with our colleagues in saransk, last... in the summer we had a completely unique opportunity to take part in within the framework of the cultural program of the industrial exhibition at the prom in yekaterinburg, that is , even in this capacity our guys perform, our musicians travel , the boys’ choir, which we talked about, performed in krasnoyarsk, as part of cooperation with kazakhstan, our valery vladimirovich moriseenko traveled the jury members work, i
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think we are finding ways, international opportunities. note that many of them are surprised by their desire to improve, and you need to understand that they study all disciplines together with our children, that is, mathematics, salfeju, that’s an absolutely complete spectrum, they must do everything so that their level of knowledge of the russian language allows them to fully obtain that very knowledge, at what
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age can they get to you, absolutely anyone, even from 5 years old.
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there is yes for entering the international olympus, i can tell you that the guys are really trying to find all the opportunities, to participate, even to travel in person, but this is quite difficult, another question is that any professional musician will tell you that remote online competitions are everything -that's not it, that's it after all, it’s impossible to go on stage, the most important thing is to be able to show yourself on stage, for which we actually teach our talented children, so that...
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i also want to note that in our college we have our own...
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well, i listened to the whole fragment of the creepy talk, you they sent it to me before recording, tell me where it was filmed, and this is a work by an outstanding russian composer, who, thank god, is still alive, this is vadim beberkan. arya, a work written by a man who also at one time studied in a similar educational institution in yekaterinburg, like our school, a brilliant pianist and composer, this
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seems to me to be an absolutely striking example of how we can interact and communicate with our respected colleagues within the framework of international agreements; the guys from the ural secondary specialized college school were present on the stage. conservatory that exists there, these are our guys, that is , our cymbalists were, one violinist and two violinists, well, i performed the part of the piano, but all the other guys are representatives of that school, here you go, the result, it seems to me, it's very bright an example of how we can create, create and really teach children about beauty, we have already talked about ideology, about the place and role of music in it, what about patriotism? so that the years of study for boys and girls are spent not only in music classes, you are probably doing something with patriotic
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education, some classes may be taking place with you, our guys still, as you see, everything comes to music, to participate in the most serious government events, that is, they create the same history, i want to note that we constantly we dedicate very important cultural sites. without our students, not a single serious event takes place in many of the most important cultural institutions, i can say, as an example, we constantly cooperate with the yakub kolos museum, our guys constantly perform there, our guys also perform as part of events held by the belarusian women's union, yeah, they always meet halfway, there are always even moments when we don’t know who to send, that is, there are always people willing.
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