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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 11:05pm-12:06am MSK

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technical education, some classes may be taking place at your place, our guys still, as you see, come to music, participate in the most serious government events, that is, they also create history, i want to note that we constantly devote very important cultural objects, without our students not a single serious event takes place in many of the most important cultural institutions, i can say, as an example, we are constantly with...
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those people who create music, this is also an important component, and i would like to note that among our teaching staff there is also such a wonderful young composer as vyacheslav pyatko, who also constantly creates new masterpieces, which our guys always perform with great pleasure. and we will take a break for a while, after a short pause we will return to this studio again, subscribe to our telegram channel for now, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel on the bel tv and radio company website.
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we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar me from dessu, if you have never tried skvarki, then you... essentially have never been to belarus, if you had not said that this is oatmeal, i would never have thought. oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we’ll show you what they eat in different
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parts of our country, i love this soup, that’s it because it is very fatty, rich, after eating a bowl of such soup you can then simply not eat all day, i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, then i would probably say, well, here it is, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, despite all the stereotypes, is bright and rich, here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, and see animals , walking through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion,
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look at poleshuk’s project, that is , poleshuk’s mentality will still be present, he will pass on this downfall, what he learned from the stukonveks will be passed on to his generation, on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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artificial intelligence will not work, you know, i must say that of course, if we are talking about training in a specialty, technology, probably not yet, most likely not, at the same time i can say that when we study the history of music, when we we are going through some theoretical disciplines... in some things , a computer and some special programs can really help us, but this is theory, in practice we need live interaction, communication, namely the transfer from hand to hand of the profession. well, what do you generally think about these new technologies, artificial intelligence, when
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they say that, in fact, why teach musicians if artificial intelligence will also write the same romance much faster than a composer. at the moment we can already hear absolutely. different levels compositions, including those already created by artificial intelligence, is there still a difference between what artificial intelligence has created and what humans have created? when a composer writes his composition, he treats it like a child, like his living creation, why do they sometimes react so painfully to the performance of compositions, why do they always run to listen to any rehearsals for...
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well, answer us already in the final parts, are there any problems, issues in the gymnasium that are not being resolved, well, maybe there are musical are there not enough tools or space? let's start with musical instruments, which means that when a major renovation was carried out in our gymnasium kulezhe, at the same time, our instrumental park, as we call it, was replenished, so i cannot complain about the lack of any musical instruments, at the same time. we have opened a class of percussion instruments and i hope that next year we will replenish it with new instruments, because this is the very class that should contain, probably, absolutely all instruments, there are very many of them a lot, believe me, that is , it is impossible to purchase all the percussion instruments at once. natalya
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arkadyevna, the college gymnasium is adjacent to the church, and we know that every church has an organ. the question is: is it possible to study in a gymnasium in a class? this instrument, we have such a unique opportunity, indeed, our college-level students can gain that very valuable knowledge and skills, and moreover, they give concerts and perform at various venues in our republic, precisely as organists, most often these are piano students, regarding instruments, in principle i can say that everything is very good with us.
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as we have already said, children from all over the republic are studying, and have the opportunity to study in gymnasiums and colleges, so yes, if there is some, let’s say, popularity increases, and there is some kind of interest that will require additional premises, then it will be necessary to work in this direction, you can predict that it is precisely this demand for training in a college gymnasium, it will increase, let’s say, we are ready for it, that ’s it.
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instrumental park, i can say that our founder of the ministry of culture of the republic of belarus always supports us, they always try to help, and any of our requests, suggestions are very supportive, your gymnasium, college will soon be 90 years old, yes, and the building, it’s still older, probably, than the gymnasium itself, you understood, this is the foundation on which our historical building stands, 1699, that is, this is a truly unique place that i have seen.
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we know that everyone is interested in our educational institution, there is interest in it,
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moreover, in the near future there will be another additional open day, but with more emphasis on vocal and choral disciplines, that is, our subject-cycle commission of vocal choral disciplines will be glad to meet our future potential applicants, in general i must say that for anyone who wants to enter our gymnasium, college. every saturday there are absolutely free consultations on absolutely all subjects, disciplines, you can come and get checked, and indeed, if we see that this is the person who should join our ranks, we recommend him for admission, another question is that you need to pass exams, that is, there are no exams, you are a player-coach, you are now combining responsibilities leader and accompanist, why didn’t you take the path of solo development? musical career, firstly, i can’t say that i’m not pursuing a student career at all, after all, just recently on
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march 6, together with my colleagues, teachers of the subject commission special piano, we performed at the belarusian state philharmonic, that is, we came out and shared part of our creativity with the public, with the students, which is very important, students should see the playing coaches on stage, at the same time, why i am more... attention, one might even say so , and well, it really just turned out that way in life that i met absolutely amazing soloists, musicians in my time, and i wanted to interact with them, and this is precisely the art of concert craftsmanship, and good a concertmaster is someone who knows how to hear , hear, and these are two qualities that a soloist does not always have, there is such a moment here a little, at the same time, every art is important. and i am glad that today i can pass on to my wonderful beloved
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students everything that my wonderful teachers taught me. and we are glad that today we had the opportunity to meet you in person, you are truly a very bright, talented, enthusiastic person involved in your profession, we wish you, of course, further creative success, well, more children for you, kissed by god. tatyana shcherbina, we say goodbye to you. until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, natalya korotina is speaking now. i wish each of you to create, love, and be inspired. come to visit us, come to the best cultural institutions and come into contact with wonderful creativity and art. natalya arkadyevna, this is our picture, which, by the way, was drawn by artificial intelligence, all our guests leave their autographs on it, we ask you to write us some wish. creation
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inspiration. thank you very much. let me love you, like a flower in the field, like a young apple that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, let me
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love you. may i love you for the song that i hear, for the hearty laughter that often rings, for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for yrae nathnene, dear daughter-in-law, please let me know!
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comrades, allow me, kostya, hello, sit down, thank you, i got permission
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general staff for the opening of a state security intelligence school in kiev. this is a special purpose school, read the papers, and it was approved at the top, yes, well, what is my role in this, organization, leadership and control, who will be involved in the selection of people, you, well , not alone, of course, for this you will need experienced instructors, in the meantime, look at this, i would like him to work with you, petrov, nikolai, senior lieutenant, troops, participant in combat events, participant in the finnish war, the battle of prisumu salma, here, here, here, a valuable personnel, but with character, i hope you will work together, there are
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questions, there are no questions, let me go, see you, kostya, goodbye, alexander nikolaevich, resolve the question, yes, this is war, what are you, kostya, what kind of war? i understand.
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so girls, in the first kilometer we give our all, then we keep the pace, there is a comrade commander, arinka, volodka, for you, but my exams were postponed, so i thought, maybe today, come on, when you get free, come on, that’s it, i’m waiting, okay , let's!
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what does the jaws have to do with it? well, they’re ordinary people, and the country gets glory from them, right? well yes, so do we we can, what is this about? well, maybe first we will do something so great, not for ourselves, for the country, and then the kids, they won’t let us into artik, they need special education, so i’m talking about the residents of khelchezhkin as an example, let’s write a statement to the city committee, i don’t know what the form is yet, but in essence it’s the same. we are two young specialists, we want to benefit our homeland, we ask the party to dispose of us at its discretion, oh, i don’t even know, just imagine, you are a military specialist, all subjects are excellent,
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i have three languages, but we will move mountains, yes this geologists move mountains, not teachers, well, volo, i’ll think about it, let’s go to the clerk’s break soon. and i have strong hands, comrade pitko, what are you doing, people are watching, let them watch, what if they call the police, let them call,
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hmm. you know me, who is the boss, who? myself, myself, my god, now i’m going to be embarrassed, why? i’m sitting with such a person, you’re sitting with an unhappy person, why is that? i am leaving tomorrow. where, and we just met, namely, back to leningrad, rain, sleet, and no memories of sunny ki, and i tell you i'll send you a postcard.
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i know a lovely place.
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pasha, we have news, we have such news, the guys have submitted an application, they’re so great, congratulations, thank you, dad, why are you so pale, what’s wrong with your blood pressure, that’s okay. when is the wedding? july 6th? yeah, let's see now, so, july 6, what, wait, why on sunday? on friday it’s customary to sit and celebrate, pavel timofeevich, vera nikolaevna, we thought everything would be modest, we’ll sign and drink tea, like tea, right? and the banquet then photos in wedding
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dresses, this is very beautiful, excess and philistinism, what does philistinism have to do with it, and what will you show your grandchildren, empty tea cans, photographs are needed, i think we can discuss this later, a wedding happens once in a lifetime, this day must be remembered . “this is for you, young man, and this is for you, your grandparents made a single copy to order, you can open it, where you can put photographs of each other, always carry it with you, dad, mom, thank you, thank you very much, but
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it’s very expensive. " my dear, i have that's what, i hope it will be the same for you, of course, you know, it's not allowed according to the charter, i know, sell it, buy yourself something you need, this is our wedding gift, thank you, yes, go ahead, eh... close the door, yes, no, no, no, i’ll see this for us, you live in the basement, what are you talking about, i know a wonderful place, okay, not on the roof,
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so what’s the matter? hello, little bastard, oh you bitch, quiet, quiet, quiet, so let’s not call. you’ll be bashing in the club, get a shovel, you bastard, it’s okay, it won’t go away, we have nowhere to run anyway, that’s it... where do you go, yes, hold on, i’ll go there, and you’ll go through everything here,
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if anything, bring it together, raven, why, let’s dump it, things didn’t go right away, but it’s not good. frank, where are you? 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has. your question to an adult, hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all the questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have
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to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, it’s very, very easy. it’s hard, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy. i would even say a perpetual motion machine. look at the project, 100 questions. to an adult on the tv channel belarus 24.
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hush, hush, sunka, don’t do this, please, i beg you, i have children, please, please, don’t, uh... not children, they really need me, please, can we go there, well, little bastard, i’ve been running around, i ’ll give everything, here, please take it, why don’t you immediately , rushed like a hare, yes, you see, i... for money, they are not mine, one comrade from the regional committee in leningrad collects gold jewelry, he found out that in kiev there were diamonds of the last century on hand , he asked me to go buy them, he himself maybe you already understand, so you
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have stones, no, no, no, no, they turned out to be fake, well, i understand this, i am my father's jeweler. here, take the watch, please, and let’s go our separate ways, take this stucco, yes, that jacket, yes, of course, let’s go our separate ways, you say, you know, i have children, we can really, you know, very much, yes, i understand, man, children - this is important, at least call him something, this is mashenka - this is
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the eldest, and this is pavel, he is still small. why, in advance, did you see a taxi? then half the division will be chasing us, and this guy copied us, pasha, you always said that the family ring should remain in the family, then suddenly sell family heirlooms, relics of the past, there is no option, pasha. i was called to the investigator, they recognized oblarion,
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i haven’t seen him with a civilian, you don’t even know where he is? the kvd learned that he is in paris, is a member of some emigrant organization and may be collaborating with the germans, but it’s not your fault that he... your brother, it’s not his fault, he told the investigator so, and he, he agreed .
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thank you, come in, they are waiting for you in the geography room on the second floor, okay. senior lieutenant petrov has arrived. for
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further service, you are an instructor in sabotage work, that’s right, i’m your colleague, matilda genrikhovna, for you it’s possible just matilda, nikolai, as i understand it, there are no cadets yet, the cadet is about... preparing women, is something confusing you? no, i thought intelligence was a man’s business, not always, i like it, here, only, probably, i would take portraits, uh-huh, oh, about the fact that intelligence is... a purely male activity, hello,
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state security major vorotynnikov, konstantin efremovich , head of the facility, senior lieutenant petrov, ah, hold me, nikolai, so, nikolai, you are wrong, women are much more suitable for intelligence, nikolai denies the equality of the sexes. i don't deny why? because any man loses his head in the presence of a beautiful woman. i think it depends on the man. where are your weapons? comrade instructor , keep the documents and don’t be offended by us, no offense, i understand everything, personal matters, girls that we may need, and select those who personally seem most promising to you... it’s promising, there is, katya, read ,
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katya, i can’t hear you, read, mom, who is the cancer of god alexander, what are you doing tonight? i prayed, i heard, this is one of my friends, you don’t know him. why were you crying, he died? what letter is this? so what did we wash? frames, well, give me the next sentence, mom, why do danikas read the primer at school? will you also read at school? when?
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soon, i will have a backpack, one october? well, of course, and do you have a wound? there will be a badge and a baby, you will have everything, hurray, read, so, katyusha, let's go for a walk, that's it, well done, go, go, walk, my dear, come on, played, played. so how is it?
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i didn’t force it, i let it all go, like everyone else, we we took so much money, so we’ll take more, you promised not to play, we’ll be dumped behind a cordon, naked, so we won’t dump you, but you promised, well , you promised, you didn’t promise, is this a walk in the park, borders? vertukhaev is like a flea on his cap, i said, i have an uncle in brest, he ’ll bring us, but why, fool, well, let’s get rid of him and what, what’s the fraera, what’s up here, we’ll become people, we’ll start a new life, dear raven,
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katya is in his eighth year , it’s time for me to go to school, what are you doing in a fuss, who am i to you, your husband or? your girl is from me, we’re not going anywhere, your baby doesn’t need school, her window we’ll define it as in the window, so, but it will be predeli, not like you, neither fish nor meat, only you know how to spread your legs, oh you! well, hit me, you’ll catch the fraerog by the caps, you’re smart, the forest would have been knocked out of me by now, and you ’re throwing it at me, you’ll blather again, i’ll kill you,
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i’ll catch up with you! imarofet bring the spitting spitter. it’s very expensive, of course, it’s a century old, it’s your family’s, you can’t sell it, why? well, because we’ll show it to children, let’s hand it over to the state, why? suddenly on these?
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i’ll go to the city committee myself, how is it, like this, you serve, and where will i send? well, well, what kind of disposition is this, and you just slapped it on your shoulder, a statement, persia, some kind of maximalism, for the country and the party, is that really bad? well, okay, there’s still time for the wedding, let’s think carefully, brainstorm, consult with the parents, look, there’s a pawnshop. yeah, let's go in and just find out how much this ring costs, maybe you can actually buy an airplane with it. and this trinket is worth nothing, but well, i see that you really need money,
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i can give you 20 rubles, but okay, thank you, hello, hello, we would like appreciate this ring, yes, yes. but the thing is interesting, but i can offer 3.00 rubles. eighteenth century for 3. and 3.500 maximum, goodbye, let's go as you please, i'm coming to ... school, we should appoint a meeting group this evening, okay, maybe tomorrow, comrades, wait, sorry
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for interfering, you're sorry , my name is margarita davidenko, my uncle is a jeweler, i understand, the money changer wanted to warm you up, this ring is expensive, you think, what’s there to think about, apparently, maybe you’ll look, they were born in different parts of the world. i
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came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, and he really liked it here. i was born in telenograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something for themselves here. here is our favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for this. to live with a family, especially with small children, i love belarus, i proudly declare that it was here that i
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acquired my great happiness. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard. "it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what it is bird, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s
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a brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill work in general, and what does it grind, usually ordinary mills the mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, a project “i am from the village.” watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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mam! why should we go ourselves? yes , just go and get ready quietly, otherwise he will wake up all at once, let's! go, i'll be right there.
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this is not what you are looking for, that means without me. i'm getting ready to do something, it's time for katya to go to school, and you're wasting all your money, and you decided to ditch me, you creature, kill me, please, katka will be lost without me.
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let's take some paprika, for mercy, just don't kill anyone, please, let's go get ready. go around, comrade the head of the facility, studied, selected the best, sit down, well, let's see, so, unmarried, badly, divorced
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badly, parents died. very bad, but they are komsomol members, excellent characteristics, nothing but ideals, in your opinion, this is bad, you you know how often our agents fail there, i didn’t have access to this information, often, very often, although everything is in order with their ideals, that is, according to you, ideals are bad, no, why are ideals great, but sometimes a compromise is needed. with whom, with the enemy, with your conscience, with your conscience , it is easier to negotiate when you have not just ideals, but your own personal interest, excuse me, down-to-earth, your own, dear, husbands, wives, children, necessarily loved ones, that is, if the intelligence officer gives , she gives not only herself, absolutely right, here are the candidates,
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which i selected, komsomol members of one... criminal, criminal, even, yana kovalchik, owner of a phenomenal memory, for the last 5 years she has been using her gifts for the benefit of the criminal world, recently got caught for the first time, a very valuable personnel, relatives, brother, staskovalchikov, feeble-minded little boy , but he blows away a speck of dust on us, everyone knows, yana loves his brother, if anyone offends him , he gets out of the ground, well, tomorrow we’ll talk with the komsomol. and then we go to the isolation ward with this farrier, wow, the apartment must not be poor, what floor, third, come on, come on, go, margarita, good evening, excuse me, i wasn’t
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expecting you so late? alina, be silent and move, stand still, i’ll shoot you, rina. she seemed to be carrying this purse. arina, there are some other little pubs here, come on, where are you from, come here, give me the money, i’ll give you everything, just don’t shoot, titan, why are you standing up like a log, ruin the hut. are you pushing bullshit at me, but give natka, where?
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what kind of apartment is there? sixth, prozorovsky pavel timofeevich. is there a back door? come on, open it, come on! he said, pavel is insightful,
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let’s be damned, i think i found it in the old days, well, boss? she works with the theme of the belarusian baroque during the reign of the radivils. i love my
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roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and these are very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history of my country. this is just a treasure for designers, for poets, for creative people. creativity inspired. elena pogernitskaya and her warmest support group, my girls undoubtedly love to hang around in this world of fashion, where models, shows, the youngest draw from the age of 2. that's why she says: i'll be like my mother's fashion designer. look in friday on our tv channel. we introduce you to the architectural memorials of belarus, different eras.


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