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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 12:05am-12:36am MSK

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board of the radivils. i love my roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and these are very important topics. they affect both me personally and the history of my country. this is just a treasure for designers, for poets, for creative people. creativity inspired by endless love for native spaces. i basically, you could say, grew up in the countryside, so naturally, i love nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, flax, which is what my current collection is dedicated to.
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cool. temple near mosary - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyakony spirits italian renaissance, in a simple way, in a kanfiguratsy way. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta just 790 reptiles knew the paspalitay river. and just like that, we say, it happened and became known, finally known. i’ll sail in the style of baroka, and all the historical wings here will take us away from the paeina, such a dead end, because later the documentament to the architects was the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. in kali there were more european lynxes, then there were 18 stagodzi we have gained heights, we have gained.
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mom, what's wrong with you? it’s okay, honey, my tummy hurts, it will go away soon. get ready, we're leaving, and raven, no more raven, come on!
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who do you want to follow the wadi? why am i here, don’t you remember? no, it was already late, i was going to bed when the doorbell rang, i went to open it, and i remembered there. there was, there
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was a girl, margarita, i think she ’s a jeweler for her uncle, she promised to help appraise the ring, yeah, well, how did she appraise, no, some guy jumped out from behind the door... a man robbed us, dad and mom, dad is alive, albeit unconscious, and mom? no, no, this can’t be, so
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okay, okay, quiet, quiet, drink it, whoever you told it to. “so, prizorovskaya, there really are traces of a robbery in the apartment, but how can i look for this margarita, it’s not clear, if it was of course, what does it mean if it was, and you didn’t make it up, why, the task force came for your father, they cleaned everything up, maybe it was you who put it there, of course you got it in response, you couldn’t escape, so you’re trying to get out of it, it’s your dad’s stupidity, why dad’s, uncle’s your ilorion, you know, no, no, no, that is, i know, i know that, that he exists, but i haven’t seen him, i’ve never seen him, honestly, and dad hasn’t
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seen him, it’s been a long time since he was a civilian, this is some kind of mistake, my dad is a communist, i’m telling you straight, the task force was shot, there was no witness to the robbery, that means you are guilty, you proved your resistance, your dad is definitely finished, that’s the question with you, if now you give a purely heartfelt confession, you’re treated like an accomplice, you’ll go to jail, of course, that’s still better than to the wall, completely sincerely, my dad is an honest man, we didn’t kill anyone, i i'm sure you'll definitely find out, find out? take the isolation ward,
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thank you very much, please. “ they brought us early, we could have slept for another hour, okay, the man has real problems, and you let me in, what kind of problems he has, bandits killed his future mother-in-law, and the bride is in the hospital, you see the letter, hide it, well done, and now listen carefully here, something ’s not good for your mother”? when we go, maybe i ’ll go to a hospital somewhere? yes, to the hospital, i’m with you, no, my joy, you will go to brest without stopping, i’ll go with you to hospital, here’s another thing i thought of, why do you need to go to the hospital, they don’t allow little ones there, you
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’ll go to brest, and there uncle ivan will meet you, i already gave him a telegram, volodya, we’ll meet the train, we’ll take us to the school, from there karinkersh, our commander is a guy who understands and will let you go. yeah, guys, sometimes i run by the door to see how she is. just give it a moment, and now the most important thing, give the letter these brochures to uncle ivan, he will get you into school for this, understand? yes, and also, this bear is special, in his tummy, in his the tummy ring is sewn up. just don’t tell anyone, not even uncle ivan. why? people, katya, they are evil, they only think about themselves. so think about yourself and keep your mouth shut, otherwise it will be bad. understood? understood. well done! when you finish school, you cut the bear’s tummy,
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and then decide what to do with the ring. mom, how are you? okay, hide it, put the brooches with the letter. that's it, well done, let's go, yeah, oh, hello, comrade, cadet, hello, i managed to talk to my uncle, of course, he will be happy to help you, i passed on your address and he will contact you soon, but i have to go to the train, excuse me, yeah, you’ll come with me. of course, they ran to the police station, what happened, a criminal, what a criminal, it took a long time to explain, petka, the van behind her, and i
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went to the police, and what is there, uncle? nothing, i was wrong, uncle! sit down, maybe.
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zanka, do you remember that your mother told you that i need to go to the hospital, yes, so, i need to now, and you sit here, quietly, quietly, like a mouse, okay, here you have some money, as soon as the train starts moving, you’ll buy it get some sweets and tea, your uncle will meet you in brest, yeah, mom, i i want to be with you, but you can’t be with me. and i’ll come, i’ll come soon, uh-huh, hello, hey, bitch, there’s no place to smoke, it’s her, wait,
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wait, let her go, let her go, let her in, let her in, let her in, let her in, no, let her go, let her go, let her go, satya, let her go, let her be with her, well, we spoiled ourselves with the bunny, yes, in a couple of days we’ll bring you the papers, we’ll take her, good, listen, and take someone else, there’s a lot of good stuff, don’t mind, there’s an interesting candidate , pubs, where is my
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child, axis, bachite, here is the child, business child, where is the child, it's a matter of dosh, where are the aunties, please, please, well, we are all not needed, who is this girl, why was she detained, where is my daughter, where is she, you have to say, where is she, where is my doba, bastard , moves, diana, where?
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urgent message to investigator mikulin.
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new names in belarusian field shooting: brought our team the first license for the olympic games in paris, the qualifying tournament was held in rio deaneiro, the two best shooters received a ticket to the games, in each exercise belarus became second in shooting air pistol at 10 m and can now pack his bags in the capital of france, and there are less than 100 days left until the olympics . we will definitely return to this topic today, this is the arena, hello, today we will talk not only about sports, of course, we are preparing this event with taking into account... the difficulties of paris, the olympic games may not be a huge sports festival, a crushing failure, there are many more questions for the organizers 3 months before the start of the olympics than they can give answers, star football at the dynamo stadium, how the first belarusian team started in
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the media league? you unfasten the apron and swam with the boat, saving it with an oar. mushroom slalom competitions were held on kayaks and canoes along a stormy rapids river in the volozhensky district, an olympic sport, but for now we can only dream about the games, and it’s not even a matter of sanctions, that we have mud, that we have heat, that we have torrential rain, if we are ready to participate, an obstacle that nature itself has placed, a kilometer of scenic route, a traditional spring bezons trail, let's test the strength of our correspondent's spoiler 5 km. not easy. let's continue the olympic theme: threats of terrorism, problems with public transport, still dirty hay, and finally, strikes. in such surroundings , preparations for the summer games continue in france. macron, who promised to show the world franza's most beautiful face, seems ready to take his words back. with the approach of the sports festival that the olympics should become,
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the dissatisfaction of the people themselves is growing. so, if 2 years ago, against holding the game on according to the results of a survey of one of the institutes for the study of social life, i found 22% of citizens, then today this figure can be safely multiplied by two. kristina kamysh, in a creative career that has worked at two olympic games, was horrified while preparing her story. everything related to the summer games in paris goes through penkoloda. there is a tradition, 100 days before the start of the forum, to light the olympic flame at the ruins of the temple of hera in greece. the french competition is no exception, but last tuesday. it was cloudy, so the torch caught fire from the flame received from the sun's rays the day before during the dress rehearsal, on all fronts the organizers of the competition now need to resort to plan b. pay attention to the attire of the actresses, they were always in white togas, but now
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the designers decided to make the clothes for the priestesses two-color , it would seem, but even though this is not true, you already have it... the olympics are gray. the head of mock, thomas bach, was certainly present at the event and hypocritically spoke about the unifying power of sport. today the olympic games are the only event that unites the whole world in peaceful competition. both then and now, olympic athletes send a powerful message. yes, you can compete fiercely with each other while at the same time living peacefully together under one roof. the whole world will not be united in france in the summer. after all , only neutral athletes are not allowed into belarus and russia; athletes from the two countries are still fighting for olympic licenses. at the moment, our boys and girls have won 19 quotas, in a good way there should be two to three times more. for comparison , 105 people from sineoka competed in tokyo let us remind you that in the near future an additional check will be organized by mokom; only those who pass it will be able
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to see paris. the olympics have always been considered a holiday, but not now, the background around the upcoming games is bad, especially regarding security issues. the international institute for strategic studies has calculated that last year was a record year in the last 30 years for the number of regional conflicts active in the world. our goal is to remind everyone what they did in ancient greece during the olympic games, then they stopped wars, laid down their weapons and competed in arenas. this is the message that we are trying to convey to the whole world so that conflicts stop, everyone comes together and unites in an event in which more than 200 countries participate. athletes from these countries compete together, and the best wins. a separate point is terrorism, from which no one is safe... where no one is immune, to eliminate this threat, up to 45 thousand police officers and gendarmes, 18,000 military personnel, as well as about 20 thousand
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employees of private security agencies will be involved. whether they can cope with potential adversity is a big question, especially during the opening ceremony of the games. let us remind you that, according to the plan, the show for the first time in history will be held not at the stadium, on the seine river, so thousands of athletes will ride on boats along a six-kilometer route. the organizers have paved the way so that... all the main attractions of the city will be covered in the summer, about 600 thousand spectators and fans will watch the parade, imagine what security measures need to be taken so that you don’t get mixed up in this crowd some terrorist, suicide bomber with a drone. we have very big ambitions to realize this unique project of the opening ceremony of the games on the seine river in the center of paris, and of course we are preparing this event taking into account the possibility. unforeseen circumstances, we will be able to adapt to any situation that may occur in france at the time of the ceremony. after the events at crocus tiholi in the moscow region, french intelligence services recommended
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canceling the opening ceremony altogether or at least changing the format due to the terrorist threat. the committee has already reported that if the risks of attack are too great, then there is a backup show. the stadium option is probably being explored. yes, it's not as spectacular as a parade on the river. but it's safe. of course, we are also prepared to respond to any situation we may encounter, but we will not comment too much on all these contingency plans. we have contingencies for all competitions, all ceremonies. this is our duty. our role is to make sure that everything goes well, it's successful. in paris they say that with finances everything is fine. at the moment, the total budget of the olympiad is just over 8 billion euros. this is significant. lower than it was during the previous summer games in tokyo, the reason is that 95% of the facilities are already in use or will be temporary structures, but
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triathlon is predicted to suffer, the swimming event may be canceled due to the quality of the water in the hay. in general , it has been forbidden to swim in this river for a hundred years. the state put almost one and a half billion euros on the table to build a huge watershed with a capacity of 50,000 cubic meters underground. as planned. it was supposed to hold back rainwater so that it would not fall into the sewer, all this beauty would not flow away into the hay, but a non-profit environmental organization carried out laboratory samples from september to march, including in those places where the swimming stage is planned triathlon, the level of pollution exceeds the permissible levels by two and sometimes three times, there is no alternative place for competitions. we know that when it rains, the water overflows the sewers, sewage water mixes with rainwater, this is the main factor causing bacterial contamination
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of hay. paris hopes to attract more than 15 million fans from all over the world. last fall, french transport minister clement beaune called plans to organize transport and traffic during the olympics a very difficult task to complete, because many protective barriers will be installed. some metro stations will remain closed; by the way, tickets during the games will cost twice as much, and this also does not add to the enthusiasm of parisians. according to according to a recent survey, almost half of the residents of the french capital are not happy about the upcoming holiday. and a little more about safety, which is so necessary at any sports competition, but is not always provided by its organizers. a tragic incident occurred in sri lanka during a cross- country race. the car left the track and rammed into a crowd of fans. according to preliminary information, the pilot lost control, as a result, seven people were killed, 21 were injured, including
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children. by the way, ours achieved a victory with a score of 1:0, scoring a goal in the very final period, different planets, yes, peter throws stones into the ground, yes there, so just different, different, so to speak, types of football, that is, they can exist in parallel, in parallel, yes, absolutely, yes, i i don’t see any problem, it’s probably still some kind of jealousy,
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probably, but in professional football, yes, because media teams beat professional teams. there are a lot of innovations in media football, such as the shootout, the orange ball rule, and the possibility players are located at the very edge of the field. and the broadcast includes live comments from coaches and judges. and one more feature: the fights of this tournament are often sold out. extreme, danger and agility are perhaps the best descriptions that fit this way. sport like mushroom with lalam. over the weekend, athletes from belarus and russia organized races on islachi and competed for medals in the open cup of our country. this olympic sport in belarus is developing at its own pace, but full training must be carried out due to the lack of truly suitable water areas for this, it does not work out, because for slalom, obstacles and elevation changes are of great importance, which, let’s say, take the breath away even of declining athletes. olesya chichura studied the pitfalls of mushroom
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slalom. the coach told me that it got to the point where someone passed out after an attempt, you have to see this to understand what causes fear, you unfasten the apron and swam with the boat, saving it, yourself, the oar, this is probably the most terrible thing, dangerous , exciting and emotional, you won’t be able to go with the flow here, because mushroom with lal is about conquering the elements. for these athletes , stones and fast currents are far from an obstacle, for them even a revolution is not a reason to leave the race, the most important thing is to complete it to the end and preferably without a penalty, that is, without touching or missing the gate, green is a straight course, red is this is the reverse, that is, against the current,
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the green ones are with the flow, the task is to cover the distance in the minimum amount of time with a minimum penalty, that is, it is desirable in general, to go to zero, that is, not to touch the pole, the pole is a double turn, the target, which is the right, the left - these are the poles, that is, the task is not to touch and go as quickly as possible without penalty, it happens that you turn over, and you need to do an element , called an eskimo coup, standing back up, that is, getting out of the boat is absolutely forbidden. you need to get up and swim further, as some legend goes, if no one on the track turned over, then the track is not very good. mushroom with lalom is an olympic sport, the track is no more than 400 m long, but their swimming is not always easy. if it seems to you the opposite, then you are far mistaken. of course, the calm rivers of belarus are not suitable, that’s the whole problem, it’s trite, for training you need a stormy stream, but as you can
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see, the water spaces in... the countries are too quiet and cannot be compared with the same rivers altai, just look at how turbulent the current is here, and even the height differences. in the summer we flew to altai, that’s where it is, i saw for the first time what rough water is like, when you get into a boat and you think, you have to, please, that you want to get out, but still you, well, sit out until the end, because you understand that such a chance may not come again, when you sat down and saw that the wave was so big that you really wanted to, you think, no, that’s not it , which we have, and we had to hide the fear of going to the end when you need to jump from about two meters, let's call it a drain, a waterfall.


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