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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 12:35am-1:06am MSK

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and as you can see, the water expanses of our country are too quiet and cannot be compared with the same rivers of altai, just look at how rough the current is here, and even the height differences. in the summer we flew to altai, that’s where it is, for the first time i saw what rough water is like, when you sit... in a boat and you think, don’t, please, you want to get out, but still you, well, sit out until the end, because you understand, such a chance may not happen again, when i sat down i saw that the wave was so big that you really want to, you think, no, it’s not like ours, and you had to overcome your fear and go to the end when you need to - jump - from about two meters, let’s call it a drain, a waterfall,
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and at the same time it’s not just easy to slide down and drive , take the gate, that is, go through the track, go through it cleanly, without mistakes, for a while, due to fatigue, this all happens, and well, that is , quite complex elements have to be performed, we went to altai, it was scary there, because for some time recently time we are like, say, stormy rivers, canals we didn’t go at all, it was scary there, but in principle everything went well. not bad, without any hiccups, let’s say, so it went quite well. with a cool head, without fear, with a three-dimensional drawing of the route in your head. the main highlight of mushroom slalom is that everything here is always like the first time. every distance, every river and current, everything changes from swim to swim. and we’re not even talking about different days of the competition. there is no way to test the water surface with a gate in advance. all that remains is
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to look from the shore and reel it in, i’m standing at the start, i clearly know where, what gates, where i will go, what movements i will do on a certain sequence, that is, all this should already be formed in my head in advance, that is, competitions are always something new, unexpected, a new route, take three attempts, which i rode today, each time something new came out and somewhere i improved something, maybe somewhere i made something worse, so... it’s unusual to show not only courage in the fight against stormy water, in the fight against weather conditions, but must also show ingenuity, and intelligence, memory in order not to forget the route, how to go this route correctly, how to read the water correctly in order to enter correctly and take the gate as quickly as possible, the country's open cup in mushroom slalom. on
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the picturesque bank of the islach river, where about 50 athletes from belarus and russia gathered, among the participants were both experienced and very young athletes who are just learning to conquer the water element, but each of them is already sick of this sport. there is an opinion that with lal it is not a sport, it is a disease, then if you get sick with slalom as a child, then you are up to 50 years old, but here, for example, we have... participants who are over 50, they got sick a long time ago, and continue to get sick with this matter. extreme - yes, dangerous, of course, mushroom with lal is definitely not for the faint of heart, concentration on every piece of the route is important here, and not everyone can keep calm with their head in the water, this sport definitely deserves special attention. that for belarusians
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, the usual life may seem truly exotic to others? here, lewis, it's me she said that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play, you can meet people right on the street. great trip, it was my first time riding on such a carriage, i was the only one like you, and it’s just amazing, you know, i have the feeling that i’m not riding on a tram, but on a train, however, it’s easy to become one of the people in a foreign country, it’s worth it just to get acquainted with its history and culture, i acquired an ethos as a person who was already quite wealthy.
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what do you think? i chose the brez world option. belarusian culture for your enjoyment, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, now we’re doing great, smart girl. their larva with an elongated body and lumpy skin resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles? we also thought here, we have several
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options, please, your guesses, we had a cockchafer, we had a ladybug. so we hope we will have three points, their erudition. any adult will be jealous, is it true that an adult normally has four fangs? denis, what do you think? well i think there should be some four, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. biathlon cycling, handball, gymnastics, tennis and hockey. what can unite these sports? answer: viva cola art. the project combines art and sport. he was born
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last year, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the minsk cycling club . artists, sculptors, photographers and designers from all over belarus sent their work to the exhibition, dedicated to cycling. the competition itself aroused extraordinary interest, this year not only the number of sports included in the project has increased, but so have the nominations; today there are 11 of them. in addition, visitors to the exhibition will be able to choose their own audience award. the exhibition found its audience, our figures, creative people, did, created wonderful works, as you always think about what to bring new, how to develop our project, we thought, why not offer ours...
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to tv or from the podium and maybe maybe they have some other vision, maybe they will somehow depict it on canvas differently, so this is very interesting and new for us. the acceptance of applications for participation in the competition has already begun; this stage will last until september 23, and on october 28, the vivo cola art exhibition will open in the palace of art. insurmountable, at first glance, relief hills in the minsk and logoisk regions. the most desperate steeplechase riders tested their mettle to the test; the bezons cross-country race took place in the surroundings of the sports complex; the organizers offered its participants a fifty-meter elevation difference, as well as fallen trees, streams, stones and
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a lot of dirt, and announced the medal that each finisher will receive; it will turn out to be as difficult as the race itself, as our correspondent andrei kozlov himself was convinced of. yes, this signal sends the participant into the distance, after such an impulse, it seems to me that nothing is scary . we started in different groups, but at first it was children. 3, 2, 1, hugging for good luck is a must for some, a real running brotherhood from the first steps, although the chilly weather forced everyone to warm up resources that are athletic mothers. in the age category 3+ she is no less athletic. the excitement knocked me off my feet, but the distance, of course, was shorter than for adults, but the most important thing was the first finish in my life, and that’s great. especially when you are so supported.
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the bison race has been running for 9 years, some participants are much younger, it’s literally true that everyone has received a medal. it was a very pleasant feeling when a boy was pushing me, and i was right before the finish line, he, i was 5 meters behind him, straight up ate him. it was very interesting, because the big obstacles were in the form of sticks, logs, you run and you can just say, you get high from how - what skills you have, what strengths, you get, yes you get a complete buzz from it, you can measure yourself, you forget about everything, who is running today, why are you running, yeah , and how old is the son, the son is 30 years old, you come as a grandfather, support him, yes, yes, we support him together here, this is his, his son. yeah, that's why we all support him, very, very much, here i am, as we support him, a lot of people
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are running around, this is good, this is a healthy nation, you can slide down a hill like that, but it’s unlikely to be effective; more experienced people prefer a good warm-up, because the load on the legs with such steep climbs and descents around raobichi will be quite significant, especially... the half-marathon distance was hard, because it’s not only 21 km of road, but also overcoming sharp climbs and elevation changes. 3, 2, 1, it’s cool to run, they said, well, what’s the difficulty, tell me from, well, in the slides, like everyone else, i got up a little, my legs began to beat instantly, i can’t breathe anymore, this is the main most difficult story, which here so it puts you in a step and significantly disrupts the body,
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special targeted and targeted preparation is needed here, and running enthusiasts again emphasized that belarus is a sports country. well, the track is really good, good, but you can fully feel yourself, on the climbs you feel it very strongly, very strongly, especially in your legs, here’s your breathing, well, in general, class, all those who challenged such a difficult test, in the form of a descent and going uphill. in this weather, those great fellows, what is the mud for us, what is the heat for us, that we have torrential rain, if we are ready to participate, then we are not afraid of any vagaries of the weather, well, there is only one difficulty - these are climbs, climbs, strong, well, steep climbs, descents, normal, here are steep climbs, adrenaline, firstly, a feeling of joy, pride, that is , both for myself and for those around me, that is, my family also plays sports, so it’s a pleasure. for pleasure? well, firstly, it’s health, it’s a sports lifestyle, and secondly, it’s meeting
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new people. in may in silichi there will be a classic version of the races from the bezon series. in essence, it will become an open -air festival. open air for fans of extreme sports will last 4 days for the first time. it will be interesting. cristiano ronaldo in miniature is attached. there are several factual details on the track, some even consider them the main profession. reporter, for 4 days you have already had history in general or for the first time too, we did the maximum for 3 days, you have a lot of things for the first time this year, it’s like this desire to grow, well, this is a rehearsal for next year, that is, we have next year too a four-day rehearsal for next year, next year we will have 10 years in the season, that’s all for today : join the running community, your life will sparkle with the brightest colors, the arena will be on air in a week, so
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see you!
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in the times of ancient russia, it was this river that connected the varangian, as it was then called the sponksinsky, modern black sea, but the famous ivoryak trade route to the greeks did not run through the city located on the shore, although individual boats most likely sailed here. archaeological finds at... and here the lungs breathe, europe beats the heart of the belarusian woodland. a tailwind carries us. pinsk. perhaps it was the clear waters of the leisurely pina that whispered to the ancient inhabitants the name of the city in which we would soon land; indeed,
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why philosophize when such a picturesque clue is nearby, so... many ancient slavic cities took their names from the name of the tributary of a large river, which vitebsk was located from vidba, polotsk from polota, and pinsk - from pina. but we still go ashore and a symbol meets us port pinsk, bright blue river station. an example of poleska wooden architecture with its appearance marks the arrival of spring; with the onset of cold weather it disappears, but there is no mysticism in this. in america. houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations, what would they call our river port, it seems board. by the way, the contents of this unusual building are no different from the contents of our usual stations, standard ticket offices and waiting rooms. in the soviet
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time here it was possible to buy a ticket even on a rocket and from... more inclined to this glorious city, otherwise our journey would have been underwater, sounds good in search of the belarusian atlantis. every trip is new impressions, pleasant acquaintances and experiences, as people who have traveled a lot and seen a lot say, you can recognize them from thousands,
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and not only by a properly packed suitcase, loose-fitting clothes and comfortable shoes. come here, look, enterprising pinsk residents, advertising is even on the asphalt, let's go further and see black and white portals to history of the ancient city, the author of street art evgeniy syusyura, on the supports of the old bridge across the back there are wheeled gunpowders floating on the river, a sawmill across the river, a plot with poleshuks, reminiscent of the existence of the pinsk bazaar on boats, century, blown up by the soviet authorities in 1953, there was a shrine on the main city ​​square. once upon a time, the grandiose church was part of a single majestic ensemble of the jesuit
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monastery. today, in its place there is a park, here is a monumental college, the oldest historical...
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in a row. today within the walls of the former college houses a children's choreographic school and a museum of belarusian polesie. and here is his first exhibit. tractor-monument. when the front line approached the city in 1941, a worker from the town of david dismantled the car into separate parts, lubricated it with grease and buried it in the ground. well, after the liberation of the bssr, a tractor. reassembled and given him a personal name: captain. do not touch the museum exhibit with your hands. let's take a look inside, it's like... the historical path of the city and its inhabitants is collected into a single canvas, about 75 thousand exhibits, eyes scatter: a sarcophagus made of pink slate from the 19th
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century, a scandinavian viking fork, a hanging seal of the grand duke of kiev yadislav yaroslavich. here, pay attention, an unremarkable mace at first glance turns out to be a sign of power from the property period. stratification of tribal communities, in general, not just a step, but a one-piece copy, it was made in the early thirties by a resident of the lunetsk district, the village of bogdanovka, vasily ilyuchik. vasily ilyuchik, a self-taught master, as he himself said, he made this bicycle at envy of the local gentry, who were riding bicycles of metal construction at that time. by the way, this is the owner. i also tried to make a wooden helicopter for the bicycle, but it was not used for its intended purpose, and why didn’t it fly,
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it probably didn’t work out to take off, i feel that a detailed tour of the museum could take the whole day, but i’ll still run into the poles’ tretivka for a minute, canvas vosnetsova. pena shishkina, the collection of paintings is second only to the national art museum, here is the sea of ​​poseido on the brush, ivan aivazovsky, aka avanes gayvazyan, painted almost all of his paintings not from life, but from memory. by the way, in one of the halls of the museum i managed to notice the most curious shells, amber, fossilized remains of sea creatures, was it really a herodotus. i’m right, once upon a time the foamy waves crashed and crashed onto the local shores. in the torah
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to the ancient greek historian and some modern researchers. they consider the pinsk swamps to be an echo of an ancient press sea formed after the melting of the glacier. was there really a sea? if you believe herodotus, then yes, true, the father of history himself had never been to these parts, he believed the travelers and warriors at their word, and later wrote down their observations. so guess now, was there big water here 2,500 years ago, or is the herodototovo sea a historical phantom? and they also say that in ancient times, in these places lived a tribe of people who could turn into wolves, however, they did not howl with melancholy and anger at the moon, because since ancient times the swamps protected them from enemies, fed them, and finally healed them. many medicinal herbs grow in this area to this day. here at
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according to popular belief, there lived a belarusian snake , gorynych. smoke, from latin tsmauk. it seems that this was the name of the bloodthirsty dragon in the hollywood film about the adventures of the hobbit. but his polesian brethren were good-natured and completely harmless. be that as it may, the pinsk swamps have long become the highlight of excursion programs. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. not long ago , russian cryptozoologists also visited these places, looking for a large reptile or at least its traces. not found. i hope we you'll be lucky not to see her. the village of kudrichi, located about 30 km from pinsk, is definitely worth a look. kudrichi is a completely separate issue; nowhere else in
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the world will you find such archaic villages on small islands among swamps, where almost everything remains as it was a hundred years ago. a unique place for ecological, ornithological, nostalgic educational tours. all biotypes that are typical for woodland and have become rare in europe are concentrated here. ripe floodplain oak meadows, wetlands, and amazing there are not only rare species of fauna and flora here, but also birds, 155 nesting species, what is it like? the place is unique, of course, but it’s time for us to fly. we return to the city limits . the first mention of pinsk in the ipatiev chronicle dates back to 197.
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then the city was part of the principality of turov, and later gained independence. in the memory of these lands are kievan rus, the grand duchy of lithuania, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the russian empire, poland, the soviet union. architects of the seventies of the last century considered pinsk a second city belarus after grodno, in terms of the number of surviving architectural monuments. well, let's see. they will tell us about the history of the city. the streets themselves, the buildings and the citizens. by the way, do you know how to determine who is in front of you: a native resident of pinsk or a visitor? you need to ask a simple question: who do you have the honor of communicating with? with penchanin or penchuk? hello, who do you consider yourself to be, pinskers or pinchuks? probably pinsk residents, pinsk residents? and you are the indigenous people of pinsk? is pinchuk both a surname and a local resident? don't even know.
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consider themselves penchuks, that’s the collective the image of a native resident on the main pedestrian street of the city, the boots are polished, the koszul is of good quality, there is clearly money in the bag, find 10 differences, i’m from pinsk, says the real pinchuk, then he bends his finger and lists all his merits, it
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seems like, although i’m in this... i very much doubt that this is how all the inhabitants of this region imagined themselves. well, to list all the sights of pinsk with its rich history, there won’t be enough fingers from our entire film crew. in this building, behind the polish hour , one of the best hotels in the city was located. numbers there were telephones and even amenities. as a rule, there is an english one near the hotel. at the beginning of the date, then to hit the gas. this phrase, combining polish and hebrew words, meant going for a walk along the main street of pinsk. we set off for shpatsir along the main pedestrian street and here we are, as nowhere else in the city have historical buildings been preserved. good morning belarus.
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tv channel belarus 24 and say, you woke up today, say, let’s go to the village, it’s amazing, their life is in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, are bright and rich, here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me for berries,


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