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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 1:35am-1:51am MSK

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a year of quality for our company is , first of all, responsibility for: the results of our work, i came to construction at a mature age, as they say, a conscious choice, i liked the fact that you see the results of your work, when step by step the house is raised, built, well i work, i ’ve been in construction since 1988, the fact that we worked in the past... now it’s a very big
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difference, now the modern level of materials, technologies, this allows us to do our work efficiently, when you see the results of your work, in the form high-rise apartment buildings, hospitals, kindergartens, you feel the joy of it, you drive around the city and see what your house is there, then your house is there, today the open joint-stock company stroitrest number two is... construction of a facility of any complexity and in optimal terms i have been living in pinsk for more than 40 years already, i came here from the primorsky territory in 1983, a lot has changed, why schools, kindergartens, hospitals, kindergartens have grown up at home, it cannot be compared with the period when i came here, here in each, one might say, in every house has a piece of my work, it’s all very pleasing, as they say, everything was built... for our children, our grandchildren, so that they
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would live in a beautiful, comfortable city. aba, hello, if you, as a journalist, international affairs specialist, had to make a review of belarus, its politics, national code, leader, what would you take as the basis for your review? for the basis? i’ll take
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the existential union of belarus and russia, the kind of relationship we are in is , in my opinion, an unprecedented example of interaction between two countries and two fraternal peoples it’s difficult for me to say that we are part of a single whole, after all, belarus is a separate world with its own laws, with its own ideas about how to do the right thing and how to do the wrong thing, well , that’s normal, that’s absolutely normal, but all that said, i feel here absolutely the same as in moscow, and this is unique, it’s probably necessary, you need to sleep with it, as they say, you still need to comprehend it, what it is, why this happens, who are you?
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my wife and all my friends and neighbors who know that this is real are watching so, because i worked with belarusians, i live next door to belarusians, i trusted belarusians with the keys to my house with everything that is there, i have never encountered lies, meanness, or betrayal on the part of belarusians, is it possible this, this private , everyday experience? to extrapolate to
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interstate relations, i’m afraid to seem unprofessional, incompetent, but i want, and i’m doing it, and i ’m interacting with you based on... this kind of everyday, maybe small-town experience of communication, this is my first time in belarus, but i have a lot in common with the belarusians, here is the leader, well, of course, this is a very important part of belarus, and i would like to go back to the twentieth year and note one such detail: yes, of course, the army, the special services. all attempts to shake the situation in the country were stopped, this is understandable, but here are the footage of mr. lukashenko and his son, which went viral on the internet, when i saw them, i had a lump in my
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throat, why, because it strongly reminded me of the situation in syria, i i believe that syria survived exceptionally. thanks to three factors: russia, which came to the rescue in 2015, the islamic republic of iran, which came to the rescue much earlier, almost to the day when this tragedy began, and the personality of the president who did not leave, who did not abandon, who did not take out, did not evacuate there his wealth, his family, his children, he remained, even when the islamic state. the forbidden, i think, in you too, in us, and in many other places, was on the outskirts, they were about to hang assad, his family, all of him, their hand was full, of course, colleagues, employees and so on, they everyone was
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in the risk zone, and none of them gave up. russia, let me remind you, came in 2015, that is, it has been going on for several years.
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many arabs, including those who fought in those days, israeli generals walked in front, they led, and were not behind, but today everything is different there, so i, you know, separate a professional politician from a real politician, the dash of a leader, there is a professional politician who...
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the dictatorship of the masses is worse than the dictatorship of democracy, the dictatorship of democracy, this is the worst thing, well, you are a dictator, do you even know in his face, do you at least understand who you are dealing with, and what is a dictatorship of the masses or a dictatorship of democracy, where, where are they, who oppresses you, who does not allow you, limits you, this is what we are now faced with, so, but a professional politician adjusts, a professional politician will never say: what is not customary to say that they will not understand, means that the majority will not understand, a real leader, he does what is best, he proceeds from the desire to do better , out of a desire to lead
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his country, his people to prosperity, can can a real leader make mistakes, probably yes, he is a human being. only the lord god is not mistaken, of course he can, he can be mistaken, he can make wrong decisions, but he proceeds from... this is my specialty, as they say, and i know a lot about it, and the same thing with the jcpoa, here’s
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the deal and so on, the supreme leader was against, yeah, few people know, but the supreme leader was against and repeatedly stated this, but there is also a dualism of power, there is , as it were, a secular part of power, there is a president, here is the previous president rouhani, who did career on this comprehensive, collaborative , comprehensive plan of action. they got burned, they made a mistake, the iranian dad has nowhere
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to rush, he’s there for life, as it were, he has time, he looked, well, your americans helped you, what do you say now, your poles helped you, yes, yes, that’s it, and i assure you, today not a single person in his right mind, no matter how he views the islamic revolution, the supreme leader, and so on, but not a single one will trust the united states of america, after what happened. you know, we have magnificent parallels, i’ll give them just two examples, maybe you know them very well, in 1994, when we withdrew 1993, 1994, and removed nuclear weapons, but we were guaranteed by the united states, yes, the european union, that never, never, no economic sanctions and there will be no pressure on belarus as a result of this voluntary withdrawal a priori, it was signed and recorded. how to believe these poles, after all, they were the first to announce sanctions in ninety-seven, we have been since ninety-seven
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we live under the sanctions of the european union and the united states, the second point is that a leader is capable of making unpopular decisions, being responsible for them, and the truth comes a little later, meaning, it becomes obvious, this is when, as a result of covid, we did not declare a lockdown, the only ones well, sweden is still a little bit there, yes, they are the only ones in the world, as far as it was perceived negatively, but it turned out to be right a little later, otherwise we would have put our economy to zero, 100%, 100%, but now we we understand that, well then it’s not a fact that the twentieth year would not have been a success for them, but it would have been a success, it was precisely for this purpose, including, well, what else unites us, and the topic of fugitive foreign agents, in this case already with you as a russian political scientist and i’m talking as an expert, that ’s why in belarus and russia some of the celebrities,
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businessmen and journalists, excuse me, got screwed at once, yes, if we take other countries, here’s the conventional bollywood or hollywood, yes, they are the same weather vanes or dissidents , this is purely a post-soviet story, in syria, as it was, i interesting, there are traitors in... different contexts, let’s say this, conceptually, this is present in any country, but in each individual country one must make allowances for the context, mentality, and so on, there were traitors in syria, but they did not flee to the top lars , conditionally. but they went over to the side of the militants, but what happened to them now? well, either
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they feed the worms, or they feed the europeans some kind of falafel in eateries, or there are homeless people in turkey somewhere, i don’t know, i come across them periodically when i travel to different countries on business trips, syrian refugees, those are the ones who have a negative attitude. to power and fled, realizing that their bet did not work, they are not even second, third and further class people there. you see, no one likes traitors, no one, today you betrayed your country, tomorrow you will betray someone else’s country, he is makarevich, he made trouble here, then he went, now he’s making trouble there in israel, there’s something connected with the post office, he doesn’t like it, he’s swamping everywhere , everywhere, no one, no one needs this trash, no one needs these problems.


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