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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 1:50am-2:11am MSK

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well, either they feed worms, or they feed europeans some kind of falafel in eateries, or there are homeless people in turkey somewhere, i don’t know, i come across them periodically, when i travel to different countries on business trips, syrian berges, that’s exactly what have a negative attitude towards the authorities and fled, realizing that their bet did not work. they are not even second, third or further class people there, you see, no one likes traitors, no one, today you betrayed your country, tomorrow you will betray someone else’s country, he is makarevich, he was causing trouble here, then he went, now he’s going to israel there he's making trouble, there's something connected with the mail, he doesn't like it, there are swamps everywhere, no one, no one needs this trash, no one needs these...
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problems, especially problems that came from outside, there are not enough of their own, freaks, they is everywhere, in fact, everywhere, that means it’s like this in syria, many really left, left everything, went to europe, i don’t know, i don’t blame anyone, probably my negativity is concentrated on those who betrayed, no one ran away from fear, there were such people too, there were plenty of them too. state, and then realizing that their rate was not first he put straw on this islamic play, hastily collected his coins and left for the country that initially supported this chaos, be it germany, france, i don’t know, the united states of america, but for me this is not the case.
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stands face to face with the enemy, clashed with him in a mortal battle, in an existential battle, in a battle that will decide a lot, and they openly, openly took a position, not even neutrality, as let’s say, there mr. posner left, but somewhere here, to the bottom, like such a...
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centuries-old turtle, so he sank, how old is he, 90, 90, yes, no, i treat him with great, great respect, a professional with a capital p, and i acted like, i don’t know what he thinks, how, how he thinks, but that means he’s immersed to the bottom, and waits, and waits, i don’t know, maybe he’ll wait another 90 years, which is what i wish for him with all my heart, it’s true, but there are those who openly took the side of the enemy, openly, donated. enemy, then they left, began to throw mud at their country and continue to support the enemy, but that’s okay, because there are other people, you know, as you remember this expression, but there was another germany, yes in relation to the fascists, but a large part, or i, i’ll probably say, the overwhelming part, yes, famous people after the beginning of the revolution took up real, charitable projects, they didn’t they only loudly declare their position. but
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they provide practical assistance to participants and veterans of the northern military district, i know that you also got involved in this work through your foundation, yes, but why, what prompted you to do this, well, this is my duty as a citizen of the russian federation, well sorry to hear, this is my duty from a thirty-year-old man, who, in principle , already fulfills this duty with his articles. on the information front, well, you didn’t have to, no, i have to, i have to do everything i can, well, that is, how much strength i have, how much opportunity i have, i have to spend if i, you know, save this energy , i will direct it in another, more possibly financially attractive direction, i will betray my country, if i can do this business today, i will do it, if it means my legs will be taken away or my arms will be torn off somewhere
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as a result of some kind of incident, and i won’t be able to physically do this, i’ll say, guys, i can’t, that’s it, what does the background do? so literally - the fund is engaged in the rehabilitation of precisely those whose legs and arms no longer work, who have no face, who at the cost of their health defend our homeland, that is, these are the victims in the northern military district, and not only this their families, this is support for the families of the victims who died in the north military district zone, but we also have a flagship project, this is: a national award for our own, we recently started in nizhny novgorod, very we hope that our project will go further in key cities of russia, including the caucasus and not only, we are giving out cash prizes to the heroes of the home front, people who weave nets, make
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trench candles, heal, these are priests, military priests, yes, or there in the catholic way , yes chaplains. these are military correspondents and so on, we have 15 nominations, we really help people, many media persons are involved in this process, it’s just about others, yeah , people, tv presenters, about people, yes, tv presenters, actors, singers , they don't ask for money for theirs performances, they are not asking for hype, they just came to help.
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without any training, without giving us anything, yes, without asking for anything, i just supported everything, said: “guys, you are doing a good job, here are the opportunities for you, here is the platform for you, go ahead, that
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is, we, i, as the head of the press service attracted a large number of media, it is impossible to say that they didn’t notice us, they noticed us, even people far from this whole topic noticed, although it would seem that the foundation had nothing at all, we are a young foundation, we have just started, and we have already attracted a huge amount. number of media persons, how long has he been working, he hasn’t even been from the very beginning of the sbo, yeah, but nevertheless so actively and so effectively, i say not because i have anything to do with him, but because i came there after seeing the real deal, when the trustee advice is not just... a list of some recognizable media persons, but they actually work, yes, well, they really work, because in, well, let’s call a spade a spade, in other similar organizations, often members of the board of trustees do not know they are on the membership list
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board of trustees, sometimes it ’s a surprise for them, when i say, there, i won’t name names, but you are on the lists of these... members of the board of trustees of such and such a fund , he says, really, when do you mean? yes, exactly, they called me and said, that is, this is not the case here, our trustees actually go to these awards, participate in round tables, help financially, help in the media, that is, they are involved as much as possible, these are senators, these are state duma deputies, this is the same yana valerievna, lantratova, who actually worked from bell to bell, as they say, throughout this entire event, in general, and precisely worked, was not present, not only was she like some kind of statue, but she worked, moreover, after the event she continued to work so that this is all that we discussed there at the round table did not remain at the level of words, but went
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into action, for which i personally thank her and from all the employees of the foundation, so we are working. amazing people of our country, everything that i hide, like in a sarcophagus, in my works. in its small modeling, this is already different, i don’t know what will happen, but for me creativity is getting out of your head and creating something that you have there. the purpose of this hall is to distract children from the street, to attract them to boxing, former students with their families are returning, now grandchildren, you can already count grandchildren, it’s very nice there, you know. they have many interesting stories behind them and are ready to surprise again. when i gave a job. then to viktor ivanovich sukharukov, he looked at her, was silent, then something like this
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took it, so he said, my god, some children have already been filmed there, what the hell, they lead a normal, well, normal lifestyle there, let’s say, they don’t do bad things, they have taken the path of truth, they are training, they have other goals, other tasks, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, the club of editors of any nation needs clamps. and this flight is the bond, the bond of our society. for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud. this is truly a national mobilization of all so many people rejoiced at the country, its achievements, its flight, everyone greeted it with tears in their eyes, let them explode with their bile. in no other country in the world is so much attention paid to a woman as... to a woman, that is , today a belarusian woman has the opportunity to do everything and even fly into
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space, i don’t want to live in a country where, excuse me, peasants are forced to go out pour manure into the streets of government agencies and the police, i want to live in this country, where they fly into space, where they build nuclear power plants, where women go on maternity leave for 3 years, i want live in this country, don’t miss it, on the belarus 24 tv channel . i won’t ask you for a long time, or let’s say, a lot about crocus, but one topic is very strongly related to what we are talking about, by the way, with the topic of the circus, yes, it is very strongly connected, because what we see now is... a circus, why washington, in every possible way, literally a few minutes after
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this event became known, began to try to turn the tables on isis for the terrorist attack in crocus, well, for me the participation of the islamic state in this terrorist attack is obvious, but i do not i exaggerate the role of the islamic state in this terrorist attack. that means, firstly, as for the islamic state, it exists, it is not completely destroyed, it does not exist as a state with a capital, with a currency, remember how it was, at its peak, well, they at least tried to designate themselves as a state, yes, they had raqqa, the capital, of the so-called caliphate in syria they started.
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ideology, brand remained, they are still today this is not there, it has been destroyed, but they can take responsibility for something, while i am sure that the islamic the state today does not have such capabilities, there are no such funds to implement such a scale. terrorist attacks in the heart of the russian federation. do you understand who i 'm referring to? undoubtedly. moreover, in 2017, if my memory serves me correctly, news broke. this is not fake. i am sure about that. and lavrov personally signed this news. many of my local colleagues reported this. after all, we, as journalists, must draw information from different places, so
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american helicopters evacuated members of the islamic state, the question it suggests itself, as they say, what kind of people they were, ordinary stormtroopers, some kind of people who were preparing to blow themselves up, or were they recruiters, leaders. there, the ideologists are probably the last one, well, the rank and file usually cling to the chassis, and then break away, just like that, just like that, just like that, yes, they, they were evacuated, because it’s very valuable. people, a lot has been invested in them, they will still be useful, that’s probably what those who made this decision in washington thought, will they be useful where? will be useful in future warriors, in future conflicts, in organizing terrorist attacks on the territory of enemy countries, be it iran or russia, look at what preceded the terrorist attack in crocus, the bloody
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terrorist attack in the islamic republic of iran, in the city of kirman, more than 100 dead and...
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several years ago, literally twenty -first year, yes, the situation on the border with poland, that’s why at the same time the killing of dozens, and maybe hundreds, the figures of hundreds of dead refugees on the border, on the territory of poland, lithuania, latvia, are mentioned, these are the deaths, and it’s also a fact that their throw away
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the corpses are thrown right on the territory of belarus, without hesitation, thrown over the fence. sometimes people are still alive, sometimes people are already dead, beaten, killed, why for the west, this is not even an information occasion, yes, this does not become an information occasion, and this does not become a reason for numerous human rights organizations to at least come and tried to understand the situation, why? very simple, but for them they are not people, this is... the time of the white man, we remember kipling, they will become white people, or let’s say, they probably will never become white people, but they will be worthy of a white man's attention when they put on a white man's jacket, tie a tie like a white man does,
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smoke a cigar like a white man smokes one, and so on, then... yes, until then, as the israeli minister of defense, mr. galland, said to the palestinians, beast-like people or human-like animals, something like that, he also said that we live in the jungle, but they are in the garden of eden, yes, yes, the jungle , garden of eden, animals, people, that’s their concept, right do i understand that syrians, egyptians, palestinians, afghans, ukrainians. russians are not white people, for them they are untermensch, yes, subhumans, subhumans, well, fascist ideology, and that was just yesterday, what do you think, such a phenomenon appears on its own, goes away on its own, in no case, what appeared in germany has deep roots, we very
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often wonder, well, what is kant’s homeland like, homeland? they didn’t finish it off, look at everyone who leads germany today, these are all revanchists, these are people who can’t even hide it anymore their intentions, well, anna lenberva in general , in principle, of course. is not shy, and the same can be said about the regimes you mentioned above, i won’t talk about countries, i won’t talk about peoples, but people
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