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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

3:05 am
uh, not for large spaces, so to speak, performances, now going to the theater, professional searches, then competitions, this played a big role, i was preparing for competitions from the third year, we had an emphasis on this, i think that this very correct, because when a student prepares for a competition, he mobilizes, of course, this is very ska in my, so to speak, student life, from the third year i was already preparing for one competition, for the second, for the third i won several of them, that is well that was it these are the steps, steps, steps. in fact, that’s why opera singing, because that’s how i somehow rowed there all the way deliberately, you know, when the news that the order was signed, that i became the people’s artist of belarus, it’s interesting, that is, it’s from the chat for i heard our opera because my colleagues immediately, someone, someone saw it all, i didn’t know, really, that’s all, suddenly, all of a sudden, the phone rang, in short... so i saw a bunch congratulations,
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they already started writing a bunch, well, when they published this on the website, which was assigned rank, the order was signed, you know, of course, it’s very nice, firstly, it’s nice, because such a reaction was warm, i don’t even know about myself, well, well, well, i’ll think about it, wow, well what to do next, that’s all now, now they’ll start asking, come on, well, you already have to do everything now, i don’t know what’s there? what else is there to sing above all or something, that is, well, some kind of feeling is a little not very clever, but it was very pleasant, of course, from the number of congratulations from colleagues, first of all, because i too i’m saying that this is very important, when you feel well balanced with the team, your friends, with creative colleagues, and i would be very pleased to hear warm words and not, well, sincerely, you know, that is, well, not not on duty some kind of... something like this with warmth, from the orchestra,
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the guys, from the choir artists, well, all the services, so i went for 3-4 days, and it just turned out so very interesting, that is, in different there are moments, it was just when we were preparing for the concert on july 3, here the whole theater was buzzing, a lot of people and a lot of calls from tv channels, an invitation, it was very nice, very, well, of course, it’s nice when you want your work, i mean, well... by and large , they’ve been working in minsk not so long ago, that is, 16 seasons, well this is a lot, but people of 30 work 40 in one theater, in our theater there are such singers, so i was very pleased, of course, that such a fairly short period of time, i was so well and received medals for one title and a second one well, that is, it’s such a pleasure to have attention to your person, as they say, but i certainly didn’t sit on the sofa, as they say.
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in order for this to happen, i worked, and i was very pleased that this work was, well, appreciated, that it reached, as they say, the public, so the state, so to speak, also paid attention to my work, very nice. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. what was the name of the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's exit from the first world war? what do you
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think? i chose the brez world option. the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, this is the tenth grade, we just recently took our exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva with an elongated body and lumpy skin resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles. we also thought here, we have several options, please, your guess, we had a cockchafer, we had a god's box, so we hope we will have three points, their erudition. any adult will be jealous, is it true that an adult normally has four fangs? denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, you can do a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and... even
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more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects. which will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
3:11 am
well, i was born in a distant siberian, small town, but very famous in the city of tobolsk, famous for the decembrists there. it is called in belarus, in the city of grodno, which i love very much, so my parents moved there, because they were becoming individuals in such a way that, let’s say, they were offered a job, that is, they are musicians, of course, for me too, well, this is not naturally, probably not for all people, or rather naturally, but dad, mom, conductors,
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dad, conductor of a folk orchestra, mom , conductor of a choir, a very musical family, well , i... ran away from music, not far, however, in my childhood, so to speak, they tried to instill in me somehow towards music, well, i survived the first two years, but then tears, tears, demands for some kind of freedom, well , in short, my parents gave up and let me go free, and, of course, to music, that is, i didn’t study music professionally as a child, music school didn’t was finished, but now i remember how... how my my my childhood was formed, really thanks to my mother, probably because she was a very big fan of the theater in general at that time, i remember that a wonderful stage opened just in the eighties, a new building , the new stage of the grodno drama theatre, which is now shown very often, everyone
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is used to it, but i still remember those times when it was just some hill and when these walls were just starting and being built , so my mother bought a subscription to this theater, of course, at first i’m not very good, but... then, well, this is how important it is, it’s important, so to speak, that your parents, that the people you probably meet in life, that they be persistent in these things, i don’t know, in the sentence in the sentence of the required book in slipping into this is that we went it was like a subscription to the theater once a month was like this, that is, we came to the theater together once a month, always watched some performance, at first of course it’s still resistance from the child there twelve-year-old, eleven-year-old, but then i still subconsciously, i remember this feeling when...
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somewhere in the corner, either drawing, or running there, or playing something with these students during a break, that is, well naturally, i still listened to a lot of music, i moved in these creative circles all the time, and what a wonderful city it is, well, i wouldn’t say that it’s of some kind of western type, but it really is like that, if anyone has been there and knows , then this is the center of uh, this old architecture has been preserved, these streets are small, i really like them i love and come when they always walk, i remember my youth, my childhood, i grew up regardless of whether you want it or not, i don’t care, brother, professional musician, father, mother, naturally, the whole environment, friends, acquaintances, then there is, well, i heard
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music everywhere, all the same, academic, classical, and apparently, it sank very deeply into the subconscious, well, then, when i came to the theater, i came to the music school, then in the conference there were some harmonies, that is, well, this what was inherited, what he calls, i easily learned, easily entered into some, i don’t know, games were given to me there, i didn’t have to sit there for a long time, gouging it out, it all quickly fell on my ears, it was all quite fun and easy for me to happen, that is, i didn’t have to overcome any, i i felt good in this matter, my wife, she’s a loner, she’s also my... i don’t know, friend, comrade, colleague, well, we met
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on one of the first days of the entrance exams to the odessa conservatory, and since then, in general, we started studying together at our desks, then together all the excerpts from the opera studio, well, in the morning until the night, so to speak, well, probably this is how you need to check, probably the person with whom you are going to live your life, then you need to keep busy for a long, long, long time. great, we really, well, i felt that this was my person, that i would be comfortable, so how logical it was, completely
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from what was happening, i proposed, we decided to get married, all this happened, and then, here are the children, my children and they are also part of this theater, because my eldest was jumping, lord, it seems like it was just yesterday, just like that she was running now she’s already 19 years old and a big girl. well, evgenia anegina also popped up for the kids in the opera studio, tatiana wants to say, evgenia negina was working on a play, well, our children's opera studio, well , the youngest one too, pinocchio, pops up here , i'm busy with the scene in the love potion, well, theater children too, theater children also grew up here behind the scenes, zhenya, well , the eldest daughter, she was here a lot at one time, then she had a break when she came after three... 4 years, almost no one is here finds out, she’s already such a young lady, she ’s straight, i’m mom, i need it, i, where,
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where is all this, all these reactions, well, everything is there, oh, how you’ve grown, how you’ve grown , yes, so that’s what can be said about my family, that this is an absolutely theatrical family, as they say, well, i’m different in the family, it happens, it happens, and this one, if suddenly, some... the prince of me is not came out to the end or some scary baron, then i can and oh, something like that, well, that’s me, i’m generally an easy-going, kind person by and large account, well, well, emotional, like any artist, probably, it happens that sometimes something like this at home, well, children, children are children, you shout at someone, shout something, and then you go in, you suffer for 2 days , that somehow it wasn’t worth it, probably, well , well, i, i, i... i want to be, uh, a strict, disciplining dad, but it doesn’t work out,
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because in general, by nature, i’m probably not that kind of person, so for a long time, like cult leopold, remember, i can’t be angry for long, kind, i’m terrible, something like this everything happens, well, success in such a way, you know how, success seems to me, this is the state when, because if we talk about local ones, that is, in the moment of just applause after the performance, of course a very pleasant moment, but it is for the artist t is so short, because as a rule, it’s still if everything hasn’t cooled down yet, it’s still flying, flying, everything, and you go out only later, you know, there is still such a moment, this is also allegorical, but this is also the price of success, here , these are the flowers, these are the colleagues, applause, the hall is full, everything is sparkling, and you go into the dressing room, take off your costume, take off your makeup, you come out, here you go, here you go, here you go, this scene is sorted out in just two or three seconds, it’s empty again, the hall is empty, it’s already
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dark, and you’re literally still here, you were prince igor, and you’re all coming out, and you’re stanislav trifonov, everything’s an ordinary person, that’s all, it’s necessary and this state hasn’t left you yet from the performance, everything’s already empty, everything’s already empty then the next one is being edited, something else is happening and this moment is pleasant, but he’s like that... and the relationship inside the shop is valuable, it warms you every day, it helps every day, or makes you think every day, so when you have this, when you feel that you - well you have the respect of your colleagues in the shop, this is a big deal for me, at least, it means, i think, for any artist, because we know,


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