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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 3:50am-4:51am MSK

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traveling is an opportunity to try something new, string, motherwort, but...
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phantom, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant, well, this too, this is a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation, and of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and use two handles and beat it, hard. there’s nothing wrong here, look at the project , the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel, do you think loneliness is scary? are you afraid of loneliness? and
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i’m afraid of loneliness on a global scale, and sometimes i wish for temporary loneliness, i’m the kind of person for whom it’s important to create alone, but at the same time i’m one of those people who cares, but... not really an assessment, it’s important that the fruit my creation was heard, seen, heard, depending on the form of creativity. therefore , to answer your question, i am afraid of being completely alone in the global sense, but sometimes i want to close myself off and just spend quality time alone. with any famous
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personalities you would like to meet in life and what would you ask them? you know, i now find myself in a very strange situation, it’s not even that i don’t know what to answer, i’m thinking about how important it is for me. to meet with a famous person, you know, it is much more valuable for me to meet with a person, with a person who was a discovery for me, who opened something for me, it will be extremely difficult to name them by name, because i name all of them. ..
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there is not just one specific person, there are many of them, but what i would like to ask, i would like definitely outside the sight of television cameras in a closed environment, in one, well, literally one -on-one, ask, where did you find your strength, what is your strength, and please tell us about your very first performance? you know, honestly, i don’t remember exactly the first performance, i honestly don’t remember, but i can tell you about the performance, the first performance at school, that same notorious line, the day of knowledge on september 1, and i’m little, i’m 7 years old and i... understand what's going on, why so
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many people are here, why - somehow, well, i i already had experience performing, but somehow , well, i’m still not used to such attention, everything that could shake was shaking, and as i remember now, i sang the song first-grader, first-grader, you have today holiday, well, in the end, of course, everything was trembling for me, i was just worried as much as possible, i sang everything in such a thin voice, probably even a little higher than the treble, it’s a beautiful day, let’s continue, the next sector is the yellow sector, on the right from you. in shows like faktor byy there can be a lot of criticism from people, who watch them, how do you feel about criticism? you know, criticism comes in different forms, unfortunately, not so much me, but my mother, had the chance to read the comments, i am
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very upset for her, because well, she should not have read some of the comments. which she read, why do i say right away starting with the bad, because the bad is the least, but, unfortunately, it is most visible, but there were also a lot of good comments, and i am grateful to everyone who contributed a piece of their soul, invested to this comment, but to all the angry commentators i want. only one thing, guys, everything you write will come back to you sooner or later, unfortunately, so if you just want to take out your anger, please, i’ll just put up with it, i may not read it, but other guys will read it, who are just
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starting to even think about going to sing and so on, and your comments like a charity event, this is not in my garden, a stone is not in my garden, we... i, the mentor, the whole factorby team, we know that we walked together, you don’t even know a tenth of it, i don’t really understand why in general, to write something like this, if you are offended for your favorite, then write warm words to him, the simple fact is that i myself sing , it’s kind of hard to take criticism, can i sing for you, and you’ll kind of appreciate it, come on, will you still love me when i'm no longer young and beautiful, well you still love me when i'm not nothing but my heck and soul i know you will, i know you will, i know
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that it will, well you still love me when i'm no longer. thank you very much, applause, and now the word to mentor daniil savenev, did you like the performance? i have only one, one big request for you, when you sing an english song, or rather, well, one request and such a sub-request, when when you sing an english song, always study the meaning of that song in translations. and in different ways, but pay attention to what you sing about, what you sing, and about the performance, it’s clear that you ’re worried now, but you have musical abilities, you have a sense of melodies, you
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have, ah, the intonations are quite pure, if you correct them a little, they will be perfect... intonation, just don’t be afraid of anything, go forward and look only at those who can really give you something. can you name your three positive qualities? what kind of friend do you think you are? you know, well, let my friends judge this, i
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don’t think that i can objectively evaluate myself, well, first of all... the first quality is the courage to resist the insults. this is responsiveness and willingness to help, this is one and the same thing, in general, and this is the ability to convey the truth in such a way that it does not hurt, but is a kind of beacon on which should be oriented. hello danik, my name is katya. who or why do you miss the most at the factor? you know, kat,
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i miss the factor itself, i miss that atmosphere, i miss the evenings when he comes before the broadcast... wants everything, and you are tuned in to the performance that will take place very soon, i miss the opportunity sometimes go to the pts, mobile television studio and communicate with dear guys who are professionals in their field and... good, open people, i definitely
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i miss these rehearsals, i miss the time we spent on the belarus film, we did one thing, and it was felt, everyone... was focused on the result of a beautiful fairy tale. hi dani, my name is philip. what were you like during adolescence? during puberty , i was unbearable because i always wanted to prove something to someone, i always wanted to. explain to people that i'm smarter than everyone else, but thank god
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it's slowly going away, but it was a good time, because at this time we, this time one of those times when you, this is a period when there is a colossal increase in creative energy. when you don’t look back at what they will say about you, when you don’t yet know and don’t look back at the fact that the emphasis in a word may be different and so on, and that’s great, it’s a cool age, so i understand that you, give or take , are all either already in adolescence or approaching it. create, dare, love, i don’t know, just do whatever
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you want, because at this age you, well, the most real thing, perhaps, so, but do you think that a song can change the world, for example, stop war or violence, maybe. of course, the song appeared much earlier than writing, the song was at the origins of the birth of this world, one of the most important songs, i everyone, here is your homework, you all weren’t in class, but that means you will have homework from me, since i have a role here the mentor suggested listening to the song.
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which sounds in the heads of everyone, absolutely everyone, the military who are there, us. and there are other songs, there are songs that lift, literally lift people out of bed and make them move, there are also many such songs, thank god, they exist, and we can hear them, including from our
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television screens and radio broadcasts, broadcasts , this is great! nowadays, many different programs and competitions are filmed in the world, but not all the winners of them turn out to be famous people. are you afraid that people will forget you? many people don’t know who wrote the song “my dear kut”. many people don't know who wrote it. uh, such a wonderful song, like, for example, the city, which does not exist, unfortunately, this is how it happened that our authors are mentioned in passing, or they are some impersonal authors, my answer is that the main thing is that people
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catch the meaning of the song, catch the meaning and carry it further, so that they ... they remembered at least a line from the text and did not forget it literally after a month or two. this is what i and every other artist should strive for. i have one more question: uh, what is your biggest fear? well, i don’t think that the fear of death is super global. fear is what is inherent in of a person, but the most global fear is, the most important global fear is to lose the person in you, to forget about what it is and to do bad things, this is perhaps the most global fear, and we turn around, danil, 180°. next question from
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the purple sector, dani, hello, my name is dasha, can i ask you to sing? in general , you can ask, of course, you know, let me perform everyone’s favorite song by the unforgettable yura shatunov, by the way, that’s how many songs, probably well, 20-30 years old, but absolutely everyone knows it, only everyone knows it let's sing along, not only sing, i don't know what to say to you when we meet, i can't find even a couple of words, and the evening is short, and
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the evening is short, will soon become the night. on the youths, and not a long evening, and not a long evening, will become the dark night of spring, the moaning night again, only i trust it, you know, today i am the night, you are all my secrets. but even you can’t help and your darkness is completely, completely useless to me alone .
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this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired. daniel, now you have to choose the best question of this program. it was question: what superpower would you like to acquire for yourself? who is the author of the questions? what is your name? what grade and school are you in? my name is alice. i am a student of the tenth b-grade of secondary school no. 54. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site. this is for you, thank you
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very much for your question, thank you very much, thank you, daniil, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. it is believed that children should not lie, but... now i would like to understand how honest are children with us, dear guys, and what does love for your country mean to you? eh, it seems to me that love for one’s country means loving it, and never betraying or selling it. i believe that love for your country is... when you are proud of the people, culture, proud of the history of this country, the past, when you are proud that you are part of this country,
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it seems to me that love for the country is when you are ready to give everything in order to preserve it, for me, love for your homeland is wherever you end up, wherever you go got there, remember this; at some point you can return to where you grew up. where you appeared to remember these wonderful moments, for me this is love. daniel, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. a short forgiveness. be happy, love and be loved. thank you. so, the winner of the third season of the show factor. daniil saveni, today's guest on the program is 100 questions for adults. i'm waiting for you, daniel, at the entrance to the site. daniel, what question was the most difficult for you? what kind of
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famous person would i like to meet and what would i like ask her? what surprised you about the children? the children surprised me with their interest in their depth and their own. devotion, today you managed to answer 44 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? of course, i am addressing our audience, do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today, whoever thinks so, raise your hand, i believe that danik was completely honest with us, because he answered all our questions, danik : gave me the impression of being so kind, sweet, a sympathetic person who always lends his shoulder, i liked the show with
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him, he answered each question differently, and i noticed that in every question that he was asked, he saw that he was interested in answering correctly and honestly , is there anyone in the audience? who thinks that daniel was a little cunning in answering some questions. raise a hand. well, daniel, you captivated our audience today. daniil, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. i am delighted, amazed, surprised, delighted that i was able to talk to such sensitive, kind children like you? that children are literally the voice of the country, a reflection of its essence. thank you all, guys, for your
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sincerity, for your honesty, and be healthy, the winner of the third season of the show factor by daniil savenya was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next episode! eight-time champion of belarus, marina slutskaya. has the belarusian education system developed sufficiently in recent years or is there no limit to perfection? have you ever? use your sports skills not on the tatami, you lost your father early, they say that time heals, in your case it is so, it is generally accepted that?
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athletes don’t have bad habits, but what about you? at what points do you allow yourself to be weak? i really want to learn how to defend myself, can you show me a couple of effective techniques? 100 questions for an adult: we grab the hand, oops, that’s it, the person has fallen.
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the white people of the sir's fantasies were seen, we all know.
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loving mochi, pradino, all our belarus, our beloved mother hailed, live forever, friendship of peoples. our people were victorious, stinking marches, our creation was heard in the clear yaba, probable, holy joys, the layers of our earth, a bright day.
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imam of belarus, our beloved, live panorama in the studio elena
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nasacheva, hello, new appointment in the ministries and the local vertical, the president held personnel monday, what was emphasized and what tasks were set for the appointees, details to come. poland does not give up hope to start. nuclear arsenal, the warsaw dictator duda announced his intention to deploy american nuclear missiles on his territory in time to respond to all new threats, how the delegates of the supreme council approach the main political event and how they are preparing for it in the palace of the republic, we will tell you: my colleagues will complement the picture of the day: working monday on at the palace of independence we talked with everyone about the prospects: the president received the governor of the arkhangelsk region and signed a number of personnel appointments within belarus, two new ones at once:
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new approaches to regulation entrepreneurial activity and a new business structure, the president signed the law, the innovations of the document will be commented on by experts. our democracy is ours. tradition, why the vns can be considered a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in its sovereign history, a new status and new functions, why westerners generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make together, we’ll tell you today. a new week and a new cyclone, most of the country is at the mercy of snowfalls, heavy and steamy wind and rain, which provoke flooding on washed out sections of highways , are eliminated. details in the panorama. busy monday program at the palace of independence. the president signed a number of
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personnel decisions. there are 16 names on the list of appointees, including two positions as heads of ministries. time has chosen us, the president will say, the year will not be easy. both politically and economically. new people will move to the region. three chairmen of agriculture committees and deputies will head individual districts; understanding people are needed on earth. ambassador belarus in brazil will return to minsk for an increase, and another movement towards minsk. doctors from the mogilev region will become the new deputy ministers of health. when addressing the leaders of local authorities, you are the presidents of these territories, this is how the appointee alexander lukashenko will outline the terms of reference, but the responsibility will also be proportionate. the nuances of katerina kortalevich’s personnel day. the red hall and the president's office, everyone knows, if the press service is declared in the language of a journalist at these specific points, it will be a personnel appointment. new people, most of them are going through the procedure for the first time, and are as restrained and collected as possible, even
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if the appointment is just one step up, not to mention drastic changes in their career. i understand that we need it quickly.
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yes, the powers have changed, but within the same framework. for example, right there at the table are people whose lives have simply turned 180°. igor burmistrov, from assistant commander of the internal troops, became chairman of the novopolotsk city executive committee. this option is very interesting, because military people graduate at a fairly young age. military service, and army men, internal troops, and others, and sit out. at home somehow this is not for them, and i still want to try, but i
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am convinced that military people will cope with civilian work, novopolovo is a difficult region, you know that it is not easy, so i really expect that you will not just , due to your such a tough character, this is necessary, but somewhere softer you will get into the swing of things and take control of everything related to functioning. enterprises and people of novopolotsk, i will only hear good things about your work, but i will definitely be in novopolotsk, i’ll look at this option for personnel appointments. to understand this circuit , at first glance it can work like a clock. according to the law, for example, a colonel, no matter what type of army, retires at 50. this is precisely the managerial age. can everyone be a civilian manager after the realities of war? of course not. but anyone who is ready to understand the situation can obviously bring
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a lot of useful information from the training ground to the offices, that region, well, it’s not a stranger to me, i already served there once with people, how would i i know him there, the people there are very hardworking, so all the tasks set by the president will be completed, three in all, the chairman of the committee, dmitry kadrgulov, the heads of the department.
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force for the development of the east of the magerevo
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region, which also exposes its time to the chernobyl attack. it is desirable that, especially in kostyukovich, there are more opportunities, so that this would be an indicative area for us. bcz is a belarusian cement plant, one of three in the country, now the city-forming plant in kostyukovichi, they sell very well at russia, and they want to repeat this experience in other projects; everything that they are going to launch as production has a market in advance. before this, vyacheslav maksachov was deputy chairman for construction; his promotion was in tune with the interests of the region. these are projects for the production of metal products from thin sheet metal. we are already implementing them . an investment agreement has been concluded, this project will be implemented, deadlines have been set. the general conclusion is to work carefully with people; first of all, you need to listen to everything and make a decision quickly. alexander lukashenko will precisely determine the level of powers of local authorities with a general course understandable to everyone. it is necessary to manage large teams, you
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have certain territories in your area of ​​responsibility, please do not forget that you are presidents in these territories, in cities or areas of cities and regional centers, the work will not be easy, it is a political year, you know this very well, and many questions will have to be asked in general, it’s up to the men to decide,
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talk to them separately in the office. you know where you are going, one second. as for the ministry of justice is always very serious there was a ministry, you worked all the time in relevant positions, especially recently in the presidential administration,
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you had to not only deal with, but partly manage, manage some processes in this ministry together. take control over the planting of trees, as i say, on road slopes, on inaccessible areas, ditches and so on, a tree can grow anywhere, and in 80 years it will be good timber that our children can use, and also look for oil in subsoil - this is also a task for the new
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leadership of the ministry of natural resources, the appointment today of one of the most harsh rumors, the head of the administration of the zavodsky district of minsk becomes a minister.
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as for the standardization committee, its head is now a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor elena morgunova, behind her there is a quality mark for everything that concerns the state standards, difficult detailed things with tough competitive games, so the president will ask: you are not afraid of this work, well, thank god, standardization is a serious issue for us, including...
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projects, developing trade with russian regions, with some of them there is no end to work in these directions, especially at the ends
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of the earth. judging by the trade turnover figures, arkhangelsk is one of these areas that has been little explored for us, but the harsh russian north will not be an obstacle for the allies, our president is convinced of this. alexander lukashenko today held talks with the governor of the arkhangelsk region and called for not limiting himself to targeted projects, but to move towards a road map of cooperation as a whole.
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equipment from the heaviest to passenger flagship direction there is a need for region and in large forestry machines. amkador is ready to present an alternative to western
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brands that have left the russian market. the president noted that along with supplies, it is important to organize warranty service, we can also do this. another area of ​​joint work is the modernization of industrial enterprises in the region: belarusian machines and equipment can be a good help, but the president called organizing the transshipment of our goods a strategic task. opportunities of the archangel.
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opportunities for transshipment of export cargo, we we know the specifics of the port infrastructure of arkhangelsk, it is not intended, unfortunately, for our main export product of rut fertilizers, which is 15 million tons, your specialization, containers, general cargo, in this you may be of interest to our timber and metal products producers, but competition in on this issue...
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i am sure that in the near future the arkhangelsk port will be very interesting for belarusian exporters, since, in accordance with the decision of the government of the russian federation, we are starting a project for the development of arkhangelsk transport hub, a new deep-water area of ​​the arkhangelsk port will be built, which of course will significantly increase the volume of cargo transshipment, but today we have up to 5 million additional opportunities to transship through our port. in the near future. but in general, despite constant western criticism, belarus has preserved all key sectors of the economy, the president emphasized. this is what gives results today, allowing us to cooperate
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with our partners in a variety of areas . presidium who has already nominated their candidates? many things will happen for the first time, for example, vladislav bondar will tell you about elections and how voting will be organized. never again seems to be the best description of the upcoming seventh vns. once again, the hall will be occupied by experienced politicians, our recently elected deputies, the shield of the country - the military, those who feed us, treat us, someone's colleagues and neighbors. belarus is different, and different voices
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will be heard again, but this is what has never happened, this is so much. will be heard in the future, do everything possible and impossible to ensure that our the state has laid peace and tranquility to develop harmoniously. the meeting place is still the palace of the republic, but the difference from the people’s meeting itself will only be partly, the powers of the delegates are wider and wider, and so that the participants do not get confused on such a scale, their own logistics have been developed. from the new delegates, they will have to choose their
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presidium, chairman izam. additional places for secret voting. they are already setting up, taking into account the number of participants , nine platforms at once; a separate small hall will house the counting commission, everything is public and transparent, will change the appearance of the main hall, absolutely everything is checked from technological systems and ending with the same scenography on the stage, this year, by the way, it will also look completely new, there will be a completely different approach, these are different led screens, this is a completely different style , with the presidium, during the voting , the delegates will decide on...
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many things will be for the first time, the country is in anticipation, maybe that’s why even the weather in belarus is so excited at the start of the week that it’s definitely not out of the blue, the rebirth of the people’s meeting, it took a long time to get to this point, the first step was an amendment to the constitution, then we all decided to undergo political perestroika, but in such a way as not
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to destroy, but to build on the already laid bricks and... there is a tool in their hands, read as ours, in the face delegates that will occupy these 1,162 seats by midweek. vladislav bunder, yulia alferova, veronika buta and dmitry chumak, the television news agency will take on one of the main roles in the implementation of the tasks that will be set by the all-belarusian people's assembly. between the two chambers there is a constructive interaction, but there is still work to be done. this was discussed today at a working meeting of the council of the house of representatives with the presidium. council of the republic. the main direction of activity is legislative, and here it is necessary for specialized commissions to work more closely, it is necessary to take international cooperation to a new level, to work , including with alternative forces of foreign countries that advocate a multipolar world of ideals on equal terms. another task is to develop a unified strategy for working in the information field and, of course, continue working with the population in a variety of formats.
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the main conclusion of the meeting is that in order to achieve its goals, the parliament must be united. the team is definitely the delegates of the supreme council, people with an active life position, they have already formulated a range of proposals for themselves: 10 delegates will come from the brest region, these are people of different ages and professions. among them is an officer of the brez paratroopers brigade, dmitry beletsky. about the issues of preserving history, peace and security, about the vision of the future and the ideas with which he goes to the people's meeting with him victoria radevich spoke. probably the main ideas on behalf of young people, i believe, are that in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders, we should pay more attention to veterans. now we can see everything perfectly. we know very well that western countries are trying to rewrite history and present the great patriotic war in a completely different way, in order to rewrite history. we will not allow this to happen and we can
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say with confidence that on the territory of the republic of belarus there are monuments to soviet soldiers who died during the great patriotic war will not be demolished, already this year we started the patriotic marathon of the holy great victory, we have already visited several veterans and... and for us it is a great honor that we can still communicate live with these people and hear from the first source the information, the life experience that he experienced during the war and the post-war period. now there is a lot of talk about how the situation at our borders is deteriorating, you, as a military man, understand what is happening in world, in your opinion, what security issues should countries raise and consider first of all? first of all, the task of each of us is to do so. in order to maintain peace in the country, there will be peace, we will live in peace, raise children, work, concrete steps are already being taken, very high-quality work is being carried out, in my opinion, on
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military-patriotic education of youth, an updated concept of national security and military doctrine will be approved , in your opinion, how in this direction a lot of work has been done and has everything been taken into account taking into account modern realities, for the first time in the history of sovereign belarus, when approving these important strategic... get acquainted with the projects and when approving, if somewhere, again, you notice some kind of shortcoming or want to correct it, you can raise your hand, go to the microphone and voice it, we are not meeting
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to raise our hand, but to discuss it; if any other proposals arise, they can be voiced. since the military academy, you have dedicated yourself completely military affairs, but what made you nominate yourself as a delegate to the supreme national assembly? i can simply say that i am a person with an active lifestyle . and i am the secretary of the brsm of the thirty -eighth air assault brigade, that is , we constantly participate in some public events on a state scale, regional, city, we always receive some kind of feedback from young people, we can hear their initiatives, taking into account the fact that more than 80% of the brigade’s military personnel are young people, with initiatives from the brigade’s youth we can also take part in...


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