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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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voice, we are not gathering to raise our hands, but to discuss, if any other proposals arise, they can be voiced, starting from the military academy, you devoted yourself completely to military affairs, and what made you nominated as a delegate to vns? i can simply say that i am a person with an active life position and am the secretary of the brsm of the thirty -eighth air assault brigade, that is , we constantly participate in some kind of public events on a national scale, regional, city.
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consider it a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments of sovereign history, what happens if the state is unbalanced, the new status of the national assembly and new functions, why the kept women of the west generate negativity, and what decisions belarusians will make together, we will break down in understandable politics, watch today after the panorama.
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the president signed a law on business issues; it establishes an updated business architecture. according to the document , there are two categories dealing with entrepreneurial activity: firstly, legal entities are small organizations with
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up to 100 employees, medium ones up to 250 employees, large ones over 250 people. secondly, the category of individuals, which includes artisans, owners of agro-eco-estates, self-employed, and individual entrepreneurs. the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1; for those that are not included in the planned list, registration of new individual entrepreneurs will cease from october 1. also: installed the obligation to transfer existing individual entrepreneurs to a legal entity by january 1 of the twenty-sixth year, while a simplified procedure for transferring to commercial organizations is introduced for them with continuity in all rights and obligations to the budget and counterparties. the law provides for new types of financial support, including reimbursement from the budget of part of the capital costs when implementing investment projects using loans from the development bank. the right to receive financial state support for the subject is expanded. medium business. previously this
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the document was only available to small businesses. in other words, the state has created conditions to stimulate the transition of individual entrepreneurs to legal entities. according to relevant minister yuri chebatar, the law provides for the possibility of re-registration in just one day. in addition, additional support measures are prescribed. with the approval of the law , a number of, in principle, expected from entrepreneurship will be introduced and come into force, including. and regulators of innovations that will create additional conditions, first of all to scale up your business, we worked on exactly these in this direction so that businesses could increase their production, their trade, their services, thanks to the adopted law. first of all, we looked at creating conditions to stimulate the transition to a legal entity. for this purpose, a number of directions have been provided, and... the first direction is
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the possibility of re-registration as a legal entity literally in one day, and this is not just a technical re-registration for the future legal... all permitting documents in force at that time will remain, for example, certificates, licenses, and so on, including the opportunity to very quickly re-register, for example, your bank account. the second incentive measure is the preservation for such legal persons the possibility of simplified administration in various areas, well, conditionally it’s a matter. production can be introduced as before, and the third was provided, again, in order to stimulate the transition to the category of legal persons, additional support measures. experts from the department of
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entrepreneurship spoke in more detail about the incentives for transferring from individual entrepreneurs to wurlitz, and they named deadlines after which the work of some individual entrepreneurs will be illegal. irina, let’s start, perhaps, with the most important thing: the signed document, does it promise the business a reduction in the administrative burden, or, on the contrary, does it force the business into a certain and more stringent framework? first of all, we were aimed at making certain business conditions simpler, clearer and more accessible. essentially a new document builds a new business structure. thus, with the entry into force of the bill, small businesses will be realized.
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relevant local executive administrative bodies, when a citizen has already registered a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the bill in no way prevents the continuation of activities. the only nuance that needs to be borne in mind is that the individual entrepreneurial activities of citizens must now be correlated with the corresponding lists of activities that will approved by the government. in the very near future, the ministry of economy, together with relevant government agencies, will begin actively.
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about some basic principles that we laid as the basis for our work when we formed the corresponding pilot lists, but first of all these are issues of competition, yes, because it is no secret that today we have the same type of activity can be implemented in different
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hypostases, it can be a self-employed person, it can be an individual an entrepreneur, it can be a legal entity, but in particular, i already mentioned hairdressing services today, this is the most popular example, right? when, in essence, one type of activity, it is implemented in slightly different conditions, in fact, the same commercial organizations complain that when this is some kind of individual provision of services, then the competitive field is somewhat distorted, and therefore, well, first of all, this is a question competition, and most importantly, of course, we were guided by regional interest, and in order to maintain regional balance, and preserve jobs that have been created in the regions. the level of wages, therefore, when there was a preliminary discussion, then, for example, now, well, we understand that the pilot lists contain actually this type of activity will remain, this is retail trade, these are passenger transportation services,
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these are some kind of construction work that do not require such very serious technological training, and also very... at the time of the discussion of this bill, they wrote a lot about microorganizations, they say infringe on their rights, what is your answer? let me remind you that micro-organizations are commercial organizations with up to 15 people. and so for this category of commercial organizations there really were certain relaxations in the regulatory sphere, which somewhat distinguished their mode of operation from other organizations, that is , this category was positioned as such a kind of start and acceleration for the formation of a legal entity itself, and so the bill has a provision in it that says: that legislative acts, in principle, the entire legislation of the country,
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they should be focused on the fact that for an organization, but now with a number of up to 50 people, inclusive, a regime of functioning must be created that would not differ from the one that currently exists not only for micro-organizations, but also for individual entrepreneurs, and in the event of a fork between the established regimes , the best one will be chosen from the point of view of the business entity. thus, in essence, we are not narrowing down this, well, let’s say such a peculiar privileged category, on the contrary , we are significantly expanding it, and here it must be said that there are no analogues to this mode of functioning of business entities, in fact , our neighbors may offer some new support measures to those already existing today and at least three new instruments are being added to the usual business entities , this is an opportunity to take advantage of: guarantees for loan obligations of business entities, this is
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an instrument such as grants from funds local budgets, that is, this is free, non-repayable financial assistance; there is also another form of financial support called investment transfers, that is, this is an opportunity to receive compensation for the money that was invested in an investment project, while this money was previously received from the funds development bank, and besides...
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this is the time before which you can, in such a calm, absolutely mode, decide on the further format of your work, yes, this is december 31, 2025, if after this date, yes, individual the entrepreneur continues a type of activity that is not named in the list of permitted types, then such activity is prohibited on the territory of the republic of belarus. all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership in minsk, a meeting took place
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between the chairman of the house of representatives and the chinese delegation led by the deputy head of the international department of the central committee of the communist party of china. igor sergeenko noted that cooperation between belarus and china is based on mutual respect, political trust, strong friendship between the president of belarus, the chairman of the people's republic of china, as well as the peoples of the two states. the conversation between belarusian and chinese representatives turned out to be thorough. chairman of the people's republic of china sidin pinnya, our relations with the president of the republic of belarus are developing very dynamically, progressively, first of all, economic cooperation, investment interaction is developing, trade between the two countries exceeded $8 billion, grew
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by more than 34%. these are very good indicators. cooperation between legislative authorities of belarus and china. one of the most important elements of our social policy, which receives great attention, is the protection and support of veterans. by may 9, 8,400 people will receive financial assistance. on the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the german fascist invaders. the amounts have been significantly increased , almost doubling. thus , disabled participants of the great patriotic
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war, as well as those who participated in battles against the japanese army, will receive 4.0 rubles each. awarded orders and medals of the ussr for. selfless work and impeccable military service in the rear and other citizens for merit in wartime are provided with 2,000 rubles. family members of military personnel who went missing, as well as former prisoners of fascism, will receive a thousand rubles each. this year , 10.5 million rubles will be allocated for financial assistance to veterans. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4. all payments will be accompanied by ceremonial celebrations of veterans and congratulations that will take place throughout. country with wide participation of public associations, youth, children, students, since we understand that , unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer veterans, of course, for young people, it is especially very important to hear these living, so to speak, testaments, advice, which, i am sure, the memories of which they will carry through into
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their lives . veterans in belarus are supported not only on the eve of holidays, but throughout the year. social services, youth, and volunteers help meet the basic needs of older people in cleaning living quarters, local areas, repairs and ensuring safety. having gone through a difficult path formation, today belarus is a guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of democratic principles of the planned development of society and the state. this is how the belarusian people created the state. we walked step by step towards a strong and prosperous country and repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation. how it happened, see tomorrow in the tv news agency's project on the right to independence. our country is once again becoming a second home for the children for a while. belarus organizes holidays for more than 400 children from egypt, china, kyrgyzstan, laos, syria and uzbekistan. they
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will stay at the belarusian health center zubrenok. the corresponding order was signed by president alexander. children will undergo a medical examination, receive the necessary sanatorium-resort treatment, and visit cultural events and iconic historical sites in minsk and the regions. the peaceful intentions of belarus are still out of sight of the west. poland does not give up hope of acquiring a nuclear arsenal. the warsaw dictator, in an interview with the newspaper fakt, announced his intention place american nuclear missiles on its territory. according to duda, warheads could be provided to poland under the program. us agreements with allied countries on the transfer, in case of military necessity , of nuclear weapons from american storage bases. allegedly, such negotiations have been going on for a long time. at the same time, duda showed some common sense and noted that he does not yet see an immediate threat of attack on his country from the territory of russia or belarus. in his opinion, this will definitely not
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happen in the next few years. it is noteworthy that a year ago poland condemned russia's decision to place nuclear weapons in belarus, but here. the united states will place nuclear missiles on its territory. then i received a refusal. however, judging by duda’s statement, they are not going to give up. let’s face it, the west continues to escalate the situation on our borders. one of the largest military exercises has started in lithuania, the perkūnas thunder maneuvers will last until may 10. the lithuanian army and government institutions are working out the transition from peacetime to wartime. the defense headquarters noted that more than 10,000 people received invitations to serve. in american and german brigades of over 500 military personnel, as well as almost 400 pieces of equipment, will also take part in the exercises. meanwhile, lithuania and poland are conducting exercises on the defense of the suwalki corridor, the area is located
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between our country and the kaliningrad region of russia, in addition to the nazi forces, contingents from the united states and portugal are involved in the maneuvers, only 2.0 military personnel each, as well as several hundred units of equipment. such regular, large-scale maneuvers require infrastructure modernization, as stated by the general director of lithuanian railways, terminal in vilniusėda. under nato cargo, this will ensure rapid transportation of alliance military equipment to the region. rivers and reservoirs overflow their banks on red roads , the road surface is washed away, and trees bend under the weight of snow caps. april continues to test everyone's strength, demonstrating her harsh and contrasting character. today the grodno region was covered with snow, and drivers had to cope with it. drifts on the roads, and power engineers quickly eliminate the consequences of broken power lines; in the south of the country, flooding has worsened situation, coastal areas are flooded in a number of regions of the gomel region, isolated
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cases were recorded in bressk and minsk regions. how long will the cyclone stay in belarus, weather forecast and news report about the rampant nature of ilya svitkov. literally 150 kilometers of the r-28 road at night. into the underwater highway. the torrential flow washed away part of the asphalt surface and destroyed the side of the road. the reason is a dam break near the village of pasynki, myadel district. work to eliminate the consequences began immediately. the emergency situations commission coordinated the action at the scene. on the site employs three pieces of equipment and more than ten people. the task is to eliminate damage in a short time. but the weather makes its own adjustments to the schedule for adding sand to restore the asphalt. covering is necessary in pouring rain and snowfall to help road services, traffic police inspectors, they explain to drivers the detour scheme, then we have road work going on,
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now on one section of the road, a detour has been organized, the detour is carried out through depastons, we are releasing, now cars are going with this side, then you will go, often in general you use this road all the time, the crossings of the frogs were seasonal, but their seasonal migration here is purely natural, so... never flooded, the asphalt-concrete surface was cut off, the road pavement was poured, we carry on, s5, we fill it up, we’re done roadworks to allow traffic to flow entirely into two lanes. at the moment, the detour sign for this section of the road has been removed, both lanes are open, traffic has started on a temporary surface, and in the near future the asphalt here will be completely replaced. because of heavy rainfall , the water level in reservoirs is constantly rising, this is how it looks now. veleiskoye reservoir, the water literally comes up to the roadway and gradually fills the forest that is nearby. the situation in the south of the country is even more complicated.
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the water level on pripyat near petrikov is 20 cm higher than the dangerous high mark; according to the ministry of emergency situations, flooding of coastal areas is observed in a number of areas of the gomel region in the brest region. thanks to close interaction with belhydromed, the ministry of emergency situations, receiving data on hazardous meteorological phenomena, analyze possible risks, what does this give us? firstly, the department of the ministry of emergency situations is in a state of high alert, if possible, all basements, which may contain some electrical appliances, valuables, all this must be moved to higher floors, in the west of the country there is a real return to winter, part of the grodno region today there was a snowstorm, the energy workers of the grodno region operative. power supply was restored, the most widespread outages due to wet snow sticking to the wires were recorded in ivyevsky and voronovsky districts. stormy wind, rain,
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sleet, all this was brought to our country by a new cyclone from the bryansk region. in the second half of april, cold weather set in, with precipitation often falling in the form of rain and sleet. snow at this time occurs approximately once, twice, 3 years. you will have to bundle up against the piercing wind at least until the end of the week. the rains will also not recede, it will be warm on the weekend. dry, sunny weather is forecast for sunday. ilya tsvetkov, grigory kristofovich, agency tv news. no vagaries of nature are an obstacle to warm friendship. we are strengthening cultural ties with tajikistan. the colorful evening at the belarusian state philharmonic society was timed to coincide with the spring holiday of navrus. we celebrated it with music and traditional treats. this is an initiative of the embassy of tajikistan. the symphony orchestra of the executive apparatus took part in the concert program. tell the republic of belarus
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that how we todik know how, what we can do and what we can do and what we have in our national dish, national clothes, we are not strangers to ourselves we feel here, we are at home, like a second homeland, according to their customs, they give their most festive clothes and go to each other, treat each other, congratulate each other on the holiday, with tajikistan we will of course develop our relations in all spheres of life. somewhere to help, somewhere to learn from them, so i think that a great bright future awaits us. friendly relations between minsk and dushan-be continue to strengthen, and in may i will get acquainted with the belarusian flavor in tajikistan. and this is the information picture of monday 22 april, sports news and weather forecast are ahead, right now the clear policy project about the upcoming all-belarusian meeting. new status of the supreme national assembly and new functions, and what decisions
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will belarusians make together? with this i say goodbye, all the best, happily. this is an understandable policy. hello, belarus is preparing to hold an all-belarusian people's assembly. the name itself seems to reflect both significance and scale. today the program is about why the new status of the site plays a special role in the fate of every belarusian. extra the structure requires a lot of expense. in general , there will be only officials in the room and no one will decide anything. maxims: those who want to see something other than peace on the streets of belarus tried to actively throw them into society. discrediting the national assembly was one of the main tasks of the fugitive brethren, which they did not hide in the public space. the reaction of info-dustbins once again proved that we are doing everything right.
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the supreme council turns 28 this year, you agree, a decent period, especially since the first meeting was in turbulent, poor and turbulent times the nineties, when, after the collapse of a large country, we were actively fed stories about western values ​​and freedoms, then in...
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consulting with a belarusian - the president’s idea looks more than logical, if in one of the main mottos of the government the state is for the people, but just imagine what it’s like is to decide on a direct dialogue with a big country, when factories are idle, wages are meager or not at all, many simply have nothing to eat, wild inflation, in general, life is difficult and harsh, but the president agrees to directly communicate with those he trusts, with the people and tells it like it
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is. serving the people. for me, these are not empty words, but everyday practice. fulfilling the will of the people who elected me, i try to firmly follow their requirements, doing everything possible for salvation.
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our strength is that we are united, together, we are belarus, together we will achieve more, we will make our home, our native belarus, beautiful, cozy and rich, so that our children and grandchildren can live comfortably in it, but despite the political tension in society the state has stood, as i said, while it has stood, and i must assure you, looking ahead, we you...
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for a strong, prosperous belarus - this is already the slogan of the second national assembly, our country has moved away from the edge of the abyss, which was especially obvious against the backdrop of the color revolution still yugoslavia. the bulldozer revolution of 2000 became a death sentence for yugoslavia; western hawks, led by us secretary of state madeline albright, were eating the corpse of a once great state. this is the first effective
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application of sharp’s very same methodology in practice. the orange revolution in ukraine, the ros revolution in georgia, tulipovo in kyrgyzstan, it was easy for belarusians not to notice this, because everything was fine, but it was precisely thanks to those very five-year government policies that were understandable to people that we avoided this, although the sharpists were going to abandon the colored one. on the wall hangs a t-shirt with inscriptions written in this fund, on it are the dates of great revolutions. next to some countries there are abbreviations tbd tubidan, which means must be done.
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we are next, belarusians, elections are scheduled for 2006. but both 2006 and 2010 showed sweet western speeches about the garden of eden do not work for society, only for... radicals. fortunately, there was already a vaccine in the form of vns. the third meeting took place in 2010 and strengthened national immunity. and then the president uttered a phrase that becomes more relevant every year. we have outlined very ambitious plans; to implement them we will have to mobilize everything, will, energy, intelligence, initiative, creativity, available resources and reserves. but there is simply no other way than to implement these plans in belarus. all-belarusian folk the meeting, among other things, is still an important stabilizer of society, an alternative to various kinds of maidans, riots, color revolutions, that is, a civilized way of political processes. imagine that in the country , god forbid, there is unrest,
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political parties or different branches of government are dragging their feet, in general, there is a squabble for high offices, it is the supreme national assembly in this case that acts as the body that must cool the hotheads and set all the points. the vns is the option that will allow us not only to survive as a sovereign, independent state in the current difficult conditions, but to form continuity. any color revolution is a clear example of how, instead of natural democratic... processes and the legitimacy of the system, there are riots, coups d'etat, chaos and destabilization of the situation, devaluation and nullification of institutions of both civil society and democracy in general, our main task is not allowing such scenarios, going head-to-head or wall-to-wall is fraught with victims, devastation is certainly not a better life. therefore, even if inside there are reasons for contradictions, the state offers society a mechanism and a place where it is necessary not to fight, but to resolve basic issues. to stabilize society at all stages of its
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development, this is the role of the supreme national assembly that the head of state will call the most important. participation in the all-belarus meeting, representatives of different social, professional groups, actually makes it, this meeting is a meeting of representatives of the entire people, and at the same time it is important that...
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he came with the loud slogan of perestroika and renewal, but instead of modernizing the soviet the union quickly collapsed, the collective mind will ensure that there are no tragic mistakes, above the decisions adopted in the supreme national assembly only the basic law and the results of referendums, that is, the people's veche can block almost any document that contradicts... national interests. as you know, the supreme national assembly now has a new status; it is now a fundamentally new constitutional body, the highest body of democracy in the country. such changes are also not a hassle, high powers are vested in the updated constitution, and we are for it you voted together. the draft vns law also underwent active discussion in society. the law on the vns can rightly be called a people's project. the most successful ones were analyzed
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and taken into account by the developers, so that a landmark document was prepared for the entire belarusian people. it is the residents of our country who, within the framework of the supreme national assembly, will have to form the main contours of the future of belarus. quite serious functionality is prescribed for this. the supreme council is endowed with specific powers to adopt socio-economic development programs, the concept national security, military doctrine.
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the people's assembly to the level of a constitutional body arose after the 2020 crisis, so the developers set the task of creating a mechanism to prevent or neutralize any hybrid attacks. thus , the supreme national assembly was assigned the function of determining the legitimacy of a particular decision or election that was taken in our country. in the event of certain challenges and threats, the all-belarusian people's assembly will, in accordance with the regulations, consider certain controversial solutions. or situations and take specific decisions in relation to them, this will ensure the legitimacy of the functioning of public authorities. this is done so that difficult situations are resolved not on maidan squares, but within the framework of constitutional norms and rules.
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we will have to make a decision together on a compact cross-section of our country. delegates from rural workers to scientists, all spheres of society and political views are represented. people who enjoy well-deserved authority in the region, people who are united by the desire to create, people who with their soul and heart support belarus, a political party, a public, labor collective or deputy corps, youth, everyone’s voice will be heard in the supreme national assembly. the advantage of the all-belarus people's assembly is that only it is capable of uniting all political forces, government and civil society, including political parties, regardless of ideology, youth and pensioners.
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this is unlike some gentry sejmiks that existed in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, where each individual had the right of liberum veto delegate. a certain factionalism will be needed here, and putting forward certain ideas will require collective creativity and a collective approach. but the main criterion is no wedding generals, professionals , experienced people who are respected in teams, for whom vns is not an empty formality, to come and sit in the hall, but a desire to work with full dedication. improve life and develop the state, if we want civil society to be formed evolutionarily, through appropriate institutions, it is very important to give he has the opportunity to influence political processes, and the supreme council, let me remind you, is the highest body of democracy, the presence of delegates from civil society in it indicates that we
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take its development very seriously in belarus. tradition, in fact, an innovative mechanism, the first vns became a phenomenon for europe, while the elite gathered in the houses of lords and european parliaments, at the belarusian meeting there were people, from students to retired factory workers, they listened and , most importantly, heard everyone. after the first all-belarusian people's assembly, i, like many other delegates, there was a strong feeling that the situation was under control, there was real pride in their country, for the fact that there was a person who was needed...
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listened, made a decision and the country moved, so we are grateful to the head of state , then we were completely young, that’s what he... laid out such a program for us, we , to the extent possible, each in his own place , did it, and you see, already today assessing
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the results of the sixth all-belarusian meeting, now at the end of the seventh , it’s even hard for us to remember where we started, the country is self-sufficient, the country is respected, the country is provided with everything, food, 8 billion dollars in the village alone. the concept of democracy today is pretty much tainted by the double standards of western slogans ; it’s the politicians who have lost it for a long time who are shouting about it, but what’s important is not what they tell us, what’s important is what we do ourselves. the west will never come to terms with the fact that we are forming our own traditions and our own people's democracy; it is somehow not customary there to rejoice at successes. others, but while some bark, we will pass, in a country where independence is an opportunity, and where words always move on to deeds.
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you are the only country that has survived. project say, don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the anglo-saxons have a main line to maintain global dominance. the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe. indeed, preparations are underway, the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite. not in vain our president says that yes, we are preparing, including for military actions, we are not going to start them at the summit, but this is the only thing they understand, if we, within the framework of a union state , demonstrate an inaccessible model for external partners, it will be weak, it will fall apart, we need to prepare some kind of ground in advance for... normal friendly relations shows that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we don’t deceive, we don’t cheat, the only correct approach is that we have been in belarus for 30 years
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we voice it, a union of two sovereign states, two strong economic... since the previous years, the stakhanovites of the plant are grateful for providing extremely high-quality food products. daterminova vykanavshiy dzyarzhainy pastauki, kalgas tsyaper zdae malako s vyshplan ў fund miru. byaskontsy molasses aўtatsysternaў with malak uyazdzhae ў getyya varoty. amal, all creative processes at the plant are increasingly mechanized.
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the machine is not reminiscent of the pharmacy record, and the spills are yana gatova. all the latest processes: the bank is sealed and ready and approved the most important meats, our dear. in the milk bottling line, graphite filters were previously used to purify steam; they often failed and the line stopped. scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from powder of a light and durable metal, titanium, compressed by explosion. the biggest problem is the economy of cheese. yashche is not so far from being small adgon, as the stagnation of creativity of essential milk products is not known here . sönnya adgon perapratsoўvaetstsa na food for chickens and chicks. this year 15 thousand
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kancentravanaga spazhyўnaga stern. thus , new reserves of creativity have been created. 60 thousand bottles of melaka, lots of sour cream, kefir, plum, tvaraga and other milk products, dairy products grown in minsk. how can i jump and jump like this ? all creative processes involve folding mechanisms. machines tear out paper bottles, causing them to become crumpled and clogged. this automatic line has a high productivity. here for the gadzina on... masses, wide-ranging new technology, our plant's customers will increase their production plans by 6 million rubles for the anniversary of the republic. on the air sports day
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in the studio anna eismund, good evening. three matches in slutsk, minsk. on the eve of the fifth round of the national football championship, the capital's dynamo and joden's torpeta bila, whom various analysts predict to win the major league, divided the scoring between themselves. but neman, which is also considered by experts as a contender for the title, suffered its first failure in the competitive year. kristina kamysh will sum up the weekend on the football fields of sineokaya. we probably only had to wait for malomalsky’s chance. our task is to play every game, which... the guys grew, won three points today, well, thank god. nieman approached the fifth round of the major league without a loss and, in the event of a successful outcome of the confrontation with vitebsk, could lead the standings. the commander-in-chief of the northerners, alexander pavlov, summing up the results of the meeting, could not help but note the strength of the opponent. a happy accident helped to take the tribal away from grodno. hosts looked like favorites, this advantage was proven statistically.


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