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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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years, experts note, such dynamics lead to comfortable interest rates on loans. in 2023, the average price per square meter was $1,400, now it remains at the same level, the average loan amount for purchasing a home is 75,000 rubles. one-room and two-room apartments remain the most popular among buyers. trading on the currency and stock exchange ended with the growth of the russian ruble. the american and chinese currencies have weakened against our ruble. so. the following exchange rates are established: a dollar costs 3 rubles, 25 kopecks. euro rate according to the national bank - 3.46. 10 yuan costs 4 rubles 47 kopecks. and 100 russian - 3.48 belarusian. a large-scale job fair for young people is in full swing in belarus. this year , about 2,500 employers from various fields of activity are taking part. the number of jobs offered exceeds 25,000. the main goal of this event is to assist in the employment of young people in their free time from study, as well as. help
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graduates. let me note that this year more than 13 million rubles have been allocated for organizing temporary employment for young people. the bulk of the funds will be used to pay for labor, while the rest will be used to purchase special clothing, equipment and tools. and finally, the russian airline received permission from the federal air transport agency for several new direct flights to the belarusian capital. as noted in the document of the russian federal air transport agency, the carrier will be able to fly on the tyumen-minsk and vladikavkaz route. minsk three times a week, and from volgograd twice a week. there is no information about the launch date of flights yet; they are being worked out. this was the economic news have a nice day and be productive in your business.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus-1 and belarus24 continues with the program “zone x”. i, karina pashkova. hello. drug couriers and wholesalers were caught in the gomel region. drug control officers handcuffed two pawnbrokers. according to law enforcement , a twenty-three-year-old resident of the gomel region began working for a drug shop in february of this year. later, my twenty-year-old partner got involved in the case. they distributed the goods to... how many managed to distribute about ten pieces for themselves there is something prohibited and in the pocket that esk how many pieces exactly about ten young man was caught red-handed while placing a bookmark for his business at his place of residence, the moment of packing the drug into small doses at home.
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more than a kilogram of the especially dangerous psychotropic substance alpha pvp, as well as packaging material, was discovered and seized. for selling drugs as part of an organized group, they face up to 20 years in prison. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. victoria radevich will talk about the latest news. the cost of the transported goods was underestimated by 40 times, saving more than 2000 rubles. a polish carrier tried to make customs payments, as they said in the customs committee of belarus, the driver of the daf truck was transporting plumbing fixtures, parts of bathroom furniture and safes from poland to kazakhstan. according to the information he provided while passing through the kozlovichi checkpoint, the total cost of the goods was 21,000 rubles. the real one turned out to be 43 times more and amounted to 905,000 rubles. brest customs officers found this out after an inspection in an administrative process has been initiated against the carrier. director of one of them. capital firms
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were detained for fraud in the construction sector, as reported by the ministry of internal affairs, a forty-four-year-old foreigner has been accepting orders for 5 years, promising turnkey delivery of a private house, taking an advance payment or even the entire cost , but the clients never received the work done, the police now know about at least seven victims, the amount of damage was preliminary estimated at 50,000 rubles. a criminal case has been opened on the fact of fraud, he invited a quite congenial person to his office to conclude a contract, so i made a deposit, the full amount was divided into three parts, 85,000 us dollars, as a result the house was not completed, the roof needed repairs, the house we, unfortunately, it is not suitable for submission to the rti; we sold our only home and a family with a small child was left without registration.
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he spent part of the money received on non- materials, paying for contractors’ services, on personal needs and purchasing cars on lease, and, having made several contributions, the man stopped paying loans, what? in order to create the appearance of progress in construction at construction sites, he purchased materials with funds received from new customers. when the clients realized that the construction of their houses would not be completed on time, and also that the objects could not be registered with the brti, they contacted the police, built private houses, took finance from individuals, some houses were partially unfinished, but they plan to finish them to completion, the check is still ongoing, if you were left without a completed house due to the fault of the company in the police about... inform them about this, a personal manager contacted me, who told me where to invest my money, an instructive story about how you don’t need to invest your money in unverified investments, especially on the advice of strangers , it happened to a resident of minsk when the man realized that the crypto exchange,
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where he transferred more than fifty thousand rubles, was fake, it was already too late, it came to the initiation of a criminal case for fraud, it all started with a seemingly harmless conversation on the site... on the internet, the victim met a girl who demonstrated her high income, frequent travel and expensive things. after a short conversation, she offered to help her interlocutor in organizing additional income. the man agreed and his personal manager contacted him. the victim, at the direction of the curator , registered on a crypto exchange, bought tokens and transferred them to the crypto wallet specified by the scammers. venchanin invested in cryptocurrencies on a specialized platform. into various areas of business and saw an increase capital. in total, the man transferred more than 50 thousand rubles. 18 of which were taken on credit. five bottles of elite alcohol for 420 rubles. a buyer from one of the grocery stores in minsk tried to carry it out. as it later becomes known, at that moment the young
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man in panama was under the influence of potent drugs, he had used them the day before. market security noticed the alleged thief moving towards the exit with a basket. they immediately clicked on. within a few minutes , security guards arrived at the scene of the incident. it turned out that the detainee had already he has been prosecuted more than once ; he is also registered with narcologists. the actions of the guy in the store are now being assessed from the point of view of the law. a pensioner died under a freight train near fannipol in the derzhinsky district. the tragedy happened last sunday, it became known the day before. this is a local resident who was crossing the railway tracks in the wrong place. the train was traveling from minsk to baranovichi. the driver tried to brake urgently, but without... the impact could no longer be avoided, the exact cause and circumstances of the emergency are being clarified law enforcement officers. in the mogilev region , the case of the death of a woman near osipovichi is being investigated; she was hit by a car. investigators are asking eyewitnesses to help understand what happened. on the screen are phone numbers that are waiting for a call. the tragedy happened
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on april 2, at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. according to the investigation, she was driving near the turnoff to an agricultural town in a swamp when she was hit by a passing bmw. the woman had no chance to survive. upon death. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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good morning country, a new day on tv channel belarus 1 from satellite belarus 24, we, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova, welcome you, we remind all our viewers that today is tuesday, it’s april 23, and that means. that it’s time to welcome to the studio a psychologist, a mediator and the author of our regular column actualochka, hello
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komarovskaya, good morning, hello, good morning, good morning, good morning country, today i want to share with you one very interesting technique from mediation, this technique allows either reduce the degree of conflict, or even avoid it, the technique is called reformulation, it is as simple as this: understand what the interlocutor really wants, reduce the intensity of emotions, you can ask someone who is aggressive towards you in a softer form about this desire and interest and or reformulate it, that is, i got you right. do you suggest that if someone tries to talk to me aggressively, make some kind of claim, not respond in
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the same spirit, but in some other way? super, yes, katya, only here, not only is this the point, the fact is that you can use this technique, not when you are a party to the conflict, but even if you are an observer, and if you are an observer or, for example, there are people, there are third parties who are drawn in involuntarily into this conflict, and if this observer manages to understand what is behind this claim, what is the need, then he can make his positive contribution to help those quarreling reduce this degree of emotions, as i understand it, this is the basis of the work of a mediator or psychologist family is absolutely true, this is this is exactly the point, because when the parties come both heated, both on emotions, first of all the task of the mediator is...
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and here, look, there are two branches, how can i speak differently at this moment, remembering our previous broadcasts, we change your message to i message and add our wish, i would like you to pay more attention to me and give me compliments more often, and if in response we hear so and so normal time for you, i pay compliments periodically and say march 8th for my birthday. for me this is important, it’s not enough for me, but you say, yes , it seems to you that it’s not enough, this is called
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depreciation, so we move away from this, and if you are in the resource, and your wife screams at you and says: you are so and so, yes, to me there are few compliments, you say, then be wiser and try to see this need to say: honey, i understand correctly that you would like more attention from me , i’m sorry, i’m overworked, period, yeah. and this means that we do not fall into a position of defense and we do not fall into a position attack, attack, attack-attack, we remain on equal terms and we try to see the desire of the other person behind his emotions, and then the other person understands: god, i actually attacked him, i could even insult him there, yes, and through it all he stays with me. and he also saw, guessed, understood, reflected to me what i
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really mean, and this brings the parties together, when we, for example, hear such an attack against ourselves, and we can reformulate it, then our opponent learns too himself speak to us in this language, in in the language of messages, as i understand it, you can ask a clarifying question if, for example, someone makes a complaint to me, there katya, you don’t say much:
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i would like help in cleaning the house or organizing our household chores, or your your spouse or your partner may say: honey, i understand correctly that you are tired and you need help in organizing our everyday life. alla, we collected a conflict phrase, it was not difficult, let’s work with them now, we easily collected it, first, you devote little time to the child, you you spend little time.
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always the same thing, yes, here you can often say something like this: you are preparing to translate this into a joke, say, dear, i understand correctly that you want to invite me to a restaurant and diversify our diet, you see, and here you immediately thin out the atmosphere , and talk about your, your actual business and desire, including that i actually don’t want
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to get ready every day three times a day and i’m really tired, so either ask in a gentle form, already dear, i’m right. i understand what you would like diversify the dish, for dinner or lunch, so do it, we thank you, as always, informative, very useful, interesting, thank you very much, please, i really hope that we, all our viewers , will become a little kinder after this and learn to regulate conflicts, yes, but if you want to go to a restaurant or somehow diversify your breakfasts, anatoly moiseev will tell you right now what you can cook. good morning, back today. mushroom boilies are a real culinary hit on social networks, which will appeal even to those who don’t like mushrooms. for this dish we will need champignons, minced meat, mozzarella, breadcrumbs, egg and spices. cut the cheese into large cubes with a side of
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about one and a half centimes. take large champignons and twist the stem. place a cube of cheese inside the cap and press it in a little, rub the mushroom stems on a fine grater and add them to the minced meat, add salt and pepper, mix everything well, take a small amount of minced meat equal in volume to champignon caps, cover the cheese with minced meat and form a ball, this and there is a boil. preparing three plates with flour, with a beaten egg with breadcrumbs, roll the balls in the following sequence: first in flour, then in beaten eggs and then in breadcrumbs, put them in a baking dish and put them in the oven preheated to 180°
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for about half an hour, here so delicious. we got it, juicy boiled meat in a crispy crust, it needs to be served warm so that the cheese is sticky. this dish is much more interesting than just stuffed champignons. try it! a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our
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mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today it will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today. and let's prepare the real one. have a champion's breakfast and get a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. arm us with this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and outstanding results. work, the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities,
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our equipment today is actually very reliable, a safety margin is built into it colossal, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we carry out 100% control so that these products meet the technical requirements... we are happy to share interesting information with you. for example, the sixtieth venetian exhibition of contemporary art started in italy. more than eighty countries presented their pavilions, but
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the most striking so far is the american pavilion with facades and the same paintings , outfits, and painted sculptures inside. this is where i would like to be. artist geoffrey gibson's imaginary dreamland who composes his compositions from traditional indian ornaments and bead embroidery. the master, a real cherokee indian, is, by the way, the first representative of the indigenous peoples of america who was given the opportunity to have a personal exhibition in the national pavilion. according to the organizers, this is the first surprise, but not the last, because other artists who will present their exhibitions at the biinal also promised to surprise. by the way, the exhibition and forum will last until november 24. how amazing these sculptures are, completely made of beads, remember how fashionable it was in our childhood. i don’t know,
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of course, he spent a lot of time on this, but it turned out bright, it turned out beautiful, which means it was worth it, and we definitely talked about it, well, we continue to wake up, i remind you that together we are meeting a new day, this is tuesday, april 23 on the calendar and we hasten to inform you that things will change in belarus. so, accept documents from ninth grade graduates to study in susa at the expense of the budget will be from july 20 to august 3, but on a paid basis a little longer, also from july 20, but until august 13. for those who enroll in full-time, distance or correspondence education on a budget after the eleventh grade of a school or vocational school, the company will be held from july 20 to august 6. well, for some payers. you need to take entrance examinations, so here are the entry deadlines for them, and admissions are as follows: from july 20 to august 6, in any case , we wish good luck to all applicants this year. yes,
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the heroes of our next stories are no longer applicants, they are professionals in their field, here’s about the professional skills competition for the best high-altitude rescuer, emergency department, our 360 morning watch with nastya russkaya, so we offer you to watch it right now. a republican competition of professional skills was held in belarus: the best rescuer of high altitude units in emergency situations. one of the stages of the competition took place here in the national library of belarus. come with me and find out all the details. participation in the competition was attended by the best high-altitude rescuers from all over the country. these are fighters from the regional and minsk city departments of the ministry of emergency situations, the republican special forces unit zubar and the university of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations. enough. our rescuers had to overcome difficult obstacles, in a bitter struggle the winners were determined who will be awarded, the daily
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activities of our... the guys have to deal every day with issues related to providing assistance to our citizens in the event of various types of human situations and of course, this is certainly related to the height with people having high knowledge, so we are trying to implement similar events to improve the level of professional skills. participants in combat clothing with personal respiratory protection equipment climbed flights of stairs to a height of 100.10 m. based on the results of the competition , the winner in the individual competition was awarded the title of best high-altitude rescuer of emergency departments. in full firefighter equipment included in compressed apparatus air, the guys must overcome 24 floors, from the first to the twenty-fourth, well, now one of the leaders has already shown the result, he ran out in two minutes, the strongest rescuers from all over the country are gathered here, so they are competing with each other. i will say that
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such results. each rescuer can show that not only do you need to be fast and dexterous, there is a certain amount of work required, and as a rule , guys who have good functional training in cross-country and skiing perform very well here, after the fifteenth floor, your strength begins to leave a little, your legs become acidic, there is not enough oxygen and you already feel the load, albeit high. well, you try to keep up the pace, you endure until the end and the result is good, endure, endure, endure, it’s this patience that saves all of us and keeps us on top, when i think about my result, i think about the results of the team, so as not to let them down, come on alya, you can do it a little more, and when i reach the eighteenth floor, i understand that there are
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five floors left, but for me... somehow i want speed up, but as much as you have enough strength, class, give us a fist pump, thank you, thank you, there is excitement, it’s natural, for every athlete anxiety is normal, we trained in mogilev, we have a high-rise building there, which is about 25 floors , and as if every, every third day, every second day, we went there and did lifts, well, accordingly, first we trained in sports clothes, then gradually, gradually we got into shape and switched to our combat clothes, the competition is designed to identify the most prepared. specialists in the field of emergency rescue and other emergency work at heights, and of course, to support everyone in their difficult daily work. we congratulate the winners of the competition and wish them further success. and in the morning watch at 360, i was with you, nastya rutskaya.
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the wind kisses my lips, the darkness of the night embraces me, winter swirls in the snow. then again the earth has been scavenged, the land has been scavenged, scandals hysterical peten, wild jealousy, blatant lies, there is no place left on earth where you have not yet inherited? i
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'll run away, i'll run away, i'll fly away, i'll hide, i'll hide, to hell with everything, to hell with everything, this is vanity, this is vanity, this is vanity, because love, because love, means nothing, means nothing, means. for you, for you, but not for me, but not for me, but not for me, i’m no longer afraid of anything, i won’t pay for sure, even though yours is no longer mine, reads on the horizon, doubts,
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without a doubt, from the scandals of hysterical songs , wild rage of blatant lies. there is not a place left on earth where you have not yet traced, i will run away, i will run away, i will fly away, i will hide, i will hide, to hell with everything, to hell with everything, this is vanity. this judges, this is sureta, because love, because love, means nothing, means nothing, for you,
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for you, but not for me, but not for me, i will run away, i will run away, i will fly away, i will hide. i’ll hide, i ’ll hide, to hell with everything, to hell with everything, this is vanity, this is vanity, this is vanity, because love, because love, means nothing, means nothing, we strongly do not recommend you run away anywhere, because in just a few seconds . let's share the latest weather forecast for today, and today is april 23, tuesday. katya, tell us what the weather forecasters promise us? i’m ready to share the latest information about the weather, the weather is now a top topic that everyone is talking about, indeed, we did not
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expect this at the end of april, cold, rain, yes, i would like it to be a little warmer, so it seems to me warming is starting to come a little bit slowly; at least, we are no longer seeing precipitation almost anywhere. throughout the country, well, let's move on to cities and numbers, and so in the capital today it will be dry +5 +7, well, as i said, we waited, we have run out of precipitation, in bristo today it is also cloudy with clearings, no precipitation and up to 11 with a plus sign, in vitebsk a little cooler, +5 +7, but dry, that’s where we will continue to have rain for today, this is gomel, but it’s warmest there +11, + 13. in grodno today during the day the temperature is from 6 to 8°, cloudy with clearings without precipitation, dry today in mogilev, and there it will be up to ten with a plus sign, well, just a couple more days and the weather will clear up, real spring will come, we are waiting, but for now, dears friends, do not forget that there were frosts at night, in some places across the country the temperature was from zero to -3
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, precipitation persisted, this included rain and sleet, so if you are running away from home to do your business in these morning hours, then please warm yourself up, but the moment has come when you can now run away, but you can’t until the weather forecast it was, but now it’s possible, well, right now the broadcast of good mornings will continue on...
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if in the summer season, then pothole repairs, replacing the road surface on asphalt, that’s how it is today, a seam filler, we fill seams, joints in asphalt, i used to work driver, and a fellow villager worked here and as if suggested here. that’s how i got into this profession, i’ve been working here for 17 years, well , i like the work, because new technology is always fresh, we all seem to be interested in it, the features and difficulties are not strong,
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but it’s like we’re looking at intense traffic, there are parked cars, pedestrians, this requires a lot of attention .
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good morning country, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova are still with you on the live morning broadcast, we are helping you meet this tuesday, and you know, to be honest, forecasters today promise a not very pleasant picture outside the window throughout the country, we have talked about this more than once. therefore, i propose to move to the online world, where it is always clear and sunny, especially since there is interesting news from there: applications have begun for the world’s first beauty contest among participants created with the help of artificial intelligence. contestants will be judged on their appearance and posture, as well as the technical skills that went into their creation. among the special criteria, the jury will evaluate the internet popularity of each avatar, then there are look how many likes, how many subscribers and how quickly those same likes and subscribers come... yes, these fake women have already appeared next to us. in
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addition, participants will have to answer a series of questions, just like in a classic beauty contest. the organizers clarify that only photographs or videos completely generated by a neural network can take part in the show. it turns out that you won’t be able to process your photo a little with filters and add beauty and send it to a beauty contest. no no no. works with the partial presence of a real person will simply not be allowed into the competition, creator. the winners of the miss artificial intelligence competition will receive a large cash prize from the organizers. we've waited for that very moment. by the way, i hope that the beauty contests we are accustomed to will not disappear anywhere. it will just be two different events. well , in fact, artificial intelligence is being introduced into the modern world at simply colossal speed. and of course, all this is in order to simplify the daily human routine. well, for example, a neural network capable of analyzing the composition of medicines with...
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we’ll find out what the development is right now. today, the applications of artificial intelligence are vast. and mechanical engineering, agriculture, education, and medicine, including the pharmaceutical industry. we had a competition held at the faculty, where students reported and defended projects that were related to the disposal of medicines and pharmaceutical waste, here was one of the projects, so let's say, develop a neural network so that you can make predictions. the intelligence of any substance in general, including
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medications and their decomposition products. the pilot project was developed for six months. so far, neuroscience is used only by employees of the belarusian state medical university, because it requires knowledge of chemical forms. at the moment we work only with cytostatic antitumor drugs. cetostatics, when released into nature, are destructive to... all living things, both plants and animals, it is important chemically destroy the cytostatic molecule and get a product that will not form and give this taratogenic effect. the program is a panel where the main structural elements are depicted, a formula is constructed based on them, then using a smiley is entered into this line, prediction is pressed,
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and the percentage of side or toxic effects appears on the screen. the higher it is, the medicine is more toxic. future plans for the belarusian state medical university to finalize the program, because this development will be useful not only for doctors, but also for specialists in the field of the environment. and with this news, the broadcast of the dobroya ranitsa belarus program is coming to an end. we, ekaterina antonova and tatyana matuseevich, wish you a great mood, a wonderful continuation of the day, and of course, we say, see you on the air. hello, today we will have a leg workout, it will be a warm up and if you increase the number of repetitions and the number of sets, then this there will be a full-fledged leg workout, or reduce the number of repetitions and the number of approaches, then this can be a warm-up before the workout. go! the first
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exercise is to run in place, put your hands in front of you, raise your knees to an angle of 90° and run in place. if it’s a little more difficult, we hold the meatball in front of us and try to jump with both knees at the same time to touch the meatball, doing about 10-15. two or three approaches, we try, the third exercise is a little easier, we stretch the medicine ball forward in front of us and do swing your legs, left leg, respectively, and
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right leg, swing each leg crosswise, and about 12-15 repetitions, two or three approaches will be quite enough, let's go. when training with your child, you can use various weights. in this case, we have a 1.5 kg meatball, but depending on your physical fitness, you can increase the weight. if there is no meatball, you can use any weights in the area from a kilogram to 3 kg, no more. train with your child and stay healthy. so, use the suggested exercises to warm up or full training of the leg muscles. in the first case, reduce the number of repetitions and approaches, in the second, increase both. select the weight of the metball in accordance with
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the physical fitness of the child; from one and a half to 3 kg will be quite enough. running in place is performed for 30 seconds, number of repetitions. monitor the technique of doing the exercises and practice together with your child. live news to belarus 1. olga in the studio.


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