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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 9:10am-9:46am MSK

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veterans of the great patriotic war and persons who suffered from its consequences in accordance with the decision of the head of state. the ministry of labor emphasized that compared to last year, the amounts have almost doubled and range from two to 4.0 rubles. and former prisoners of fascism and family members of fallen military personnel or underground partisans will receive thousands of rubles each. 10.5 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes. all payments will be made.
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employing up to 100 people, medium up to 250 employees large over 250 people. secondly, the category of individuals, where included artisans, owners of agro-eco-estates, self-employed, individual entrepreneurs. the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1. for those that are not included in the planned list , registration of new individual entrepreneurs will cease from october 1. it also establishes the obligation to transfer existing individual entrepreneurs to legal entities before january 1, 2026. at the same time , a simplified procedure for transition to commercial organizations is introduced for them with continuity in all rights and obligations to budget and counterparties. the law provides for new types of financial support. 2024 anniversary. for the borisov
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region and the region celebrates its centenary. for the big date, the small motherland book series has been expanded. the project started in 2015. volumes dedicated to lyonova, loshnitsa and zabashevichi, a historical settlement in the borisov region, have already been published. now a new presentation of the collection dedicated to the village of zembin. the author of the book is liliana antsukh. harm to fellow well-known borisov local historians and librarians. zembin is.
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to replenish our library fund, i took part almost from the very beginning of the publication of this series, in zembin i provided material, it concerns the war of 1812, regarding zembin, there are two such legends, a french general was buried in the zembin church, and one more the legend is that napoleon spent the night in zimbin, but it is known that napoleon did not spend the night in zimbin, he just spent a few... hours there on november 29, 1812, and he spent the night in a nearby stone. the town of zembin traces its history back to xvi century, it was owned by the magnates rodivil, khrebtovichi, kishki. the village was already impressive in the 18th century; there was a tavern, a brewery and 23 shops. zembin is famous for the years of the great patriotic war, the book describes one of the most significant partisan operations to defeat the local fascist garrison. today. zembin is a developed modern
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agricultural town. one of the oldest and most revered holidays is celebrated by jews all over the world. the president of belarus sent congratulations to believers of this religion. the holiday, which symbolizes the beginning of a long journey to finding the promised land, occupies an important place in the religious palette of belarus, noted alexander lukashenko. dozens of religious communities and educational cultural centers are active in our country. their charitable and educational work helps strengthen interethnic friendship, develop public dialogue and preserve civil harmony. we will tell you about the development of events in poldiya. let me remind you that tv news agency projects are available in all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene
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, current interviews with famous belarusians. have... exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia. estonia! set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. new names in belarusian field shooting, vladislav demish brought our team the first license for the olympic games in paris. the qualifying tournament was held in rio deneiro, the two best shooters in each exercise received a ticket to the games, belarus came second in the 10m air pistol and can now collect. suitcase in the capital of france, and there are less than 100 days left before the olympics, we will definitely return to this topic today, this is the arena, hello, today we will talk not only about sports. of course, we are preparing this event taking into account possible unforeseen circumstances. the difficulties of paris, the olympic
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games may not be a huge sports festival, but a crushing failure. there are many more questions to the organizers 3 months before the start of the olympiad than they can answer answers. star football at the dynamo stadium, as the first belarusian team started in the medialga, you unfasten your apron and swam with the boat, saving it with an oar, kayaking on an iconic river on a stormy rapids, in the volozhensky district there were competitions in mushroom slalom, an olympic sport, but we about in games we can only dream for now, and it’s not even a matter of sanctions, that it’s mud for us, that it’s hot for us, that it’s raining for us.
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let's continue the olympic theme of the threat of a terrorist attack , problems with public transport are still dirty hay, finally strikes, in such surroundings , preparations for the summer games continue in france. macron, who promised to show the world the brightest face of france, seems ready to take his words back. with the approach of the sports festival that the olympics should become, the discontent of the parisians themselves is growing. so, if 2 years ago you were against holding a game based on the results. the question of one of the institutes for studying public opinion was 22% of citizens, then today this figure can be safely multiplied by two. kristina kamysh, in a creative career that worked at two olympic games, i was horrified while preparing my story. everything related to the summer games in paris goes through penkoloda. there is a tradition, 100 days before the start of the forum, to light the olympic flame at the ruins of the temple of hera in greece. the french competition is no exception, but last tuesday it was cloudy in olympia, so the torch caught fire from the flame received from
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the sun's rays the day before during the dress rehearsal, so on all fronts the organizers of the competition now need to resort to plan b. pay attention to the attire actresses, they always wore white togas, but now the designers decided to make the clothes for the priestesses two-colored, like... it would seem, but don’t spoil it, your entire olympics is gray anyway. mock head thomas bach was certainly present at the event and spoke disingenuously about the unifying power of sport. today, the olympic games are the only world event that unites the whole world in peaceful competition. both then and now, olympic athletes send a powerful message. yes, you can compete fiercely with each other at the same time live together peacefully under one roof. france will not be united in the summer, because only neutral athletes are not allowed in belarus and russia;
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athletes from the two countries are still fighting for olympic licenses. at the moment, our boys and girls have won 19 quotas, and in good faith there should be two to three times more. for comparison, 105 people from sineoka competed in tokyo; let us remind you that in the near future, okom will organize an additional test, only those who pass it will be able to see paris. olympics has always been considered a holiday, but not now. concerns security issues, the international environment around the upcoming games is bad, especially the institute for strategic studies calculated that last year was a record in the last 30 years for the number of regional conflicts active in the world, there are 183 of them. our goal is to remind everyone what they did in ancient greece during olympic games, then they stopped wars, laid down their arms and competed in the arenas, this is the message that we are trying to convey to everyone.
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troubles are a big question, especially during opening ceremonies of the games. let us remind you that, according to the plan, the show for the first time in history will be held not at the stadium, on the seine river, so thousands of athletes will ride on boats along a six-kilometer route. the organizers paved the way to show the athletes all the main attractions of the city. about 600,000 fans will watch the parade. imagine what security measures need to be taken to prevent some terrorist from creeping into this crowd. we have very big ambitions to realize
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this unique project of the opening ceremony of the games on the seine river in the center of paris, and of course we are preparing this oblivion taking into account possible unforeseen circumstances, we will be able to adapt to any situation that may occur in france at the time of the ceremony. after the events at the ticholi crocus in the moscow region, french intelligence services recommended canceling the opening ceremony altogether, or at least... changing formats due to the terrorist threat. the arcommittee has already reported that if the risks of attack are too great, then there are backup shows. the stadium option is probably being explored. yes, it’s not as spectacular as a parade on the river, but it’s safe. of course, we are also ready to respond to any situation that we may encounter, but we will not comment too much on all these contingency plans. we have contingencies for all competitions, for everything. in paris they say that
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everything is fine financially. at the moment, the total budget of the olympics is just over 8 billion euros, which is significantly lower than it was during previous summer games in tokyo, the reason is that 95% of the facilities are already in operation, or will be temporary structures, but according to forecasts , triathlon will suffer, the swimming stage may be canceled due to... the quality of water in the hay, in general in this river is already as swimming has been prohibited for a hundred years, the state laid out almost one and a half billion euros on the table to build a huge drainage basin with a capacity of 50 thousand cubic meters underground, according to the idea it was supposed to hold back rainwater so that it would not fall into the sewer system, all this beauty together did not flow into the hay, but a non-profit organization for environmental protection carried out laboratory samples taken from september to march, including in those places where the swimming stage of the triathlon is planned, and so the level of pollution
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exceeds the permissible levels by two, and sometimes by three times, there is no alternative place for competition. we know that when it rains, water overflows the drains, sewage mixes with rainwater, this is the main factor causing bacterial pollution hay. paris is looking forward to the arrival of more than 15 million fans from all over the world. last fall, french transport minister clement beaune called plans to organize transport and traffic during the olympics a very difficult task to complete, after all. many protective barriers will be installed, some metro stations will remain closed, by the way, tickets during the games will cost twice as much, and this also does not add enthusiasm to parisians. according to a recent survey, almost half of the french capital's residents are not happy with the coming holiday. and a little more about safety, which is so necessary at any
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sports competition, but is not always provided by its organizers. a tragic incident occurred in sri lanka in... the victorious start of belarusian star football this week at the capital's dynamo stadium took place the first ever match of our team from minsk dimiya in the media league, which over the course of several years has turned into a large rating project and thanks, by the way, to the belarusians. received international status, our club, made up of bloggers and famous football players, played against the media moscow spartak national team, which is coached by the legendary former goalkeeper of the russian national team, alexander filimonov. as a result, ours achieved a victory with a score of 1:0, scoring a goal in the very final period. different planets,
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but jupiter throws stones into the ground, and that’s why. the broadcast includes live comments from coaches and judges, and another feature is that the fights of this tournament are very often sold out. extreme, danger and agility are perhaps the best definitions that will fit such a sport as mushroom glory. over the weekend, athletes from belarus and russia staged races on islachi and competed for medals in the open cup of our country. this
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olympic sport in belarus is developing at its own pace, but there is a lack of adequate training. there is no really suitable water area for this, because for slalom, obstacles and elevation changes are of great importance, which, let’s say, take the breath away even of aging athletes. olesya chuchura studied the pitfalls of mushroom slalom the coach told me that it got to the point where someone passed out after an attempt, you have to see this to understand what causes fear. you unfasten the apron and swam along with saving her, yourself, the oar, this is probably the most terrible thing, dangerous, exciting and emotional, here you won’t be able to go with the flow, because mushroom with lal is about conquering the elements, for these athletes, stones
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and a fast current is far from an obstacle, for them even a revolution is not... a reason to leave the race, the most important thing is to complete it to the end and preferably without a penalty, that is, without touching or missing the gate, green is a forward move, red is a reverse move, that is , against the flow, green is with the flow, the task is to cover the distance in the minimum amount of time with a minimum penalty, that is it is advisable to generally go to zero, that is , not to touch the pole, the pole is two gates, the target, which is the right one, the left one is these poles, that is, the task is not to touch it. it’s absolutely forbidden to get out of the boat, you need to get up and swim further, some kind of legend comes if no one on the highway turned over, so the track
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is not very good. mushroom with lalom is an olympic sport, the course is no more than 400 m long, but it is not always easy to swim them. if it seems to you the opposite, then you are far mistaken. of course, calm rivers are not suitable for belarus, that’s the whole problem. it’s trite, for training you need a stormy stream, huh. as you can see, the water expanses of our country are too quiet and cannot be compared with the same rivers of altai, just look at how rough the current is here, and the changes those heights too. in the summer we flew to altai, that’s where it is, for the first time i saw what rough water is like when you get into...
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and it’s not just about sliding down and driving through, taking the gate, that is, going through the route, going through it cleanly, without mistakes, for a while, due to fatigue, this all happens, and well, that is , quite complex elements have to be performed, we went to altai, it was scary there, because for some time recently we have not, say, stormy rivers, canals at all, so it was scary there, but in principle everything went as if... let's say, so it went quite well. with a cool head, without fear, with a three-dimensional drawing of the route in your head. the main highlight of rowing
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slalom is that everything here is always like the first time. every distance, every river and current. everything changes from swim to swim, and we’re not even talking about different days of the competition. there is no way to test the water surface with a gate in advance. all that remains is to look from the shore and reel it in, i’m standing at the start, i clearly know where which gates are, where i’ll go, what movements i’ll make at a certain connection, that is, all this should already be formed in the head in advance, that is , competitions are always something new, unexpected, a new route, take the three attempts that i rode today, each time something new came out and somewhere improved something, maybe somewhere worsened something, so... it’s unusual to show not only courage in the fight against stormy water, in the fight against weather conditions, but also must show ingenuity,
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intelligence, memory in order to so as not to forget the route, how to go this route correctly, how to read the water correctly in order to enter correctly and take the gates as quickly as possible, the country's open cup in mushroom slalom has already passed... the picturesque bank of the isloch river, where about 50 athletes from belarus and russia gathered, among the participants were both experienced and very young athletes who are just learning to conquer the water element, but each of them is already sick of this sport. there is an opinion that with lal it’s not a sport, it’s a disease, that is, if you get sick with slalom as a child, then you are up to 50 years old, but here, for example, we have... participants who are over 50, they’ve been sick for a long time, they continue
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to get sick with this thing, extremely - yes, it’s dangerous, of course, mushroom with lal is definitely not for the faint of heart, concentration on every piece of the route is important here, and not everyone can keep calm, with their head in the water, this sport definitely deserves special attention. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe. indeed , preparations are underway, the poles are not really going to fight the masses want it, but... it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite; in order for a gun to fire, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then
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some kind of... we are all voicing a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective. don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready prove the opposite. what name was given to the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's exit from the first world war? what do you
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think? i chose the brez world option. the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva with an elongated body and lumpy skin resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles? we were also thinking here, we have several options, please, your guesses, we had a cockchafer. we hope we will have three points, their erudition. any adult will envy whether it is true that an adult normally has four fangs. denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. what is normal life for belarusians may
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seem to others. real exoticism, here's lewis, i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play, you can meet people right on the street, it's a great ride, it was the first time i rode on such a carriage, alone the way you were, it’s just amazing, you know, i have the feeling that i’m not riding a tram, i’m riding a train,
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what can unite these sports? answer: viva cola art: the project combines the art of sports. he was born last year, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the minsk cycling club . artists, sculptors, photographers and designers from all over belarus sent their work to the competition, dedicated, of course, to cycling. the exhibition itself aroused extraordinary interest; this year not only the number of
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sports included in the project increased, but also...
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will open in the palace of art. the seemingly insurmountable relief hills in the minsk and logoisk regions were tested by the strength of their character, the most desperate steeplechase enthusiasts. the bizon trail cross-country race took place in the surroundings of the raobichi sports complex. the organizers offered its participants a five-decade-long drop in pysot, as well as fallen trees, streams, stones and a lot of dirt. and they announced the medal. which each finisher will receive will be as difficult as the race itself, in which, in fact, our correspondent, andrey kozlov, was convinced. yes, this signal sends the participant to the distance, after such
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an impulse, it seems to me that there is no fear, nothing. we started in different groups, but at first it was children. 3, 2, 1! for some, a hug for good luck is a must, a real running brotherhood from the first steps, although the chilly weather forced us to warm up with all the resources we had, the mothers of athletes in the age category 3+ are no less athletic. the excitement knocked me off my feet, but the distance is certainly less than that of adults, but the most important thing is the first finish in life, and this is great. especially when you are so supported. come on, come on, come on!
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very, this is good, this is a healthy nation. you can slide down a hill this way, but it’s unlikely to be effective; more experienced people prefer a good warm-up. after all, the load on the legs with
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such steep climbs and descents around raobichi will be quite significant. the half-marathon distance was especially difficult, because it was not only a 21-kilometer route, but also overcoming sharp climbs and elevation changes. three. you can fully feel yourself on the climbs it’s very strong, it feels very strong, especially in the legs, here’s the breathing, well, in
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general, class, all those who challenged such a difficult test, in the form of descent and ascent uphill, in this weather, those great fellows, that we have mud, that we can feel the heat, that we can feel the pouring rain, if we are ready to participate. then we are not afraid of any vagaries of the weather, well , there is only one difficulty - these are climbs, climbs, very, well, steep climbs, descents are normal , but the climbs are steep, adrenaline, firstly, a feeling of joy, pride, that is, as for myself, and for our people there, that is, my family also plays sports, so well, for pleasure, for the sake of pleasure, well , firstly, it’s health, it’s a sports lifestyle, and secondly, it’s meeting new people. in may , a classic version of the bison series races will take place in silichi. in essence, it will become an open -air festival. open air for fans of extreme sports will last 4 days for the first time. it will be interesting. cristiano ronaldo.


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