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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 9:50am-11:01am MSK

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in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugee women, when you make false documents, and supposedly original ones, you say, that children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, the headmistress of the school was with them, so she knew that they had these children.
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abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to understand and feel. you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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this is belarus the main thing on the tv channel belros, pavel lazovik is in the studio, hello! joint production of aircraft and recognition of electronic signatures. belarus and russia are reaching a new level of cooperation. there is an unprecedented level of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of high technology, science, and along with manned flights, we are also actively engaged in space research. in order to ensure unconditional implementation of key agreements. heads of state consider it necessary to accelerate the development and adoption of strengthening union integration discussed in of these plans as a single package. steps around moscow. food security for ourselves and our allies. how to improve the efficiency of the agricultural industry. it is necessary to vigorously expand production and export of products with high added value. develop national brands, ahead of competitors, and win new ones.
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experts for organized tourism in the union state. if you start traveling only to the sights of russia and belarus, human life will not be enough to see these unique things. for some reason sometimes before this they thought that for some reason everything was there, sights, unique stories, excuse me, we have much more of this on the territory of our state, there will be more new routes, we will study all the proposals for a union vacation in a large report of the program. the unifying power of art. most authors are well-known masters. native artists
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of russia, today such a page of their creativity is presented here, very different works of different generations, both older and younger, different techniques and styles, under one roof. unity through culture, joint dialogue between leading artists in belarus and russia in minsk. promote industrial cooperation and increase technological sovereignty. after the recent meeting of the presidents of belarus and russia in moscow , the prime ministers of the two countries spoke about the economy, import substitution and investment. in the interests of the union state , we are already actively engaged in space research, and our plans for developments in the field of high technology are impressive. aircraft manufacturing, we will assemble the plane together, without restrictions for business, electronic digital signatures are now mutually recognized, and
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the margin of financial strength is the stimulation of mutual investment activity. steps to strengthen the union economy are the main theme of the program. last year’s record trade turnover of $53 billion does not stand still this year; in january-february there was an increase of almost 3%, and for it to be sustainable, it is important for both enterprises and the governments of the two countries to be in dialogue all the time. belarus and russia are building multi-brand centers and factories together and trading houses. 20 out of 25 import-substituting projects are already... working, from them we expect much -needed components for conveyor enterprises in the two countries, these are axles, gearboxes, gearboxes, hydraulic units. seven new joint belarusian-russian projects are already being discussed. export of belarusian goods to foreign markets using russian transport
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infrastructure, but last year, in particular, transit traffic more than doubled compared to the twenty- second year, and accordingly to 20 million tons yes, there are still problematic issues and some issues are being delayed in resolution, for example, belarus insists that in 3 years it is important to implement at least thirty measures in union construction. in order to ensure the unconditional implementation of the key agreements of the heads of state, i consider it necessary to accelerate the development and adoption of these plans as a single package. as i said, most of these joint plans have been approved, i think three or four. means those, well, traditionally for us, that are difficult they are coming, these are mainly energy plans , but i think we don’t need to tear up the package, we need to give instructions and finalize these documents in order to accept them, as i already said, as a single package, for new belarusian-russian goods we need new ones
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lines and new production, which means investments, belarus is ready to share its competencies and adopt russia’s experience on many business issues, for coordinated work and signed.
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among the industries for capital investment, minsk names tourism and mechanical engineering. premier belarus is encouraged to work on critical import substitution. aviation is at the top now. yes, belarus supplies units and components from the russian plant, but we go further. an agreement was signed on the joint production of a light, twin-engine aircraft. we found a form in which russia and belarus. will invest in this project on a parity basis and, accordingly , will also be joint owners of the product that will be created during the implementation of this important project. new opportunities open up agreement on the recognition of digital electronic signatures. this is an important element of participation in
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government procurement, and previously it was one of the barriers that slowed down work on the union track. 21st century documents are signed with a regular signature now or.
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production capacities, russia has resources, we have personnel, labor force, a huge territory, well, great needs, indeed belarus can be useful for russia from a very large number of sides, i would say so, that is, the belarusian economy can actually be very competitive in the production of a wide variety of goods, ranging from agricultural. belarus
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really has very serious production facilities, many of them remain from the times of the soviet union, but not only, in addition, belarus really has very valuable personnel, i mean scientific employees of industrial enterprises, who, in general, can create really good high-tech . in the conditions of the need for import substitution, it would certainly be easier for russia not to replace everything, but to purchase part of it in friendly countries, but belarus really is, well, you can probably say, not even one of the most friendly, but the most friendly country for russia, well, if you can compare like that, and of course belarusian goods will be... very in demand, they are now are in great demand, together we can not only replace imports,
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but release products to the markets of other countries, well, i would say that within the framework of the union state, not only can we not only replace imports, we can no longer only replace imports, that is, in principle, the situation that has developed for the economy of the union state as a result of the imposition of sanctions against us, it very clearly... shows that in fact the competitiveness of russian and belarusian enterprises on the world stage is growing very strongly, first of all, it is growing relative to our main european competitors, because they are located close to us very often, we can compare between these countries of ours, so it seems to me that indeed, it means we are already talking... not only about import substitution, but about promoting our products to foreign markets, that is, in
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principle - only for import substitution, to show the growth that the economy of the union state showed in the twenty -third year, well, it’s just not, it’s impossible to say, it’s impossible to show, that is, there is clearly an expansion into foreign markets, russia , belarus has many dozens of friendly countries that are happy to consume products of various types produced in belarus and russia, and of course products produced within the framework of the union state, they are becoming more and more in demand in world, yes, that is, belarus provides the opportunity to use its production sites and, accordingly, a highly qualified workforce. russia is certainly relatively inexpensive, on a global scale, very inexpensive. let's say, resources of a very different kind, and energy, raw materials, that is, in principle, well
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, i think that taking into account, let's say, the close connection of the russian belarusian economy, we can say that the union state is actually reaching new levels, this is the economic growth that we have already clearly recorded in the twenty-third year. year, it has every chance of being continued, maybe not even for years, for decades, because, again, the world is changing and so to speak, we are no longer giving our markets, the markets of the union state to foreign companies, and these foreign companies are in turn, they lose competitiveness due to the fact that everything, so to speak, becomes more expensive for them, raw materials, electricity, hydrocarbons, respectively, products with such a high added
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value due to the use of energy, but all these factors indicate that the economy... of the state is very likely to continue growing for a very long period, that is, many years, not even decades. thank you, russian expert maxim cherkov was in touch with us.
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food security in belarus is ensured, but many reserves in agriculture have not yet been tapped; at a meeting
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on rural development, president alexander lukashenko set a target of 9 billion... for the export of agricultural products this year. belarus is included in the top five countries exporting dairy products ; the top 20 leading exporters of meat products; food is supplied to more than 107 countries around the world. the goal is to move forward to make the agricultural industry more sustainable. belarus is among the top five milk exporting countries in the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but the meeting focuses exclusively on industry problems. the agricultural sector is making minimal gains; lukashenko considers this a modest result. you see what a catastrophic situation is developing in the world with food. it is clear that the situation will only get worse due to population growth and the problems that affect the
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population in one region or another. i repeat once again, we need to forget about sanctions and so on. western horror stories, of course they exist, but they must be forgotten, do you know why? it is necessary to urgently expand production, export products with high added value, develop national brands, ahead of competitors, conquer new product geographical segments, nothing else is given. without innovation in this matter there is nowhere, world leaders in agricultural production are investing heavily in creating. smart technology and digitalization in their agricultural sector reaches 80%. the president instructs to update program objectives to ensure the production of a full line of highly efficient machines. one. we need to temporarily train mechanical personnel to work on this difficult equipment, it is high time for the agricultural sector to be transferred everywhere to a new technological level, to introduce precision
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farming, we must revolutionize agricultural engineering and agriculture. but do not forget that before making a revolution, we need to achieve normal quality of agricultural machinery that works in the fields, so that it is no worse than imported ones. there are also plenty of questions for domestic selection of new breeds and new varieties. today we need to think about sugar beet seeds. even earlier , at the instigation of the head of state, they took up corn. the task today is to make wider use of domestically selected seeds. both belarusians and russians are forced to purchase the main volume sugar beet seeds abroad. he plans to solve the problem together, including with the help of the budget of the union state. by the way, breeding varieties is one of the promising areas of cooperation. working with russian regions, the north-west, southern regions, siberia and even kamchatka, belarus works with everyone without a general strategy, nowhere, it should have everything, progressive
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genetics, feed, environmental friendliness, the goal is maximum, to deepen processing, sell it ourselves and not buy imported meat. for a bird, for example, there is also growth, a task government - to build a selection and genetic center, here there is meat and eggs, the surplus, of course, is for export, so today without... negativity this does not mean that everything is bad, everything is much better than it was, people are fed, at reasonable prices ,
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we have food security, this is not enough, we can always sell your products, put things in order, look for discipline, you must be an example for everyone, mobilize, you need to mobilize. 4 hours of honest , principled conversation, if overall efficiency and results are the main criteria work of the military-industrial complex. we adhere to this logic of union between the regions in many positions and in the format of interregional interaction. this is how the ties between belarus and tyumen are strengthening and in education, in the it sphere, in construction, industry, the opening of a direct one is being worked out. air traffic, this will be an important step for the work of the business community and the development of tourism. alina lopo about belarusian interests in siberia. in these workshops, one might say,
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hearts of iron are being revived. this is what the director of the tyumen enterprise calls engines, or more precisely, gas turbines. basic mechanical engineering is a multi-disciplinary industry; it also has its own engineering center to, if necessary , optimize spare parts and components or develop new ones. last year. a pilot project was launched. the tyumen company took the engine of the mozor refinery under its wing, that is, for maintenance. there is no opportunity to repair it in belarus; they were found in the siberian region. the work is planned to be completed by the beginning of summer, if everything is done efficiently on time, a service contract will be signed with other leaders of the belarusian chemical industry. now the equipment that we repair, we do not use any foreign parts. we manufacture everything that is needed ourselves, or if, while we are not manufacturing, we involve our research centers, our universities, develop new technologies, develop high-tech
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technological processes, and we manufacture everything ourselves. in turn, tyumen companies became interested in belarusian machine tools for their modernization programs. it is on the basis of these workshops that a presentation platform for belarusian equipment may appear. and more moreover, the partners are ready to represent the potential of the machine tool industry in belarus. in the neighboring russian regions, we are always in favor of the movement being reversed, that is, we export something, we import something, it was very pleasant at that moment, you now understand that it is not enough to replace imports, but so far it has been possible, supplies from other countries are tight, our companies have found opportunities from belarusian partners to order, using their drawings, the spare parts they need, at the same time from our side... for example, maintenance of gas turbines engines, also the topic of chemical reagents, some of the reagents are now coming here to us for testing, will they work in
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our region under our conditions, and... further, this is one of such complex industries, and this is the parking lot of the minsk automobile plant in tyumen, in fact, is a trading house, with direct deliveries and services; about 200 units pass through tyumen alone per year. for the most part, these are probably truck tractors, dump trucks; at the moment , passenger vehicles are required in the city of tyumen, there is so much work being done now, it has already begun quite a long time ago, it has been carried out since the fall of last year. meetings regarding plans to purchase about 200 buses for the city of tyumen. the key area remains the agro-industrial complex; for example, belarus has already begun supplying bmbc products for a large russian poultry project. in housing and communal services, belarusian elevators have actually dominated the market for renovation and new housing in tyumen for the last 2 years. minsk is ready to supply more passenger vehicles, including in connection with large-scale tuning plans for updating
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city ​​car park. this. this is not the entire list, much was announced during the visit of the siberian delegation to belarus at the end of february, all promising initiatives are being worked out specifically at enterprises. our relationship is not limited only to trade and economic relations; one of the promising directions for the future is the development of relationships between schoolchildren in the city of tyumen and residents in the city of brest; on the territory of tyumen there is a center for children's creativity, which bears the name of kizhivatovo. and the essence of this children's center is dedicated precisely to preserving the memory, preserving the history of our legendary compatriot, and we, as part of our interactions within the working group, agreed to create a separate program of relations between these regions, when children from brest will go to tyumen, children from tyumen will come to brest, and this will create and strengthen the relationship between our peoples for
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the next generations. has long known the taste of belarusian products; about 10 years ago the first store with exclusively belarusian goods, now there are already 19 of them, and this is only in the city, the network is growing and at the same time extends beyond the region. i like cheese, i like sausage, after all, we trust belarus, that they strictly monitor the ingredients, they strictly monitor order, so somehow we prefer, but belarusian products, everyone knows that belarusian products are now used... with enormously popular, mainly due to quality, oddly enough, among all our products, the most popular is white lard, it is taken in large quantities quantities, from education to industry, from brest to vladivostok, union projects are becoming more and more, and the economy is gaining weight, all this is the result of substantive coordinated actions, not to compete, but to complement each other, the union format of work for today tomorrow, this is
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belarus the main thing and beyond in a programme. there will be more new union routes; the belarusian-russian tourism congress gathered experts in minsk. joint efforts in training personnel, days of friendship between the leading universities of moscow state university and bsu were held in moscow. let's go back to studio in a few minutes.
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it’s such an easy job and it’s easy to become one, it’s very hard, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say. perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment,
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exciting projects that... will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on... the map: all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. last year, by the way, was a record year in many respects. more than 5 people visited belarus million russians, number. but more than 250,000 people went on vacation to russia from belarus on vacation packages. 16 russian regions are connected by air to belarus. experts advocate organized tourism to
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make it comfortable and safe. the first tourist information center of the union state will appear in smolensk. this means there will be more new routes. elena studied all the proposals for union vacation. their work begins long before it's time for us to go on vacation. on the eve of the high season, minsk has turned into the capital of tourism. in belarus the international exhibition "rest 2024" has died down. tour operators, agrousad owners, artisans. the forum brought together more than 300 participants from nine countries. area. for self-presentations, negotiations and contracts, more than 250 new products only from belarus, under one roof, the national flavor of all regions. the most stellar exhibit was the tractor; anastasia lenkova, a stunt double for cosmonaut marina
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vasilevskaya, helped assemble it; well , a husky puppy from the belarusian olyaska won sympathy on social networks. lila is 2.5 months old, today is her debut, she invites you to its own... in belarus, 13 types of tourism are being developed , for each there is a demand, primarily from neighbors. last year , more than 5 million russians visited the republic. we are glad that today 16 regions, for example, the republic of belarus and the russian federation, are connected by flights, but today there are at least more than thirty requests. railroad service, if we are talking about it, then why not, tourist trains, something that can work. the number of trips has doubled, moscow and st. petersburg are unrivaled, trending destinations dagestan is becoming, the region is just
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opening as a resort, they started with bus tours, from next week they will add a flight from minsk, belavia is launching a direct flight to makhachkala, certain programs have already been prepared, these are three-day tours, week-long tours and ten-day ones, we naturally. let's say, the beauty of the sulak canyon, the oldest city of derbent, our old narynkala fortress, old mosques, old streets, you fly to dagestan, we will show you, we will tell you what beautiful mountains we have and what a warm sea, beach holidays are a strong factor attraction, despite the distance and jet varnish, they want to offer a new product to belarusians in the primorye region, and as soon as possible, the summer season cannot be lost, we work with tour operators in order to...
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we also bring our tour operators so that they get acquainted with the potential of the regions , an agreement on mutual cooperation has been signed with the gomel region,
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we are happy to welcome tourists, not only those who will travel to belarus, but also , of course, here in the pelinsky region. minsk brought together representatives of 27 regions of russia, this three times more than last year. everything is better, not just a word, these are real
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examples, for example, the quarter of the three saints, where you can see various restored platbands, restored houses, where there is a cafe, where the museum space is located, boutique hotels will be opened in the near future, and such houses, for example, in the town of the nizhny novgorod region there are a lot, because the town is 69 years older than nizhny novgorod itself, and grand duke alexander nevsky ended his days there. he also accepted monastic vows in the town. important the event of the big tourist week was the second belarusian-russian congress. the largest elite tourism companies, special attention to business partnerships. an agreement on cooperation and information promotion was signed in minsk. this will stimulate the development of the market and increase the number of mays events, that is, business events in both countries. participation in a professional industry award will also help belarusians enter the russian market. this is a prestigious award.
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yes, we try to attract new participants, new destinations, new objects infrastructure, new operators, which, that is, please, need to be positioned and promoted. harmonization of legislation is one of the key topics of the congress. the creation of uniform standards will provide additional opportunities in everything, for example, it will help simplify the work of tour operators, minimize the difference in prices at popular sites, and there will be fewer obstacles in the business sphere. here is the budget.
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we also talked about this, if we want to develop, we understand that the tourist also sees what is happening outside country, some macro-region, he expects the same quality and the same variety of services within his country, when we talk about the development of domestic tourism, but there should not be a blind transfer of certain standards to national tourism industry facilities, the hotel understanding that representatives of muslim countries visited him. he must be ready to adapt
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his hotel to this delegation, to this flow, then this is already following the friendly or muslim friendly standard, business, first of all, must be flexible and follow the needs again clients. experts also discussed the prospects for investment in belarusian infrastructure. the meeting, one might say, became a practical session to develop a roadmap for potential investors. any investor is interested in expansion, and the new belarusian market is...
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relations between belarus and russia are developing intensively and fruitfully, by the end of the year the countries plan to mutually recognize visas, foreigners will be able to travel freely within the union state, and this is another new opportunity for cooperation, the creation of union routes, in the future everything necessary information is accumulated for tourists. tourist information centers, the first of which will soon appear in smolentka. so what type of holiday are russians and belarusians ready for, how to improve service and solve issues of transport accessibility and what attractive destinations to expect, we will continue the topic with studio guest , tourism expert gennady shatalov. gennady shatalov, head of the event
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tourism committee of the russian union of travel industry. born in voronezh, he has two higher educations: military and legal. member top expert. implementers of project programs in the field of tourism, development and support of small businesses, implementation of youth policy.
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jointly by our presidents, who realized that there was a need, it needed to be solved quickly, the corresponding orders were given, and the railways, the aviation industry, a large number were actively involved in this, even now they arrived at the forum, at the exhibition, on direct flights to minsk, what attracts you, by the way, you also often visit belarus, this comfortable logistics and... after all, maybe we understood the value of our common interests, i would say both, last year, the twenty-third year, i was in the republic of belarus three times, this was at a tourism congress and a recreation exhibition, a slavic bazaar in vitebsk, i’m just impressed, me and several other friends with
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their families, we celebrated the new year in vitebsk, and what caused it, why were you there? “yes, i felt comfortable here, i felt among friends, i calmly bought a ticket through the russian railways application, i calmly moved with the help i paid for a taxi with a card, and moreover, i spoke my own russian language, communicated with colleagues, with friends, and i realized that i probably made a big mistake in recent years by not coming, because we have so much" .
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his book, his biography, we have so much in common, but at the same time, i’ll emphasize again, there is an authenticity that i want to
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go somewhere to the west for a certain time, and at the same time , ski resorts are now very actively developing in our country. they are already
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world class, and there is no need to pay attention to alpine, we already have enough of shirigesh, krasnaya polyana, rosakhot, but already a huge number of cool ones, the only thing was the lack of little information, it’s very good that for the second year in a row we are in russia in april... regions we come to minsk to participate in the russian -belarusian tourist congress, when the tourism business discusses problems together with the authorities, again, what is very important, and what is the role of state authorities in promoting tourism ties, well, there’s more here not even promotion, business itself will promote, and the role of government bodies was to, you know, unify and eliminate. barriers in our legislation, they exist, well, yes, because until recently, now we hope that
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it will be allowed, for russian tour operators, tours to belarus were like outbound tourism, and this is a certain requirement for financial guarantees, we hope that this will be has now been liquidated, a tourist information center of the union state will appear, which will simplify, and not by chance russians realized that... we need to talk more about ourselves, this is the exhibition, this is the second year, about 40 regions of russia came to minsk with their stands, to show that we are attractive, this is a serious breakthrough, this is a serious breakthrough in these two years , we realized that two countries, or let’s say, our soviet state, have everything, that is, if we start traveling only to the sights of russia and belarus, life...
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structure, how to keep up with everything, so that there is both service and hotels , and roads, all this, of course, it was at a normal cost, so returning again to your first question, regarding the call and regarding the green light, again, this is a green light, but also the call, we did not think about it, because most of what you have is, well, like ours states, outbound tourism was active, people were leaving, hotels were being built there, we will not name these countries. who over the past decade have received huge amounts of money from our tourists, over the years they have gone out
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and built entire resorts, but we didn’t invest money in infrastructure, that’s... what’s there in russia there is a national tourism-industry-hospitality project there, large sums are spent on infrastructure, they are thinking about roads, so that it would be different formats of places of recreation and accommodation, designed, as there are campings, glampings, designed for an independent tourist for a traveling family, of course, this is not just one year, we will not talk about certain countries there again, we have been helping them to develop for decades. its tourist infrastructure will, of course, come, the main thing is that we have chosen this course and this is that on the territory of the republic belarus, that in russia, as far as i know, i have information, communicating, tourism and the hospitality industry is under the close attention of the presidents of our countries, that is, they understood that this is necessary, this
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is necessary, it is necessary for our peoples, specifically for our peoples, let's give this interesting project a union... a tourist train on the principle of an airplane charter, what progress are there in plans to unite exactly the two countries? here , literally again at the tourism congress , is the idea that i had already voiced before, last year we started discuss, at the congress we were told, we must restore and actively develop tourist trains that allow us to travel just like tourists, we must show tourist trains, even...
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from nizhny novgorod to minsk at first, well , its route was long, now it has been simplified, the time is reduced, but this means that the tourist will spend more time exploring, a real union vacation can then happen if there are such routes, by the way, tastes can be formed based on tourist events and the habits of tourists in belarus and russia, there are so
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many festivals and fairs in the regions. various competitions and various projects, nevertheless, some successful practices can be named today in this area, which attract tourists, of course, you have very wonderful festivals of historical reconstruction, my colleagues from st. petersburg and i discussed this literally there a month ago, meeting in voronezh at an event, some came here a week ago to meet with your reenactors. i have plans to visit our festival grunwald, because well, you have a very good event with this, because there is a historical component to this, original plus places, legends, yes, yes, gennady vasilyevich, there is a big may weekend ahead for russians and belarusians, here’s the author’s
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such a checklist of shatalov, what to visit, which ones?
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through culture, a single exhibition project is the direction of joint training and represents the work of leading artists of belarus and russia. and about the main thing briefly later in the program. the union media holding will become a hub and the heart of interaction between belarus and russia in the information sphere. experts from the two countries spoke about this at a meeting in minsk. the main task is objective and truthful coverage of processes in the union state. we hope that the reform will allow, firstly, to increase the efficiency of the union media, and secondly , it will allow us to create some kind of unified editorial policy. i would like, of course, that the audience of the union media was larger and that. system for providing the union state, information support for the union state in accordance with
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firstly, with the spirit of the times, secondly, with the challenges that our integration faces, and thirdly, based on the priorities of the national interests of the two countries, let’s not forget that in belarus, including the electoral campaign ahead, and let's say, the russian factor, including our presence in... the russian market, is also quite a determining aspect in this context. let us recall that the leaders of the two countries signed a resolution on the creation of a media holding of the union state in january following the results of the event in st. petersburg meetings of the supreme state council. belarus and russia are expanding cooperation in the field of education. moscow and belarusian state universities plan to jointly train specialists in new programs. agreements were reached within the framework of educational friendship days.
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sent humanitarian aid for flood victims in orenburg, cots, mattresses, mattresses, pillows, blankets, as well as hygiene items and clothing. they threw out a cry for the belarusian women's union, our women always respond themselves, we don’t
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have any plans, because how many people help, some kind of humanitarian needs to be collected, all the united organizations of the ministry of emergency situations, all regions , without exception, joined in, as much as they could, some donated in monetary terms, they bought something for him here, someone donated goods and... help collected it will be sent soon. the car with humanitarian aid will go to orsk. then the cargo will be transferred to the center for accommodating people from the flooded areas of orenburg, orsk and villages between cities. unity of intercultural dialogue, exhibition a project at the national library of belarus brought together leading artists of the union state. in total, more than 40 paintings are presented. the project started at the end of march in moscow, at the museum and exhibition complex.
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a historical monument, as well as one of the most remarkable world heritage sites. this is belarus in charge. the history of allied sports is being written in the arctic circle. belarusian and russian biathlon brightly completed one of the longest seasons in history. murmansk hosted the final stage of the commonwealth cup. victory the leader of the belarusian national team, anton smolsky, won the overall standings. there are already outlines for the next
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season, in which the belarusian raubichi will host high international level biathlon competitions. about sports victories and spectator excitement at allied competitions. next in the program. the final of the commonwealth biathlon cup here in murmonsk once again emphasized that belarus and russia are ready to organize competitions of the highest level on an olympic scale with a great holiday for spectators. in general, every story of a biathlon fan is special for viewers from the outside are amazed at how fans travel even literally to the arctic circle to support their favorite athletes and charge them with incredible emotions. there is enough motivation, motivation, it appears more and more, when a lot of people are sick of biathlon and give up everything, do not go to warm regions, go to murmonsk in order to... fly, where in
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the morning air, life is important, the first step , before we return to the results, it was impossible to lose sight of the main attraction of murmansk - the nuclear icebreaker lenin, it will no longer leave anchor, but now it continues to amaze us with its greatness. like biathletes, who cut through the thick ice of the arctic ocean in their heyday, it has now become a museum. which still creates a stir around itself. murmonsk is the last city of the russian empire, founded in 1916 and the place of conquest of the northernmost latitudes of our planet. well, to once again emphasize the peculiarity of the biathlon track here, it is located beyond the arctic circle and, by the way, the track is somewhat treacherous, it’s not for nothing that it has hosted the championship eight times ussr, smolsky. republic of belarus! anton
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smolsky, after awarding bronze to mastarte, walked out of the next ceremony completely in splendid isolation. the main trophy of an incredibly long season will be in his hands a moment later and deservedly so. smoisky’s confrontation with the main star of russian biathlon eduard latypov has been going on for 2 years, everyone motivates everyone, their rivalry looks decently beautiful. despite the fact that everything was decided in the last race. the fight is good there was, thanks to anton. last races, so thank you for the season, for the competition, next year we will also fight, today is a special race for me, a special day, but i won’t say that it’s only for me, it seems to me for the whole country, for all the fans and biathlon fans. the women's team of both russia and belarus traditionally enjoyed high attention, because many female biathletes are interesting sports destinies, athletes with great character, who beautifully carried off a legend from the sport. russian biathlon ekaterina
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yurlov perth, the women's overall standings of the commonwealth cup were won by russian biathlete irina kazakevich, who, based on the results of 11 personal races of the season, scored the most points. there are two more russians in the top three, tamara derbusheva and natalya shevchenko. thus , belarus and russia each won one crystal globe at the end of the season. last season, by the way, a similar story happened: latypov from russia was the best among men, and latypov from belarus was the best among girls. we are putting biathlon on pause until mid-may and will be very miss. next year on the calendar. bright joint events. this concludes our release. we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belross tv channel. all the best.
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