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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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y year. as of today, the plant has launched production of new cardan shafts and k-700 tractors. the drummer of the stone-working plant, cheslav kazimiravich bagensky persham, received a stamp of abuse at the factory. yakasts. under these mottos , the abbotniks worked in the ab'yadnaya pramen, and the yakasts lay in the hell of the stamp.
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we have spent a short time in the new day and we are working on this music, music, what a thick inside of our skin we have. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands. on the tips of our fingers the music is soothing, intense, thoughtful and revealing we have thousands of gifts in front of us. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music is inside our skin.
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we need recharge, we need experts, including among young people, we receive a large amount of information that allows us to identify boiling points and work on them, we never offend anyone, this is in our mentality.
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this is a state of mind, it turns out, yes. hello, you are watching the program, say don’t be silent, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest, head of the mogilev region bc department, oleg koropov. good afternoon, oleg leonidovich. hello. nice to meet you. we are glad to see you, let us remind our viewers what bc is - this is the belarusian institute of strategic studies, which was established by ours in the nineteenth year. president, as a factory of thought, you joined this ark in the twenty-second year, this was a conscious step for you, yes, you know, a very conscious one, from the moment the institute was formed in the nineteenth year, i closely followed its activities, in line with my previous
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work, i worked a lot with information, i was prone to analysis, i was very interested in this, so i really wanted to join the creative, young, energetic team of our institute, it’s very good that it happened so... it turned out that i was given this chance, for which i am grateful to my colleagues and i was very glad to be part of such a wonderful team. indeed, this is the direction, strategic research, the formation of meanings, because this institute is practically, it was very necessary, it appeared at the right moment, such centers exist in every country, they today shape, one might say, the politics and economy of various states, so i was very interested in taking this professional step, i wanted to grow. well, in the position of head of the department for the magilev region, regional department. bc politics, you have been working for more than 2 years, but to make it easier for us to navigate your professional priorities, tell us how you explain to your fifteen-year-old daughter what you do? well, you know, from a young age my daughter sees that dad is actively involved in
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social and political activities, some events, preparation and implementation, he always participates with me somewhere in some events, well, now dad is also doing research work, that’s why i say that we are doing research. and we prepare analytical information and not only for decision makers, so that these decisions are more balanced, thoughtful, based on various sources of information, the main thing is that they make our lives better and more comfortable, so that you children can grow up in peace safe, this is the most important message. how are analysts actually selected for this institute of strategic research, where do they come from, where are they noticed? oh, you know, this comes with really a lot of work and interviews, in particular ours in the regions.
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our regional studies, because someone today is more connected with the border, you know how serious the topic is today, grodno, brest, and vitebsk today, so there of course more attention is paid to this issue, how these external situations affect ours and everyday life with you, well, we also have cooperation with russia, with the regions, and in general, of course, we are one team, so when we conduct complex research, we work for our central office in order to really do that analytical...
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you can brag a little in the magilev region, one of the directions is, of course, working with students and we need reinforcement, we need experts, including among young people, they need to be trained, today there are a lot of talented people...
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the first republican competition is being held young analysts, based on its results , a pool of young analysts will be formed in which work will be carried out on a systematic basis at the republican level and this is very good, these young people are actively involved in this competition and what topics are chosen most often, you know, for the first i think the competition was very active, about 100 works were received by our institute, including very active ones, about 20 works were from the mogilev region, our analysts were actively involved.
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various surveys among their peers, students, teachers, they tried to deduce the educational trends of the future, but any future is also based on today, so they studied both what has already been done today and what they looked ahead, and of course, the topic of artificial intelligence, it is today the youth are very concerned, there were several works, and you know, there were works on ecology, on education, how to prepare working professions, how to make this prestigious...
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i was very actively discussing, well, how do you think our young people are capable? of course, you know, the main thing here is not even how scientifically accurate they wrote the work, the most important thing is that, working with a large amount of information, they tried to document their thoughts and their vision, then we will work with them. since last year, it was your mogilev branch that began to independently conduct online surveys using a new software product. infosociology, it was also developed by your specialists, well, do
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you think, time has shown that this tool is of high quality. yes, you know, very a great help in our work, what is good about the infociology system is that it allows a person to think at any free time, he receives a link to this or that survey electronically, there is no need to fill out anything, there is a paper version, and through this mechanism we get a lot of feedback . direct communication, that is , people willingly answer open questions, and that is, we receive a large amount of information that allows us to determine boiling points and work on them, and this also allows us to reach the population as much as possible region, let’s say, any of our surveys is no longer 900,000, as is usually the case with ordinary surveys, but 3.5-400 residents of the region participate in these surveys, and this allows us, we have already measured and verified the results, among other things. very accurately determine the positions that we will study, and this is a constant sample, here is 3,500,
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we try to make at least such a sample and people change from different regions, yes, that is , yes, first of all we change regions, but we always leave cities large, but we constantly change four or five regions, which means today we conduct one study in one region, in another, the next, and then in a year or two we return to some general topics in order to have dynamics, this is very important, people are not afraid to answer online, but they participate, and it’s interesting. of course, in analytical work a number of tools are important, any of our analytics is prepared using at least four five sources, this is, of course, certainly the accumulation of some initial amount of information, this is the statistics that we use, this is conducting online surveys that allow here we can identify some areas that need to be studied more deeply,
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of course, and these are expert opinions, so the next stage we definitely have a certain network of experts for which we will conduct research. we attract, we talk with experts, and of course, this means visiting work collectives, communicating with the directors and workers, we have a small towns project, such a very interesting project, where we study life in small towns, and how we definitely meet with people, of course we also have information analysis space, there is one of our projects , infometrics helps a lot in this matter, based on these several five or six sources, then an analytical document is prepared, you study the mood, this is information from your website, requests, social well-being of the population of the region, well it’s just that all these concepts are very relative, here’s how to measure the well-being of, say, the population, well, there is a certain methodology, there are certain
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questions that we ask, how do you evaluate your material today how are you feeling, what mood are you in?
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well, in the mentality of our people to live in peace, calmness and still wait and strive for the better, the latest survey showed today that almost 50% of the population of belarus believes better that in the near future the situation will change for the better, there are 30 percent that calmly, and somewhere the proportion of those who are anxious has significantly decreased, but we must understand that
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yes, in order to believe the best, as our president says, we must be prepared for anything, both from our position, from our unity. today a lot depends, so we believe the best, and the fact that there will be constant attempts to rock our country, the head of state also spoke about this, we see this too, we must be prepared for this, but it seems to me that there is confidence that the people have already learned to distinguish the truth , these values ​​are imposed from our traditional slavic values, this belief in the best, in your opinion, what is it based on, it is based on the fact that for us belarusians, the most important thing is peace. this is safety, for our health, mental comfort, today we are talking about external situation, we see that people there are inciting people against us, but we must somehow justify our own and military expenses, the deterioration in the quality of life of our population, including neighboring countries, so they make enemies out of us, and we, despite everything what,
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tell me, we always treat our neighbors with respect, be they the balts, be they ukrainians, be they poles. we never insult anyone, this is in our mentality, it has been preserved, maybe we need to be angrier sometimes, but that’s why we want peace, goodness such calmness, we don’t want to quarrel with anyone, we are an open country, we have open borders, people come to us, more than 800 thousand people have taken advantage of the visa-free regime and people come and see that it is a peaceful, calm country, everything is there, they are scared there and they are doing everything possible so that they don’t come here today, do i understand correctly that life is calm inside...
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they have already arisen, i see that the issue is being resolved there, there will be road repairs in one of the districts, i see that a report is already being made that measures have been strengthened, 89 streets will be repaired, that is
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this information is constantly coming in handy, but we, as we communicated with our chairman of the executive committee, by the way, really the governor-analyst mikhailovich satenko, he really works with such an array of information, he always prepares, and today we see that the magilev region has moved from a stable dynamics of recovery to sustainable gdp growth in two. this question, the belarusian institute of strategic studies has implemented such an interesting project, a value portrait of belarusian society. and according to the results of various studies, and the belarusian
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institute for strategic studies, we are customers of various structures that have surveys on this license in order to be able to conduct such an independent assessment of information from different sources. so, based on various studies conducted , these two were derived. according to our values: state-forming and personal, so state-forming in the first place, i have already said, this is peace, in the second is security, and in the third, as the president says, justice, but justice is very important for our society, well, then there are other freedoms, human rights, only at the end there are some questions of material, private property, that is, you see that in the mentality of our people there is no pragmatism, and perhaps more pragmatism is needed, but it is not there yet, but as for personal qualities, then... this is health, parents, children, spiritual comfort, peace, in these first places, and you know, the belarusian institute developed a value code,
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they called it dobrabyt, in this belarusian warm word, indeed, probably our soul lay it down calmly, cleanly, it’s comfortable, great, and we’re enjoying ourselves, yes, we don’t seem to need anything more, of course, we need to understand that it will be good when everything and the state are good, and for this we also need to act in a certain way today. let's take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel. say, don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the head of the mogelev region department of the regional policy department of the belarusian institute. strategic studies oleg koropov. oleg leonidovich, abc expert insists that foreign analytics are dangerous, and as noted on your website, western analysts use
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their authority, try to program the consumer of information, manipulate him, and thus achieve a high degree of reality in their forecasts. what are we talking about, some kind of hypnosis, maybe we see that lately, and indeed the last few years, there is already a world order that... we must stop one step away from how they think they have almost achieved their goals, this is impossible, and moreover, we see that today other countries and interstate
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associations, such as the sco, are strengthening. brix, in the future this could threaten those systems of values ​​and those systems of checks and balances that they have imposed today, starting in the nineties through all these color revolutions. they now already feel this threat, they feel this threat, they also feel a threat to their dollar, which, unfortunately, still holds certain positions due to the fact that they have a world sand press (60%), today the dollar still retains a reserve currency, but we must take into account that today the us debt is 34 trillion dollars.
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information war, what forces and means are involved in order to penetrate our consciousness and penetrate and pit us against each other, including the slavs, we see what is happening, and we are trying to represent the word, the truth, but today technology has advanced so much that of course, somewhere they manage to manipulate our consciousness, and what are the forces of psychological operations worth today? in fact, in the pentagon there are five battalions of psychological operations, in any
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another organization, that is...
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wants, there is a pure imposition of a certain point of view, this is the worst thing, so we tell the truth about our path, about our development, about our achievements, and we let people compare, we give international experience,
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we we give what is happening in our neighbors, what is happening today in our country, you have already mentioned that one of your job responsibilities is meeting with people, you give speeches very often in the regions, and so on, but is it enough this is to resist the information abyss, a serious issue that we discussed a little earlier, well, it just seems to me that these lectures and reports are a somewhat outdated form of communication, or something, interaction with the population, today everything is on networks, people are always on their phones, well, this one of the forms, firstly, this does not mean that it is the most basic, although you know, no one will ever replace the living word.
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thank god that today in the regions, by the way, new faces have actually been added due to the fact that each region today has its own analytical programs, its own talk shows, where local experts are coming up, and this is very good, and young media experts, we have a number of interesting projects in the field, all together, of course, the technology must be there , for this we must constantly work on promoting our products, content on the internet, in networks, in messengers, and you need to be able to do it...
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because in the short period of time that we worked for more than two years, we really, firstly, became, i attribute this award not only to myself, to my department, but to all regional branches, because for this it took a short time for us to form somewhere, we became recognizable and in demand locally, and of course, everyone has their own projects, we , of course, have a student league of young analysts, and many information projects, a lot of our own research, this was noticed, but i say again that this is a high assessment of the work that ... lbc in creating its own regional ones and this is
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gratitude, therefore, for attracting young people, well, mainly for attracting young people for outreach media work. anyway, i think that your parents can be proud of you, and you, we know that you are from magilev, and your parents worked at the electric motor plant, your mom and dad are very impressive, how did they meet? yes, there really was a very interesting romantic story; my father served in those years. he served as a sailor in kaliningrad, and the mother, a large family from the belgorod region, which, unfortunately, we see, is now receiving various information, unfortunately, unpleasant, but from the belarusian region she at that time lived with her sister in in kaliningrad, at one of the dance evenings in the sailor’s house, they met, and you know, it was love at first sight, they had not parted for the entire period of my father’s service there, even i know that my father somehow...
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the last ringer rang call, and judging by the guitar, you were popular at school, but you probably also gained ladies’ interest in mechanical engineering, i was a modest person in general, well, you know, yes, firstly, the guitar, it was popular in our eighties, nineties , we every guy dreamed of playing the guitar and we all we learned from each other, in general, i then actively used the guitar in conducting some kind of activities.
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this collapse, the collapse, and komsomol, when i came to the university, there was an ideological and value-based everything else, and no matter how there was no youth organization in the university at that time there was nothing, but i wanted something somewhere - to prove myself even more, especially since one day in one of them i was walking past the institute and saw an advertisement that they were recruiting for a guitar playing studio and i really wanted to try - well, my skills, because i’m self-taught in principle, i not a professional musician, i wanted
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to try my skills, and i came to this studio, and it so happened that there was also a selection there, we sang, there, we showed our skills, as a result a vocal-instrumental ensemble was formed, and we sort of participated in various events, as i now remember the stage, our first performance, we were worried, it was for the thirty-fifth anniversary of the university, and we went out on stage and performed two such songs, our repertoire was the most diverse in those years i perform... at a time when it really was saved or not, or they were thrown away, most of them were saved, the cassette was preserved, is there anything else to listen to cassettes on? well, you know, of course, this is mostly probably done in the car on the radio, unfortunately, of course , you listen to some cds more, or
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why is everything already on the internet, yes, but still the quality of the music when we bought such centers, large speakers, they are still irreplaceable today. we noticed that the record player in the house has been preserved , but since those soviet times it has been guarded by a very handsome mustachioed man security, well... it’s not quite preserved, it’s a gift from my sister, recently, you see, everything is developing in a spiral, today the desire came, well, many today, probably, have a craving for vinyl discs, records, we see that it’s heading towards this interest, i became interested in listening to my beloved yuri antonov or the blue bird group, that is, in addition to
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cassettes, you also have vinyl records, yes, yes, partly from my sister, i still have them, now i have additional ones, that’s what to collect, now they are vinyl, and how does my daughter perceive it, which were in those days, of course, today it seems to me that it is very difficult to reach that level, it’s wonderful that we listen to them, that we remember them, and that young people listen to them, and now you take it interesting, the big boss of the institute , researcher, guitars, or i’ll say more, well, of course, we even have a guitar in the department, we brought sometime
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, maybe something to play, but not so often, of course, well, you can jam, well, you can jam, of course , mostly in companies at events, well now in general. well, i think that i have already said, everything is developing in a spiral, i think that i will take my favorite guitar in my hands more than once, and now we will take a break for a while, after a short pause we will return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel , say , don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the head of the department for the mogilev region of bc, oleg koropov, oleg leonidovich, well, after all, you not only studied there same as their parents, but also worked for another 3 years engineering positions at the electric motor plant, and i’m sure that the young
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specialist had prospects for career growth, but you were lured to the belarusian republican youth union, you were glad that finally... withholding salaries there, giving big housing, you know, the first step is important, entering the enterprise , the people who will become your mentors, with whom you will continue to work are important, if this chemistry arose right away, then believe me, everything will be fine for the young specialist, today all roads are open for them, naturally, and i’m like
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i went quite quickly, well, we have categories there as engineers, they quickly began to assign me categories, i was appointed to another engineering position then in the process and... with the prospect of taking a managerial position there in one of the workshops, well, yes, then the ninety-seventh happened year, absolutely, different chemistry, you know, well , absolutely unexpectedly, firstly it happened, i was basically going to continue working at the enterprise, i liked my job, my team, well, at one of these founding meetings, so to speak, this youth organization, we were with colleagues, with our people from the enterprise, and it so happened that it was necessary to elect one more delegate to participate in... the queue congress of the belarusian patriotic youth union then, and you know, the guys changed their minds and seemed to say: well tell me your position, some opinions, i told you about myself, about some of my views. they voted for me, and so , quite by accident, having come to this event, with absolutely no plans to go anywhere, i was elected as a delegate
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to the founding congress, then i was were invited to head the organization committee, and i was elected first, then the first secretary of the city committee of the belarusian patriotic youth union, we started from scratch, of course, it was a very interesting time, we managed to do a lot, we were the first, the first in the country , to revive military-patriotic camps in base of military units, a competitor,
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glad of his choice, plans to continue his education and become a journalist, and a social activist is a state of mind, well, it turns out, yes, how could it be different, i also managed to work in my life, i had one a nod to housing and communal services, even by director zheu, well, anyway, i returned to this social activity and today i actively participated in it, in addition to being an analyst for bc, today i am the deputy chairman of the regional organization belarus and a member of the board of the peace fund, that is, for these big and small good deeds mean a lot to me, and it means a lot to everyone, to our population, do at least big and small deeds, this will be the building block of our peace, our peace,
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our development. oleg lenevich, it seems to me that to alexey ovdonin’s question, the second one you answered about youth competitions, after all, about the differences between regional and metropolitan ones, but the analysts didn’t say, well, or at least, maybe i didn’t hear, mogilev, it’s always such a capital of officials. is it possible that something is changing today, well, in this direction, as it were, what do you think, can mogilev still be called a supplier for the country’s leaders? i think that if you look at the fact that today all regions already have quite worthy people like you you say it supplies it to the authorities and so on, but the mogilev region is strong in traditions, because our people, the magiliov residents, in general, are not always inclined towards destruction, but towards creation. and somewhere there may be some more conservative ones to preserve what was, today this is very important, but not forgetting to move forward, everything is very important, to
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really preserve the best that we managed to create, because on the foundation of this best, if we are now, and we can withstand all these pressures, all these sanctions, i am sure that we will cope, then it will be easier to build our real future, i am sure, that’s why it can perhaps, maybe this is a territorial feature of our region, it brings up such people today. well, considering the famous heroic, i would say, past of magilevo, yes, that is, this is a city that held the defense for 23 days in 1941, that is, these are truly heroic people, today, by the way, we have such a popular, one might say, construction project, a museum is being built on buynichesky field, which will be a very modern museum, should be opened in 2024, this will be a unique institution for educational purposes, for just our tourists, there will be all the most modern technologies,
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24-25 will take place, you know, many no longer name the number, the all-belarusian people's assembly will be held, because for the first time it will have a new status as the highest representative body, where its delegates will not only come, they will accept then they leave, and receive certain powers for 5 years, that is, in principle, it’s like deputies today, they will have certain tasks to work with people, to communicate the state position, the decisions made, receptions of citizens, public receptions, that is... this is really the evolution of this highest representative body, and the most interesting thing is that if you look at the fact that there is really broad representation, no matter how our opponents prick us, look at which body would include both a bus driver and an agricultural worker , and a veteran who contributed to the development of the country, broad representation, well, following your example, following the example of your family, even we see that
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indeed, well, our value is in some kind of dynasties in...
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friends, today our most important frag is indifference, our life depends on each of us to make it peaceful, calm, there are all the conditions for this, we just need to do big and small things together, we will succeed. oleg leonidovich, please leave us wishes and an autograph as a souvenir. thank you for the wonderful program, for the work you do, introducing our viewers to such wonderful people who contribute, because together we are strong.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection of history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to him. ragnedi and yaceslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs spiritually and financially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion
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to the homeland. what unique shrines are they famous for? belarusian. temples in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the very cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important... canfigurations, let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that he lived in was a turning point, it was the 790th bastards, rach paspalitay knew, and with this we
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say, there was also a significant end to the baroque style, and all historical wings it ’s such a dead end to take us away from the people here, more recently , the architects would have been the myastsovs, admyslovites architect chakhovich, who is he, in general, the architecture of belarus, if at the time there were more european lynxes, then just in the 18th century we gained the highest level, we gained the strength to give out our aryginal. on our tv channel.
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so many people rejoiced at her flight, everyone greeted her with tears in their eyes, let their bile explode, no other country in the world pays so much attention. miss it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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live main news at noon in the studio olga kalairova, hello and
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briefly about the topics of the issue. with less than 24 hours left until the all-belarusian people's assembly, the future of our country will be determined by 1,162 delegates. we'll tell you who they are, the people's representatives, and what their mission is. the degradation of society in latvia among young people is showing an increasing interest in far-right ideologies; in estonia they are threatening to close the orthodox church.


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