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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 3:25pm-5:00pm MSK

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valentserskiy atrad is the first step, the first step in belarus, which is already two decades old, i have students of the lyachebnaga faculty of the dzyarzhaynaga medical university. this misfortune can, unfortunately, happen to every person, so you still need to know some basic points of first aid in a given situation, never be indifferent, always be ready to help another person. therefore, as they say, you don’t have to be a resuscitator, but you must be a resuscitator. all the graduates, fly away. belarusian dzyarzhaўnaga this medical university will provide hundreds of anesthesia and resuscitation facilities. 2024 is the anniversary year for the barysa region. region adnachae stagodze. yes, on a recent date , the gray book "little radzima" was published. the project started in 2015. the light has already shone on such towns as livanova, loshnitsa and zabashevichy, urban settlements of the barysa region. this is a new collection of presentations, the latest news.
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zembin, author of the book by liliyan ansukh. uredkalegiya of famous barysau local scientists and librarians. zembin is one of the villages borisov region, which is really rich in very interesting historical facts, it is rich in people who lived there, so the 4/4 publishing house initiated the publication of this book.
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let's be sure, what is the most, not what is shoddy, but perhaps the brightest, and at least not in belarus. central months ў artpristors occupy expaіtsіtsyу учняў и і кіраўніка honorary amatarskaga kolectiv of belarus skarbonka. this is their anniversary season. for 40 years, traditional ceramics have been acquired and developed. i love doll belarusian folk doll, so i made it in abtsyakaya forms, i paint all kinds of designs.
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the treasures of the folk craftsmen of salegorsk are captured and the end is beautiful in the handicraft hall at the minsk regional center of folk art. that's all, mostly on our site premnaga of the day.
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on the air of the show "i know". our participants are the best minds and scholars from all over the country. and victory in the game is no less honorable than in the republican olympics, because our tasks are also difficult and the competition is high. therefore , we do everything possible to ensure that the journey the labyrinths of knowledge were exciting and comfortable. yes, it started, just a little bit. all we have to do is get to know today's players and their teachers. nikita kanofovich, secondary school number 10 named after vasily ivanovich pelenitsin of the city of slonim, class teacher-history teacher yanina ivanovna boyarovskaya. danilo ksenzov, secondary school number 5 in the city of smargon, mathematics teacher
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ekaterina fedorovna kataykina. andrey letvinovich, secondary school number 9 of the city of kobrino, class teacher, mathematics teacher, svetlana.
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history teacher yulia dmitrievna novok. elizaveta bulatova. secondary school number 2 of the city of orsha named after boris lvovich khigrin and class teacher-english teacher zhanna anatolyevna penkovskaya. yuliana sudak, secondary school number one in the city of lepel and head of the intellectual club of the lepel regional center for children and youth viktor nikolaevich radko. i have one more person left to introduce, this is our scientific expert, olga kostritskaya. deputy head of the methodological center of the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. dear guys, an intellectual game is not a competition in which the smartest person will win. the fact that you are the smartest, most talented and
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erudite is beyond doubt. the one who is a little luckier will win the game. it is good luck and luck that i wish you today. good afternoon guys, we are glad to welcome you here. on our playground, well, at this very moment in the teachers’ room, my colleague, yulia pertsova, is already communicating with your teachers. julia, over to you! the mood is wonderful, light, airy! for me, maybe for someone else, well, don’t worry, soon we will all relax and enjoy the game of our eleventh graders. we wish everyone good luck, vasya, start the first round. we are starting the first round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. eight players. those with the most points pass to the second round. the first question of the first round:
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is it true that leo tolstoy’s diary is his most voluminous work. time! danila, tell us how you answered this question? i answered no because i believe that leo tolstoy's diary was not as big as the others. his works, but how many volumes do you think were in leo tolstoy’s diary? i doubt that there was any large number, one maximum, a good version, okay, let's fix it now, alexander, of course, answered yes, because well after all, leo is a fat man, well, quite versatile, he has seen a lot of things in his life and i think that after all, yes, that most likely he wrote a lot, why not answer yes to the first question of the first round? and if, after all , leo tolstoy’s diaries are the most voluminous, then how many volumes are there? well, what
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do you think? well, it seems to me, more than in war and peace, but how much in war and peace? oh, i don’t know, but clearly less than in the diaries of leo tolstoy, maybe, who knows, how much is war and peace, four, it seems, four, it seems, ok, then i won’t torture you and tell you, the writer’s diary takes up 13 volumes. 13 is the most voluminous work of leo tolstoy. the correct answer to our question? yes. second question: is it true that layering is widely used for vegetative propagation of plants? time! yuliana, do you love the dacha? yes, do you love it? do you help with the dacha? did you do layering? no, what do you think is layering? layering, well, perhaps part of a leaf, a stem, and
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this is just vegetative propagation, part of a leaf of a stem, which is still, for example, on a tree, well, yes, why layering then they take him somewhere, they take him somewhere, they return him later, or they took him there, he remains there, no, of course he remains, yes, yes, and as you answered, yes? yuliana is worried, but she is a biologist, she is going to study medicine, so she must answer correctly, yes, and correctly, well done, hurray, well done, there is someone who answered no, i, so, elizaveta, let's talk to you, well, better if you had asked me the first question, i knew that you knew the first question, so i came precisely in the second, well, i answered intuitively, i she said that no, well, if you think logically, in my opinion, from the name itself , plus or minus, well, as if vegetative ones should reproduce without... external ones, that’s what i judged, but i didn’t come up with any
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layering separately, i don’t know such people, i’m not sure, well, that is, how the children were taken to the garden and forgot all this there, well, if they forgot, then it ’s certainly not very good, no, if they forgot, it’s certainly not very good, although the garden is not the worst place, where can your parents leave you, well, depending on which one, depending on which one, i agree, offspring is an aboveground shoot of a plant that has been rooted, continuing to be part of... high life expectancy, and the female population predominates there, because
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men have a higher mortality rate in childhood, what do you think caused this, various factors, my dad in my childhood in the river threw, well, someone threw unsuccessfully, but this time i see you threw successfully, and i was successfully thrown, wow, what examples, he talks... talks about how he was taught to swim, did you learn to swim this way? yes, right away that day, they sailed away from their father, no? no, he didn’t swim away and returned, how did you respond? no, you answered no. okay, accepted. albina, let's talk to you. i also chose option no, because i remember seeing a chart at school that showed the statistics of the male and female population, and i remember that we noticed that at birth the male sex predominates, but at the same time, when already people older, about 50 years old, for example, the female
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population already predominates. then men just get married and their service life is shortened. everything turns out that way, yes, okay, let's to understand, this happens in all countries, no, no, in developing countries, in my opinion, it’s the other way around, in developing countries it’s the other way around, but what about there? and there, well, the masculine predominates over the feminine, indeed, but i ’m not sure, i’m guessing, like, yeah, well, there, as i understand it, they don’t throw young guys into the river, well, they just run there themselves, they run themselves, yes, it turns out that yegor had such a real belarusian sparta. survived well, didn’t survive, and okay, let’s figure it out, this proportion is typical for developing countries, you’re right, elizabeth they said that if in developed countries there are 94.6 men per 100 women, it’s very strange what kind of 0.6 men this is, and
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yet, then in developing countries there are 103.4 men, the correct answer to... then i understand, into geta arganizatsiya ab'yadnanykh natsy. oh, analog, yeah, yeah. і ў belarusian language , well, what rules do you follow? these words of the name, which decipher this abbreviation, are clearly stated, as if on trial, but as a kind of
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adnositstsa geta, this abbreviation, correct, god willing, little boy, well, little girl. in this attack, the genus is signified by the genus of the asnoўnaga words, deciphering abbrevіtures aan - arganizatsy ab'yadnanykh natsy zhanochy. mouth, the correct answer to our question is no. fifth question: is it true that the process of changing the state of a gas at a constant volume is called isochoric? time. kirill, what do you think? i think this is the correct answer
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because there are three changes in the state of a gas. the results of his research, history, despite the fact that charles did not publish , physicists give preference to the discovery, namely to him. the correct answer to our question is option c. six question. is it true that the ancient greek state of minos was ruled by the powerful king knossos? time! ulyana, what do you think? i answered no. well, because the state is called minos, king of knossos. perhaps the king’s name was something else, also min,
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mina, i don’t know. was there such a state? and i don’t remember, but they decided to trust us, okay, okay, artyom, how did you answer? yes, look, everything is mixed up here, in fact there was a kingdom of knossos, in which king minos ruled, it existed at the turn of the fourth, second millennium bc, and king minos ruled there until the actual decline of this kingdom, built a beautiful palace in knossos, but ultimately, due to a volcanic eruption, this state fell, it was captured by the greeks, achaeans, if my memory serves me right, he is now a complete encyclopedia. will tell you everything about this issue. artyom, this was precisely the main pitfall of this question. we really, as you put it, got everything mixed up. the state of knossos was ruled by minos.
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but i thought that yes, i remember there is alcohol and the milky expression, in my opinion, during fermentation , it is precisely lactic acid that is formed, and you can give some examples from simple everyday products, i mean, yeast, yeast, and a little simpler, if something that, well , for sure everyone has refrigerators at home , let's say, we won't say, okay, maybe you have some other refrigerator, okay, yuliana, lactic acid, well, yes, an example or what, well, some example, but in general what does lactic acid contribute to, here if you look at it this way, what, what it is, probably
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well, energy is up to the person, it will also be tested later, if we are talking about lactic acid, which is formed in the muscles, as you answered, the answer was yes, the answer was yes, lactic acid is a wonderful natural preservative, it is formed when milk sours, well, we’ve already talked about that talked and is contained in... advice, i don’t know the answer 100%, but i have a feeling that i heard something like that, and where did they hear it, the parents in the kitchen
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said, no, as if in some textbook , maybe even in the mrb there in the fourth class, i seem to have this very distant knowledge, but i don’t know where it comes from, i’m not sure it’s correct, but i answered yes, you answered yes, danila, do you think i agree with elizabeth , i have approximately exactly the same position, because this fact is clearly imprinted in my memory, and also the fourth grade, probably the fourth, perhaps the tenth belvid, okay, well, then let’s refresh my memories, about the fourth grade i of course i won’t say anything, here’s tenth grade belarusian literature - that’s welcome, yon released by the russian tsar aliaksei mikhailavich, the people who were and will be peter i. the correct answer to our question, the ninth question: is there really a debate? this is a type of argument. time! nikita, what do you
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think? it seems to me that the correct answer is yes. but we haven’t heard such a word, debate. did you hear? and what is it usually applied to? well, for example, a political debate is when two candidates meet and they argue about some important issues. just argue.
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the answer i have is an assumption that after all no, this would be the correct answer to this question, but again, i’m not sure about this, but you clicked yes, i clicked yes, that’s why these doubts, in general, all our doubts are because of uncertainty and ignorance of some question, that’s why we have doubts , well , come what may, yes, okay, artyom, tell us, please, i think not, because you can give at least two examples of months named after not the ancient roman gods, but the ancient roman emperors, this is july in honor julius caesar and augustus in honor of octavian augustus. what about september? interesting question, i don't know
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an answer to it. okay, i hope so. that the answer to this question will come up, does anyone know why september is called september? not because it’s the seventh month, no, nikita, great, it’s the seventh month, september is simply called a serial number, relatively speaking, yes nikita answered correctly, september, the seventh month, september, well, that’s an easy question, i think for him, well done , nikitka, the months are named after the ancient roman gods, rulers, important events, religious holidays, some months are named simply after counting, well, for example, september from latin. the seventh of september was the seventh month of the old roman year, which began in march before caesar's reform. in ancient russia, september was also originally the seventh month, in the russian state from the 15th century to 1700 the first month of the year. the correct answer to our question is: eleventh question: is it true that the winter olympic games in everyday life are called the white olympics. time! ulyana, what do you
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think, is she white or not white? well, i answered, yes, after all, the winter olympic games, snow in winter, snow is white, that’s why it’s white olympiad, 100% logic, and yet, i have to ask, is there anyone who answered no? me, alexander, why? i saw a catch, ah-ya, i was looking for a catch, is alexander looking for tricks everywhere? no, he’s looking for tricks, well, it happened, that is, everything can’t be that simple, yes, maybe it’s me, maybe you’re too, well, too clever, yes, although we have an intellectual show, i know, but sometimes we too it can be easy, just without any pitfalls, the correct answer to this question is, of course, yes, because snow, because ice, because white is white. twelfth final question of the first round: is it true that the eiffel tower was originally
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intended to be temporary. a structure that served as the entrance arch to the 1889 world's fair. time! juliana, do you think the eiffel tower was temporary or not? i mean in the plans from the beginning. now it is clear that it is not temporary. i think that yes, well, in principle it was so. i think i answered correctly. why does she need it? was built in honor, in my opinion , of the french revolution in 1789, 100 years later built, as far as i know, many parisians didn’t like it, but then when they invented radio or something similar, due to its height it was just convenient for them, and after that they began to use it as a landmark, well, yes, it was proposed to do it for the centenary of the french revolution
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and... in paris, a world exhibition was erected on a tower as a symbol; later they wanted to demolish it, but a radio appeared; it was preserved thanks to the radio. the original agreement with seifel was signed to dismantle the tower after 20 years. the building had a huge success, you can imagine, over 6 months of work at the exhibition, more than 2 million visitors came to see the iron lady, as she was called, by the end. in 2009, it was possible to recover 3/4 of all construction costs, but the creative intelligentsia of paris and france were outraged by mayfel’s project from the very beginning of construction and sent a demand to the paris mayor’s office to stop construction. the correct answer to our question. before we sum it up, i really want to share my impressions and collect your opinions and impressions. valeria, how do you like the first round? which question seemed the most difficult? i
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can't say what the first round was. quite difficult, because there were questions from an area that interests me, which i can really answer without thinking, but what area? biology and chemistry, biology and chemistry, okay, juliana, do you see yourself in the second round? well, why not, did you count your correct and incorrect answers? well , i roughly estimate that there are still fewer incorrect ones than correct ones, fewer, somewhere around eight correct ones? yes, i think, well, we will soon be convinced of this, elizabeth, what do you think? are you going to the second round? well, i started to count, but somewhere on the third question i lost it all, well, i don’t know, now we’ll see. alexander, how difficult or how easy was it for you to play in the first round? it's a shame for the white olympics. how many points do you think you managed to score? well, if my calculations are correct, and i am not a mathematician by any means. i have 11. well, alexander? let's
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make sure of this. attention to the screen. alexander, albina, artyom, kirill, egor, ulyana, danilo, andrey passed. here are the eight participants in the second round and alexander it becomes clear that your calculations can be trusted, it seems to me that you are not telling something about yourself, i congratulate the eight players with whom we will meet in the second round, it remains to wish good luck to the four players at the bottom of the list, to whom we are saying here now, goodbye guys, thanks for the game, come in. it’s a shame, the price of one of the oh-so-hot processes, i could have answered correctly, but i clicked, then i thought. i really wanted to get to the third round, but god didn’t want to
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gave, as my mother says. i really liked the game, i think that i could have achieved great results, but perhaps my anxiety got in the way, because of it i answered the questions too quickly, perhaps i did not have time to think about them correctly. adu was quite easy, but i was too smart, i’m not disappointed with my game, it’s an experience in any case, at the moment i have slightly different goals, namely to successfully pass exams, get into a good university, but this is just a shawl of fresh air, as for the questions , i think they were interesting, worthy opponents, that’s why i ’m not upset that i was eliminated in the first round, i didn’t set a goal for myself, i came only to take part in... to know my knowledge, in general, what i’m capable of, i don’t care i’m glad that i took part in such a large-scale project, i still consider myself a winner, we are all great, we are all smart, we can all do it.
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we are starting the second round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is faithful. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two
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points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second round. this play by ostrovsky was originally called bankrupt, but by what name is it known? we will consider our own people to be the feeder now, b) poverty is not a threshold, and don’t sit in your sleigh, it’s time. kirill, let's talk to you, how did you answer? i answered option b, it sounds about the same as bankrupt, that is, bankrupt is a person who has become poor, well poverty is not a threshold, that is, you were simply guided by euphony, the title, yes, it suits the approximate topic, uh-huh, okay, there is someone who definitely understands. what are we talking about and can andrey tell us, i’m
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bankrupt, it was originally called svoyili or let’s reckon, it was quite popular, i don’t remember who, but someone said that in russia there are three plays in russian literature, if i’m not mistaken, this is not drosl, woe and the auditor, i'm probably putting number four on bankruptcy, well, in general, the play is quite famous, now it bears its own name people will flock together. the name “our people” sounds very ironic
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; we will be numbered. the correct answer is option a. second question: what is the name of the philosophical discipline that deals with research, criticism and theories of knowledge. a) ontology, b. gnosiology, c-anthropology. time! artyom, what do you think, how did they answer? so, well, i started to go, excluding options that are definitely not suitable, and the first i excluded was the anthropology option, because anthropology is a science that studies changes in the physiological, well, structure in general person. accordingly, i was left with two options: ontology and gnosiology, and i assumed that gnosology would be a more correct option, because well, like any other name. science, it is produced, derived from two words, that is
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, the designation directly of what it studies and the addition of the word science, here logic is science, and gnosis, let it be the soul there, well , or some kind of criticism and theories of knowledge concerning person, but pay attention, the option is built in exactly the same way according to the same principle that you voiced, there is also logic, it also tells us about science, yes, i just thought he was less attractive.
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option three question: the treble clef is otherwise called the clef of this note: a is the note e, b is the note g, c is the note b. time. who's good with music? who might still be playing music? albina? i studied at the music school. at school for seven years, my mother is a piano teacher, and this summer we
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were looking at some book for first-graders, and that fact was spelled out there that the treble clef is different is called the clef of the note g, the clef of the note g, because it is built from a stick, where the note g is written, and the note g of which octave, first, the treble clef is called the clef of g, because it...
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this is correct danila answered, well done, yes, yes , yes, not only does he know history well, the correct answer to our question is option a. gromadyanin. fifth question: what was the name of the set of laws adopted in the serbian kingdom in the 14th century? a, really, b. lawyer, c-statute. time. egor, how did you answer? i answered option b, lawyer. well the correct answer is lawyer, yes, because the statute is on, and the truth is kievan rus. he was guided by the fact that our truth is russian, our statute is lithuanian, and serdsky means legalist. listen, great, did you go by the method of elimination? yes, but where do you get such confidence that
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the statute could only be with the grand duchy of lithuania, it couldn’t be anywhere else, well, it was with the grand duchy of lithuania, well, great. and what prevents, for example, serbia from making its own statute? danila? in general, as far as i know, in the middle ages, this was precisely the statute, one might say, the basic legal code, some kind of legal document. and the statutes were not only on the territory of the grand duchy of lithuania, poland, but were also distributed throughout europe. how did you answer, danila? danila, you are absolutely right that there were statutes not only on the territory of the grand duchy of lithuania, on the territory of poland, indeed there were statutes in many countries, but the correct answer.
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maybe it would be more correct that paper came from cellulose, well, logically , but incorrectly. i answered option a, i was guided by the fact that in english a cell is a whole, well, the pronunciation may not be wrong, therefore the cell, cellulose also has a root intact, very confident, stable, calm, we are moving towards the given goal, yes, english helped, right? from the english word, okay, andrey, just like you, i also remember that in my opinion the science of cells is called cytology, the letter tsi seems to be present in both, so i chose cell, well done, after all you needed english here, well done, andrey, in our case this word comes from french, forgive me,
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i won’t pronounce this weakness, i want to keep your ears pristine form, but this word means fiber and cellulose, well then... it’s already latin, for example, cell, that is, from latin it’s also a cell, and as we figured it out, from english it’s also a cell, well, the correct answer to our question is option a cell. seventh question: in which state the share of the urban population is the smallest in the world and is about 13%. a qatar, b - mongolia, c - burundi. time. albino, what do you think? well, i admit, honestly, i’m not strong in geography, so i relied on some kind of intuition, for the most part, i chose the option and, qatar, kator, there are the fewest city residents there, well, for some reason it seems to me that this is so,
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perhaps it is not so. where do the rest of the residents live? well, in a boat, i mean, if they are not urban or rural. they have dachas, yes, a garden partnership, very good, egor, and i was guided by the fact that kator is an island, no, peninsular state, i don’t remember the capital, and there is a desert, therefore all the people will flock to the city, i had the option mongolia and the burundi option, i chose mongolia because historically, there is a nomadic way of life, it is a very poor state, and the cities there are not particularly developed, except...
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yarotskaga gety psmennik, and maxim garetski, b. mikhas zaretski, c-zmitrok byadulya. andriy, pamagai for us. maksim gatski, my nickname is garetski, and my nickname is the bad guy, i’m supposedly referring us to... such a genre is big, bad, yeah, and all mihai zaretski, we read all the same things in
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the 10th grade, there was most of all, adventurism there would be uncontroversial and unpretentious, and there i say mikhats zaretsky, good guy, just a little guy, very good guy, read, yes, read, well done, he reads a lot, the correct answer to our question is option b. mikhas zaretsky. ninth question. high cholesterol levels primarily affect the disease. a - blood, b - cells, c - vessels. time. danila, what do you think? well, biology is, let’s say, not my profile, but it’s in my head. a clear picture has emerged that cholesterol primarily affects vascular disease, but what happens to the blood vessels? i assume that as
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cholesterol accumulates, it may clog them, well, that is, the patency of the vessel decreases, most likely by how much, let’s just assume with you, it will probably be quite difficult for me to assume, but people rarely die from this, i think, although this hardly causes complications, most likely very even serious ones, this causes complications and other complications, of course, the vessel can become clogged. in different ways, i mean in volume, and in the amount of this very blockage, but it also happens that the patency of the vessel is reduced by 90-95%, you can imagine imagine, in fact, we are plugging the drain hole of the bathroom with a stopper, what kind of health can we talk about? the correct answer to our question is option c: vessels. the final question of the second round is based on the paradigm structurally. in programming, any program consists of basic control structures; what structure is not among them? option a -
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algorithm, option b - loop and option c - branching. time. kirill, then let’s just discuss with you how you answered?
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i answered less, i think maybe i won’t even pass, but what caused such difficulty? oh i i don’t remember, you know, no, i’m not talking about the questions, but in general, well, that’s why the second round turned out to be, well, the questions didn’t know the answer, clearly, the questions became more difficult, no, well, some i knew, some i didn’t, i don’t think i answered, enough questions, ulyana, what do you think, which question seemed the most difficult, i honestly don’t remember, i made mistakes in most of the questions, i’m also usually the first to watch this program. more difficult than the second, but now it’s like on the contrary, the first round seemed easier to me. well, let’s take a look like this on a positive wave, like this with a smile
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on the screen and see who goes where. albina, egor, andrey, alexander passes. kirill, danilo, artyom and ulyana, unfortunately, no. at the top of the list, as always, are the four players we will meet in the third round. below are four players we would like to thank for playing. and we'll take you from our playground. thanks guys, that's all. i'm incredibly happy with the game, i didn't make any significant bets on how it would go, it was just incredible for me to see how this process itself goes, because it's one thing to watch with tv, it’s completely different, to take part in this live, look at this floor, this whole atmosphere, it’s just amazing, in the first round there were good questions, it turns out i remained third in the ranking, this , of course, was very encouraging, but in
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the second the situation changed , other questions as a result, here i am. i’m telling you my impressions, i wasn’t the least bit upset that i left after the second round, on the contrary, i really enjoyed the game , i’m very glad that i took part in this show, i can rate my game an eight, because i was going to think after the first round, but i’m very glad that i made it to the second, i answered all the questions that i could answer, i could answer some by guessing and didn’t have enough to get out, two points, but i’m not upset, i’ll be eliminated after the second round and it’s not as offensive as after. i did well in the first round, but in the second round i was knocked down by questions in biology. first of all, this is an incredible experience, this is an opportunity to take part in such a rather large event, first of all, i will not forget it, and i think that i used it fruitfully in my future life and wish good luck to the remaining participants. i propose to take a musical break, the soloist of the pop song theater syabrynka
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ksenia levchik and the choreographic group of the group. she wants to be with him, in time, he ’s just playing, but he doesn’t know anything, he ’ll have to give up, she loves bright colors, she won’t leave me a chance to win. now what’s in her head, he says, he won’t let go, he shrinks from his friends, the baby doesn’t hang out with him, the baby has outgrown it, one more story, one more comment, there is a little less love than she likes, she gives me wine, she flies away, the guy’s heart
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grows up, we kiss a surprise, a sunset, between us, between us there is a waterfall, between us, between us, between a hint. they shine somewhere high, their feelings are burning, they feel so good, it slowly melts, slowly flies away,
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into the guy’s heart.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. let's go on an exciting adventure journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and the passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their
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squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 meters long, to show how... in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard - house-ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness, enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third
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round and suggest that we postpone our competition program for a while and take a short break in order to get to know each other better. egor, in which school subjects do you feel strongest? geography, because i will have a republican olympiad in this subject, and mathematics, mathematics. more controversial, i’m studying how to pass an exam, i’m writing a normal rehearsal for 80 plus, how is this reflected in the marks? mathematics 10, all 10, i'm going for the gold medal, and the 9 is generally bad, in three subjects, it seems, what kind of subjects? all languages, all languages, belarusian, russian, english, what do you want to become in life? . information system, there is a basic and specialized programming course, and you after that, do you emerge as a programmer and as a geographer? he has been associated with geography for more than 4 years and quite successfully competes at all
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levels of the republican olympiad in our academic subject, and the profession was chosen by itself, but of course it seemed to me that his craving for the ability to work with children would still lead him to scientific research. pedagogical activity, but he decided... to connect his life with geographic information systems, i absolutely approve of his choice, i am proud of him, and i am more than sure that he will realize himself there at all 1.500%. we have come to the main question: your favorite book, gone with the wind, because it is a very beautiful love story that is a little reminiscent of your love story, yes, it is. is your love story continuing or did you have another? what caused it, tell me the secret? this will remain between us, because after this program they will tell me about it. well, that means not all is lost, since any word you say can be
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interpreted somehow differently, that means the feeling is there. i’ll tell you a little bit of a secret, we were driving with the clear thought that, well, we’ll see, we know what it is, we will play the first round calmly, we will go home, we will prepare for the centralized exams. us, in order to calmly confirm the gold medal, and we are already participants in the third round, we wish egor success in the third round, now let's get to know albina, are you afraid of somersaults, yes, but may i be curious about your physical education score, the only nine for now? , all the other dozens, yes, how much time do you spend studying after you return from school, well, i’m at school until about 4 o’clock, then i rest a little, about an hour...
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or about understanding about understanding, i am 100% sure, as a mathematics teacher, that albina to understand, to shave is not about her. i have had a channel on youtube since 2018.
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for a long time, probably since the sixth grade, she already had such a channel - she had one, and while there was such an opportunity, she watched a section on the tv channel with albina, it’s very interesting, albina’s videos are completely different, about what they are mainly about, but about school life, in general about everyday life, you don’t like to cook, i don’t, and you can’t even cook scrambled eggs, no, well, i like to cook, no matter i don’t know how to cook, but if i’m in the mood, i can make honey cake, for example, this is what i absolutely adore.
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why did you come a second time? interesting, just for fun, so to speak, are you not afraid of being eliminated, for example, in the third round and never reaching the super final? of course, i wanted to get to the super final, but if i recover, i won’t cry or laugh. you don’t like computer science, this is probably the most unpopular version of the answer, now in the 21st century, what subject do you like, computer science, why? ok unfortunately, it just wasn’t enough...
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it wasn’t enough, yeah, he needed to prepare additional information, so, starting from the seventh grade, we began to study extra and spent a lot of time, just with him alone, i want to go through the republican olympics geography, if it doesn’t work out, i won’t have a diploma, that is, the city of brest, why is it so good for geographers? i already have, well, a first-degree diploma at the regional olympiad, which allows me to enter a regional university. straight automatic, automatic, there you go he didn’t write anything in the column for the main achievement in life, he was modest, so he was modest, yes, in fact he, tell us about his achievements, his achievements, there are quite a lot of achievements, from the eighth grade, eighth, ninth, tenth grade, he is a winner the final stage of the republican olympiad, in the eighth grade he had a first-degree diploma, in the ninth grade he had a third-degree diploma, in the tenth grade he also had a first- degree diploma.
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that’s the excitement, but there must also be some luck, because this is a game, there is little time, you need to think, you need erudition, so you also need to cope with yourself, with your nerves and excitement first of all. let's wish him confidence in the third round and self-confidence, good luck, i believe in you, everything will work out for you. thank you very much, i also have no doubt that we just have to meet andrey. this is not your first time with us either. yes, 4 years ago you already participated, clearly? 5 years ago.
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5 years ago, how did it end then? tell me? in the first game i took second place, but in the super final, unfortunately, i didn’t it worked out and i was eliminated in the first round. what got in the way, speed, knowledge? to be honest, i don’t remember anymore... in my opinion, i remember how andrey was preparing to conquer again, i know, he’s still a member of the team that somewhere, sometime, they take prizes in the city, in the region, i think that’s also helps him, but he is a very well-read person, he knows a lot, reads a lot, in all industries, and why did you come now, a new challenge, new ones, perhaps an acquaintance, an adventure, it’s always interesting, i believe that in life you need try everything new and strive for... for this since victory is important to him or did he really come here to have fun, you know, i told him, andrey, you are coming, of course, for victory, of course, each of us wants to win on the pedestal, but will feel this game simply, as they say, kids are having a blast, and what school subject can you say that you are like a duck to
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water, i probably won’t name one, but it’s most likely mathematics, english, russian, russian literature, because in these subjects i am preparing for the olympiads, he has no...
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what is in the chest has been there for a long time known as cologne water, and by what name do we know it? alexandron, adikalon, yes, let's watch. well, indeed, this is adikalon. fourth question: what is the name of the angle whose vertex is at.
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question, pay attention to the screen, read a still from the filming and you develop literacy, the sixth of which film do you see on the screen? andrew, titanic, did leonardo's hero survive? yes, i went out, i noticed, i survived here, yes, but it’s not for long, that’s right.
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let's listen. andrey, did you press the button earlier? maybe it's a trambone? trambone? yes. no, it's not him. egor. tuba. alas, no, not tuba. alexander, fanfare. no, this is not fanfare. albino. well, i can guess, gorn, perhaps. this is the correct answer, this is a bugle, bravo, albino, thank you, the ninth
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question: by what name is the region highlighted on the map known? alexander, blue banana, yes, well done, sasha, why is it called that? and when the headlights shine into the car, and the lights, yes, that's the second, the most important thing, yes, blue banana, that's the correct answer. yes, the tenth final question of the third round: winston churchel once mentioned two women, for whom the crime brought enormous income. the first second woman is separated by more than 400 years. the first is lucrezia borgia, andrey, i’ll assume that this is maria skladovskaya curie. no, alexander, agatha christie. well done, sasha. well, it seems to me that we are doing well now. agatha christie, this is the correct answer, you
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see her on the screen. we just have to sum up the results of three rounds, let me remind you that there are only two tickets to the fourth final round, only two players will advance further, with a score of 37 points, the fourth round is held by andrey, andrey, well done, andrey, well done, there is one more place. then you will obviously have company, and this company will be the player who scored 35 points, a player who is not the first time to do this, alexander, you are going through the fourth round, so lost, yes, but he closed the gap, andrey and alexander, accept my congratulations, we will meet with you in the fourth round, egor and... thank you for your participation, you are great, pass.
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oh, guys, it seems to me, of course, it was difficult to compete with such regulars as alexander and andrey, who we already had here and showed good results, more moreover, alexander was actually the winner of the super final, i’m right, you tried once. i could still answer questions, i could answer, i was confused, here’s a question about frido kala, i knew, i knew, but i was just confused, i also knew about the inscribed angle, but these are just some elements of excitement, it seems to me, well, the way you’re filming your own blog, you have a youtube channel, your own, tell us about your impressions of filming in our program, maybe you decided to become a journalist after all, i really enjoyed it today, very much, on surprisingly, i didn’t feel the least bit worried.
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this is a success, smart girl, congratulations, this is definitely a success, this is third place, and you are simply beautiful, good luck in choosing your future profession, maybe i’ll see you soon at the white television and radio company. egor, are you happy with yourself, with the game, i came here to relax, get high, win, i didn’t come here, i came to show off, well, not even to show myself, to breathe, to relax, yes, i get pleasure from the game, especially intellectual, well... i like to say, is it really possible to relax on our program, i managed to relax, no doubt, no doubt, what
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did you like, which round did you like best, what question did you remember, liked, well , the second, the second?
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the fourth decisive round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the fourth round , participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game; the correct answer earns him two points. andrey, you leader in points, you choose the first category. russian literature. pay attention to the screen and tell me which of dostoevsky’s characters pronounces this monologue? i'm guessing this is radion raskolnikov? alas, it’s not him, alexander, the opportunity to earn two points is opening up for you, oh, i don’t know, the opportunity to earn two
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points is closing, who preached the theory of the whole cave, pyotr petrovich luzhin. well, luzhin, he’s the one, it’s okay, let’s not slow down, alexander, choose a category, from a city in the world, oh, great, i’ll choose this one category, name the world's largest port in terms of cargo turnover, shanghai, shanghai, of course it is, andrey, the move is coming back to you, let's do it, poetry, after all. autumn is already over, but the green tangerine believes in future days. name the author of this hokku. well, if it’s hokku, then most likely it’s matsul basho. my god, andrey, how do you know this? yes, well done, that’s right, it’s him, this is the correct answer. alexander, hod is coming back to you.
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i'll choose history. on which river did it pass in 1223? battle between the army of the princes of rus' and the mongol empire, oh, if i'm not mistaken, this is kalka, well done, well done, well done, oh, struggle, battle of the titans, uh-huh, kalka, you are not mistaken, the correct answer, andrey, what kind of struggle, music, what is the name of the musical instrument that you see on the screen, this is an accordion, how to distinguish it from a button accordion, on the right side it has... the same keys as on a piano, not dots on both sides, the bayano has dots on both sides, well, dots, buttons, round , yes, round buttons, yes, this is the correct answer, accordion, alexander, select a category so that religion, what the diocese was formed on belarusian lands in
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1005, let it be turov, and give a hammer. turovskaya, what could have happened earlier? turovskaya, correct answer. andrey, choose. biology. what is the period of time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease called? this is the incubation period. this is the most incubation period. well done. an easy question too. yes, andrey is somehow lucky with his questions. alexander, is it your move? well, let it be. painting. what phraseological unit gave the name to this painting by the british artist richard westall. sword of damocles. hooray. well done. sword of damocles. well, of course. how do you understand this phraseologist? this is a threat, it is potential, which could soon become acute and lead to
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big problems. for many, doing homework is a sword of dodocles, but clearly not for... andrey, astronomy. which series of spacecraft discovered the presence of rings on the planet jupiter? these are voyger 1 devices and... like aldehydes, oh, i don’t know, let there be a silver mirror reaction, and let, you know, some other reactions, no, and that’s what it is
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the correct answer, i know that he is not strong in chemistry, you see, it’s good that he knows this and got exactly that, the reaction of the silver mirror was amazing, especially pleased, well , not exactly pleased, but so to speak, andrey’s reaction attracted attention, which, well, it’s obvious that if you made a mistake now, it would definitely make money... and well, let it be two, but points, you know, i want to add that i communicate very well with chemists, i went with him to training camps, so how they showed us test tubes in which the silver was so beautiful, well, that’s all i learned from chemists, huge gratitude to them, how great, hello to friends, chemists, yes, hello to friends, chemists, can i say hello, yes, i say hello to my friend arseny and also to my chemistry teacher, you know, guys, it’s so great to finish our game, the fourth round, our game as a whole, on such a positive, friendly note, before the start you wished each other
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good luck, let it be a friendly game, if i heard everything correctly, it was a friendly game , and what happens next, well a natural consequence of any competitive program, please treat it philosophically, pay attention to the screen, alexander, with a result of 55-53 alexander wins today, thank you for this game, it was amazing, andrey, i hope you are not upset, i hope you you understand everything that happened, you showed yourself, and i’m sure you acquired your own circle of fans, thank you for the game, you fought brilliantly. come on in, andrei, one question, dostoevsky let you down,
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well, so and so, russian literature, on which i relied most of all, is the first chose, let me down, well, but i want to tell you that, in principle, you were very lucky with the categories, i’m right, i think so too, yes, well, in general, as an impression of the game, history repeats itself, yes, history repeats itself, and... identically, i also lost by two points when, well , the most worthy opponent, maximum, i think that the game was interesting, the questions were interesting, quite complex, the answers were somehow found paradoxically quickly to these complex ones questions, but alexander is great, maybe i’m less lucky somewhere, but that’s it it is a game, well, you’re great, well, i think so, but i wasn’t a little upset, it’s true, you said two points, here’s dostoevsky. if you would have answered, then history would have improved, yes, it would not have repeated itself, but what is it like to play now in the sixth grade? well, now i ’m older, then i was there once already, now i’m
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more experienced in terms of this same game, so now it was a little easier to play, but more exciting, tell me the second time or not, it’s much easier, experience helped you, svetlana vasilyevna, you are glad, you are satisfied, of course i am i’m very glad, of course, that we... will take the highest level, but i think that he’s generally great, he’s great, just great, svetlana vasilyevna, you see, a maximalist cannot accept, secondly, i would like to be on the main platform right now, well, it’s all the same, it’s nothing, next time we will be on the main stage, but the chances of being on the main stage remain, because the super final is ahead, we are waiting for you, get ready, don’t relax, i hope to see you soon, and i ’m going to the main stage congratulate the winner. game over, it's time reward, congratulate the winner, this
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wonderful bouquet is for you, congratulations on your victory, that’s it, the game has come to an end, you don’t have to worry and fully share your impressions, how do you like the game? i quite liked the game, there was such competition, so i would say it would be jerky, as i had in the first round. how among everyone there was the maximum number of points, and then i went down the stairs, and then snatched victory, and then in the fourth round , thanks to my memories, i was still able to score the maximum number of points in this game. thanks to the chemists and that very expedition, yes, that was. inesa petrovna, i saw tears of happiness, share your emotions. there are a lot of very positive emotions, because in any game the strongest wins. i congratulate sasha. sasha turned out to be the best today. and i want to express my gratitude to the organizers and presenters for the warm, sincere
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atmosphere that... today for us, for us it was our own holiday, thank you very much, thank you for this wonderful game, thank you, another participant made it to the super final of our show , we are waiting for the final qualifying round game to find out the name of the eleventh grader who will join the super finalists, we wish the participants who will take to this site good luck, and see you to the spectators of the spectacular exciting show. is babsleigh really an olympic sport? thank you smesharik, i know what bubblesleigh is, but i really don’t know if it is an olympic sport, i answered yes, purely intuitively. wait, how miraculously did he end up in smeshariki? there was an episode about bapsley, but they didn’t talk about it, in the olympics, they didn’t talk about it, it’s an omission, it’s necessary write to the authors.
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i am belarusian, i am on this cossack land, between the forests and the forests of hell for the ages of yore, i am belarus, i am from this cossack land, and to the good glory of belarus. it’s not without reason that i know that i am a belarusian, and i am happy that matsivova gave me, that i can smell my native songs from far away, i am a belarusian, and no matter how small i am, i will say, i will come from a tribe of infidels, and i won’t be bothered by bad luck.
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she works with the theme of the belarusian borok, the period of the rule of the radivils. i love my roots, i love my family, i'm interested in these topics, and these are very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history of my country. this is just right for
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designers, for poets, for people. creativity inspired by endless love for native spaces. i basically, one might say, grew up in the countryside, so naturally, the love for nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, flax, what my current collection of fields is dedicated to, is all first-hand. an extraordinary designer, elena pogernitskaya, and her warmest support group. my girls definitely like it move around in this world of fashion, where the model is.
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corresponded technically, regulatory and legal acts, corresponded to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 244 tv channel.
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on air news now, tatyana nikrasova is with you. hello. tomorrow the main political event of the year starts in minsk - the all-belarusian people's assembly. forum will unite representatives of all segments of the population of sverd.


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