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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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manage a lot in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and not.
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let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta is the 790th bastard, i knew rach paslivaya, and at the same time, we seem to have come to the end of the baroka style. and all the government leaders here are taking us away from the people, such a dead end, because later on the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovites. architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots in the past, then just at the 18th century we scored higher. we have gathered enough time to give out our own and aryginal things. on our tv channel.
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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka, he entered the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. the oil workers established contact with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk and equipped them. underground printing house,
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organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, minsk the anti-fascist underground failed because sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first composition of the minsk underground. were arrested and tortured in fascist dungeons. after prolonged torture, on may 7, 1942, isaiah cozenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965, isai cozenets was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. after death.
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they also had other information. all the work of the local population and prisoners of war, agent training was carried out under the leadership of the main intelligence agency, which operated under the army center group. abvar of team 103 with the radio call sign saturn, under its direct subordination were abvar of groups 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113 and
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the borisov reconnaissance and sabotage school. one of the tasks is recruiting prisoners of war, working with saboteurs, radio operators, and training agents. vedakh in a short period of time, more than sixty reconnaissance and sabotage training schools were created almost everywhere in the occupied territory. in there are 27 training centers in minsk and the minsk region, with the main ones in borisov, molodechno, slutsk, and old roads. there are more than six of them in minsk alone. in the brest region there are 11 intelligence schools and courses with main training centers. in brest, baranovichi, gantsevichi, pinsk, kobrin, luninets. vitebsk region, 10 with centers in vitebsk, polotsk, orsha, lepel, glubokoe. in the gomel region - nine, grodno - four, mogilev - 7, with centers in mogilev, three schools and bobruisk -
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two schools. the head of the bobruisk intelligence school , after a difficult day, as usual, retired to in your office. only schnapps was a salvation from nervous work. the papers laid out on the table required order, but i didn’t want to deal with them. having had another glass, he glanced at his watch from time to time. when they struck 6 pm, the door opened and the cleaning lady entered the office. a little embarrassed, she wanted to leave. his owner was still working, but he motioned for her to start cleaning. the young woman picked up
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her skirts and began to wash the floors. the owner of the office sat down on the edge. now drinking like this favorite schnapp from a local spill, watched the work of the cleaning lady, or rather assessed her form, full-bodied, busty, she was so seductive, but alas , work awaited them, having tidied up, the young cleaning lady usually helped deal with the lists of school students, a few days later in the first babruisk the partisan brigade studied the lists of those who were still undergoing training in one of the intelligence schools created in the city by the fascists and
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those who had already gone on a mission, which meant they were infiltrated into partisan detachments or were preparing to commit sabotage. information received from agent katya, the personal cleaner of the head of the special school, was extremely important. losses from the activities of agents provocateurs are irreparable. only in the spring of 1942 was the bobruisk underground actually defeated as a result of the betrayal of the provocateur george fat, a graduate of the intelligence school. astapa was almost captured. 150 of its activists, many executed. the lists went to the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, and from there to the center. but cipher messages continued to arrive from the center with the requirement to continue
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identifying the one trained in various schools. agents. top secret, one copy for comrade kalinin, we ask the ciphers to request everything. the destruction of the minsk underground shows the damage they caused. city, establish contact with contacts
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among the leadership of the party underground partisan detachments, and then give the asset to the germans. arrests began, and in october 1942 the minsk underground was destroyed. at the same time, the germans managed to launch disinformation for the soviet authorities. that the underground were traitors, it took years to restore them honest name. it was not easy to expose the fascist agents. among students and cadets, all categories of the population, but special attention to women and children. their preparation often followed all the rules of secrecy. in minsk, under the guise of courses. in borisov
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there was a special department for women who were trained to penetrate partisan detachments, military units, and industrial enterprises in the soviet rear. meeting of the reichsführer ss, himler with children during. photo of children of agents trained in special schools: by the end of the forty-second year on the territory of belarus there was a network of special schools for the training of german agents from among children and teenagers; they were created in borisov, bobruisk, gorod, mogilev, minsk, shumilino, ages from seven to ten. years and from 10 to 17. what goals did the fastas set?
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it is easier to infiltrate children into partisan detachments or military units, to come up with a plausible legend for them, but they are the most difficult to expose. from materials on the intelligence situation in the territory of the ussr, temporarily occupied by the germans. the germans widely recruit our teenagers for intelligence purposes, as a rule, carry out this work on behalf of. our command staff, dressed in the uniform of the rkk. february 1, 1942 , the second department of the intelligence department of the general staff of the rkk. the methods of training in intelligence schools are different for all categories of students, but the goal is the same: to induce hatred, cruelty, to learn to kill in cold blood without regret, so there is a lot of attention to practical training and presence. executions, torture. means of fighting partisans beyond the middle ages.
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on the evening of may 2, 1943, here, at a safe house, ancient otochka, in the house of ilya bezborodka, they waited resident agent marusya arrived on the call. now she was sitting quietly on... trained locals went over to the partisans, and he served in the police at the urechi station, was in good standing, he had everything figured out down to the smallest details, but the owner of the house could not even imagine what surprise awaited him. finally, they knocked softly on the window three times with two folded
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fingers. conventional sign. alexandra pashkevich, a graduate of the histap intelligence course in slutsk, who operated under the pseudonym marusya, breathed a sigh of relief. resident arrived vladimir karankevich. he has five people in touch, five girls from sludsk. now their tasks became more complicated; not only that. find out the composition of the partisan detachment near the village of palicisludsky district, how they are armed, but also to commit sabotage. what was the surprise of her and the owner? when they saw fighters from that same partisan detachment entering karankevich’s hut at gunpoint, being at gunpoint, the agents could not utter a word, at that time one of the partisan intelligence officers was already shaking out the contents of marusya’s bags: food, bandages, cigarettes, a bottle of rat poison, a traditional kit for poisoning water, food
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in the detachment, its leadership and the wounded. the agents were identified. national archives of the republic of belarus. files with reports on the work of special schools organized by the fascists in the occupied territory are stored here, hundreds of reports from partisan detachments, reconnaissance and sabotage groups working behind enemy lines about the exposure of graduates of such schools, provocateurs with their actions against units.
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today we receive about 120 tourists enterprises of our country. of course, the flow of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are mechanical engineering, food and light industry enterprises; there are enterprises that receive tourists in very large flows, for example, enterprises such as belas, which i visited last year 51 tourists, minsk tractor plant 21. kommunarka confectionery factory, also about 10 thousand tourists visited this factory, well, the entire sweet food industry enterprise, such as grifir, condensed milk, visited by about 40,000 people, in general, we estimate the flow of tourists to the enterprise in the range
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of about 200,000 people in 2023, for all enterprises, an increase in flows is noted, but what are the most unusual excursions in your opinion today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises; the most unusual are not so much excursions, but additional offers that you can try as part of a visit to an enterprise, for example, here there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikashevichi and... as part of the excursion you can dive to the bottom of one of the largest granite quarries in europe , see real waterfalls there, the landscapes there are very different from the typical belarus that we see, and this is uh a person’s work, also, for example, in belaz - you can go for a ride, if
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you have a very strong desire, at a tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, also an enterprise... yes, for belarusians, industrial tourism is rather a tool for popularizing our our brands are a forming tool.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute he will be with us hero and will answer all questions. how often do you have to communicate?
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and many more interesting educational stories, wooden, now many viewers will say, listening to us, this is how they stand these buildings, how they built, and they just worked conscientiously and made them from good quality material, zhornye believed that they had magical powers, you for the first time in this place, it means you make a wish, step on a stone and don’t tell anyone, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. and say, you woke up today, and say, let’s go, holy shit, amazing.
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broadcast on tv channel belarus 1 from the capital of the minsk region, elizaveta lashkevich is with you live. good evening and a short time.


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