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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active ones.
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this is an understandable policy. hello, belarus is preparing to hold an all-belarusian people's assembly. the name itself seems to reflect both significance and scale. today the program is about why the new status of the site plays a special role in the fate of every belarusian. extra structure requires large expenses, and in general there will be in the hall. only officials and no one decides anything, maxims: those who want to see on the streets of belarus is by no means peace, they tried to actively throw it into society. discrediting the vns was among the main tasks of the fugitive brethren, which they did not hide in the public space. the reaction of info-dustbins once again proved that we are doing everything right.
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the supreme council turns 28 this year, you see, a decent amount of time, especially since the first meeting was in the turbulent, poor and dashing nineties, when after the collapse of a large country we were actively fed stories about western values ​​and freedoms, then in the nineties sixth, the country needs... to be pulled out of the hole and
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think together about how we will live further, but many suggested the dialogue process only in the format of the street. belarus saw democracy a little differently: it did not go rabidly shouting at each other, talking calmly and discussing sensible proposals. in case you forgot, the slogan of the first vns sounded quite clear.
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the president’s idea to consult with belarusians looks more than logical if one of the main mottos of the authorities is that the state is for the people, but just imagine what it’s like decide to have a direct dialogue with a big country, when factories are idle, wages are meager or not at all, many simply have nothing to eat, wild inflation, in general, a difficult and harsh life, but the president agrees to direct communication with those whom he trusts with the people and speaks like there is. just words, but everyday practice.
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fulfilling the will of the people who elected me, i try to firmly follow their requirements, doing everything possible to save the country. “i will do everything possible so that parents can earn a living for their family, so that children's eyes radiated joy, so that the elderly would not be overcome by a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness, so that young people would celebrate weddings and enjoy life, give birth to children. at the same time, the supreme council shouts more than it works, rabid deputies rejoice for the freedom of the wild market, pushing belarus onto an openly pro-western path into the arms of berlin and washington. the confrontation between the president and the supreme council of the thirteenth convocation escalated so much that the latter literally sabotaged the work of government authorities, the country entered an acute economic and political crisis. the delegates decide to work for export, develop the agricultural sector and build housing. these points are still
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a belarusian feature today. after the gna, the long-awaited economic growth will begin. at the first meeting, the main directions of the country's socio-economic development for the next 5 years will be approved. today these images evoke nostalgia; back then these decisions determined the future of the country. it is on the first vns that the foundation of an effective political devices of the country. the initiative to hold a republican referendum on amending amendments to the constitution was approved. it will also take place in 1996, and belarus will become a presidential republic. the supreme council, sitting on western handouts , will no longer be able to sabotage the development of belarus. as you can see, these are difficult times. the fate of not president lukashenko, not the institution of the presidency, but the fate of the entire belarusian people, the future of our children and grandchildren, the principle
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of a direct, open, honest conversation with people is for the belarusian authorities fundamental. our strength. that we are united, together, we are belarus, together we will achieve more, we will make our home, our native belarus, beautiful, cozy and rich, so that our children and grandchildren can live comfortably in it, but despite the art of political tension created by external forces in society, the state has stood, as i said, while it has stood, and i must assure you, looking ahead, we will stand, be sure of this, we will stand, no matter what it costs us. but time changes, the world color changes, not what is changing is the west’s desire to subjugate everything , as the president said, they will continue to wobble. this is what the streets of different countries look like when politics turns into a farce if
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the state does not have traditions, mechanisms and tools to maintain balance. for a strong, prosperous belarus - this is already the slogan of the second national assembly; our country has moved away from the brink of the abyss, which was especially obvious against the backdrop of the color revolution of what was still yugoslavia. the bulldozer revolution of 2000 was a death sentence for yugoslavia, western hawks, led by us secretary of state madeline albright, were eating the corpse of a once great state. this is the first effective application of sharp’s same methodology in practice.
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the orange revolution in ukraine, the growing revolution in georgia, the tulip revolution in kyrgyzstan, it was easy for belarusians not to notice this, because everything was fine, but it was precisely thanks to those very five-year government policies that were understandable to people that we avoided this, although the sharpists were going to abandon color cholera and... on hanging on the wall is a t-shirt with inscriptions written in this fund contains the dates of great revolutions. next to some countries there are abbreviations tbd (tubedan, which means to be done). we are next, belarusians, elections
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are scheduled for 2006, well, 2006 and 2010 showed the sweet speeches of the west about the garden of eden do not work for society, only for radicals. fortunately, there was already a vaccine in the form of vns. the third meeting took place in 2010 and strengthened national immunity. and then the president uttered a phrase that becomes more relevant every year. we have outlined quite. ambitious plans, to implement them you will have to to mobilize everything, will, energy, intelligence, initiative, creativity, available resources and reserves, but there is no other way than to implement these plans in belarus simply . the all-belarusian people's assembly, among other things, is still an important stabilizer of society, an alternative to various kinds of maidans, riots, color revolutions, that is, a civilized way of political processes. imagine that in the country. god forbid , there is unrest, political parties or different branches of government are dragging their feet, in general, there is squabbling for high offices.
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in this case, it is in the national assembly that it acts as the body that must cool down hotheads and set all the points. the vns is the option that will allow us not only to survive as a sovereign, independent state in the current difficult conditions, but to form continuity. any color revolution is a clear example of how instead of natural democratic processes. and the legitimacy of the system , riots, coups d'etat, chaos and destabilization of the situation, devaluation and nullification of institutions occur both civil society and democracy as a whole, our main task is to prevent such scenarios: going head-to-head or wall -to-wall is fraught with victims of devastation, certainly not a better life, so even if reasons for contradictions arise within, the state offers society a mechanism and a place , where you don’t need to fight, but solve basic issues.
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all-belarusian people's assembly does not cancel the existence of other institutions of power, including legislative institutions of power, but this is an additional opportunity for the representation of the people and those the powers that the all-belarusian people's assembly has currently received makes this body of power, which actually expresses the will of the people, a very important component of belarusian political practice. in expert circles, the vns is called
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insurance against the new gorbachev. he came with the loud slogan of perestroika and renewal, but instead of modernizing the soviet union, he quickly destroyed it. the collective mind will ensure that tragic mistakes do not occur. above the decisions adopted in the supreme national assembly are only the fundamental law and the results of referendums, then there is a people's veche that can block almost any document that is contrary to national interests. as you know, the supreme national assembly now has a new status; it is now a fundamentally new constitutional body , the highest body of democracy in the country. such changes are also not out of the blue: high powers are vested in the updated constitution, for which you and i voted together, the draft law of the supreme national tax service was also passed, there was active discussion in society. the law on the vns can rightly be called a people's project.
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leadership of the constitutional court and a number other actions, it is precisely the all-belarusian people's assembly that is the people's veche, it is capable of solving problems at the level of their occurrence, and this, as it were, frees up the central government to solve truly strategically important tasks, at the same time , the people's representatives determine the strategy that is already being developed central government, that is, i see in this a new stage in the development
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of democracy, again, if everything is implemented as planned with a truly serious, maximally complete involvement of belarusian society in this process. we started the program in 1996, when the vns, to some extent, became a lifeline, and again the people’s council was nearby at a turning point. modernize the delegates site. decided in turbulent times. the last congress was held in 2021, six months after the presidential election, an obvious attempt to rebel to overthrow the government. and while some called for a boycott, the head of state did.
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to the level of a constitutional body arose after the 2020 crisis, so the developers set the task of creating a mechanism for preventing or leveling out any hybrid attacks. thus, the supreme national assembly was assigned the function of determining the legitimacy of a particular decision or election that was taken in our country. in the event of certain threats, the all-belarusian people's assembly will, in accordance with the regulations, consider certain controversial decisions or situations. and adopt specific resolutions in relation to them, this will ensure the legitimacy of the functioning of public authorities, this is done so that difficult situations are resolved not on maidan squares, but within the framework of constitutional norms and rules. a compact cross-section of our
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country will have to make a decision together, delegates, rural workers to scientists, all spheres of society, political views, people who... and the intelligentsia, private business and representatives of government agencies are represented, no other political institution can do this capable. as then in the ninety-sixth supreme council is not a closed club, the delegates are, first of all, nominees from the people. a third of the meetings are only representatives of civil society. the composition will also include the current president, members governments, parliamentarians, deputies of local councils, a total of one thousand 200 people.
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no one is going to turn the all-belarusian people's assembly into a farce. this. the dissimilarity of certain gentry sejmiks that existed in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, where each individual delegate had the right of liberum veto. a certain factionalism will be needed here, and putting forward certain ideas will require collective creativity and a collective approach. but the main criterion is that there are no wedding generals, professionals , experienced people who are in teams are respected, for whom vns is not an empty formality, to come and sit in the hall, but a desire to work with full dedication, to improve life. to develop the state, if we want civil society to be formed evolutionarily, through appropriate institutions, it is very important to give it the opportunity to influence political processes, and the supreme national assembly, let me remind you, is the highest body of democracy, the presence of delegates from civil society in it indicates that we are the most we take its development seriously in belarus. historical in form
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tradition. essentially an innovative mechanism. the first vns became a phenomenon in europe. while the elite gathered in the houses of lords and european parliaments, at the belarusian meeting there were people, from students to retired factory workers, they listened and, most importantly, they heard everyone. after the first all-belarusian people's assembly, i, like many other delegates, had a strong feeling that the situation was under control, there was real pride in my country, for the fact that a person had appeared who the people needed, who was not... afraid of responsibility and took management of it, it became clear that as a nation of belarus it would develop and grow stronger economically, and this step, this big council with the people, was certainly appreciated by the people, both by the delegates of the meeting and by the people as a whole. please note that today we have an integral state, a reliably protected state border, and we have economic relations with many countries.
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there are delegates from all six spcs in belarus, they have something to remember, and most importantly, tell how things have changed.
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and i will bring you at that time in ninety-six year, the country's export potential was just over $5 billion. the concept of democracy today is pretty much tainted by the double standards of western slogans ; it is precisely the politicians who are shouting about it who have long since lost it. but what is important is not what we are told, what is important is what we do ourselves. the west will never come to terms with the fact that we are forming our own traditions and our own people's democracy. it ’s generally not customary there to rejoice in the successes of others. but. while some are barking, the federal tax service will pass. in a country where independence is an opportunity, and where words always turn into deeds. happily. who and how helps to make
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our lives better. and what are scientists working on today? last december to users. our geostatistics information and analytical system has become available. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complicated things in simple terms. technical specifications usually mean if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used. that is, most often the specifications are in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, and also
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correspond to the regulatory legal act standard model, in literally 3-4 years should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special machine building,
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i don’t even have any doubts that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening is short .


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