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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for living as a family.
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the light changes, as much as it changes us, the music inside our skin is with us.
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hello, good afternoon, welcome. bolshoi theater of belarus, place of the latter preparations before going on stage, such, you know, as they say, prayed for, but not prayed for, like sacred in terms of wasted nerve cells, when the last 10-15 minutes before going on stage here sparks are thrown by the people, honored kings and princes.
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poor opera heroes. the day begins in the opera house, we begin to warm up our voice, we begin to look for it, it is there, it will answer, it will not answer. well, gradually, gradually, about 40 minutes, probably an hour, you need to spend in this state, then the work begins. that’s how you hear it now, the bell is calling us. three call, this means they are already waiting for us at the levitation site, and we must. you see, the rehearsal hall we have here is very good, it’s convenient for us, you know, it was built, not every theater, i must say, has such a rehearsal stage, which well, repeats the stage, our big stage, the main stage, and even the slope, which is present on our stage is also repeated here, that is, we...
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that where it is invested, so to speak, even the location, you see in whom it is located in our place, wonderful city minsk, in this park, which blooms in summer, is also beautiful in winter, you know, when in the evening, especially now it’s snowing, these lanterns are illuminated, and we go out in the evening after the rehearsal, it’s very beautiful, very cool, it ’s located, ending with how much what quantity people visit here from an area in the periphery of our country, this is a theater, a large number of buses, excursions, they come just to see how...
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great, hello, hello, listen, you did a very good job, you did a great job, you know that like a doll that will do this well, listen, exactly, nothing, i’ll comb it, an artist is interesting for his uncertainty, his constant search, that is, as they say, just like lazy people, it’s best to work in such a way as not to redo what they call it, so here is the artist, well an artist is a person who i don’t know, well, he
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cannot be satisfied, then it will be interesting to watch him, because even the desire to constantly, constantly win the attention of the public is a desire to do better and better. since no one did, well, like this, probably, that is, actually on ambition, so let's say this profession has been built, well, so much the better, i'll watch it. i can’t, simple and let me tell you, the most important thing is probably the emotional mobility, the emotional excitability of the actor, if this
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is not there, then it is very difficult to work with this material, well, that is, you can train it somehow, but we can’t create a person’s personality attracting attention will be very difficult with such partners, here i am, well, we have guys there nina sharubina. oh, we have the eighth scene, we need a stage.
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became students, students, that's right, say, students of minsk.
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already being a student, in my opinion, yes, fourth year, to come to prague to perform the part of anegin, that’s basically where my debut took place, so i was still a student, but i was no longer a centenary of the odessa theater, but i was already invited to perform the main role in eugene’s opera, well , such a good start, what is called encouraging, well, this later became the reason for inviting me. into the corpses of the odessa theater, in general, this is where my professional development began, because if
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talking about the years of training, then of course, you go through a lot, a lot, a lot in a class with a teacher, but you only become a true professional when you step onto the theater stage, and here, of course, we move on to this decade of my work as a soloist of the odessa opera house and there , of course, i developed as a soloist, probably because... the repertoire there was not so extensive, when in minsk, four or five times a month i appeared on stage, in general, this was the key to this, that is regular, regular singing, and gradually what the teachers invested in me crystallized, now it was becoming mine, i was already beginning to gain confidence on stage, i came here for basically the first year, i really... came straight to the school choir, i really liked it, i there ’s a gobilene hall there, i’ve already heard everything,
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i’ve already come running, i’ve already sat down with the bass there and let’s sing too, the teacher is not mine, he says, well, we ’re doing solo vocals, we need to drive the choir out of ourselves, we need to get the timbre, you ’re leveling there him under the part, you need to look for some kind of solo, but here i am fighting with you have a lesson, and then you run again, this is not good, you scolded me, in short, for this matter, but i still loved it very much, i mostly went to choir concerts, that is , i imagined more there, well, this happened, that is ... when, from class to class, i suddenly heard some notes in my voice, i liked something, some works, then i finally got to this theater, because the first year i actually didn’t go here, i indeed, at choral concerts, i disappeared back and forth at the philharmonic, this is what i listened to, and the opera was for me, well, somehow yes, yes, well, well, somewhere far away, so when i came here i remember, it was the royal bride, i remember that absolutely precisely, because i really was like this... here because i already had some kind of interest in my solo performance and interest in
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my voice, it suddenly vibrated for me from lesson to lesson , some things began to work out, you know, when you take a piece, you succeed 10% , but 90 doesn’t work out, well, you don’t really like it, you’re sweating all the time, you manage, you overcome, something like that, well, no, when all of a sudden you look here it’s already good and here it’s even beautiful, a note vibrated somewhere, well, these were some childhood experiences, but nevertheless, here you are interest appeared - in this kind of singing, already in solo singing, in some kind of timbre, i suddenly became interested in listening to it in the recording, how it sounds, how it changes, because we don’t recognize ourselves on the recording, we that's all, well , this is a well-known effect now that it seems to us that we have a voice, ours, our voice is ours unfamiliar, but in recordings, it’s the same with vocalists, that is, when i sing, i imagine myself a little differently when i listen, i can only control it from the outside, probably then and then naturally after college, when i i had already finished, well, i already felt that i
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was interested in a solo career, solo singing, then, when i was already studying at the conservatory, already, that is, my voice was also developing, that is, just like my physiology was growing, and then i realized, that he is quite a big material, that is suitable for opera singing, because opera, after all, not every person can sing in opera either, a priori some material is given, it can be developed, embellished, brought to some kind of condit, but increasing its size is very difficult, that is, well you can add a little weariness to it, but it doesn’t matter what it is, it will be like that, there is such a concept. like a chamber voice, chamber singing, that is, well, not for large spaces, so to speak, performances, but going to the theater, searching, then competitions, this is big it was very important, i have been preparing for competitions since my third year, we had an emphasis on this, i think this is very correct, because when a student prepares for a competition, he mobilizes, of course, this is very ska in mine, too, so to speak, well,
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student life, from the third year i was already preparing for one competition, for the second, in the third i won them poorly. the news that the order was signed, that i became the people’s artist of belarus, it’s interesting, that is, she got our opera from the chat for me, because colleagues immediately, someone someone saw all this, i didn’t know, really, this is all, suddenly, suddenly, that’s all.
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well, you already have to do everything now, i don’t know what else there is, above all to sing or something, that is, well, some kind of feeling is a little not very clever, but it was very pleasant, of course, from the number of congratulations - from colleagues in first of all, because i also say that this is very important, when you feel well in balance with the team, your friends, colleagues, creative people, and i would be very pleased to hear uh warm words and not well sincerely, do you understand? that is, well, not just some people on duty , but somehow with warmth from the orchestra, the guys from the choir artists, well, all the services, so i went for 3-4 days, it just turned out so very interesting, that is, in there are different moments, it was just when we were preparing for the concert on july 3, here the whole theater was buzzing, a lot of people and
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a lot of calls from tv channels , invitations, it was very pleasant, very well, of course it was...
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well, i was born in a distant siberian small town, but very famous in the city of tobolsk, known. because there are decembrists there served arbitrary settlements, sentences, left, by the way, a large cultural mark there, so to speak, well, the city really, here i am, it’s interesting that i am with...
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so to speak, they were offered a job, that is, they are musicians, naturally, for me too, well , it’s not natural, it’s probably not for all people, or rather it’s natural, but dad, mom, conductors, dad, conductor of a folk orchestra, mom, choir conductor, a very musical family, well, i’m not far from music, though in in my childhood, so to speak, they tried to instill me somehow in music, well, i was the first...
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in the offer of the necessary book in slipping in , this is what we went it was like a subscription to the theater once a month was like this, that is, we came to the theater together once a month, always watched some kind of performance,
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but at first, of course, it’s still the same resistance from a twelve-year-old, eleven-year-old child there, but then i still remember this feeling, when i already knew that i wanted to go to the theater, that i liked it, i already recognized the artists, i already recognized them, so to speak, that is, this too of course, it probably played a huge role. v my future, then this was the basis for me, so, let’s say, my dad is also a musician, naturally, a balalaika player, conductor of a folk orchestra, i also remember, of course, how - well, probably, this is present in all children’s lives when they attend work parents, you know, that is, there is an orchestra of folk instruments playing, and i’m somewhere in the corner, either drawing, or running there, or playing something with these students, that is, well , naturally, i still listened a lot music, moved all the time in these creative circles, well... a wonderful city of this kind, well , i wouldn’t say that it’s of some western type, but it really is like this, if someone
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existed and knows, then this center, preserved by this old architecture, these small streets, i love them very much, and i come when i always walk there, i remember my youth, my childhood, i grew up regardless of whether you want it or not, i’m still a brother, a professional musician, father, mother...
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my, i don’t know, friend , comrade, colleague, well, we met on one of the first days of the entrance exams to odessa conservatory, from then on, in general, we began to study, together at the desk, then together all the excerpts of the opera studio, well, from morning to night, so to speak, well, probably, this is how you should check, probably, the person with whom you are going to live live later. you have to do something for a long, long, long time, we really were together so much at the conservatory that when we suddenly one day in the third year announced that we meant that
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we were, well, students. happened, made an offer, we decided get married, all this happened, and then, here are the children, my children, and they are also part of this theater, because my eldest was jumping, god, it seems like it was just yesterday, just like that, she’s been running now for 19 years, a big girl, well, she also jumped out to the papagenchiks in the opera studio and evgeniyana wants to say, evgenia anegina
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was working on a performance, well... our children's opera studio, well, now the youngest one too, pinocchio jumps out here, my scene in the love potion is busy, well, theater children too, theater children also grew up here for backstage, zhenya, well, the eldest daughter, she was here a lot at one time, then she had a break, when she came after 3-4 years, almost no one here recognizes her, she’s already such a baroque, she’s just like mali, to me need to, where am i, where is all this , all these stupid... reactions, well, in general - oh, how you have grown, how you have grown, yes, so this is what can be said about my family that this is an absolutely theatrical family, as they say, well, i’m different in the family, it happens, it happens this time, if suddenly m - some the prince has not completely left me or some terrible baron, then i can and you see, oh, something like that, well, that’s me, i’m generally
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an easy-going, kind person by and large, well... well, emotional, like anyone , probably an artist, it happens that sometimes you yourself have something like this at home, well, children, children are children, you shout at someone, shout something, and then you walk around, suffer for 2 days, that somehow it’s not like that , it probably wasn’t worth it, well, well, i, i, i want to be a strict, disciplining dad, but it doesn’t work out, because in general, by nature, i’m probably not such a person, therefore for a long time. like a cult leopold, remember, i can’t be angry for a long time, kind, i’m terrible, this is roughly how it all happens, well, success in such a way, you know, like success, it seems to me that this is the state when - because if we talk about the local, that is, in the moment of just applause after the performance, this is of course a very pleasant moment, but for the artist it is so short, because as a rule it is still, if everything that has not yet cooled down is still flying,
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that’s it. and you go out later, you know, again there is such a moment, this is also allegorical, but this is also the price of success, these are the flowers, these are the colleagues, applause, a full hall, everything is shining, and you go into the dressing room, take off your suit, take it off, talk, go out, now, just like that, just like that, literally in two or three seconds this scene is cleared up, it’s empty again, the hall is empty, it’s already dark, and here you are, literally, here you were, prince igor, and you ’re already leaving everything and you. stanislav trifonov, everything is an ordinary person, everything is necessary and this state has not yet left you from the performance, everything is already everything everything is already empty, and then the next one is being edited , something else is already happening and this moment is pleasant, but it’s so fleeting , so i don’t know if in our world it’s not only success, well, the public
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loves it today, tomorrow they forgot what to do, what. we have an orchestra sitting here, let’s say 60-70 people, they are all musicians from the age of 5, 6 years they all play the pipe there, everyone is very deeply immersed, so to speak, in the topic, they know opera very well, they have heard many of them, here is the choir, artists choir, with colleagues on stage, you can always feel how they relate to the one who works on stage, and well, when the relationship is respectful, when the relationship is interested in your work, this, it
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seems to me, is success.
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the strategic development of belarus will be discussed by delegates of the supreme council on april 24-25 in minsk. the all-belarusian assembly received constitutional status this year. this means that vns will not be easy to recommend. representatives of the authorities, councils of deputies and civil society, each not just an expert in their field, but a person they trust, on the first day the delegates will have to decide organizational and electoral issues,
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including electing the composition of the presidium of the supreme assembly, adopting work regulations. on april 25 , issues included in the agenda will be considered. delegates will be presented with draft strategically important documents. concepts of national security and military doctrine. the law on entrepreneurial activities was signed by the president of belarus. the document establishes an updated architecture of entrepreneurship and provides for two categories engaged in entrepreneurial activities: firstly, legal entities are small organizations with up to 100 employees, medium ones with up to 250 employees and large ones with over 250 employees. secondly, the categories of persons include artisans and owners. agroecological estates, self-employed individual entrepreneurs. the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1. for those that are not included in the planned list, registration of new individual
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entrepreneurs will cease from october 1, and existing ones are required to become legal entities. this must be done before twenty-sixth year. the transition mechanism is simplified day by day. the law provides for new types of financial support, including reimbursement from the budget. capital expenditures when implementing investment projects with the assistance of loans from the development bank, the right to receive financial government support for medium-sized businesses is expanded. previously, this tool was only available to small businesses. belarusian industry is represented at the international exhibition inoprom central asia. the forum takes place in tashkent. a large-scale exhibition brings together more than 400 exhibitors and 28 collective expositions. the belarusian stand is a showcase of domestic high-tech. similar products represented by 10 companies from combines to machine tools. foreign industry central asia will last until april 24. the forum's agenda includes a busy business program, presentations, meetings and negotiations. a large-scale job fair for
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young people is taking place in belarus. the guys have the opportunity to find a part-time job during the summer holidays, and future graduates have the first job. in the general republican event this year about 2,500 employers from various fields take part. activities, the number of offered vacancies exceeds 25,000. in addition, young belarusians can undergo interviews with employers, receive consultations and professional testing to choose a career path. these include enterprises in the sphere of industry, trade, chains, restaurants, hotel businesses, and of course, forestry and agriculture . this year, the time frame of the event has been expanded, in regional centers and cities with a larger number of participants.


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