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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm MSK

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olympic games. vladislav. beijing. beijing, that's right. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. third level. paris, london, new york. name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. sydney. you were very close. let's do it again. which league winner gets the larry o'brien cup? nba? nba, this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2.24 cm for women. what sport are we talking about? it will be volleyball. watch the intellectual sports show "head game" on our tv channel. the song
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of iradzim is still there, maybe everything will change, the forests are not falling, you won’t know the smoke of spring, the rain will be clear, only this will not be hourly, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk words, monthly scene bug on the grass. and nyakhay life is not a great sand, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is a life.
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they waited a whole week to watch their favorite cartoon on sunday morning, it was later that vcrs appeared, a real luxury for those who had it, they organized there is a whole cinema hall at home, there is a shortage - this is the most capacious thing that collects the romance of childhood, the early nineties, when you can’t take candy into the garden, others also want it, but there is no way. get it, no, not buy it, just
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get it, and this is not a bad childhood, that was the time, it took years to understand how much parents did to get candy, why they didn’t buy furniture for the interior, they took what they brought queues, food stamps and coupons, without which money does not work, a total shortage of goods, empty shelves and...
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let’s say we withdraw money from the book, live for a while, then what? no less queues lined up at the cash registers, it would be good if the salary was paid out for the previous month or at least part in money, the second in produced goods, but the main blow was ahead, having lost control over money circulation , savings turned into the same candy wrappers, inflation grew by 30% per month , as a result, for the price of an apartment, people were able to buy, perhaps, a barn lock. my husband died, i’m gone, i’ve been working for so many years, i’ve worked, i’ve raised children, now i have to beg, i was robbed the people who had savings , withstood death, there were some thousand, what they turned into, where they got millions, billions, at the expense of whom it was, this...
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everything was decided by connections and positions in society. and there is no need to gloss over these problems here; everyone must answer for their own. before deputy lukashenko, no one spoke so openly about corruption. this is a statement that was made at a meeting of the supreme. the whole country listened to the council at the end of ninety-three, it seems that no one except the young and proactive politician cared the fact that ordinary people suffer from the inaction of the authorities, and the young state , just a few years after the collapse of the ussr , found itself on the brink of an abyss, some
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benefited from being kept silent, some did not, did not know how to move forward, they had their own, it would be necessary to change effectively so that these were people professionally trained, so that it would not be cooks who ran the country, but professionally trained people who knew their job. tired of the hesitation of the supreme council of the 12th convocation, which not only did not offer people a way out of the economic and political crisis. but also for several years delayed the adoption of the first constitution, which means that the state was marking time and there was no talk of any development, society had reached a boiling point, trust in the authorities was lost, only a strong leader can turn the situation around in favor of the people when they stop raising prices,
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when this became clear, people were simply tired, but the supreme council was in no hurry to share power, and it was this issue that became a sticking point. stumbling block, which delayed the adoption of the basic law for almost 4 years. during the preparation of the constitution in the fourth year, there were a lot of disputes about which republic, our republic in terms of the form of government, a presidential republic, a parliamentary republic, but it must be said that in both republics there is a president, only in a presidential republic, the head of state is also the head of the executive branch, there were intentions to raise this issue at a republican referendum, but in the end this idea was abandoned in the supreme council, and the supreme council was then the main body of state power. the law of laws of the seventy-eighth already by the beginning of the nineties turned into an archaic document, it required radical revision, two working groups took on it, it was decided that
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traditions would form the basis, which would be supplemented by advanced world experience, but looking through the prism of democratic reforms to preserve social guarantees, it turned out that even... pomena does not have its closest western neighbors. the approaches of russia, which decided on its development strategy a year earlier, were closer in spirit. the developers offered about three dozen options, they added and crossed out, argued and agreed. what was duplicated from project to project was preserved. this is how the first fundamental law was created: independent belarus. we declared ourselves as unitary, democratic, social...
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based on responsibility for the present and future of belarus. the years have shown how important it was to enshrine the principles of civil consent in the basic law. this core will again and again help to resist external challenges and
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interference in internal affairs. and the stronger belarus gets back on its feet, the more those who still can’t will make more attempts with greater effort. what would have happened to us if we had not made changes to our constitution in time, had not built our country, and there would have been no state. the year before the elections the country approached the elections in a deplorable state, 40% of industrial
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production was lost, agriculture was set back decades, the harvesting company is under threat due to fuel shortages, real incomes are falling, unemployment is growing, and this is against the backdrop of riots, crime and corruption . those factories who previously produced rockets were forced to adapt and produce those goods that were primarily needed by people, for example, graters, that is, for many engineers this was a very moral blow, because before that we were just making cartridges, machine guns, here time to do graters, for many it was even a kind of humiliation, but what to do, the whole country was forced to survive, everyone rushed en masse to trade, because in russia food prices were three times higher than ours , just my father, like many other people, they were just transporting food, primarily butter, raw sausages. to russia, just in connection with such a general shortage, and i remember how
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my father and i stood at the door of the store and asked people if they would buy oil, and if people said that they were not going to buy oil, we asked them to buy us a pack of butter, my father went with these products to sumolensk or to but there, when he said that as soon as you go out onto the platform with these bags , the russians... came up and immediately swept away all these products that he brought, because belarusian goods were already rated as very tasty and to take the state people away from the abyss, such courage, at that time it was really a strong statement in his election program, proposed by candidate alexander lukashenko, director of the state farm from gorodets his people, as his voters called him, he promised to restore industry and return all external relations. at the same time, he honestly warned about the difficult path to true independence. for the presidential elections
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the people perceived the year 1994 with great enthusiasm, and in the newspapers there were very broad discussions among the people about what would happen next, so everyone, with the understanding that the fate of the country depended on us, came to the polling stations with... lukashenko wins the second round of the presidential election, without relaxing, without enjoying the victory, the first president immediately
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proposes a plan of urgent measures to get the economy out of the crisis, time does not wait, there is nowhere to go further, this program has been around for a long time despair, became the first step for people, which inspired optimism and gave hope. the first thing he paid attention to was our agricultural sector.
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the state started practically from scratch, in its ideology and symbolism, after the collapse of the ussr, some hotheads proposed to demolish everything to the ground. belarus is one step away from nationalism. the language issue could provoke a split in society and lead to fraternal hatred, as happened in ukraine and the baltic countries.
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the symbolism imposed by the bcbs threatened to cause death a wound to entire generations that they knew. what is behind it, years later, it is clear who benefited from it, where they wanted to turn our country, then in order to survive, it was important to maintain the unity of society and once and for all determine their own path of development, without wars of shocks, and the belarusians said yes, more than 83 % of citizens agreed that the russian language should become the state language on an equal basis with belarusian, 75% voted for changing state symbols, more...
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to build a clear system of state power that would make it possible to quickly making management decisions would ensure their implementation turned out to be an extremely difficult task, all countries of the post-soviet space have gone through this, some are still making trouble, this process turned out to be painful for belarus too: the discussion of changes to the constitution took place in a difficult
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political situation in the confrontation between individual branches of government, political parties and public associations. the supreme council has prepared its own version of the changes. the main question remained: should belarus be parliamentary or presidential republic? the attempt to drag citizens into the conflict failed. people, having seen enough of the distant discussions in the supreme council, trusted more the one who simply worked, solving their specific problems. here is the visit of the head of state to mogilev. thank you, thank you! and this is gomel! here the president once again stated: the fate of the young state is only in the hands of ordinary people. yes, it’s not easy today, yes, there are a lot of problems today, but believe me, we can solve these problems here. whether anyone wants it or not, it’s just us
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we can solve these problems, whatever it is. or not, only we are capable of saving our country and bringing it to the level that our belarusian people deserve. even at the beginning of his journey, the president took a principled position, all important decisions will be made together with the belarusian people, this is his initiative, to convene the first in the history of a sovereign state, the all-belarusian people's assembly, 500 people listened to the report, which was transparent. reflected the tactics of a young politician, only the people have the right to decide their fate, there is a court program socio-economic development for the next five-year period, we discussed together, including increasing exports.
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the weight of the voice and the role of everyone in state building, more than 6 million people came to the polling stations, amendments to the constitution that were proposed by the head of the state were supported by more than 70% of citizens. the results of the referendum were absolutely clear.
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parliament, executive council of ministers. councils of deputies, starting with city and district ones, were entrusted with local administration and self-government. a clear vertical of power, which was then formed thanks to the constitutional reform, made it possible to preserve belarusian statehood. this will later be noticed by historians and experts. the task from the president was absolutely clear: to protect the interests of honestly working people, and not speculators and privatizers. and put national interests above what the west is blindly trying to point out. it was necessary to look at all sectors
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of the national economy from a fresh angle; their effective work would strengthen the social sphere. how and with what to treat and what is missing in medicine to prevent the development of serious illnesses, why add to pensions and social benefits, whether reforms are needed in the soviet school, we were not talking about big reforms. we didn’t yet know that in the middle grades , a’s would be replaced by tens, and later exams would be tests that would be called centralized, too serious for those who were still getting used to the weight of a backpack and the difficult middle name of the first teacher.
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already confirmed by the first five-year plan, by the 2000s gdp grew by more than a third, the same amount was added to investments in fixed capital, industrial production increased by more than half, income and new buildings increased, and no matter how predicted.
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and labor without having deposits of natural resources, and this was truly the beginning of a new stage of statehood, when the confusion of the first years of independence was left behind. by 2004, belarus already produced a third of the world's output of heavy-duty vehicles, and more than half of the production was exported. a new five-year plan was underway, and with it the next presidential election. people had to decide on a course for the future and who should take it? trust, according to the constitution, the second term for the first president of belarus was final, but the people judged it wisely in their own way. let's look back, look back at...
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we decided to hold a referendum on this issue, to invite our population of the country to make such an important choice about resolving the issue regarding extending the term of one person's tenure as head of state of the republic of belarus, and so, as you know, this decision received support, a majority vote of the population determined that it was possible to run alone person for more than two terms.
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the constitution does not need any other amendments.
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to defend politics, if necessary, one’s integrity and independence, and to adhere to democratic principles, where a person remains the highest value of society, the state, this is a monolith that made it possible to survive even in those years when there was quite a storm, something that will be tested from the outside more than once strength, the head of state openly warned more than once, long before the coup attempt, he was aiming at one foundation in our common home. already
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not enough, it’s time to strengthen the walls, let’s try to approach this issue from different angles carefully so as not to make it worse, i’m glad of the countries that gained independence together, have already changed the constitution several times, and so on and so forth, but that’s not the point, new ones have appeared problems, new challenges, and time requires something new, probably this is no secret, we need to start with the main thing, if we decide to do this, we need... to create this group of sages, smart people, lawyers who will analyze the basic law , and if necessary will be, we need a constitution, we will overcome this, we see that today this question needs to be answered first, we will agree to it. this statement can be considered the beginning of a large analysis of the current constitution; the need to modernize the basic law was dictated by political and economic reality. this was not known in 2016. that
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the document will require changes that can not only provide development, but protection. foresight or a clear forecast, but 2020 confirmed what he said more than once... the president, a country that is higher than the rest puts forward national interests and is not ready to sacrifice for the sake of others, turned out to be a tasty morsel for the collective west, which by this time had already fed poland, lithuania, latvia, but it is not in the mentality of belarusians to give away what was not acquired through hard work. what kind of scenario awaited belarus if the situation had turned out differently, and exactly the same one that our closest southern neighbors managed to pull off, a springboard for nato troops and practicing the skills of militants, production and cities that were built
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with such difficulty just as a target. in this situation, belarus simply had to protect itself from external interference, as the whole country and dialogue platforms joined in the search for a solution.
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showed how people are not indifferent to the fate of their country; we are not ready to trust its political appointees, as in the baltics, much less the cooks. the future was to be written to the belarusian people; everything that was said had to be translated into legal channels. a commission was created and included professionals from various industries with extensive life experience. i remember the president’s words, i remember now when he the first time he gathered us all together, he said, i will not interfere in your work at all.
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number of people, i wanted this to be a body, indeed, an all-belarusian people's assembly, a people's body that reflected the interests and requests of all residents of our country, we have limited the terms of the president's stay in power, two terms, according to the constitution now, and we understand that after
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some time, our generation will pass, but other people will come, so that there is no hesitation in the political life of the country, so that people do not feel this discomfort from the redistribution of power. therefore, yes, the supreme council has been given very serious powers, up to and including the impeachment of the president, the resignation of the president , subject to a certain procedure. it is unlikely that, when starting to build a sovereign state, belarusians could have thought that peaceful positions would not only have to be talked about, declared at the constitutional level, but time dictates such amendments: we have ruled out military aggression against other states, thus protecting ourselves from rash actions. it's just like...
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yes, and we all gave interviews, and with joy told us what we have achieved and what we have accepted and what we are proud of. a lot of controversy was then caused by the article on responsibility for one’s health; there were proposals to include in the constitution that this is now the responsibility of every belarusian, but the public saw this as a threat to the abolition of free medicine. i had to work on the wording. in the updated document , the article is rather advisory in nature.
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the changes affected almost all sections
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of the current constitution, amendments were made to the preamble and dozens of articles, of which two lost their force, a new chapter and 11 articles appeared, there were indeed quite a few edits, no one rushed the belarusians to make a decision, the draft was published and available within several months, during which time the constitutional commission continued to accept the proposal, so when the time came to vote, the belarusians..
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it also says a lot that for the first time we allowed ourselves to correct the preamble of the basic law; all the most important promises are spelled out in this part: it is about our values, ideas and heritage, ready to strengthen the national one. identity, cultural and spiritual traditions and, most importantly, the right to self-determination. other proposed changes in the republican referendum. was supported by 82% of belarusians from among those who took part in the voting, at the same time, we did not deviate from our traditional creative path. over these years, over 30 years, we have built our country, we said that there is such a country - belarus, in which people live the way they want to live, and not like pseudo-democracy, this is western squalor with theirs, well, man-hating.
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on these pages is our journey through 30 years, where more than once we together strengthened the state foundation and built the future brick by brick. strong and prosperous. 30: is this a lot for the state from the point of view of history , quite a bit, but from the point of view of formation, this is only a short period, it seems that only belarusians were able to live it in such a way as to loudly declare themselves and firmly strengthen their positions on the geopolitical map of the world.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, glorified. this city was founded in 98.
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what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. and another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. why do we need an astronaut in space? in principle, we have nothing else to do; a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk are inherently stupid, in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will come, and it’s alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this
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approach in the country, he says: let’s produce our own car in belarus, we now have we have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on the aircraft construction project, this is already more than enough for development. documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which black it is written in plain english that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem in the world. don't suffer from psychosis. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama.


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