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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's sum up this day together. our strength is in unity. and the belarusians confirm this once again. in the next 2 days, we will together determine the future of the country. the capital is ready to host the all-belarusian people's assembly. the team of the white television and radio company will broadcast live the opinion and comments forum in our field studios. the supreme national assembly will approve two important documents - the military doctrine and the national concept. security together discussed and discussed why it is so important to do this now, watch ksenia lebedeva’s program - this is different, just in words - this is different, the moldovan authorities justify the persecution of participants in the moscow congress for creating the victory bloc, when an alternative opinion is not recognized, and the authors are accused of treason. details in the release. my colleagues will continue the announcement. the key topics of the upcoming
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all-belarusian people's assembly are expectations from a large-scale dialogue with the whole country. let's set the accents. they will participate in the coverage of the events of the all-belarus people's assembly more than three hundred journalists. bel tv and radio company has deployed two on-site studios, from where the most current information will be broadcast live. sending to the troops has begun in belarus. reinforcements are accepted by the military units of the armed forces. border service and state security, as well as internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. the belarusian army is in a constant search for answers to new threats, but this does not mean that we have entered the cult of military trends, we are simply guided by the expediency of asymmetric strategy in the disposition project. a colorful sports palette is today as part of the sports day review. and boxing, field shooting, and biathlon with football. our colleagues will not lose sight of the most important thing.
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the inviolability of the constitutional order, continuity of generations and civil harmony. the constant is man, his rights, freedoms and guarantees, unshakable values, only the people are the only source of state power and the bearer of sovereignty. these are constitutional norms that we have long discussed and nurtured, now we are exercising our right to determine the fate of the country ourselves, to preserve today’s peaceful day, to decide how we will live further, what we will leave for our descendants. 1162 representatives from
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all regions, trusted by belarusians, will gather tomorrow in the palace of the republic, hundreds of invitees, we will openly talk about our plans, beltelyadiokompaniya will broadcast live the forum, about the key topics of the upcoming national dialogue, more details, veronica buta. each of the delegates is not just an expert in their field, a person a trusted person with an impeccable reputation. natalya drost has gone from a nurse to the deputy chief physician of the ushachi central district hospital and a delegate to the seventh all-belarus people's assembly, patients congratulate her, and her colleagues look up to her. one of the areas where i want to focus my efforts is the development of the healthcare system, aimed at improving it and providing quality healthcare.
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to represent first of all the interests of the new generation, i am overwhelmed with honor and responsibility to my zhebenkovsky district, native districts, i will also represent my native region, i realize the importance of this event, i would like to pay attention to the sports activities of our
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country, i would also like to say that it is sports that should always be outside of politics. irina apanasik, originally from derzhinsk, works as a teacher at kindergarten number one, while maintaining family values, she educates young people.
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governing bodies, self-government, this kind of self-government was at the republican level, here it is a kind of stabilizer peace of mind for the future, this means that no one can manipulate this or that situation in the future, and this will be decided by the people, the belarusian people themselves wanted to make the supreme national assembly such, having voted in a referendum in 2022 for changes and additions to the constitution, therefore the most absolute majority...
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move to a new stage: strengthening true democracy in our country and the desire to maintain lasting peace in our native land. the president of the republic of belarus introduced this initiative, it was implemented, he talks about the fact that we are gradually developing our political field, developing our socio-political relations, of course, the current all-belarusian people's assembly is deciding the defining issues that talk about how we can maintain peace on our land, how we can look into the future. the country will soon adopt key documents on sovereignty. now this is also a function of the all-belarusian people's assembly. on thursday , delegates will be presented with draft national security concepts and military doctrine.
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on the agenda is the development of our socio-economic course. yuri chebotar will hold the floor for the first time as a delegate of the supreme council, but this is not the first time he has participated in the people’s assembly. knows that the emphasis has changed over the years, but the priority has always been the person and his well-being. for our open economy, the priorities remain the same. this is an export, because when selling our products, we have a well -developed industrial complex, agro-industrial production, more than 60% of products are sold for export, so quality, sales, especially the far arc remain the main directions for us, import substitution is also key, why, because it is creating potential for the development of our industrial complex, all this is around the welfare of the population, all to increase real incomes, the possibility of providing social services in
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the regions, and so on. the delegates of the supreme council will become conductors of the results of the meeting in their regions and work collectives. veronica buta, elena vitko, anna buikevich, alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. belarusians are always the most important strategic issues in the life of the country were decided together. the key people were determined in referendums through their own people. representatives held their word at all-belarusian meetings, this is the seventh in a row, it is already being called historical, the people's council has acquired a new constitutional status, yes, this is the seventh convocation, but it is special, it is constitutional, there will be different people there, i am sure there will be different points of view, the only thing that the enemy...
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preparation of the site for the all-belarus people's assembly of the palace of the republic began several months in advance. we took care of everything down to the smallest detail, from the design of the stage and sound to the logistics for the delegates. traditionally, the forum arouses great interest among the media. over the course of two days , information channels and on-site studios will operate, and beltia radio company will organize a live broadcast. more than two dozen television cameras were placed on the site of the palace of the republic. yulia alferova. read more. this year, the palace of the republic will host the all-belarus people's assembly for the sixth time, if you look back into history. only the first one in 1996 took place on the basis of the sports palace then the number of people required more than 4,500 invitees. all subsequent ones took place in this hall, which comfortably accommodated about 2,500 delegates, this year, without changing history, all important decisions.
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every region, every delegate knows where to go and where to carry out
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the voting process, for the first time this year we have developed the logistics of the movement of people, organizational issues, mass, light, sound, visuals, broadcasting, so that everything goes according to plan, hundreds of specialists work together under the close attention of the organizing committee and others departments almost everything is ready today. in the scene, only roughness is eliminated so that the sound is clear and the picture is clear. the scenography for the all-belarusian people's assembly is almost 400 km of led screens over.
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an event of this scale began several months before, in the last week, of course, the amount of equipment has increased significantly in other halls to ensure broadcasting, the bell tv and radio company has installed more than two dozen video cameras, by the way, the voting process will not be left out of the lens. tomorrow at least the same number will be added; judging by the number of accredited journalists, the press center is ready to receive about three hundred. all national tv channels have already set up their on-site studios at the beltelers.
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pavilion 10:10 m with a view of the palace of the republic it took 2 days to assemble the frame and technical content; interior elements will also appear here. switching on live so that everyone who follows the snc agenda is aware of the most current information. however, openness is one of the main principles of holding an all-belarusian people's assembly, a lot has really been done to make every belarusian feel involved, and i am sure that many will put aside their business tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. in order to feel part of not just an important political event, but taking into account the new status of a historical event, yulia alferova and andrey novgorodtsev, television news agency, all-belarusian people's assembly, we will show everything, informative, understandable and interesting.
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2 days in a row on belarus 1, we start on wednesday at 14:00, you will see everything first, during the vns. will approve two important documents: military doctrine and the concept of national security. time dictates its own rules. many countries are behaving aggressively, there is a real arms race, and the principle of indivisible security has been lost. at the same time, i would like to emphasize that it is enshrined at the constitutional level in our country that we are not going to attack anyone. military capacity and military strength
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are only defensive in nature. the republic of belarus is essentially located at the junction of two of these security forces.
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actions are carried out informationally, this unprecedented pressure on our society, so the concept of national security, as the most important document, it determines our state policy in the field of national security. national security concept and military doctrine: what is behind these documents and why is it important to adopt them now? see the details today immediately after the panorama in the author’s program of ksenia lebedeva, this is different. a guarantee of security and peace in the country. strong army. the sending of conscripts to the troops has begun in belarus, and this is not forced, like militant neighbors, to be ready to defend your home, your family, the duty of every citizen, and the recruits
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understand this. replenishment is received by the formation and military units of the armed forces, border service and state security agencies, and internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. in total , it is planned to send about 10,000 conscripts for recruitment in april-may. the recruits will serve as part of the seventy-second special operation forces. the army is important for people, they need to defend their homeland, their mothers, all their loved ones, high spirits, because i’m glad that i’ll get to where i want, and i’m
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actually very interested in what it’s like to serve as an honorary corolla, i wanted to go there, and i got such a chance, so i’m glad, you’ve already seen the mood, everything is fighting, everyone is ready to stand up defense of the homeland, perform their duties as part of the units to which they will be sent. and properly study military affairs, the subsequent ceremonial farewell in the capital took place in the pobeda museum and park complex. about 1,500 minsk residents will put on military uniforms, some of the conscripts are sent to serve already having military registration specialty. ahead of the guys is a course for young fighters, and on may 25 , formations and military units of the armed forces will host a ceremony of taking the military oath. in modern conditions the task. use proven tactics and techniques about the features of the defense system in belarus in
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the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin, let's go. the new military leaders of poland finally came to their senses and became predictable. but as soon as it changed in warsaw. we heard shocking news about the state of the army, they learned that the republic’s troops don’t even have enough helmets, but that’s all, they already remembered, the neighbors are pursuing the right, predictable policy, they have regained belligerence, and you know they are buying heavy armored vehicles, with armored vehicles, the truth is, they really are, perhaps heavy, the last loudly received 100 abrams turned out to be second-hand, which was said in the west with slight embarrassment and quietly, germany completely averted its eyes, because by doing... what berlin feared, it is in europe that the german tank fleet is being replaced to the american one, well, the money floats overseas, abrams envied the views, here are 6 billion
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dollars, the lordship laid out, war is war, as they say, minsk, of course, has no sarcastic illusions about all these financially armored maneuvers, but to be drawn into a senseless arms race is not going to act with calculated asymmetry, there are more tanks with not the most... friendly neighbors, we have new helicopters with the appropriate antidote. in the spring, the rotorcraft formation was strengthened by the next mi-35m with anti-tank weapons missiles in service. the mechanized unit of the belarusian troops, that is, the infantry, is also actively acquiring the means to fight the abramians with daleopards. but one anti-tank grenade is tens of times less expensive than even a used tank. but the question is not about cost, but about expediency. we are preparing. to defense because the accents are appropriate without polish pretensions , the desire to simply rattle something big, everything is decided by soldiers with weapons, how to get through
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here, let’s say these madmen who are raging there beyond our borders, like they are here they will pass in tanks, armored personnel carriers and so on, but they won’t get through, somewhere they will get out onto the road, the roads are blocked, they will not pass through the forest, this is our land, we all know. the ambush flank was destroyed. the situation with repelling air strikes is somewhat more complicated. the military online is adopting algorithms for countering all known targets from the russians; there are more and more of them, and for each new development they have to quickly find a master key to the combat system. new techniques are also being developed actions on aviation, new methods of combating unmanned aerial vehicles, taking into account the experience of a special operation, but not everywhere we are ready and will only take retaliatory, compensatory measures, this is what we are talking about: recently in the west they are rapidly
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becoming actualized and politicized. and even terrorist threats are approved, no one, for example, is embarrassed by kiev’s targeted attacks on the civilian infrastructure of russia, the president of belarus outlined the format of the response to what has already been proposed for the implementation of the idea of ​​​​terror against our countries. we have half the country within a radius of 100 km from kiev, including the mozar oil refinery, which, fortunately, today operates without interruption, is modernized and challenging.
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the belarusian army, against any superior enemy forces, is capable of becoming, well , a honey badger that no lions can cope with, but here’s the question: our adequate and rather quiet steps to strengthen defense capability do not mean that the aggressor himself will be able to go unpunished. the already existing potential will make it possible to inflict not only unacceptable, but unbearable damage. unfortunately, this is the only factor that remains a unique deterrent. nato continues its aggressive war rhetoric and clattering tracks, as confirmed by constant exercises near our borders. true, not without losses, this time a spanish soldier was killed during the strike saber maneuvers in poland. let me note that in march alone, five polish soldiers died in the country. warsaw then suspended all military exercises involving explosives
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and combat. equipment, with the exception of training, for the sake of participation in mission operations outside poland, as well as training ukrainian soldiers. meanwhile, a large batch of american bradley infantry fighting vehicles was spotted in rzeszow, poland. the video is being distributed on social networks with the tag “technician for ukraine”. western experts write that in recent years the site in the city of rzeszow has become the main hub for the supply of weapons for the ukrainian armed forces. nato plans to build a large-scale repair base there. for military equipment. alliance for aggression and war. a german member of the left party faction in the bundestag reveals the nature of nato in his new book. the author emphasizes that the alliance positions itself as a defender of democracy and human rights, but in fact it was this bloc that triggered conflicts in many regional international hot spots. this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of nato, and i perceive the situation as extremely
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dangerous, although... it seems to be at the peak of its power, it is simultaneously plunging into the most serious crisis since its creation. this book aims to debunk these myths, which are just fiction. facts show that nato has always been an alliance for aggression, now even for war. his focus is on expansion. the work has become a real bestseller in the politics-national defense and security category on amazon. earlier, the politician warned about the threat of nuclear weapons.
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those affected by the arbitrariness of the sandu regime do not support moldova’s entry into the european union and advocate chisinau’s participation in the unification processes in the cis, in particular in the eurasian economic union. and in latvia, unexpectedly , they were not concerned about nazism. the country's state security service warns of a growing trend in the risks of right-wing extremism in society, especially among young people. there is an increased interest in far-right
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ideologies on social networks and instant messengers. latvian teenagers are also actively looking for like-minded people around the world; several neo-nazis have even been detained; they are suspected of publicly glorifying the genocide of nazi germany and... war crimes, as well as committing actions aimed at inciting racial hatred. according to the investigation, they were influenced by radical views and used physical violence against non-europeans. this is a panorama, and we continue the live broadcast. the tv news agency conducted a daily audit of all the belarusian people's assembly will meet khlebosoln with breakfast, which is included in the menu in which hotels everything is according to gost. will delegates feel at home? extra-work details of the people's assembly coming soon. medical equipment, medicines, as well as smart platform systems. the twenty-ninth international medical forum of healthcare of belarus
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2024 opened in the capital. the picturesque lake region, which is so its residents are proud of what else besides tourism is lepel attractive. what infrastructure is being created for people, why taste from childhood. the international medical exhibition of healthcare in belarus 2024 opened in minsk today. the forum presents domestic developments of medical equipment, medical products, dental equipment, and medicines in the field of artificial intelligence. report from the exhibition from svetlana chernova.
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in total, there are more than 160 exhibitors from eight countries on the football arena site: hungary, india, iran, china, russia, egypt, south korea and belarus. for example, our know-how of a high-tech, realistic robot, the only one of its kind in the country, was presented by the republican scientific and practical center for mental health; this is a simulator for practicing the communication skills of doctors. the doctor is training within the framework.
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at the institute of informatics problems, academy of sciences of the country, he presented a decision support system; by the way, they are planning to introduce it soon into the central health information system; from the name it becomes clear that the development will become a good assistant for doctors, this is
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when the doctor, instead of deciding to look at the image for a long time, the computer will tell him, pay attention to these images, most likely there will be an illness, the rest, the rest just... our employees will receive everything promptly that necessary information about the patient, which today requires a certain time in order to obtain it. the medical exhibition, by the way, was dedicated to the 105th anniversary of belarusian healthcare, will run until april 26. it is planned for this period
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about thirty scientific and practical conferences and seminars. svetlana chernovaya, anatoly dolotovsky, telenews agency. our medical achievements are a source of pride and the result of progressive development. state since independence, human life is the most valuable, the president has spoken about this more than once, as well as his well-being, therefore belarus is a social state, working for people is a priority. hotels located along
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the central avenues six months ago booked 200 rooms each, our film crew the group carried out a raid. hotels are regulated by state regulations and you don’t need white gloves to see here all year round, even economy, akin to a comfortable luxury. this is the victoria olimp hotel. tomorrow 192 delegates from the first region will arrive. the residents of brescia will live no worse than guests of honor. actors kharatyana and oleshka, the group bonnie m or empress allegrova, this is a really good level of our city hotels, two delegations, two regions will live in two hotels in ours, so of course we prepared, and quite in advance, for for six months we have already started doing some cosmetic repairs, buying new bedding, so we are really looking forward to our delegates and will be happy to participate in this event in every possible way. despite the number of people.
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also a special responsibility, because we understand that people need to have a good rest, that they need to gain strength, have breakfast, go, work well, so that there are positive results for us all, well, this wonderful view is our pride, of course we want it, and we are glad that those guests who will be staying with us, that the delegates who will be staying will see our capital from a bird's eye view, they will be able to immediately recharge well, i hope they will have a snack with energy and go to work, but the view will be
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waiting for them the next day, i can to assure 100% that all hotels under the jurisdiction of the minsk city executive committee are already fully prepared to receive delegates, to receive the warmest welcome, we will provide truly comfortable accommodation, interesting pastime, and of course a fairly high level kitchen. by the way, in each of the six hotels in the morning they will be treated to a single continental complex, exclusively consisting of it. belarusian products, based on potato gratin, poultry steak. we cannot yet evaluate the entire list of treats; each item on the menu is agreed upon by the organizing committee, which means that, like a hotel room, it will also be according to the state regulations. lydia zabloskaya alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. the culmination of the first day of the national assembly will be a concert at the sports palace. at these moments there is a general program rehearsal. the main spectators, participants of the meeting.
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in principle, the entire information agenda
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is saturated with this, and indeed here, as far as i know, such important strategic decisions are made, and how great it is that i can be involved in this from a cultural point of view, that the songs that i perform do not unite our peoples, and that i am part of such a large russian-belarusian family, i am sure that these cultural traditions of ours will continue to continue, we took the courage to take... super-famous hits and to give them a little fresh breath, but of course without some kind of harsh crime in the melody, and again, now the well-known one sounds...
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belarusians have learned to love their own, because our strength is in unity, equal opportunities for everyone, be it in small populated areas points or large cities, which is why great attention is paid to the development of medical, sports and other infrastructure in the regions, so in lepel the construction of a modern center with a swimming pool is being completed, construction of a kindergarten is underway, renovation of the center continues children... youth who unite talents. residents of lepel say our city is a real place to live. panorama project, watch it now.
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listen, only here birds can sing so beautifully. i was lucky enough to be born and live in the most picturesque corner of the vitep region, lepelshchina. the best memories are associated with lepel. and already at a conscious age, i can say with confidence that there is no more beautiful place to live. just look at how wonderful the lake here is,
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that’s what lepelskoye is called. my profession is related to nature; in 2011 i have been working in the berezensky biosphere reserve, which i can proudly call one of the pearls of our country. in a picturesque place, on the shores of beautiful lakes , the lepel military sanatorium and a children's rehabilitation and health center are located. it is in these conditions that children
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of our country from different regions, as well as russia, undergo recovery. recently a new building was put into operation here. where there is everything for recovery, creativity and a great mood. our lepel - a very comfortable city to live in, a lot has been done recently, streets and courtyards are being transformed, and recently the clinic was renovated, the team of doctors is being replenished with new promising specialists. the decoration of the lepel will be modern. for more than half a century, lepel has been producing high-quality dairy products, this is the pride of our lepel region, the assortment pleases with abundance, the residents of lepel will say that this is a taste from childhood.


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