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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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children from our country from different regions, as well as from russia, undergo health improvement under these conditions. recently, a new building was put into operation here, where there is everything for recovery, creativity and a great mood. our lepel is a very comfortable city to live in; a lot of things have been done recently, the streets and courtyards are being transformed, and even recently a renovation was carried out. the decoration of the lepel will be a modern kindergarten, the construction of which is actively underway. for more than half a century , lepel has been producing high-quality dairy products. this is the pride of our sculpting community. the assortment pleases with abundance. residents of leppel will say that this is a taste from childhood. an enterprise
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with a history is constantly improving in order to compete and ensure the food security of our country. modernity is closely intertwined with history. you can feel this in our regional regional museum. the exhibition shows development from ancient times to the present day. a special page is devoted to the great patriotic war. we bow to the courage of our ancestors. interesting fact: in lepel during the war there was a printing house on the basis of which an underground group was created, including true patriots. i am interested in making our place to live attractive and cozy. i love my small homeland because here... you always find
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peace of mind, this is the best place to live, these are the main events? of this day, and with this i say goodbye, there is a sports review and weather forecast ahead, right now the broadcast will continue with ksenia lebedeva’s program, this is different, stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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while nato is conducting training, increasing the military contingent, weapons, rebuilding military infrastructure, on our southern border, the special services are constantly catching ukrainian saboteurs who are trying to smuggle dangerous explosives into our country , weapons, attempts to implement their dirty plans to destabilize the situation. in our republic, at the same time, i would like to emphasize: according to the draft new concept of national security, belarus does not consider any people as its enemy, despite the actions of their government, but also to act we are not going to be a victim. today , all conditions are being created in our country to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, and their deployment on the territory of the countries. nato
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suits everyone, but this is probably different. and i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva. hello. already this week, the all-belarusian people's assembly will have to approve two most important documents after the constitution: the military doctrine and the concept of national security. in conditions of constant militarization near our borders. the number of states wishing to become owners of nuclear weapons or place them on their territory, primarily in europe, is also growing. the risks of a nuclear conflict are increasing, the threat of developing the production of uncontrolled use of biological weapons is increasing, and the principle of indivisibility of security is being ignored. key directions for transforming modern risks, challenges and threats. look
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what is happening in the middle east, this is a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, pay attention please note that threats to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict, and as it usually happens, no sanctions followed from the civilized west, a routine statement as if nothing had happened.
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redistribution of spheres of influence, and besides, of course, a departure from a polar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus, it is located, in fact, at the junction of these two power lines, the confrontation between the west and the east, and any changes in the international situation, in international security, are here
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also affect our national security. of course, we needed to adopt documents that would regulate how we would preserve our national ones. look at what happened today, what conditions have created in the world in general, if we look from a political point of view, then western countries are putting pressure on us today, constantly interfering in our internal affairs, they are trying not to recognize the leadership of our country, other governing bodies, they are trying destroy our alliances, our agreements in every possible way to destroy relations with other states, to train extremists in order to influence our state bodies. economic sanctions that have been imposed on us today from all sides, in fact bypassing the decision of the security council of the united nations. in addition to the economic impact, there is an informational impact, this is unprecedented pressure on our society.
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so the concept of national security, as the most important document, it determines our state policy in the field of national security, and the military doctrine - this is the document that takes this one.
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it is necessary to place american nuclear weapons on polish territory, but at the same time they constantly accuse us. if our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of a nuclear exchange, also on our territory to strengthen the security of nato's eastern flank. we are ready for this. poland is an ally in the north atlantic alliance, and we also have an obligation in this regard. that is, we are simply implementing a general policy. their general policy is clear, but if we talk about placement. nuclear weapons on the territory of the eu, nato, because there are quite a lot of them stationed, while they constantly accuse us of what we supposedly stationed here, are they afraid or what is happening? well, look, the nato countries have adopted a concept called nuclear sharing, that is, the exchange
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of nuclear weapons. in essence, today, within the framework of this, this program, there are five bases where about, well, according to various sources, from 150 to 200 different ones are located. the fact is that if we look at poland in general, as she fights in a militaristic frenzy, you know, most likely she has very great difficulties with her own defense. countries , in all likelihood, the concept that they have chosen does not satisfy the military-political leadership of this country today, they clearly understand that the world can change very strongly and clearly, the issue related to nuclear weapons - it is no coincidence that this question is raised, well, -first, why? let's be honest, today the most affected party in everything that is happening today in our region is poland, which lost her imperial ambitions, precisely by touching...
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i immediately said that these soldiers would not lay down their arms after the war, they would return with weapons to belarus to free themselves.
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an aircraft that carried out deep radio reconnaissance on the territory of ukraine, it was precisely sabotage practice and the radar system was damaged and was completely disabled forever, respectively, two of our attack drones successfully inflicted fire damage, expression, well, these are the statements from our neighbors , in general this is normal and...


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