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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 12:00am-12:21am MSK

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here is a statement, i didn’t promise you that you would see your loved ones, i remember, but i’m excellent in all subjects except mine, you yourself said that the main thing is brains and discipline, and you beat me badly, because of you her studies are lame, but by accident i was there a long time ago, she’s already recovered, let’s do it again. “sorry, this won’t
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happen again, i hope, comrade head of the facility, that matilda genrikhovna said that we might have to communicate with enemy officers, and i’m a girl.” if a similar situation arises, i, i understand, i i understand, we will solve this issue, forgive me, i don’t know, we’ll come up with something, i’ll let you know, but i have a fiance and i would like to, but i’m not interested in what you would like? ". allow me
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to go, go, solve the problem, you yourself said, you need a hook, there is a groom, especially a military man, think narrowly, comrade instructor, finding a personal motive is not everything, the main thing is to use it correctly, the car should be ready by morning. thank you for your help, mom. , where did you run out of cutlets, wow , look, i’m here defending my homeland, she the cutlets are jellied, they're all gone, ian, take mine, i haven't eaten.
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i heard you have a phenomenal memory? what's next? can you draw a map of the road from here to the city? why do you want it? oh well, what did i decide to run? i thought you thought this was a kamsamalka idea, everyone thinks so, but by the way, i ’m not here of my own free will... as if
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they were given a choice, prison or service here, by the way, my father is dying in the hospital, or has already died , here they won’t tell you if he died, there’s no one to bury him except me, you understand that i just wouldn’t come to you i went, in general, i can’t get out on my own, i don’t know the way, okay, let’s say, draw a map, then what, the first march is thrown, we ’ll take the zis from the garage, everyone knows that i can’t find your zis ? and yesterday i heard peter forotynikov say that all that remains is to fill up the oil and it will fly like new. in short, listen, the komsomol member is here, even if you lead, even if by some miracle you pass the soldiers at the gate, while you drive with a map or without your dads before you.
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they’ll visit, it’s clear, but now think, komsomol member, do you need this or don’t you, think, think. “not yet, and what would you do without me? okay, in short, listen, here, the truck was repaired, there are a lot of guards at the gate, what’s wrong with them, at 12:15 they go around the territory, for about 2 minutes there is no one at the gate, so that we’ll take out the gate, they won’t even have time to swear, but
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the truck needs keys, it needs them, your nikolash has a bunch of keys, she said she couldn’t , it needs to be yours, you should try somehow, it seems like you have everything, i don’t know, but. if it goes wrong, case, i don’t understand something, are you helping me or not, i’m helping, i’m vindictive, “i’ll still run away with you or.” without you, if you help, i’ll thank you, but if you don’t help, i’ll find your girl, but what do you mean, i’ll do everything with you, well, that’s nice.
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why are you running around, curfew is already over in a minute, i’ll bring you more tomorrow, if not today, my stomach hurts, it’s really bad, why didn’t you go to the doctor, but you went, she’s not there, okay. i’ll get it now, uh-huh, well, why are you up, i
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’m curious about weed, they’ll teach us this, no, here you go, return the bottle, it’ll come in handy. but this is extreme, yes, otherwise the girls here advised me to take one medicine, i don’t know whether to take it or not, what kind the medicine, i don’t remember, it’s written on a piece of paper, but it’s just like that, either his or your herbs, let’s choose, you can’t make a mistake, so you can’t make a mistake. what else?
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, türkiye. and iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and open it. belarus for myself.
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economic development, recovery growth, there is data for the quarter, we will analyze in detail all the supporting figures. deliveries to long distance countries. grow, what we sell today export and what difficulties our manufacturers have, and the new rule of the game for entrepreneurs, we will tell you in detail who needs to switch to a legal entity and how to further build a business in order to be in the law, this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana is with you lukinyuk, hello! the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth, moreover, it is even advancing. belstat published data for the quarter, the ministry of economics commented. there are the latest trends: there are strengths, there are outsiders, but in in general, the situation looks impressive, despite
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the sanctions pressure of expectations of increasing difficulties among a certain part of the population, dry statistics indicate the opposite. there were no obvious failures in the forecast for gdp, inflation, or income. let’s take a closer look at all the reference figures together with our correspondent olga onishchenko. perhaps the most important thing that will tell us how well the economy copes with all its tasks is the domestic product. the belarusian region is doing well, judging by the gdp figures. for the quarter it amounted to 4.1% compared to last year, and this rapid growth rates - emphasized in the ministry of economics. the leaders remained traditional, with minor changes - industry, trade and construction. this year , agriculture was added to them, moreover. agricultural production grew by 6.8%, which is even more than industrial growth. over 3 months
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, production output through the ministry of industry added 6.5%. the pace of retail trade is high - this means that the population has the means to purchase goods and services. in the language of economists, belarusians continue to have a high purchasing power. the growth rate is not slowing down in retail trade, 113%. which suggests that purchasing power. to almost 8% of real disposable income, wages are growing even faster in real terms, this is about 12%, even almost 13, if 12.9, in nominal terms wages are growing by almost 20%. the most popular indicator of the state of the economy, inflation, also fits into the forecast. 2% and another 1/2 have added prices since the beginning of the year. in
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annual terms, that is, for 12 months at 5.6. everything is in advance.
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incomes are growing, people react to this by actively lending, building housing, fulfilling other needs, in short, they consume a lot, experts keep intimidating, they say, all this creates high inflation risks and threatens to overheat the economy, but how do the relevant ministry assess the situation? first deputy, the so-called overheating of the economy, if you calculate it, then it is calculated not only according to one indicator, but from the point of view of consumer activity there are risks, but from the point of view of others...
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but what is important, exports are being restored prices, which at the end of last year lost about 13%. this means that it becomes more profitable to sell domestic goods abroad; then the government expects to add physical volumes of supplies, thereby leveling out the situation, giving the export component greater weight in the growth of the domestic product. olga onishchenko and roman felutich, area of ​​interest. the ministry of industry notes an increase in supplies to the countries of denmark, zimbabwe, and the united arab emirates. sales to lebanon, ganna and iraq also resumed last year. now specialists are working on issues of creating a working group on cooperation with cuba. yes, sanctions have taught our industrialists not to get hung up on certain markets, to boldly declare themselves and work with those who are open to mutually beneficial partnerships.
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ilona volynets will tell you what belarusian exports are like and what difficulties our manufacturers face. last year, belarusians produced industrial products worth approximately 30 billion rubles. we increased the production of electronics, combines, cars and trucks. against the backdrop of forced withdrawal from western markets, enterprises of the ministry of industry continue to increase exports. in 2023, the figure was $6.5 billion, and this is a record for the last 10 years. supplies were reoriented to... the market of friendly countries, primarily russia and the cis countries. last year , the volume of industrial supplies to the russian federation amounted to about $6 billion. the export piggy bank has become heavier. largely thanks to belg, bmz, mtz, bilaz, maz, horizon. they are already called the big six. the key goal for all of.


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