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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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lyutich, area of ​​interest. the ministry of industry notes an increase in supplies to the countries of denmark and the arc - these are egypt, zimbabwe, and the united arab emirates. sales to lebanon, ganna and iraq also resumed last year. now experts are working on the creation of a working group on cooperation with cuba. yes, sanctions have taught our industrialists not to get hung up on certain markets, to boldly declare themselves and work with those who are open to mutually beneficial partnerships. what is belarusian? what difficulties do our manufacturers face? ilona volynets will tell you. last year , belarusians produced industrial products worth approximately 30 billion rubles. we increased the production of electronics, combines, cars and trucks. against the background of forced withdrawal from western markets, enterprises of the ministry of industry continue to increase exports. in 2023 the figure was.
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kenya, colombia, kuwait and japan. by the way, our agricultural machines, tractors, and pumps were there. huge demand for industrial products in africa, asia, latin america. that is why it is important to have time to occupy your niches there. for example, the question of life death for african states - food security. there is a great need for agricultural machinery there. and we have something
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to offer. there are already agreements on the supply of over 3.00 tractors, 80 combines and 30 dump trucks to zimbabwe. more than 150 tractors to the togolest republic. equatorial guinea is eyeing the belarusians. and the seriousness of intentions is eloquently demonstrated by the exchange of visits at the highest level. in the contractual process, slippage is unacceptable. competitors are on their heels. overall, the export road is not without its bumps. not always stable payments for delivered products, that is, they want belarusian goods, but not everyone can buy them at once, here the producers themselves need to avoid accounts receivable, this is the turnover of funds and investments. let's be honest, there are difficulties with unloading warehouses. inventories over the year increased by almost a quarter, and while some enterprises formed an export portfolio even partially next year, others, to put it mildly, sank and began to produce less
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refrigerators, tractors, loaders, and engines. however, in all cases the engine of development is technological sovereignty. without investment and technology , neither mtz, nor mas, nor bilas will go further than their home field. no less important is who is driving progress, be it the ceo, designer or mechanic. the economy is in the hands of man. all that remains is to act. this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement. in the program results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange and a new rule of the game for entrepreneurs, we will tell you in detail who needs to switch to a legal entity and how to further build a business in order to be in the law? they arranged their life in the village in such a way that...
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and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, the project is from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. club of editors of any nation needs clamps, this flight, this the bond, the bond of our society, for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud, this is truly a national achievement mobilizing the entire country, so many people rejoiced at its flight, everyone met it with tears in their eyes, let will explode from their bile. “no country in the world pays so much attention to women as women, that is , today a belarusian woman has the opportunity to do everything and even fly into space, i don’t want to live in a country where, excuse me, peasants are forced to go out into the streets to water
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the authorities are the police, i want to live in this country, where they fly into space, where they build nuclear power plants, where women go on maternity leave for 3 years, i want to live in this country, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange on sherupol with weakening to all currencies in the basket. so, we installed it. the following rates are dollar 3 rubles 25 kopecks, for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 48 kopecks. 3.48 costs 100 russian rubles and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 47 kopecks. the president signed a law on business issues.
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there are two categories that are engaged in this activity: firstly, these are legal entities, these are small organizations with up to 100 employees, average up to 250 employees large. over 250, secondly, the fizlis category, which includes artisans, owners of agricultural estates, self-employed, and individual entrepreneurs. the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1. for those that are not included in this list, registration of new individual entrepreneurs will cease from october 1. well, we’ll find out all the details about the innovations right now. in essence, the new document builds a new business structure, so with the entry into force of the bill, small business will be carried out in two forms, these are legal entities, small organizations with up to 100 workers and
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medium-sized organizations with up to 250 people and individuals who carry out individual entrepreneurial activities, this is how to understand who is who i am today? i am an individual entrepreneur, will i remain one tomorrow, or will i need to re-register? well, there is no talk of any re-registration in the bill, but we have only one registration with the relevant local executive distribution authorities, when a citizen has already registered the legal entity of an ideal entrepreneur, the bill in no way prevents the continuation of activities. the only nuance that needs to be kept in mind is that individual entrepreneurial activity of citizens. must now be correlated with the corresponding lists of activities that will be approved by the government. in the very near future, we will contact the ministry of economy, together with other interested government authorities will begin active work on preparing and discussing a list of activities. at the time of
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the discussion of this bill, a lot was also written about micro-organizations, saying that their rights were being infringed upon, what would you answer? let me remind you that micro-organizations are commercial organizations with up to 15 people. and so for this category of commercial organizations there really were certain relaxations in the regulatory sphere, which somewhat distinguished their mode of operation from other organizations, that is, this category is was positioned as such a kind of start and acceleration for the formation of a legal entity itself, but the bill has a norm in it that says that legislative acts, in principle , are the entire legislation of the country, they should be focused on what for the organization, but now with a staff of up to 50 people, inclusive, a regime of functioning must be created that would not differ from the existing one not only for
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micro-organizations, but also for individual entrepreneurs, and in the event of a fork between the established regimes , the best one will be chosen from the point of view of the business entity, thus... in essence, we are not narrowing this, let’s say this kind of privileged category, on the contrary, we are significantly expanding it, and here it must be said that there are no analogues to such a regime. there are no functioning economic entities, actually among our neighbors. maybe you can offer some new support measures? at least three new instruments are added to those already existing today and familiar to business entities, these are the opportunity to take advantage of guarantees for the borrowed obligations of business entities; this provides an instrument such as grants from local budgets, that is, it is free , non-repayable financial assistance. and there is also such a form of financial support as investment transfers, that is, this is
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an opportunity to receive compensation for the money that was invested in an investment project, while this money was previously received from the funds of the development bank, and besides this, well, here i am said that we are in the category - in we now accept entrepreneurial families , including artisans, owners of agroex, and also persons who pursue independent professional activities. this entire category of individuals, they will be able to legally use non-financial support instruments, that is, entrepreneurship support centers, small business incubators, they will now be open to this category of entity as well. how much time is given for the transition and will it cost entrepreneurs a lot? for this, a business entity will need one day. the bill also contains a provision that any re-issuance of documents that...
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that is, this is also such an essential point that allows you not to fuss at the moment, yes, that is, as if re-executing all the numerous documents, in fact, to build a certain schedule for yourself, and in such a progressive mode to carry out all these necessary bureaucratic procedures , that’s it for today , we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest tomorrow, i let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, in the mood for you. and faith in one's own strengths.
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tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets. of his people. according to the target figures for the development of the national economy of the ussr for 1959-1965, belarus will specialize in intensive dairy and beef cattle breeding, meat pig farming and waterfowl breeding. by 1965 , meat and milk production should more than double.
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on a mechanized pocket for pagalog rykhtuetstsa grub on a special diet, here ўvahodzіtsya boulevard, cumbifeed, barley flour, tube. flour, fish meal and salt. in the nearby future palesse, there will be a special meat zone. at the end of five years, it will be necessary to give more than 1 million tons of meat per year. and recently, the cobrans were faced with not so extraordinary worries, there were new people in belarus, sherale. and i feel that the white volats here are not as bad as the bison and the white cannons. the skins of the day float around the vase as much as a kilogram. fishing...
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can quickly solve the problem of a sharp increase in meat production. let's create an abundance of meat products in our country. hello everyone, here is the long-awaited weekend, which means it’s time to discover exciting travels, my name is vika
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poplevchenkovy, and i propose to spend this time fun, usefully and interestingly. and where am i today? who guessed? that's right, i'm back in asipovichi, because there are still so many interesting things here, so let's not waste precious time. so, today i will see unique exhibits of the local museum, find out who stood at the origins of the city's railway history. i will master two folk crafts at once. i’ll sign up for the table tennis section, i’ll hear the sounds of beautiful things, but a little patience, friends, in the meantime, road information, the fastest way to get to asipovovich is by rail, electric trains run on schedule and regularly, travel time from minsk will be from 1:9 to 2 :45, ticket prices
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start from 3 rubles 92 kopecks to... 30 rubles. depending on the class of service. also , minibuses and buses go to asipovich literally every half hour. a ticket will cost from 8 rub 73 kopecks and you will spend 1 hour 40 minutes on the road. from the capital to osipovichiy there are 103 km, so owners of personal cars will be at their destination in about an hour and a half. well, our journey begins. where? you can learn about the history of the city and even a little more, well , of course, in the historian of the local history museum, let's go educate ourselves! the osipovichi museum is a place with a special atmosphere, compact and cozy, it contains as many as six halls, and the exhibition tells the story of the history of the city and the region from the stone age period to the great victory 45. maria,
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tell us a little about the history of your museum, how did it all begin? it all started not quite standardly, as usual in a museum, because usually it’s whose collection is transferred to the city, then on its basis the museum’s collections grow, but the museum itself, it turned out differently for us, we didn’t have a museum for a very long time, but the center is a district, and the public, one might say, demanded, well , how are we a district center without a museum, but in 2012, a building was found and an artistic idea and a museum exhibition were selected for it, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, she even worked as an inspector, a woman, now she’s already retired in this building, when she arrived, she says it’s like this romantic for me and family, here my husband made a confession to her on a telegram, wrote her, offered to become his wife, such is the romance, but from private time let’s return to the big story,
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here we are in the period of the russian empire, begins in 1793, when the minsk province, babrui district, which ours... enters, ends in the seventeenth year of the revolution, pay attention, a very interesting towel, it is a wood-revolutionary towel and is also the oldest towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are eras and yati, that is, yes, royal glory, here is a craftswoman who embroidered, they copied it from us, by the way, that is, they took a sample, an examination, many unique exhibits survived and appeared in the museum simply by some miracle, very interesting the exhibit is rare, the only one.
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the most valuable find dates back to the 19th century, and it was discovered by well-educated and conscientious children playing in the attic. by the way, we are in the hall that is dedicated, you can immediately understand from the banner what the soviet era, the beginning of the soviet union, is probably the most spectacular hall and beloved by visitors, because after all, a museum is about documents, such a conventional exhibition, here we decided to make it in the form of an interior, because the era is already closer to us, in addition to documents. we already have a lot of items well preserved. so, let's fasten the seat belts of our time machine and transport ourselves to the beginning of the last century. we have an apartment here, the apartment of a railway station worker. neither an ordinary person nor a laborer; by what objects or features of the interior was the wealth of that time determined? you can even tell, we have furniture, firstly, the furniture was different, simpler and cheaper, the furniture
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could be made to order, for example, this sideboard was made to order by a master, the mirrors at the same time were large and interesting too not everyone has a meat grinder, she american, most likely, this kind of meat grinder is kept in one family, because it was sent, there are western things, a beautiful , interesting graphic service, this is... western europe, we have a very interesting one, there is such a chinese braided bottle, you see the dragons there , that’s why it’s so interesting, yes, it’s the beginning of the century, someone brought a trophy, as is usually the case, well, not everyone could afford a potyphon, in fact, it’s standing here, we have very interesting shoes, leather, women’s, look , such low shoes, and no baubles, that’s all the interior items are authentic, so they speak in a special way without any words, but we go on to study history. a separate exhibition of the local history museum is dedicated to the daragan family. a unique collection of personal belongings, household items, photographs and documents is stored here. most of
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the exhibits were handed down by the descendants of this glorious family. tell us a little about who the doragans are and why this surname is so significant on this earth? the daragans are a cossack family, first of all, their distant ancestor, 300 years ago, helped peter i fight. epeter was the first to simply award some kind of order, a medal, nobility, and one that is inherited. all members of this family always served, that is , the men served, the women took care of the home . and so it was until the enterprising osip daragan came into the family, who later founded a private railway line in osipovichi. they built this branch for 9 months, it was accepted in 1896 on december 28, and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. maybe if their branch didn't exist, it wouldn't exist would be the rest, and we would be a small station, as it is now, past which all the trains pass and only some electric trains become, now we are a large-scale junction, and
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the road residents in many ways gave this impetus, that’s why we value them so much, even the station that they were built, but numerous estates, alas, have not survived to this day, so the exhibition is built in the form of the house of this family, the interiors are recreated in detail from memoirs, all the objects here are exclusively originals. we have such a common office for men osip dorogan and his son dmitry, composite. and here are the things that were with osip at the same time, things that were already on the desktop of dmitry, his son. please note, this photograph has been preserved, and this is now a unique exhibit for belarus, this is a ceremonial photograph of the last russian emperor, let’s say, or rather the heir to tsesarvich alexei. considering that dmitry daragan, the son of osip, was a career naval officer and he took the oath to the sovereign, and it was also his sovereign, after nikola. renounced, that's why this photo hung in his house, even in exile, along with photographs of his relatives, this photograph has been perfectly preserved for more than 100 years. furniture,
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paintings, personal items, toys and even bottles of medicine, all items in perfect condition collected here in osipovichi from different parts of the world. we have a boudoir morning dress and a nightgown, even with a manogram. this is the latest acquisition, darogany brings something every year, and this was given to us by the russian one. believe me, the descendants of badi who live in moscow and st. petersburg. two items that belonged to the russian empress in prelin. buddy daragan just married one of our prelens. in the twelfth year, so these items date precisely before the twelfth year. what we see on the table is service, dining service and this is a repetition of the famous pattern that was invented at the mason factory. but mason porcelain is very expensive, so many factories repeated this pattern, only, of course, their porcelain was cheaper. and this is a hybrid, you can see. not an onion, but a pomegranate, onion, something else, such and such fruits, but this is not a ceremonial service, but an ordinary family dinner, the family is large, so they gathered around the service, and so they ate and dined very beautifully. the exhibition
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of the daragan osipovich family is unique, it is not only the history of a large family, it is a reflection of an entire era, the collection is fortunately only growing, so we will definitely look here again. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth final stage of the season at the world cup... belarusian beauty game again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with
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athletes. i worked a lot and walked.
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the supply territory was expanded by the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel.
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osipovich is also a city of artisans and skilled craftsmen. if in ancient times the secrets of mastery were kept secret, passed down from generation to generation, now everyone can master them, and this is clear evidence rimosel center. and what is there only? no, it’s just eye-opening, and handicrafts, pottery, and ceramics, everyone will find something to their liking, and the ornaments and costumes are simply fabulous. ekaterina, tell me, what kind of beauty is this? this is my future scarf, it's large. wow, this is exactly linen and hand embroidery on linen, with molina threads. did you do all this, embroidered it yourself? yes,
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that's absolutely right. but before you start embroidering, you need, of course, to overcast the edge, make an edge, then there will still be lace, a very labor-intensive process, i suspect, well in fact, yes, i timed it, that is , i got it in one direction, just a continuous row of 38 minutes, that is, in one direction just open the crosses, and before in my life i had never worked on crosses at all, in this we are very similar, but as often happens in life, everything was decided by chance. and we went with the team to the spring bouquet, it’s a fair in minsk, so i saw the work there, namely towels, shirts of our folk artist irina petrovna zabavskaya, then, as they say, away we go, the embroidery is so addictive, captivating, i know that many people do manual work, but they say that this is a certain type, like meditation, it calms them down, what do you think about
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when you do this? absolutely right, meditation is a kind of meditation, well, it just helps me to take my mind off everything, that is, i embroider and just relax, but maybe i’ll try, well, at least a couple of crosses, i’m incredibly interested in understanding the principles of this work, it’s possible, the main thing now is not to spoil anything , well, then you can, if anything spoils my work, i think everything will work out, look for three clues, here from this edge down three, yeah, yeah. and what’s next straight straight and calm, just calm, we’re looking, we’re aiming, right here, right close, yes, that’s right, yes, to the next row, well, it’s clear why you did it for a year, sorry, but it’s not a matter of practice, it’s that you need to be so attentive and careful, yes, hand embroidery -


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