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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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the province has gone, what is this meaning, a pachatak perapalog, i think, sir, yes, yes, we have grown up, that has come, a province has come, a pachatak perapalog, and why did you grow so, intuitions, that’s it, so what primat, tsi yashche padumaetse, no, prymaytse, good, step on the screen, all on valaska, dzyauchatki, what is this? bytsya nebyastsy, well, if you don't grab, geta eight yashche three and ўі ўѕе budze drenna, syusha dachshund so think, i'm flying, that geta just like that budze pachatak perapalohu, otherwise we yashche we think that in the past there were words synonymous there, as pachatak, it was similar to the page, let us assume that we and there are magli ashybitsa, zyauchatki, well, vyshaytse, kali weasel. that’s how we
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figured out that it’s hanging on valaska - that’s what happened to the ignoramuses. well, okay, let me straighten the gety adkaz. the expression appears on the screen: hell for a century, hell for a century, hell for a century, meetings, this is just a meeting, this is a meeting, and how are you doing, this is simple? well, i don’t like it, well, let it be your will. good, daughters, i put my expression on the screen like a gadget, a notebook and trouble-free. geta. you’re trying to tell me, you’re the one who’s working, it’s already caught up, and we’re doing what we’re doing, well, i won’t talk to you, but i’ll tell you that we believe in everything that’s been denied to us, the province has gone, it’s a mess , all on valaska, be in trouble, hell for ever and ever, meetings, and like a gadzinnik, report and trouble-free. hello, what is in the program
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of the gulets in the current competition, all the correct orders are given, the generator of drop-out letters appears on this screen and gives the kamandze page kolkast bala, 40, 30, 20 tsi 10, i don’t know how many, how many atrymaetstsa, let’s take a look, let’s take a look, how much it doesn’t pashkadu our tsudouinny zyachchatka, 20. bala yashche yes you, what you earned or, the traditional tour brought new points , 105, 110.
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competition. gulets apisvae prmet pa-belaruska, do not call yago, if the partner guesses. on tlumachenne kozhnaga baby is not more like 10 seconds. the teams are walking on the charze, the cost is correct adkazu - 20 balls. the minds are sensible, and i just found out which of the two teams, ulyana and dasha, and sonya and ksyusha, will go to the center of the studio and walk first? we. so. dasha and ulyana. we ask. ulyanachka, as soon as you read the slide and the words on the screen, you need to understand these words so that dasha is lethal in 10 seconds maximum, guessing that you are a tlumachy. geta is great for working with a fine needle.
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let's go malays, sister-in-law, ulyana, dashachka, smile and remember, kali affection, months. dashachka, you will be a boon now, you little weasel. this sweetness, what a favorite dzetsi, tsukerka, so, kali weasel, step on the slide, the bird has got this, the bird has wings, yes, little girl, step on the slide, dsetsi go to school, and their education, teacher, yes, i i 'm crying out for it behind the gulco, step on.
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what kind of conversation we are, when we know each other so far apart, when we can’t talk to each other at once, telephone, yes, come slide for sleepyhead, when we are cold, we command, like a covudara, ale yashche tsyaplayshae, in winter we command, palette , no, crimson, jacket, yes, the slide is coming, this chalavek, as they live in our land. belarus. slide, geta cartsina, kali malyuyuts chalavek. partret, yes. malays, sonya and ksyusha. be in remembrance, dear caress, for months. syushachka,
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my dear, you understand what a slave is required. now you are the same as you are. geta month, where to go.
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the bond of our society for 3 weeks we lived by this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud, this is truly a national achievement that mobilizes the entire country, so many people rejoiced at its flight people, everyone met her with tears in their eyes,
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let them explode from their bile, no other country in the world pays so much attention to a woman as a woman, that is, our belarusian woman today has perhaps. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals,
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walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion - the main qualities of these people, however. kalі i garadzіў my agarod, drip i put a hole in the hole and steamed it onto the clay, the red one is so sculpted in my hand, it’s like plasticine, but i save it right away. 12 years ago, when we bought this house, it was in a very deplorable state, we restored it all with our own hands, planted christmas trees, planted trees, look at the paleshuki project, the paleshuka is all zastanetsa, budze peradavat getu sladshchynu, then what zastalosyamu, budze peradavat generation on tv channel belarus 24.
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lessons from classic literary works we will hear in this competition, but also in the future let's get to know each other. the jump commands are working. literary works are walking on the charze, kolkast balla for the right adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkasts trial. dzyauchatki, here advatatsya in this competition can be done several times, but once you try it you will be able to sail to the kolkast ball. you try the pain, you feel better. i thank you, menavita ulyana and dasha, to unpack the competition. we're grazing the tops for the rest of the day. respect, given for you. lands of belarus, bars and dubrovs, harvest fields,
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shauk’s murokh. it's sunset at the slave's memorial vecharovs, who are biting adba sloў, rachaoў, peramovy, і ў noisy showers and squeezing gifts. my dear daughters, i was crying so loudly from the top. what you know, what you don’t know. that's it, nicknames and names.
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yeah, we hear it! i want a price for the land, if not the people of the sirse would protect me. tears of happiness and smeared
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the pa-brother fell with me, as they gave me their burden of light travel, and their galas sang sweet songs in may. dzyauchatki, well, this is not an easy task, why are these radki? not. and merkavanni, thoughts on gety kont, who writes gety tops? maxim bagdanovich, yanka kupala, genadz buraukin, yakub kolas, what do you think? what do you think? me, yanka kupala? well, let's try, yanka kupala. what versions did you have? well, yashche genadz buraukin. how will we edit, which version? well, come on, yanka kupala. come on, yanka kupala. dzyauchatki, not yanka kupala. tsi maxim bagdanovich, tsi genadz buraukin, tsi yakub kolas? let's go to the faithful
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genadz buraukin. geta correct adkaz. genadz buraukin wrote at the top “i want a price for the land.” infectiously, there is a snatch from the prose, and this will be given to dasha and ulyana. lenya sauchanka and hrysha mikhnevich studied in hell. the class sat at the same desk and lived in the same quarter. everyone at school said that you wouldn’t spill them with water, and that’s how it was. kali on the streets, walking in the snow, grisha feels confident. then he clicks on lyonya, and on the contrary, lyonya, because he is studying weaker for grisha, but he can only return the tax for this month. these are all the names of the writers: alena vasilevich, yanka bryl, raisa baravikova and mikhas lynko. well, i think that all the names
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are known to you, magchyma, known gety ўryvak. known? so, tell me, what are your thoughts? with you, we believe that this is alena vasilyevich, this is the correct adkaz, the bridegrooms, so, alena vasilyevich wrote to her friends, sonya, ksyusha, hearsay, kali affection, given her. when we landed on earth from the planet anthars 5, what a discovery in the minds of skarpion, our entire crew would be disappointed. on the right is that this planet has a red color, which is worse. mars, alas, as we are illuminated from mars, nothing is agulnaga ў yaya noma, there are mountains and mountains everywhere, we know the greater or lesser world dance, let us pass our ship. dzyauchatki, well, i know this is fiction, so, and eight names are from the autara magchymykh, yanka bryl, raisa baravikova, mikhas slynkova and yanka
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maur. who could write such a fantastic creation, your bastards? what do you think?
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the apovest of the four fathers, by raisa baravikova. thank you for your knowledge, which you have been doing for the literary competition, at the same time . 315 ulyana, dasha, sophia, ksenia 330. at the final stage of the party you will experience developments, reactions and an hour-long drain. i welcome you to the kryzvanka, which you are musіce zapoўnіts adkazami. i’ll just tell you that the digraphs j and d occupy two cells. let's get to know the brains behind the competition. udzelniks are solving the kryzhanka through torture, when the team signals the missing version. for correct skin the order is 10 points. i want
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to tell you what the draw is in this competition. what does this mean? if the team told the team that it’s correct, it’s 10 points, but if it said it’s wrong, the points are not right, but then another team can say it, and if it’s the same, it’ll be a big deal we accept the buzz, it will be correct, there is a team to pick up the five balls, we will solve the kryzhanka of the beast uniz, respect, so it could be...
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kali laska, sonya and ksyusha. expressive. you are a great racer, malay. pratsyagnіtse pokazku. they chime in the spring. kali laska, sonya and ksyusha. get treatment. dakladna. respect, come the words. that ’s what it’s called, who cares and who knows what. and the sisters, whatever they give, they eat. kali laska, ksyusha and sonya. what kind of skis? you can
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race, little girl, geta skis. pratsyagnіtse radok. i'm in a muddy mood for a long time, and i'm worth it to the lord, i i clean the radiator and bleed it. kali laska, dasha and ulyana. malaychynka, dasha, ales pismyanko wrote the top stories. advent words, such can be i pyarstsenak, i kharaktar, i kolas. kali weasel, ulyanga. patches. dakladna. and all this is given, advancing, gety maystar robіts barrels. dzyauchatki, is there any advice? ulyana, dasha. sonya, ksyusha, not, dzyauchatki, geta bondar, remember, bondar robot barrels, offensive, respect, respect, pa-ruska eccentric, but pa-belaruska,
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kali laska, ulyana, dasha, dzivak. dzivak, malaychyna. like the birds below the top of the paeta alesya stavera on the palesse lyatsyats. kali laska, ulyana, yes. dear little sisters, that’s all our party, which flew like hell. we could have walked as long as we could, but we would have needed to get out of the water. and before
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you, as a worker, i would like to say a few words about the future of the tour. naming the original quotes from the meeting is not easy. the first person here needs to identify deep vedas. it happens that logic, intuition, and nativism are all important. you have identified the first charga. the ancient vedas of the school program said: if not from the first step, then from another uzho abavyazkova, the malays, for the competition the kryzhanka smelt hutka, yak malanka, and all the adkazas were sharp and trapny, and the same ones from prazhmenki hell are large, sennya zdziulya and the teams of their adkazas , i’m in an arrogant, sad mood, and i don’t get caught in anything, like the balls are falling na roўnu, na 15 kozhnai... kamanze, and yashche want you sardechna padzyakavat for such a good party: malays. our party has come to an end,
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the team, sophia and ksenia 395, has become the first party . parallel to the streets of the new rules of belarusian arphagraphy. and punctuation. our dear friends are well aware of their native language and the great sense of their orders is that the russian and belarusian languages ​​are not the same, not only the gender of the native language, but also the language. animals, cereals, breasts - we only have so many faces. what do we, belarusians, do and give to kama? to my friends, my neighbors, my kind people. gavarits and pshyts without any doubt in your words. alena tratsenka was with you. come on, sustrechi. i'm sorry, i'm sorry geta viktaryna. there were tasks, but we
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managed. i would like to say something to my mentor of the belarusian language, ninni nikalaeina. for me there were great lords, i knew the quality of the new one. i was very happy with this party, and when it happens, i will come here abavyazkova more times.
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i somehow found the spirit, our beloved, mother, sake, did not live in different countries, stuffy in any way, you are sheep. and dear people, for years i loved you with you, hello first, hail our land, bright glory, to the people of the orthodox faith.
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our people, the strength of the people, our victorious, sonic paths, our bright mountains, the pens of god, the joyful saints, the words of
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our holy land. the bright name of the people of the great persian union, our beloved mother of your bramish belarus, our beloved mother of the race.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's sum up this day together. our strength is in unity, and belarusians once again confirm this. in the next 2 days, we will together determine the future of the country. the capital is ready to host the all-belarusian people's day meetings. the belterradiocompany team will broadcast live the forum opinions and comments in our field studios. the national assembly will approve two important documents: the military doctrine and the concept of national security. we discussed and debated together. why is it so important to do this now? watch ksenia lebedeva's program. and it is precisely with these words that the moldovan authorities justify the persecution of participants in the moscow congress for creating the victory bloc, when an alternative opinion is not recognized, and the authors are accused of treason. details in
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release. my colleagues will continue the announcement. the key topics of the upcoming all-belarusian people's assembly and expectations from a large-scale dialogue with the whole country. let's set the accents. more than three hundred journalists will join in covering the events of the all-belarus people's assembly. bel tv and radio company has deployed two on-site studios, from where the most current information will be broadcast live. sending to the troops has begun in belarus. reinforcements are received from military units of the armed forces, border service and state security agencies, as well as internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. the belarusian army is in a constant search for answers to... threats, however, it does not follow from this that we have entered the cult of military trends, we are simply guided by the expediency of an asymmetrical strategy in the disposition project. a colorful sports palette is today as part of the sports day review. and boxing, and
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shooting, and biathlon with football. our colleagues will not lose sight of the most important thing in the world of sports. the capital of belarus is preparing to host the most important forum for the country. it will start tomorrow the all-belarusian people's assembly, having gone through the path of a modern, independent state, analyzed the facts and events, learned lessons and constitutionally enshrined it in the national assembly, the highest representative body of the people's power of the republic of belarus. the assembly determines the strategic directions for the development of society and the state, ensures the inviolability of the constitutional system, continuity of generations and civil harmony. the constant is man, his rights, freedoms and guarantees. unshakable value, only the people are the only source state power and bearer of sovereignty, these are constitutional norms that we have long discussed and nurtured, now we are exercising our right to determine the fate of the country ourselves, to preserve today’s peaceful
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day, to decide how we will live further, what we will leave for our descendants: 1162 representatives from all regions who are trusted belarusians will gather tomorrow in the palace of the republic, we will openly talk about our plans, the belteleradiocompany will broadcast live the forum about the key topics of the upcoming all-republican dialogue, more details, veronica buta. each of the delegates is not just an expert in their field, but a trusted person with an impeccable reputation.
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my first graduates are now 31 years old, so what to do is to protect motherhood and childhood. these first graduates this year brought their child to me. it seems to me that what is more important is the peace of mind of the parents, that they are leaving their child, nothing is in good hands. so on a national scale, there is nothing more important than peace of mind, when you know that your home, your family, your homeland are in reliable hands. the future of belarus is in the hands of the supreme national assembly, which includes. 1162 delegates,
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the interests of all citizens without exception are represented, 750 people are elected, 412 are ex-officio delegates. the all-belarusian people's assembly actually represents a superstructure over all government bodies, the politically formed voice of the belarusian people. parliament passes laws, the supreme national assembly determines and approves strategic directions, the main directions of the country's development, but in the law nonetheless. if necessary, if this is contrary to national security, to cancel those other decisions that will be made by parliament, through these representatives the opinion of the entire people will be taken into account. deputies and senators in full force are among the delegates of the supreme council. mikhail rusy took part in all six all-belarusian people's assemblies, he now remembers all the dialogue platforms, round tables, meetings with labor collectives, about the beginning of the formation of the republic, the vns was the only form of council with the people. the tool has justified itself. grandfathers, fathers, parents wrote
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a worthy, modern history of belarus, although it was oh, how not easy. today is a new time, new challenges and new forms of dealing with them. all these six, well, it’s like a public initiative, let’s say, and people gathered, they had the right, that’s how we say, local government bodies, self-government, this kind of self-government was at the republican level, here it’s kind of like that. stabilizer peace of mind for the future, this means that no one can manipulate this or that situation in the future, and this will be decided by the people. make the ans so the belarusian people themselves wanted it, voting in a referendum in 2022 for changes and additions to the constitution, thereby with an absolute majority of votes, supporting the initiative of the president and demonstrating that the belarusian people are the true masters of their destiny. all-people's... our all-belarus assembly is a stabilizer
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of society, this is its main role, to stabilize society at all stages of its development, if the need arises, then it is on its platform that it is necessary to negotiate, it will be necessary to negotiate. all this speaks about one, about the readiness to move to a new stage, the strengthening of true democracy in our country and the desire to maintain lasting peace in our native land. will adopt key documents on sovereignty, now this is also a function of the all-belarusian
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people's assembly. on thursday, delegates will be presented with draft national security concepts and military doctrine. the agenda includes elaboration of our socio-economic course. yuri chabatar will hold the floor as a delegate of the supreme council for the first time, but this is not the first time he has participated in the people’s assembly. knows over the years, the emphasis has changed, but the priority has always been the person and his well-being. for our economy, an open economy. ae priorities, they remain the same, this is export, because when selling our products, we have a well-developed industrial complex, agro-industrial production, and more than 60% of products are sold for export, so the quality of sales, especially the long-distance arc, remain the main directions for us, import substitution why is also key, because this is creating potential for... the development of our industrial complex, that’s all
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this is around the well-being of the population, everything to increase real incomes, the possibility of providing social services in the regions, and so on. the delegates of the supreme council will become conductors of the results of the meeting in their regions and work collectives. veronica buta, elena vitko, anna buikevich, alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. belarusians have always resolved the most important strategic issues in the life of the country.
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we need to work without looking back and do specific things, things that concern people, strategic issues, our military doctrine defensive doctrine, they are known, nothing could be more important now, global issues that must be resolved in our country will be spelled out, this body must...
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an area that primarily focuses on productive work. delegates will have to immerse themselves in it literally from the first minutes. for the first time in history. during the snc there will be a secret vote. this is precisely what dictates the constitutional status of the law of the all-belarus people's assembly. the deputy chairman and the presidium will be chosen right on the fields of the palace of the republic. in the fayes and halls they placed nine voting places, booths, ballot boxes and the work of the counting commission, for which a small hall was given over. for the process to start. we worked out routes for each region without interruption, this is also a kind of challenge for us, this has never been the case for us, but this year 1. almost 200 delegates will be able to vote, and we have ensured this process, and accordingly, for us it has become a matter of working out completely new logistics, every
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region, every delegate knows where to go and where to carry out the voting process. for the first time this year, we have developed the logistics of the movement of people, organizational issues of mass, light, sound, visuals, broadcasting, so that everything goes according to plan, hundreds of specialists are working together under the close attention of the organizing committee and other departments. today , almost everything on stage and behind is ready, only roughness is eliminated so that the sound is clear and the picture is clear. the set design for the all-belarusian people's assembly is almost... 400 km of led screens, over three hundred lighting devices, more than 20 km of cables that run behind the stage and six twenty-ton equipment trucks. a good phrase now: space is ours, believe me, the technical part is now also ours, a very large number.


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