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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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country olga yerenskaya, nina mazhaika, we are glad to welcome you to belarus tv channels , one of the satellite belarus 24. friends, today is not just wednesday, but a unique date: 04.24.2024, it’s really beautiful in every sense , yes, the most beautiful combination, and as a rule, some people are afraid of these very days of such combinations, they say it’s all some kind of mystical, it can bring not very good events to life, but others are on the contrary, and i, in particular, treat others like this, i think... that such combinations they carry
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some kind of magic into our lives, when we, perhaps, program something good in our lives, for example, for a wedding to happen, a beautiful celebration, nina, you should have planned something for something like this, very important, well, listen, i’m already married, there’s already been a wedding, which means i’m in the camp of those who, in general , are passionate about anything, you know, in this situation, and it seems to me that 04/24/2024 is exactly the date when you need to say yes to life in every sense of the word, and you know, the sooner you say it, so... yes, well the april new moon, known as the pink moon, also fell on the mirror date. this event happened at 2:48 minsk time, however, you could only see the pink moon by looking at it through rose-colored glasses. do we like it? i just wanted to say, i thought that i was looking at life itself through rose-colored glasses, but it turns out, no, it’s about the pink moon, in general the color of the moon was quite good. in general, usually
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in fact, the indians of north america called it pink in honor of the pink flowers of the wild phlox, which blooms like once in april, but you know how naughty the shlox is, phlox and shlox too, in general a tongue twister 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but even if the moon didn’t turn pink, for a real romantic , taking a walk on a full moon is a pleasure and even the weather, which has been a little weird in recent days can’t spoil our mood, because it’s already real spring all around, listen, it sounds like...
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and the stars are shining and smiling at the planet, and you and i are like children, looking at them, we forgot that it’s so simple , find answers to questions, your glass is already empty, but don’t be sad, i have slan, i want.
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venus and mercury in color shine in the ultraviolet, and you and i are like children, looking at them, in the stream of thought we wrote down, stopped and became quiet, we fill the vocals again and are not sad, but i have a plan. i want the world to make a turn, but i have a plan, not back forward, but a little forward, come on, ruu!
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and i have a flan, i want the world to make a fall, i have a plan, back forward, forward! oh, well, the legs just go dancing on their own, it seems to me that our tv viewers of the belarus tv channel are one of the satellites of belarus 24, right now they are also dancing with us, well, in any case, they are waking up cheerfully and actively, this is exactly what we invite you to do, by the way, during 3 hours of live broadcast, we have everything ahead of us to dance, including, well, listen to
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useful information, and you know, this is how voltaire said, if we paraphrase the hashmal of our performer today, this morning, the famous french poet voltaire of the 18th century, he said that in the morning i...
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of the examination, and, as always, on wednesdays i will contact gomel, our colleague alexander lupirenko will share the news from this region, and also traditionally, together with masha khrustaleva, we will discuss the latest news from the world of media. today, of course, there will be guests, we will learn more about the charitable social project that the belarusian red cross is launching on the eve of may 9. and of course, everyone remembers that today is an important day, because the all-belarusian people's assembly is opening. a significant day for our country , the premiere of a song video with a very symbolic name will take place on the air of dobroya ranitsa in belarus: we can do anything. by the way, this composition is performed by angelina volkova, a young, wonderful singer, and today she will do it live. we are definitely waiting for her in our morning studio, and
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now it’s time for breakfast. our food blogger, anatoly moiseev, will share a simple recipe for a delicious dish. good morning, crackets are a godsend. for those who love potato and mushroom dishes. rockets are typically deep-fried, but i'm giving you a healthier recipe by cooking your breakfast in the oven. to prepare we need potatoes, eggs, flour, onions, peppers, boiled mushrooms, butter, salt. boil the potatoes until tender in salted water. cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a frying pan with butter until golden, add chopped
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mushrooms to the onion and fry for 5 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste, add to the still warm potatoes. butter, beat the eggs there, grind the potatoes into mashed potatoes, mix flour and breadcrumbs in a plate, put a little mashed potato on the palm of your hand, add the filling in the middle and form a cracket in the form block, roll it in the breading mixture and place it on a greased baking sheet. and so many times, we sculpt, roll, lay out, put in an oven preheated to 190° for 25 minutes. potato crackers with mushrooms are just a godsend for lovers of
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potato and mushroom dishes. they turn out tender and crunchy at the same time. they are delicious eaten warm with sour cream or tomato. with sauce. a delicious breakfast is the key to a successful day and bon appetit. a review of popular print and online publications is presented by the agency tv news. accelerated transition to a legal entity and attractive working conditions. in belarus, approaches to doing business are changing . the corresponding law was signed by president alexander lukashenko. the document establishes an updated architecture of entrepreneurship and provides for two categories engaged in entrepreneurial activities. legal entities and individuals. legal entities include small, medium and large organizations. the category of individuals includes
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artisans, owners of agro-eco-estates, self-employed, individual entrepreneurs. the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1. read about all the changes on the pages of the republic. the republican subbotnik once again proved the national unity of belarusians. the president took part in it on april 20. senior officials, heads of government bodies, deputies of all levels, ordinary belarusians. in total, this noble cause united more than 2 million people throughout the country, and 14.5 million rubles were earned. cash the funds will be used for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for child victims of the war in krasny bereg for the creation of a republican center for the patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kubrin fortification of the brest fortress. the remaining funds will be used for the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes, places of military and military glory. located in the regions and minsk. correspondents of the newspaper sb belarus
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today will tell you about how hard the belarusians have worked. to make summer safe, it’s worth remembering at least the basics in advance. rules the time that everyone loves from childhood is just around the corner, when you can spend more free time in the fresh air, enjoy beach games, swimming in ponds and simply long walks. or you can relax at home with the windows open, sitting in your favorite chair, with a laptop or book in your hands. main. it is believed that an energy drink is a magic pill that can increase their productivity, increase attention and help them
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remember huge amounts of information in the shortest possible time, but is this really so? third-year students of the belarusian state medical university conducted their own research, their work on the effect of energy drinks on attention indicators last year took second place at the international scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists - topical problems of modern medicine and pharmacy. banner of youth in more detail. the poshot technique is an excellent choice for those who want a dietary dish. for cooking fish, this is generally a win-win option. you will never dry it out and retain the maximum of useful substances. we use aromatic pumpkin and fresh herbs for garnish. sauce and pestle we get a bright dish that fits perfectly into the children's diet. so, first, we clean the pumpkin
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, cut it into small pieces, put them in almost boiling water, add a little salt, a sprig of thimum and a clove of garlic for flavor, boil until tender, in the meantime, prepare the broth for the water bath in which the salmon will simmer. chop parsley leaves and onions. and ginger root, pour a little olive oil into the pan and put it in chopped onion and ginger root, lightly fry, stirring constantly, and then pour in chicken or vegetable broth, you can do with just water, add a little salt and pepper. a sprig of thyme will highlight the taste of the fish, but is also not a necessary ingredient in the dish. then add parsley, bring the broth to a boil and drop the salmon steak into it. please note that the fish should be immersed in the broth by about half, no more. close
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the pan with a lid and bring the broth to a boil again, then immediately turn off heat. due to the existing temperature of the broth, the fish will reach readiness on its own, and we have time to prepare the pumpkin puree. to do this, put pieces of boiled pumpkin in a blender, add a little chicken or vegetable broth, a little cinnamon, dried coriander curry. grind everything until smooth. puree. at the end, pour in a little cream. to prepare the pestle sauce , we use a little chopped garlic, grated parmesan, basil, pine nuts, almond petals and an olive. butter, add a little salt and blend everything with a blender until homogeneous consistency, put the finished puree and shot salmon on a serving plate, pour pesto sauce over it and enjoy the delicate taste and juiciness of this healthy aromatic dish, bon appetit!
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weather, with the sun, look, it seems like they say that a warm air mass is coming to us from the balkan peninsula, but judging by the daytime indicators, it seems to be passing by, well, judge for yourself, today in minsk it’s 8:10, just with a plus sign , the same in brest, the same indicators in grodno, then in vitebsk it is a little warmer than in minsk and brest 11:13, with a plus sign only in gomel, the warmest regional center until today +12 +14 is mogilev, and in all regional cities. so what's there? it seems to me that in all cities of belarus today there will be precipitation, spring rains, but in principle, as nina mazeika said behind the scenes, but this is better than +3 +5, in principle, yes, everything is a comparison, although it seems to me , not enough, when april is almost over, i still want real spring, when it’s 20 and above, nina, how are you coping with this rainy weather? you know how everyone is
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probably not very much, of course, i really want warmth, and it seems to me that maybe i should use this life hack, but since... as if spring is passing by, then maybe we need to go out onto the road to vote, somehow stop it , in general, yes, tell her, dear, stop, stop, at some good temperature mark, i mean it and don’t go anywhere, we are glad to see you, really, sincerely glad, so you know, there’s rain outside the window somewhere she’s crying, she’s crying, we’re crying, all those who miss the fine, wonderful spring, that’s for sure, yes, especially since you know that sinovsky even directly warned us that yes, tonight, by the way, they announced an assault warning. due to the frosts, we hope that the future harvest is not damaged, but tomorrow warm air masses from the balkan peninsula will shift to the territory of our country, as olga venskaya said, and the mercury on thermometers will rise significantly, yes, we hope, we are waiting, you know, with open arms, please come in, we will increase the degree of vivacity, really warm up, than
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we know how to do it, and we know how to do it well, so we suggest doing traditional morning exercises and adding it. strong leg muscles are not only about beauty, but also about health, so let’s improve our health with today’s exercises, we begin our exercises, finally we begin to squat, since summer is coming soon and we need to prepare our legs for to... wear short shorts and skirts. the first exercise of our squats: we put our feet hip-width apart, turn our feet slightly to the side we begin the movement by abducting the pelvis and simultaneously flexing the knee joint. try not to let your body fall forward, so that your knees don’t move inward, as there will be a load on the knee joint and you won’t feel your legs at all; look just
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above the horizon line. in general, we imagine that we are sitting down on a chair, right? the body goes a little forward, because if you sit down with a straight back, then i think your squat will end in a fiasco. the next exercise is lunges. we we continue to prepare our legs for the summer season. if you know, there are lunges with two accents. the first emphasis is on the front surface of the thigh, the second - on the buttock. thus, we stretch the gluteus maximus muscle, as we inhale we sit down, as we exhale we rise up, in order to feel the gluteal muscle as much as possible, try to move your torso back, but at the same time
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keep your body in a neutral spine, that is, remove the deflection in the lumbar region, i as i understand it, we do it so many times until we get a good feel for it, i would she recommended doing three sets of 12-15 repetitions and under no circumstances rushing to monitor your breathing, or so. and what are beautiful legs without toned quadriceps? the quadriceps is the front surface of the thigh, often we don’t notice when it becomes lumpy, it slides onto the knee, so if we don’t want this, then we will do the next exercise, we don’t want, we want beautiful and healthy legs, sit down we'll straighten you up on the floor. legs in front of you, try not to push yourself too hard with your arms outstretched back, let's start alternately, first only the right one, then only the left one, lift your leg up, try not to bend the knee joint; when you
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feel a slight burning sensation in the front surface of the thigh, do it 10 more times. so, how high do we raise our legs? it all depends on the mobility of your hip joint, i would recommend lifting from 5 to 7 cm, but of course we won’t measure this with a ruler , so i’m sure that the amplitude that it will rise for you will really be enough, in general , a little bit, a little bit, study sports and be healthy, see you in the next issues.
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kalisha for the rain in the thick pimena. the rain is knocking on your window, today the dream has passed by, and tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it, don’t worry, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead. you laugh at me here, like dew in a field, like a star in the sky, like
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a star in the sky, like an endlessly cheerful surf in the sea, let them be with you, with you forever, forever, a big dream, big love.
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there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, i need it.
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our friend valera is really very temperamental. men, so dear all the valers of our country, please wake up, after such and such a song, i’m sure you not only woke up, but have already gone into such a real movement, that’s for sure, by the way, in our team of the program there is a good border, belarus too there is valera and he, by the way , danced with us all this time while it lasted, all the details, please look at your instagram account good morning belarus, and you subscribed, subscribe urgently and you will have a lot of cool awakening content, by the way, today friends, wednesday, we woke up on... and these people are doing the right thing, by the way, in the new season the competition will be held from
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april 27 to 12. this saturday the first stage will take place in the horse park. on june 1 , children's day, the festival will be held on the site near the sports palace, and the closing of the season, as is tradition, will be hosted by the minsk arena velodrome. but it seems to me that the number of participants in this event is only growing every day, however, because with the transition of warm weather there are more and more fans, those who sit on bike rather than using public transport to get to work. by the way, participants will compete in several categories: mass races, mountain biking - this is such an extreme sport. is a cycling sport that is a mountain biking competition. figure driving bicycles is a particularly beautiful hobby, and for children aged two to 6 years, children's races on balance bikes are prepared. like this. this is interesting. well, in addition, a new discipline will appear, the family relay race. adults will be able to participate with your kids, so it's time to dust off your bikes. well, in the meantime, let's move right now to china, where serial production of new trains is beginning. all
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the details right now. these trains will be able to travel at speeds of up to 450 km/h. when creating the trains, innovative materials are used, thanks to which the weight of a train fully loaded with passengers will be reduced by as much as 40 tons. and the traction power will increase significantly. energy consumption will also be reduced by 20%, thanks to constantly due to the improving characteristics of braking equipment, trains will still be able to stop within the established emergency limits. braking distance, even at a speed of 400 km/h. once operational, they will be the fastest classic trains in the world. for example, the journey from beijing to shanghai will take about 2.5 hours. let us remind you that high-speed electric trains in china now operate at a maximum speed of 350 km/h. it's great that technology is a service, including the speed of trains, but time it goes on, a lot changes, of course, but
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it seems to me that the train still remains itself. a romantic form of public transport, so i always choose between, for example, a plane or a train, if possible i choose a train, and not because i’m afraid of flying, no, you just know, do modern trains also offer us to practically fly by, but it’s just very romantic to be in nature, beauty, the sound of wheels, there is something in this, i agree with you, but the main thing is that your train does not leave, and for this you need to get up early, watch the program belarus, listening to useful information from us, that’s for sure, yes, friends, and the main thing is that there is more. checking the condition of the engine, sound signal, brakes and more, every driver must undergo a technical inspection, simply in order to understand how safe the car is. today we will find out what changes
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appeared during the passage. technical inspection in the new year. on march 26, 2024 , innovations in the administrative procedures of a number of government bodies, including those related to the beltekhosmotr, came into force. now the permit period for admission to participate in road traffic for new cars has been increased to 3 years. this decree applies only exclusively to individuals, because from the moment of issuance of this decree.
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or the year of indication of the given year of manufacture of the vehicle in the registration documents issued by the authorized body, that is, the technical passport of the vehicle, there is no gradation for the month, at the moment... vehicles in respect of which a permit is issued for admission to participation in road traffic on 3 year, this is a vehicle manufactured in 2022. for identification of the vehicle, registration and registration of a permit for its admission to participation in road traffic , a fee of 0.3 of the base amount is charged for individuals on the day the permit is issued. payment for issuing an admission permit can be made through electronic resources. like this directly when you receive it through the cash register, if you receive it at the diagnostic station using a bank card or cash payment. also now in belarus in as an alternative to the international
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technical inspection certificate , a vehicle diagnostic card can be used. plus, such a card will eliminate the need for the carrier to purchase an additional document. national certificate of technical inspection of a vehicle, plus the fact that this diagnostic card contains information about the technical parameters of the vehicle in three languages. do not forget to undergo technical inspection of your iron friend on time, then you will protect yourself and other road users from unpleasant consequences.
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in the very center of the night, in a huge city, i will find a steely, old telephone. he will stretch out his hand, like an acquaintance of mine, and the midnight bell will break your sleep, in the very center of the night, in a huge city, we will find a hotel that has come true. and no one in this world will disturb our dreams or say no, beloved,
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beloved, beloved, save me, save me. save me, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to cuddle up to your hair, save me, everything from loneliness, it’s night in the very center, the city is huge, i’ll find a tired, old
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telephone, he will reach out his hand, as if he were an acquaintance, and the midnight call. will break your sleep, and no one in this world will disturb our dreams. and he won’t say no, beloved, beloved, beloved, save me, save me, save me,
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i want to snuggle into your hair, i want to snuggle into your hair, save me. save from loneliness, to your hair i want to come, not to cling to your hair. i want to, save me, save me from loneliness, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness. belarus charmed them at first sight,
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the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is , in general, the merit of the people, so hospitable well, you don’t always meet people who are ready, well, to give everything to you, such a soul generous, and of course the beauty of nature. i was also impressed by these european streets, it’s like you’re in prague somewhere, i really liked it, watch it in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. the volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key points of support for this city; in fact, volkovye in slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, hence also wolf. students of all avsevich moiseenko oleg
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pavlovich marushkin donated the gift of painting gallery of the work et, which was painted by the artist in 1946. is traveling an opportunity to try something new? cherena, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant. well, this too, these are heart plants, here we have cardiovascular plants. so, dear friends, to your attention. dishes of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's interpretation and, of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and with two handles you knock it hard, i'm scared, there's nothing scary here, that's it look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good ranitsa belarus, good and cheerful morning, on our calendar april 24, this is wednesday, this friday, april 26 , attractions will begin operating in the capital's recreation areas, finally, for the little guests of the parks for sure i can’t wait to try out the new products, by the way, it seems to me that the park’s big guests will get to see it, it is also known that the lukomorye interactive playground in minsk gorky park has been supplemented with new elements in the new season, let me remind you that it was opened last summer, this a small obstacle strip where figures of characters from folk tales are located, and now additional figures of fairy-tale heroes have appeared there, the company of babiya, the gorynychevo snake, the living tree and other characters are the firebird and the goblin. and to create a fabulous and mysterious atmosphere
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, an additional smoke generator was installed on the site. the performances will also be accompanied by a light show. listen, it looks like this in the frame, i’m looking at it now, it’s amazing, what a beard, i saw it, wow! in the meantime, we are just looking forward to the start of the season attractions and fountains, by the way, they will also start working literally any day now. designers are already ready to tell us about the main trends, friends, of the coming autumn. yes, that's it. in particular, fashionable dobton presented a new autumn collection. nicolas geskeier and his team chose a rather unusual place to hold their new show, the largest museum in china in shanghai. the creative director selected for the collection the best silhouettes and elements that he has created over the past few years. the trend, as we see, is light hollows, leather vests, trousers, skirts in the style of ballet cor, gorema trousers. instead of classic prints and plaid stripes, variegated polar patterns, doll-like styles, mane-like combinations of different materials and, most importantly, asymmetry appeared.
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beautiful shapes like an hourglass, then it will beautifully emphasize your dignity, but listen, in these trousers, it seems to me that in their execution you can hide a whole grief, it’s not for nothing that they are called that, but it’s strange, after all. in china it doesn’t even smell like thunder, nevertheless, it’s a collaboration, a buzzword, yes, friends, but it’s not at all surprising that recently world-famous designers are increasingly paying attention to the east, because there are more and more fans there, not just of big brands, but of the so-called heavy luxury, who don’t spare money on their blouses
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and so on further, you know, when a blouse costs like a car, that’s for sure, but some are ready to sell their soul even for a pretty handbag, for example, and not only that, and especially since louis véton needs to somehow correct the situation, including the financial one because after the famous situation at the oscars, yes, when the dress didn’t last even two hours on the actress, it failed, saying that luyubeton’s shares simply collapsed, that’s how one dress can sometimes cost a whole career to build, but such are the times nowadays, cancel culture, like they say, yes, cancel culture, who knows what consequences this or that event will lead to, for example, the oscar ceremony, which you and i have already recalled, but in any case, we and...
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have a question for an adult, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us and will answer all questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that an artist is such an easy job, it’s easy for them to get up, this, this... is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions : you see illness and death every day, what helps you? believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is
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an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions, what it is, it was a turning point, this is the 790th reptile that rach paspalitay knew, and with this we say, we have been and have known , the end of the famous style of baroque, and all the historical wings here take us away from the page, such a dead end, because
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later on, the architects were the myastsov admyslovites, the architect chakhovich, who is not by all means , the song of irajima is growing, maybe everything will change, but the yana are unbearable, they are not known from the smoke of spring, they are clear, only this life will not be hourly, it will be an eternal life, as it is, bright
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words in the native language, a monthly strain on the grass, and no life is great. and the last month of spring will delight all residents of our country with additional days of rest, but may has prepared such a surprise for us, labor day falls on this month, may 1... victory day may 9 is a holy holiday and radunitsa may 14, these dates are officially recognized in belarus on weekends. there will be a long weekend in our
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country from may 11 to 14, and a working day from may 13 may monday is moved to may 18, which will be saturday. true, the transfer of working days applies only to employees who work a five-day work week with days off on saturday and sunday. this happens in other cases at the discretion of the employer. of course, but in any case. in any case, it seems to me that everyone will find a way to relax in may, that’s for sure, but while you are planning what to do on your mini-vacation, we will tell you about a new world record. yes, it was installed by the german surfer sebastian steudner, he managed conquer a wave almost 28 m high. and this is the height of a nine-story building, an achievement recorded on the coast of the portuguese city of nazare; in order to conquer a giant wave, the surfer designed a new board, managing to reduce air and water resistance.
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it’s somehow strange, sometimes it’s easier to conquer such a high wave than, for example, some of your emotions, yes, that’s for sure, conquering yourself is generally the most important thing in life, well
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, in this sense, he coped with several at once tasks, well done, by the way, you can achieve unprecedented heights in your favorite profession if you really want to, because now we’ll find out how the makeup artist, daryana, makes the morning of the country good, what a beautiful name, and her surname is also no less beautiful, naidovich, let’s get acquainted. my name is daryana naidovich, i work in a beauty salon as a makeup artist, i wake up most often at 5-6 in the morning, because clients often need an early departure, these are visits to brides, my morning usually begins with me packing my cosmetic bag, case, i go to my clients, this is my workplace, i start my day with table preparation, disinfection. and boost their confidence on important days. i love my work most of all for the emotions, for the emotions of my clients, for the emotions of my students, which they
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receive after i do makeup for them, because these emotions cannot be compared with any money. sometimes i joke that i could work only for emotions, because when you see... which is revealed after your makeup, it cannot be expressed in words. since childhood, i really loved to take cosmetics from my sister, who was older than me, she spoiled everything very much, constantly breaking palettes; in fact , my parents noticed this interest and began to encourage her. and later i went, earned my first courses, graduated myself and continued to develop in this profession, constantly improving my qualifications. we have a very responsive manager who will always meet halfway and help. in principle, i really like working here, i don’t notice
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any major difficulties, because for me it’s a pleasure; for some, getting up early might seem difficult, but for me this easily. probably the most difficult thing is working with brides, because brides are always very worried on their big day, and as a psychologist i have to calm them down. my job is to give beauty and confidence to girls. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. the bustle is endless, day gives way to day. and we rush along the oncoming traffic, catching up with ours, and i so
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want to exhale and... turn around, meet my loved ones again and rest with my soul, and we will be happy, smiling and phrasing, and we will be happy, despite all the winds, be warmed by your loved ones, loved ones, warmth and joy, joy. start your new day, a new day, with new words about love, we communicate so rarely, we look for a reason to meet, forgetting that the main thing is for us to take care of each other, then we can exhale and be confident. then
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you can stand ahead in everything, and we will be happy, smiling and celebrating, celebrating, and we will be happy, despite all the winds, warm yourself with your loved ones, loved ones, with warmth and joy, joy, start your new day. love again, and we will be happy, we will be happy, smiling and celebrating, and we will be happy,
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despite all the winds, and we will be happy. that she or he is not like everyone else, i know that somewhere nearby a cupid flew past you, left an arrow in your heart,
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that’s all, so you know, love is already there. is starting to wake up, it’s great, friends, spring is a time of unconditional love, and spring is also a time of, i hope, good weather, which we already miss, nina, tell us today, cool temperature indicators, but spring is still a time of some unpredictable things movements of air masses, as we have already noted in our broadcast, we are really looking forward to warm air masses from the balkan peninsula, but so far in these early morning hours they have not been observed for one simple reason, that after all it was night, and storm warnings were announced. here, as they say, it has never happened, here again it’s up to +3 this morning in minsk, but the most important thing is that without precipitation it’s already good, the air has warmed up to +6 in brest, in these early morning hours, the northern capital in vitebsk is up to - 2 the thermometer dropped, +5 +7 exactly such temperature marks in gomel without precipitation in grodno are up to +3 and the same temperature is exactly in mogilev, well, it turns out that the weather is crying a little in brest, probably in
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anticipation of the expectation of warmth, well, of course we are also crying, because we... want real warmth above twenty, so that the weather is sunny, and not that’s all. by the way, today, if you are looking for the warmest city in belarus, the warmest regional center, friends, oddly enough, today in my opinion it’s magilev, but it will be +14 there, and so in all regional cities, well, something like this during the day it will be cool, so we dress warmer, well, this is so that, you know, weather-dependent people still did not experience such strong temperature swings, because it seems to me that they were already ready to do anything in order to, well, at least somehow minimize these... these temperature fluctuations, yes, friends, by the way, we are not hesitating, but we are confident that very soon we will enter a new hour of live broadcast, good morning belarus, after the news release, get in touch with gomel, alexander lupinenko, let's find out what interesting things happened this week region, by the way, i know that a lantern has appeared there and greets you, so it will be very interesting for me to ask sasha about this, since we ask, say hello to sasha personally, but we are waiting for today’s guests, we will learn more about the charitable social
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project that is being launched by the belarusian red cross on the eve of may 9. well, everyone remembers that today the all-belarusian people's assembly will open, and on such a significant day for our country , the premiere of a song video with a very symbolic name will take place on the air of dobroya ranitsa: we can do anything, from... performer angelina volkova and many other participants in our showbizo. our dear tv viewers, the separation will not be long, we will return soon after the news release. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the boss? trains in the brest fortress on june 22 , 1941, if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many bosses himself, but kizhevat was the leader, you’re not mistaken,
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what sport was old man khatabych a fan of from the film old man khatabych, football, let him, football, of course, this is the correct answer, the smartest and bravest who were gathered here? friends, everyone here comes to me, for berries,
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here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and mine for mushrooms, to see animals, to walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main qualities of these people, adnoichs, i am my garadzia. garden, digging a hole under the stopper, ran into red clay, so sculpted, i took my hands and it was plasticine, but i tried to sculpt something right away. 12 years ago, when we bought this house, it was in very poor condition, we are all they restored it with their own hands, planted christmas trees, planted trees, see poleshuk’s project, that is, poleshuk’s mentality is everything.
7:00 am
good morning, tv news agency and i, let's begin.


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