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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we’ll figure it out now, the all-belarusian people’s assembly, let’s wrap it up with skrutalevich, where we’re just talking about complex things. the all-belarus people's assembly will technically now be for the seventh time, but its status will differ from the first six. let's look at the form of the event in general. the supreme national assembly is the highest representative body of the people of power, it sounds very loud. but in essence it is so, so the vns are people from everywhere, so you understand, some leave at 4:00 in the morning to get there at the start time. the main criticism of our opponents is that you cannot get into the national assembly from the street, here just a belarusian, you are dissatisfied with something, you want to change something. of course it doesn't work that way. this is not what vns is for; we need to agree on the shore. the vns is not for solving operational issues with roofs, fences, water quality , and so on. if you want to get into vns,
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you must have. or you can be promoted to work separately from trade unions, normal conditions, or you must have an active civic position, that is, you must do something either in the youth union, or in the women’s union, in belaya russia in a veterans’ organization, here with ours opponents suffering begins, well, how can it be, well , in order to decide something in the country, you need to be someone in it, for example, 400 people have been nominated from civil society, now almost
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half men and women. they left with him, it’s called a stabilization system, so as not to dramatically change the course that the country has, because if you change it abruptly, the country will simply be torn apart, and we will all forget about the conditionally free, but in general, most importantly accessible medicine, education, this is the first what will happen will the society feel, or will a new leadership of the country come and says: that’s it, total privatization, let’s sell the belarusian railway, these 10 factories there for an inexpensive price, again
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the vns counterbalance system simply blocks this. how the state functions, there is a general course , deals with strategy, as will be from the president, there are reports, there is voting on specific issues, then how the supreme council functions as a body, the supreme council will have a presidium of 15 people, the presidium will meet once every six months, the meeting itself once a year , delegates change every 5 years, presidium without a general meeting. what doesn't solve, that too you need to understand that it is not easy to organize work in the uns, but it will be according to the principle, the first time, you remember, everything comes with experience, what issues the uns decides, if now it is super official, about the legitimacy of elections, the president and parliament, about peacekeeping missions, about the introduction a state of emergency or martial law, and a number of other, well, fateful issues for the country, the vns, to explain it a little differently, is needed for thinking in long
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cycles. are there analogues of the vns in the world, of course, the npc, the national people's congress , this is not a direct copy , but think about it, if vns is, well, not necessary, yes, why? if you want to understand how the country you live in works, my name is katerina krutalevich, and we have expanded the topic. for now, our country independently determines its own. the future, what happens on the outer contour, an example is nearby. to ensure that the ukrainian conflict continues as long as possible, washington is making every effort. the us senate approved a package of bills, including providing military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as the confiscation
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of russia's sovereign frozen assets in in favor of kiev, to the detriment of the already damaged reputation of the dollar. biden intends to sign the document today to resume arms supplies to kiev this week. immediately after the signing of washington. will send the first package of military aid worth $1 billion to the kiev regime, reuters reports. democrats do not hide their desire to fight until the last ukrainian. footage from the house of representatives meeting room has appeared online. in them, democrats immodestly rejoice at the adoption of the project to help kiev, waving flags. congressman thomas masi reported that he was threatened with a $500 fine if he did not remove the video. the west is drawing more and more participants into the conflict. great britain. in 2025 , it intends to deploy typhoon fighters in poland, the head of the british government announced this at a joint press conference with the prime minister of the polish regime. it is noted that a squadron of british fighters will be involved in the nato mission to patrol
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polish airspace. let me remind you that earlier, the british prime minister announced london’s plans to increase defense spending to 2.5% gdp by 2030. belarus is ready not only to supply its products, but... to share our developed technologies, we rely on such exchange in trade with latin american countries, for them we presented our trade and economic potential at the forum in moscow. first of all, these are developments in agriculture, mechanical engineering, science and medicine. i mean, first of all, technologies in the field of agricultural development. many latin american partners are extremely interested, since we have traditionally since the times of the soviet union, we have good expertise in this area. this concerns cooperation in the field of technology for the assembly of our engineering products. naturally, these issues must have their own business component, they must be beneficial to both parties, we set our goals as working with absolutely all
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countries of latin america and the caribbean in order to develop our interaction in foreign trade. among the main partners of belarus there are already cuba,
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nicaragua, venezuela, and new tasks have been mastered. the opportunity to earn 50 dollars, save with the request of the head of state: give the enterprise, give the opportunity to create jobs, with food it was like this, by the evening there was no bread in minsk, sausage, if
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you buy it, so the person was told what kind of sausage, well, what kind they had i mean, well , they said sausage, when we set the first tasks, when we were modernizing our processing, that there are less than... 350 types, if you don’t produce products, then we don’t need such an enterprise, but they did it, they installed it, now it has thousands of items , let's say meat, 400-500 dairy products in our... i went into stores, my eyes widened, if in ninety-six we


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