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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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a high-profile political event in the country through the voices of our residents, we begin the countdown. before
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the all-belarusian people's assembly together with the atn information channel. the tradition of unity is something that is embedded in our mentality, because belarusians have always made the most important decisions together. right now, delegates of the supreme council from all regions of the country are on their way to the capital. already at 2:00 pm a large-scale public forum starts in the palace of the republic. we look forward to participation from our on-site studios and will provide delegates and guests with the opportunity to speak. all this in on air belarus 1. today belarus is opening a new page in its sovereign history, and we will write it independently, without looking back at anyone, because not every modern country, even the most democratic, gives control of the state to such a wide range of citizens, but belarus is a country for the people and only they have the right to decide their destiny, our president has spoken about this more than once.
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our all-belarusian national assembly is a stabilizer of society, if the need arises that it will be necessary to negotiate on its platform. so, just a few hours remain until the start of the national forum. at the palace of the republic, everything is ready for the meeting of delegates and guests. there is a large agency team working there. news with us in direct contact evgeny gorin, zhenya, good morning, let's break the silence while in the hall, how eventful will be the first day of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and good morning, well, indeed this day seems to be very eventful, especially for us , information workers, television workers in information terms, the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, it speaks for the first time in constitutional status, today is a very important day, it is necessary to elect and... executive bodies, such as
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the presidium, voting booths are installed here in the foyer of the palace of the republic, the counting commission is located on the first floor, it will promptly count the votes and tell the results, expect today also speeches by the head of state, in continuous work, there will also be an information center, it will analyze incoming information and transmit further, journalists from our country, from foreign countries, our tv channel, in addition to... the broadcast of the event itself, will be presented by two traveling studios at once: one is located here in the palace of the republic, the second across the road in the palace of officers and is , well, some sort of analytical tent in the form, it resembles a cut diamond and experts who will gather here they will discuss what is happening, incoming news, this will be an expert platform where they will ask questions such as what impetus will the gna give to the further development of countries? our tv channel,
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our correspondents, our presenters, all day long in combat readiness mode they will make live broadcasts, let me remind you that the all-belarusian people's assembly is such a unique... all-belarusian people's assembly, we will show everything, informative, understandable and interesting, live, the main political event
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of the year, the opinion-shaking event in our on-site studios, we’ll discuss important things. 2 days in a row on belarus 1, we start on wednesday at 14:00, you will see everything first, choose the future for your country, 1165 people from each region of belarus, the interests of residents of the gomel region will be represented by 105 people,
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half of them from local councils of dep... of our state, to improve the lives of the population, to update important issues, so that people from all areas express their point of view, decide something, make a decision, it is very important that any... a citizen of the republic of belarus can make a decision through participation in such a people’s meeting, which actually determines the development strategy of the state, not only socio-economic, but external political, national security doctrine, in general, everything is aimed at
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making our people feel comfortable and comfortable in our country life. of course, the spc delegates will not ignore economic issues; this is the foundation, as the head of state has repeatedly said. the well-being of citizens depends on the sustainable operation of the economy. the beginning of the year inspires optimism. gdp grew by more than 4% in the first quarter. the volume at current prices amounted to 53 billion rubles. and this is higher than the forecast parameter. and anton malyuta will tell you the components of success. industry traditionally remains the main driver of the belarusian economy. production volume for 3 months exceeded 49 billion rubles. in comparable prices - this is + 6.5%. compared to the same period last year, such a result thanks to our business cards, we have significantly increased the production of trucks and cars, buses, televisions, nitrogen fertilizers and cement, and also a plus in agriculture, we received a large increase in vegetables, eggs and milk.
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along with industry and trade , construction was also included among the drivers of growth at a rate of 104.3%. steady positive dynamics are observed in the transport sector and are growing. and cargo turnover, all thanks to the fact that they began to sell more on foreign markets. exports of goods over 2 months exceeded $6 billion, this is plus 1.5% due to the growth in physical volumes. in addition, we successfully conquer the long arc. shipments to asia grew by more than 14%. what regarding annual inflation, in march it remained at the level of 5.6%, that is, within the forecast parameters. positive dynamics in the economy are reflected in... the condition of citizens. real incomes of the population are growing in the country. in january-february they amounted to 107.8% compared to the same level in 2023. and this is the best proof that even in difficult external conditions, the state takes care of ordinary belarusians and ensures not only stability, but also the development of all
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spheres of our life without exception. anton malyuta, tv news agency. all-belarussian the national assembly has already proven its effectiveness in the modern history of the country. the evolution of the people's veche is based on the centuries-old experience of state building of our predecessors. since 1996 , six vns have been carried out, the current one, the seventh and the first in the new status. each meeting made an important contribution to ensuring peace and stability in society, to the progressive and effective development of the belarusian state. veronica buta looked into history. only the people have the right to decide their fate, the tactics of a young politician in the middle of the nineties has turned out to be more relevant than ever today. 1996 in the country.


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