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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 9:10am-9:30am MSK

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stability in society, in the progressive and effective development of the belarusian state. veronica buta looked into history. only the people have the right to decide their own destiny. the tactics of the young politician in the mid -nineties turned out to be more relevant than ever today. 1996. the country has a difficult political situation, hyperinflation, holes in the state budget. uncertainty, weak government system, some enterprises are completely stopped, thousands of people go to the square with one request, help them make money, there are queues in stores, shortage basic bread formula for children is worth its weight in gold, popular discontent is growing, alexander lukashenko is taking an unprecedented initiative. a fundamental moment for the fate of belarus is the first all-belarusian people's assembly. on the initiative of the president in the minsk sports palace, the largest capacity. we are
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faced with a choice, either belarus will remain a hostage in the hands of politicians thirsty for revenge for their defeats, or we will establish proper legal order and direct all our forces, the forces of the people, to solving urgent problems. these days fate is not decided president lukashenko. not the institution of the presidency, but the fate of the entire belarusian people, the future of our children and grandchildren. the composition of the first meeting is indicative; it is a reflection of belarusian society. elections of delegates were held in factories, on collective farms, in educational institutions, scientific institutions, and in military units at the place of residence of citizens. in total , over 2 million people took part in nominating delegates. it’s hard to argue, the all-belarusian people’s assembly.
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was formed through free democratic elections. everything is broadcast in live television and radio. alexander lukashenko does not propose shock therapy, like some svidomo politicians, but a five-year strategy with an emphasis on a socially oriented economy. looking back over the decades, we can say with confidence that belarus has chosen the right course. through joint efforts towards a new gna, the country coped with the critical threats of the nineties. the motto of the second meeting is already. sounds for a strong, prosperous belarus. indicators of production growth and cash income are the best in the cis. even the term “belarusian model” will appear economic development." the country's gdp increased by more than a third. inflation is no longer off the charts, the state budget deficit is noticeably decreasing. delegates adopt a new five-year program, which focuses on solving the housing problem and ensuring food security. by the way, in 2001 they opened the tradition of holding such forums
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mean that there is an opportunity for everyone to provide for themselves and their family. an emphasis on information technology will allow them to advance and become more competitive. project for the fifth anniversary of the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant. unity, development, independence - this is not just the slogan of the sixth forum, words reflecting the spirit of the times, three pillars on which the future of the country is built. a turning point, comparable only to the collapse of the union and the difficult nineties. belarus. was subjected to a brutal attack from the outside, i repeat, a brutal attack from the outside, the close call failed, we held our country, we were and are a monolith, this is our strength. intended
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priorities: stability in society, growth in the well-being of citizens, plans for the future five-year plan to create large industrial clusters and expand energy infrastructure. two significant projects have been proposed to be implemented in the social sphere - a healthy nation and a large belarus. at the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly , the idea was voiced to establish a day of national unity in the country. the sna 2024 is being held for the first time in a new status; it is enshrined in amendments to the 2022 constitution. in light of global turbulence , security issues come to the fore. the people's assembly will consider a new concept of national security and...
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when these accusations are poured in from a country in which a monarchical system reigns, there is no constitution as such, for example, great britain, countries, countries of the european union, which are governed by officials, collective, all these joseppe borelli, urszula fonderna, jean micheli, of whom there are no people's representatives never elected, those same chenushis who bear no responsibility to their own people. yes, that european parliament also has nothing to do with the life, activities, problems and aspirations of specific citizens, specific countries, so it is very important that the work of the people’s assembly, among other things, will become another argument about which these western political speculators
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will break their teeth. for now our country is on its own. what happens on the outer loop? an example is nearby to ensure that the ukrainian conflict continues as long as possible; washington is making every effort. the us senate approved a package of bills, including providing military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as the confiscation of russia's sovereign frozen assets in benefit of kyiv. to the detriment of the already damaged reputation of the dollar. biden intends to sign the document today to resume arms supplies to kiev this week.
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circle of participants great britain intends to deploy typhoon fighters in poland in 2025, the head of the british government announced this at a joint press conference with the prime minister of the polish regime, replies. gdp by 2030. france continues to become less and less attractive for hosting the olympics. unsanitary conditions are rampant. bedbugs, rats and relocation a dangerous disease has been added to homeless people outside the capital. at first. year , a record number of cases of importation of dengue fever into the territory of the european part of
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france was identified. local media warn that by 2024 , over 1,500 episodes of this disease have already been recorded, more than 10 times higher than last year. whirlwinds of sand, martian landscapes and red skies hit the eastern part of libya with a powerful sandstorm. state administrations and schools are closed in the region, and planes do not fly. thick clouds of dust from sugar also covered greece, including athens. users on social networks are calling frightening images of a natural phenomenon the end of the world. according to meteorologists, this will last until tomorrow, when the wind changes direction. and in belarus today there will be strong winds, thunderstorms and downpours are possible in places. gusty winds up to 14 m/s.
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on the iss. why space is also about national security. and which cosmonaut is represented at the vns? anastasia benedesyuk and her plan b. so, why space is not only about prestige. you really can see better from above. marina vasilevskaya, when she returned, she said, our land is not so small, but defenseless. and it is in our hands. the pictures taken by qms and satellites, including earth sounding, allow you to see belarus at a glance,
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brought closer and you can see, for example, an incorrectly parked car, what is more important - a fire or a flood, even more globally, we see what is happening on the outer contour, taking into account potential threats from neighbors, there is no need to explain further, having your own constellations of satellites in space is definitely about national security, there is communication and... our country will strengthen its position in the space field based on the integration of the rocket and space industries of russia and belarus, new means will be created for the needs of agriculture, ecology, it was important to preserve the school of scientists, which we have at the highest global level, space is on a par with nano and biotechnology it. the fifth vns took place on the eve of alexander lukashenko’s meeting with the chinese leader, our president
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logically spoke about the launch of a belarusian satellite from the chinese sechan cosmodrome, which brought technological development to new heights cooperation between belarus and china. therefore, space is about this. we generally have allied space programs with russia, and this is already discussed at the sixth vns. the president emphasizes: “think about it, we produce special optics for space.” we’re fucking developing a rocket science school, this excites the minds and hearts of many foreign politicians and military men, and this is the path we will go, in fact, at the same time, a native of belarus, cosmonaut vladimir kovalenok did not rule out that belarusians could enter the cosmonaut training center in russia. and here is the seventh vns, and there , marina vasilevskaya, who was not only trained in the star, but also completed a space mission on the iss, is expected to happen.
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belarus, and i always came there, and in all, as i already said, in all regions of belarus, i was, this is my native place, as they say, really, well, how can you do without the place where you were born, you are always drawn there. i am very happy and proud to have been invited. from the brest region were invited to the entire belarusian meeting, i have always been there and am proud when the president speaks, when he talks about those matters that has already been done and says: komarovka, brest region, was the first cosmonaut of the bssr, as a crew commander he made three space flights: vladimir kovalenok from the village of belaya, minsk region, three flights and a spacewalk. oleg novitsky, originally from cherven, also visited outer space, and he had four flights to the iss, and the fourth was with
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the first citizen of the republic of belarus, marina vasilevskaya. will they talk about '. further space exploration, these days for sure. meanwhile, delegates of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly from all over countries are getting closer to minsk and for some the road is long, but the organizers took care of everything and guarantee complete comfort. not only the agenda, but also the service is scheduled minute by minute. zablotskaya, how hospitably the capital welcomes the regions. delegates will spend a full working day in the office, also known as the palace of the republic. the timing is scheduled literally minute by minute and there is absolutely no time for any outings, lunches, dinners. therefore , they will be able to reinforce their strength, as they say, without leaving, the palace employees are already ironing the tablecloths, and this is not a dining room, but a reception hall. second, but
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quality food intake, a combined lunch-dinner, will be different for each group of delegates. plates for goulash, so that it is convenient to eat, so that it maintains its temperature, because, as you can see, there are a large number of guests, we too, so that the hot food is hot, we cannot yet evaluate the entire list of treats, each item on the menu is agreed upon with the organizing committee, which means it, like a hotel room, will also be according to the guest, and you don’t need white
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gloves to see here all year round, even economy, akin to a comfortable luxury, this... to also participate in this event, despite the number of people, they promise to check in in less than 10 minutes, representatives of the vns are accepted from the first people's assembly, as is the belarus hotel. one of the first skyscrapers in the capital is not stuck in the late eighties, but is constantly updating the costumes of its rooms. the delegation from the vitebsk region will stay in these single and double rooms, with minsk in the palm of your hand as a bonus.
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breakfast, which is included, is almost on the observation deck. in general, we are always ready. invite, meet our guests, but here we, of course, also feel a special responsibility, because we understand that people need to have a good rest, that they need to gain strength, have breakfast, go, work well, so that there are positive results for us for all, well, this wonderful foreign ministry is ours pride, we, of course, want it, and we are glad that those guests who will stay with us, that the delegates who will stay, will see our capital from above. like a bird in flight, they will be able to immediately recharge themselves with good, hopefully, energy, have a snack, go to work, and their appearance will be wait another day, but the one who works well is the one who, a priori, gets quality rest. lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky, alexey kozmin, agency from tv news. in good quality, from good angles with expert comments, we
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will continue to monitor the arrival of delegates for the start of the all-belarusian people's assembly itself. see you. noon on the first button.


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