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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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we will continue to monitor the arrival of delegates for the start of the all-belarus people's assembly. see you at noon on the first button.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews. with famous
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania. serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. i received permission from the general staff to
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open a state security intelligence school in kiev, so what is my role in this, organization, leadership and control, who will be involved in the selection of people, you are a war, what are you talking about, kostya, what a war, they’ll give you an appointment, we’ll go to the unit, you ’ll get a job as a teacher, we’ll get some people, comrade petko, what are you doing, people are watching. let them look, what if they call the police, let them call, jacket, yes, of course, here are the candidates that i selected, komsomol members, one criminal, if now you give a purely heartfelt confession, you are found as an accomplice, you will go to jail, of course, i don’t promise you justice, i i propose to benefit my homeland. if you agree, i
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will enroll you in the development school today. in front of each of you are three books, the first contains insignia wehrmacht personnel. in the life of the mistress of the right officer, he can learn the plan of an entire army. it's not as pretty, but it works. watch the tv series scouts on the belarus 24 tv channel. she works with the theme of the belarusian borok, the period of the rule of the radevils. i love my roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and these are very important topics. they affect both me personally and the history of my country. this is just right for designers, for poets, for creative people. creativity inspired by endless love. to my native expanses, i'm in basically, one might say, i grew up in the countryside, so naturally, a love for nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, flax, what my current collection of fields is dedicated to, this is all first-hand, an extraordinary designer, elena pagernitskaya, and her warmest group
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support, my girls undoubtedly like to hang around in this world of fashion, where there are models, shows, the youngest has been drawing since she was 2 years old, so she says: i’ll be like my mother’s fashion designer. watch it on friday on our tv channel. hello, viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda. let's begin. this. we have a week special on wednesday and thursday in belarus, 2 days of the first meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly of the seventh convocation with enhanced constitutional powers. for those who are in the tank, figuratively and not literally, i will tell you that the supreme national assembly is a collective body of no more than 1,200 people, which will
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make strategic decisions for the country. the first such decisions are expected to be approved after the debates, the concept of the country's national security and our military doctrine. what's in the conditions? direct war in our south direct military threat in the west, and neither the first nor the second, as for me, will end completely, not in a year, not in five, seems to be the most strategic issue of all strategic ones, last week in the atrium, or, more simply, in an open area on on the ground floor of the capital shopping center, last week we had an open dialogue platform, to which i was invited by the speaker, young people asked questions, among other things , an interesting question was asked, what? the all-belarusian people's assembly had already made strategic decisions earlier. i i am convinced that if we say that the truth always wins, we need to not only declare this, but also tell the very truth. with the caveat that everyone has the right to make mistakes: my truth is obviously not the truth. so, i
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will repeat the truth that i said on thursday, answering this young man honestly. i believe that the vns has made truly strategic decisions only once in its long history. its very first meeting in 1996. then, in addition to the adoption of the socio-economic program for the development of the country until 2000, the supreme council approved referendum on changes to the constitution. in the same ninety-sixth year, the referendum took place. let me remind you of its results: the people of belarus supported the postponement of the date of independence day to july 3, supported the draft constitution proposed by the president, spoke out against the free purchase and sale of land without restrictions, and the people did not support the abolition. the death penalty did not support the draft constitution proposed by the deputies of the supreme council, the people did not approve of the election of local government leaders and did not approve the proposal to finance all branches of power only from the state budget, in total, there were seven questions, the people gave an affirmative answer to two:
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the strategic role of the first supreme council was that the result of that meeting was a referendum, which effectively ended dual power in the country, the speech about the president about the supreme council, the case the fact is that the people supported the draft constitution proposed by alexander lukashenko with strong presidential power, but did not support the draft of the deputies with a constitution, let’s say, democratic. and the fact is that the people supported two proposals alexander lukashenko and did not support a single proposal of the supreme council. it was a long time ago, but it is very important. the first all-belarusian people's assembly made a strategic decision for the country on strong power in the state, a strong president. and specifically about the transfer of colossal powers, specifically to alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. and if so, then in my understanding, the first supreme national assembly thus decided to reduce its role in the country for the future, because a strong government, which some might call or a dictatorship or an authoritarian regime, it
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cannot be limited by anything other than the will of the entire people. and since strategic decisions were also transferred to alexander lukashenko, then the supreme national assembly, let’s say, rather approved all these years. strategic decisions of the president and did not contradict them, and did not develop some of his own decisions. with all due respect, i follow with a summary of the previous five-year plan and consideration of some strategy for the five-year plan. this is important, of course, but more tactically than strategically, give or take this is what we did delegates of the supreme council from the second convocation to the sixth, inclusive, forgive me for this opinion, but now everything is changing and is being changed personally by alexander lukashenko, although this is more in form, the president, as in the nineties, rather simply understands what the people need and gives this is exactly what the people want. i will now show one fragment of a meeting with the participation of the head of state on agriculture, which took place on tuesday, where...
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the all-belarusian people's assembly became but let's go back to the nineties, when the decision was made by the coming of the strong power of alexander to the country lukashenko, but here you first need to figure out why he needed that very strong power, i may surprise someone, but in general everyone in the world is striving for power so that it would be good for those who seized power, this concerns both the authorities in the state and the authorities at the level, well, at the basic level at enterprises in some companies. the authorities in general want, thanks to her, to receive either money, or fame, or some
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opportunities to decide the destinies of other people, but more often the authorities want all this together , therefore it is politically correct to be wary of people who are striving for this power, and the best holders of power are often those who deny this power in every possible way. i can very easily prove that for lukashenko, power and its benefits have never been an end in itself. in an era of protracted swan song. soviet union, everyone who wanted power followed it along the line of party work. it was more than the first president of belarus could follow; he became a member of the cpsu in 1979, but for several years he sought non-party positions, where there is a lot of power and even more prospects for its growth. lukashenko asked for real work, one that also gives power, but this power is needed in order to give a substantive result for the country, which of course is as pretentious as possible, but much more important, the result for the people who work. at certain specific enterprises and live in certain specific villages. young lukashenko, by his own
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choice, did not follow a party career, but a managerial one. he managed agricultural enterprises, that is, collective farms, and almost demanded that they give him the most unprofitable thing in order to make them as big as possible. profitable. this experience was very useful to him years later, because belarus in the nineties consisted of three unprofitable factories and 10 unprofitable collective farms. it cannot be said that there was a queue of people in the country who wanted to receive it. power with such input to give a solid result, but there was a line of people who wanted to get this power in order to finally finish off stealing these three factories and 10 collective farms, in this situation lukashenko came to power, but not with slogans about high politics, democracy, freedom words and thoughts. in fact, he was the only one who then came into power in order to give people what they needed, and not to impose something else on them from above. we are talking about the welfare of the people, their improvement is the goal of the authorities.
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and bringing it into a profitable one in a short time gets control of the country. now the urban and fashionable will curl their lips, but in the first case and in the second, success can only be achieved with a strong hand, a strong leader. after that same referendum in 96, which was strategically approved earlier by the national assembly, lukashenko really took power into his own hands, this can be called dictatorship or authoritarianism, but the goal was not dictatorship, but the end result for the people. yes. lukashenko , i dare to suggest, made a unilateral decision on most issues, he commanded,
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commanded the parade, and in preparation for the parade, i more than admit, that in no case could one contradict him, but it was necessary to carry out any of his instructions, but again, why? because this is the only way to achieve results in a crisis situation, and she was in the country is exactly like this, if everything is bad, then the worst thing that can happen is an endless discussion of what to do, how to do it, in which direction with... effort, gathering for endless meetings, meetings and other democratic tenderness with efficiency tending to zero. this will result in lost time, during which there will not be a single centimeter of movement. towards the result, there was a catastrophic lack of time at that time, so lukashenko’s power became strong in order not to waste time on unimportant things and focus on the main thing, and this is the well-being of the people. we walked years and prosperity grew, three unprofitable factories became profitable, 10 unprofitable collective farms became effective, then their number grew, not 3 and 10, but 30 and 100, 300
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and 1000. every year the only correct model of governing that country from the nineties, that is strong. power, in fact , absolute power became a little less effective, that is, if earlier the president received calls three times a day asking what to do, such calls a day became 30, 300, 300, and so on, the country changed, it changed for the better, the economy changed for the better, people changed, their well-being changed, and the model of state governance changed, and alexander lukashenko, who all this time in the west was still called a dictator, changed this; in my opinion, the head of state is redistributing his dictatorial powers. not in recent years, but for quite a long time, we just talk about it timidly for some reason. the prime minister and the government as a whole received a little more powers, ministers and ministries gained independence, the owners a little more governors and chairmen of district executive committees became entrusted to the land, all are united by the fact that they are primarily the executive branch, which
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in general is the foundation of all power in our country; strategic issues, they remained and still remain with the president. tactically became an area of ​​responsibility more and more in the vertical of power, because single-handedly and dictatorially, lukashenko gave the country a basic economy, satisfying the simplest needs of the people: jobs, education, decent wages, decent social infrastructure and so on, this gave the country and its people the opportunity to want more, this is what lukashenko did, that is , he makes the most difficult decisions where strength and will are needed, the rest of the decisions... which are simpler for officials to make, and then we are in an era of colossal external pressure, when , frankly speaking, it is not for the president to be distracted by issues of average milk yield in the country or the quality of domestic equipment, this is not his level, his strategic tasks are to steer the international arena, so that peace is maintained in belarus, steer the economy,
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reach agreements with colleagues, presidents so that sanctions either have no impact on us or have a minimal impact, and agree: to work together with the hegemons so that the growth of our well-being continues, because never and no one is satisfied if everything is good, at one level for too long, we all begin to want it to be better than yesterday, this is precisely the area of ​​responsibility of the head of state, the rest should be provided by more independent the vertical of power, does it always give this, no, as practice shows and as the meeting on agriculture also shows, where sudden rains in belarus sometimes interfere, you need to be able to. work in any atmospheric conditions, so as not to attribute your shortcomings to the weather, you and i know what the weather can be like in belarus, we had to adapt to this, those who want to work adapted to this, and for a long time the management model of our state was such: a strong president, plus a strong
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executive branch, subordinate and accountable to the president, but also with its own independent functionality from this system. neither the first nor the second can be removed, so we move on to the most important thing: today our system of power in the country is effective, because the president, with his colossal experience, is capable of resolving strategic issues for the country, and also being supervisory, if necessary, punitive bodies for the executive branch, if it suddenly somehow doesn’t work out, because in the pyramidal management system there is one feature that has always been there, always there will always be, if suddenly...
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i am ready for my duties to single-handedly deal with strategic issues, as well as single-handedly control the implementation of tactical tasks, lukashenko adds one more. build a system of governing the country for the future generation, because no other person in the post of president putin is at least three times strong, three times the initiative.


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