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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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they will understand over time, for the first time in constitutional status the all-belarusian people's assembly of the seventh convocation begins its work. for the first time, the presidential message, with which, according to our constitution, the head of state must address the people and parliament once a year, will be announced during a national forum, which will become... an annual tradition. in my report, i deliberately leave out the questions of the development of the real sector of the economy. we discussed all the topics in detail at recent meetings, which were widely covered. i am sure that each of you is with them familiar. the corresponding instructions have been given.
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we do not deny the progressive forms of western european democracy, we integrate them into our political structure, into our culture, into our worldview, if they do not contradict our principles and values, the role of a mechanism for merging ancestral traditions and world management experience is performed by...
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true representatives of the people, i am sure, patriots, the slavic veche in its modern appearance. simply put, the people’s outcome, which now stands above all branches of government, whose opinion the head must take into account states, which is important, among the delegates of the meeting, deputies of local councils, representatives.
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determined the state structure of belarus, let's face it, the first all-belarusian people's assembly saved our country, all five-year programs of social ... economic development were implemented only after approval by the delegates of the supreme assembly, the time has come to reach a new level, and we did this with the acquisition of constitutional status, the role of the assembly , the delegates’ competencies have increased many times over. now all-belarusian folk the meeting approves all the main program documents defining economic development, security in...
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for the purpose of developing the state, others will do this for us. it is a common understanding of the national strategy that should further unite us and strengthen us. another important and new task of the supreme council is resolving personnel issues. now you and the delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly will elect judges of the constitutional and supreme courts, members. the central election commission has given you the right to quickly meet and make a decision on the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law. god grant that there is no reason, but the mission is more than responsible. and even
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recognition of the legitimacy of the elections is in your hands, all elections.
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your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. it is very symbolic that the all-belarusian people's assembly begins its work with the discussion and adoption of the most important documents ensuring national security. belarus is a compact country. belarusians are a very peace-loving people by nature, possessing a reserve of powerful vital energy.
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but they won, they defeated the whole of europe, the rich, who came under the banner of nazism, they cleared their country of fascists, and those who just yesterday looked down on the soviet people, we then also made them healthy, they won because
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they fought for their native land, it gave strength, gave strength on the battlefield, strength to survive grief, strength to restore what was destroyed and... strength not to take revenge, who were made stronger by acts of intimidation, such as the bombing of dryazan, dropped on jeroshima on gosaka. atomic bombs, absolutely senseless and cruel, a shameful page in history, hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed at the end of the war, when everything was already decided, in order to declare their dominance to the whole world and keep the planet in fear. it was no coincidence that i delved into history, the echoes of those dropped on germany, and i... we saw bombs in korea, vietnam, angola, nicaragua,
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panama, yugoslavia, iraq, libya, afghanistan, syria, all these are new geopolitical goals, behind which there was a redistribution of the markets for oil, gas, rare metals and other minerals, people were killed for them, look at what libya has turned into in syria, over 10 years of civil war, unleashed to change the political regime, more than 300,000 people have already died. isis has revived again on afghan territory, it is known whose project it is, it is spreading violence and
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death far beyond the borders of its camps, it is known for whose money, with whose weapons, destabilizing wars are generating thousands of crowds of refugees, who benefits from it, those overseas directs. watches this bloody action movie that lasts decades, watches and counts the profits. western transnational business, in mostly anglo-saxons, have become significantly richer in recent years, this is true, but tell me, washington and london have become stronger in terms of political reputation; they have no authority in the international arena over the years. on the contrary, we see how the image of once truly influential powers is crumbling, and
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economic collapse is not far away. experts are already loudly talking about the precariousness of the global dollar pyramid. wars for money and for the sake of money have never made anyone stronger. the creditors of the wars enriched themselves, either through the arms trade or by driving them. how we see it now using the example of our fraternal ukraine, whose positions were strengthened by the massacre between israel and palestine, syria and lebanon are drawn into the war in the middle east. and look how delicately and subtly everything is being done to pit israel and iran, practically a nuclear power, against each other. this is, of course, far from us, but only far.
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their hegemony, and hegemony in the world for them is a huge wealth, you can do nothing, having a machine, print dollars and hegemony in the world and be rich, but what about in the north on our western borders, how many of our neighbors have become stronger today, for example, the baltic republics, which so strived for... their independence, did they manage to become equal participants in the world political process, what do they
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influence today? they have lost everything that the entire soviet union was proud of: ports, fishing fleet, industry, energy security, transit, tourism opportunities, now they are going downhill, even despite the generous investments of brussels, the struggle is very costly. with belarus and russia. in the twenty-third year, the gross domestic product of lithuania and latvia decreased by almost 1%. estonia for the whole.
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strength, whatever you say, it was the soviet period for the lithuanians, latvians, and estonians that was the golden age of their development. by the way, thanks to the soviet state, poland and finland gained their independence. and in this story, i note, none of them were ever reproached for the facts of betrayal of collaboration with the fascists, but this happened in their history. took care of their national dignity, and they, as it turned out, kept a stone in their bosom all the years, the same story with the ukrainian regime, just think, a flourishing country, land fertile, half the periodic table, in the soil there are two seas, mines, industrial giants,
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creative, hard-working people, live, be happy and... then they started shooting at each other and trying to re-divide, this has always been the case in history, and so it will be, the maidans began , western intelligence services have already joined them and began to play the national card, all this was before your eyes, they planted the necessary image of the enemy, the culprit of the troubles and poverty of the people of russia,
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and for the company of us, belarusians, you see, we are to blame, light revolutions, there are a lot of examples from haiti to the philippines in ukraine zelensky did not create all this and he is not the only one to blame for what is happening before my eyes from the work of the first president of ukraine
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to the last, everyone divided, robbed, stole. i expected everyone that this would end badly, because new presidents came, the people hated them just as much as the previous ones, and that’s how it ended, it was necessary to spend money on belarus, billions were thrown into putting us in order, we gained enormous experience from that , what happened... we became a united and mature nation, we really became stronger, we were then in in our twenties we looked at ourselves, our lives, at what surrounds us, assessed what we could lose, saw the true face of our internal and external enemies. we
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studied in detail how the washington regional committee manual works, based on our own experience. i always said: lessons, lessons and more lessons. smart people analyze what is happening around them and learn from what happens. we did it. all this spontaneous self-organization of society, so-called, followed one scenario, starting from south america, asia, ending with kazakhstan, serbia, kyrgyzstan, georgia, moldova and uzbekistan. the scheme of coups d’etat has not changed for decades, they didn’t even bother to adapt it to the national specifics of the country, to understand who we are, who?
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reasons for the rebellion and revolutionary sentiments, remember, and there were no revolutionaries, by that time belarus began to live not richly, but much better than the level of a glass of crackling, today almost 60% of themselves consider themselves to be the middle class, well, yes, some of the drinkers reached out to power, we had it like in ukraine, right in the best traditions of that ukrainian scenario, and they were followed by others who in their lives had never held anything heavier in their hands, a computer mouse
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or a mobile phone. there were also those who did not immediately understand and succumbed to emotions. another thing is important, then they looked at us from all sides of the world, looked and thought, how will it end in belarus, what? these belarusians have enough, they looked with hope, some in nato had already lost their hands and were preparing for military intervention in the western regions, at a minimum, they were counting on blitz-cry chaos, if not for the fortitude and courage of true patriots if we had lost the country, we would not have survived, we were already nato hawks near smolensk ... the ukrainian issue would have become our reality, but we turned out to be stronger and more united. remember, i warned them that
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we love our small, compact country very much, we love it very, very much, but they won’t give up what we love, we warn them. but we didn’t give it up and believe me, we won’t give it up, no matter what efforts they make, our southern neighbors, our southern neighbors couldn’t stand it, the fact that ukraine today is a testing ground where fate is decided. partly solved the fate of the future world order, everyone understands, the largest nuclear powers, albeit indirectly, are actually fighting on its
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territory, and no longer indirectly, the government has sunk to a deal with the west, exchanging weapons for the lives of ukrainians. it hurts to see this, but let's abstract it. to restore our former power, let us be well insured, everyone who looks at the ukrainian, ukrainian, and other geopolitical
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tragedies, even if they don’t say it out loud, understands that those who are ready to serve any master for handouts, sooner or later loses, everyone understands that the betrayal of the past, traditions is weakening and leading... centers of power, let them learn from ancient china, a community of a common destiny, with all humanity. here is an example of the unity of nations without
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damage to national cultures, ideologies, sovereignty, without suppression and a sense of superiority, without fighting with weapons, the power of wisdom and intellect. the project of such a fair world order proposed by china has the right to life. moreover, it is very close to us, belarusians. with china becoming the world's first economy. america cannot agree, out of habit they are trying to talk from a position of strength, they offered support for peace and stability, i quote: in the taiwan strait, if china refuses support, from support for the russian military-industrial complex, they stirred up the conflict, brought it to escalation, now.
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offer services as a peacemaker. blackmail is a weak argument. but china should have responded to it with a strong position. quote: don't interfere, don't cause problems and don't cross the dangerous line. this is a statement from the calm chinese, not anywhere... very it’s expensive, the world has already changed and not in the way they dreamed overseas, but what do they want, what do they expect? listen carefully, maybe you will agree with me, the united states, just a few years ago, launched a brisk attack on everyone they disliked at the same time. you
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know the axis of evil from belarus to north korea, including russia, china, iran and others. so, having launched this attack on everyone, they realized that they had made a mistake by uniting disobedient russia and their main enemy, china. with their pressure they united these two states, russia. with rich resources and a powerful military-industrial complex, and china, with enormous economic and human potential. they realized that they could not cope with this alliance. i know this, i had to discuss this topic with high-ranking americans 5 years ago. what to do, what to do?
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admitted? they found a way out of the mistake, the conflict in europe, in ukraine, in this situation, put it on the shoulders of the european union and nato, they will help with money, the goal is to distract, drown russia in a war with ukraine, weaken it with war sanctions, then russia will have no time for an alliance with china, there is no time for unity, at this time... to deal with china, to drag interested parties into this showdown, if possible, aucus, the new nato, in the pacific ocean, added japan and south korea there. this is the key to the united states' strategy to dominate the world. then no one will need it. they will screw everyone over, as they showed in
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afghanistan. therefore, on our western borders we are face to face with nato. a plan has been approved for the deployment of a three-hundred-thousand-strong military group on the eastern flank of the bloc. they call it a containment belt. i wish i could understand just who they are going to hold back. the poles deployed combat units of the armed forces on our border to protect against the alleged mass penetration from the belarusian side. migrant territories, seriously, professionally armed to the teeth, the military stands on the border to kill women and children, unarmed people fleeing the war, from those states that they ruined, you saw how they defend the border, beat, kill, and then they throw corpses and colleagues
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at us. on the territory of lithuania until the twenty-eighth year, the formation of a brigade will be deployed level of the german armed forces. the germans are like that. they didn’t understand anything, the lessons never came to them from that war, as well as the powerful means of the united nato armed forces, numbering up to 500 people, up to 20 thousand nato soldiers concentrated in poland and the baltic countries. i appeal to the elders, remember us, after the second world war, they are the leaders. were called occupiers, and the permanent deployment in western europe of more than 60 thousand members of the us armed forces, and more than 30 thousand nato soldiers, what is that? this is not an occupation
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this is different. what political decisions will european leaders make at gunpoint from the american group? i wrote here a question for thought, but not a question for thought, we already see what decisions they make, how independent they are, and the united states itself, they are at an accelerated pace, modernizing their tactical nuclear weapons, which are stored at air bases in belgium, germany, italy , turkey, netherlands, tactical military terminology.
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ends are being made, young people are running in search of a better life, but against the backdrop of hysteria around the threat of nuclear war, which everyone is talking about, is spending crazy amounts of money on the construction of concrete blocks and metal barriers in the border strip, following the example of poland. the total budget for these works on fences will be about 300 million euros. by the way, under the guise of such cases, considerable sums end up in the pockets of high-ranking officials, we are already seeing high-profile
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revelations and resignations, so i ’m not making anything up here. one thing is clear: they really want to drag us into the war, like no one else, and me. as commander in chief, our military, the special services see this while they are provoking us, digging trenches, modernizing the military infrastructure, weapons, i have already said, we are on the other side of the border, here we are building a peaceful life, we are not building walls, we are not digging trenches, but our love of peace is not pacifism, i please don't be confused.
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we do not ask anyone for land, we do not demand anything from anyone, we want to live on our land, our belarusian people have suffered this right, and we will not allow it to be given to anyone, but about this, dear delegates and invitees, we will talk more substantively tomorrow, when we discuss the new concept of national security and military doctrine, against the backdrop of a military spectacle on the border with belarus, i will also tell you in more detail tomorrow,
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let’s honestly answer the question: is there any real benefit today from supranational structures controlled by the west, which have mushroomed across to the whole world. international law, the osce, the united nations, the world health organization , etc., could not prevent it. not a single bloody conflict, their main task is this: the european peace fund generally allocates funds for the war in ukraine, think about it, there is not enough money, the peace fund sponsors the murder of people, and as soon as our peace fund, its leadership, went to ukraine to help the kids, they were immediately thrown out.
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they once boasted at the munich conference, well, invite the russians, belarusians, putin and i will come, tell you what we want, how we want to fight against europe, no, they don’t need this opinion, experts of all stripes talk about the bias of these structures by the west , the less radical call them hostages of geopolitical confrontation, but how... look, the situation is
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absurd, security threats are multiplying almost every day, and the peacekeeping mission of international structures is being lost, this is normal for those who will do anything to prevent eurasian civilized development, that’s all this is hidden behind a screen of chatter, the recent forum on protecting the planet from dirt, remember, it was widely covered by the media, i took part, i was offended, infuriated by the fact that americans took turns taking the podium, the british, the king came, taught us how to live, how to protect the sun from darkness, it was very simple then... he said, well, protect us using a simple
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method, stop fighting, and emissions will decrease many times over, and send money to those who are poor and suffering today, so behind this chatter, chatter, they expect that we do not see the point, imagine what will happen to anglo-saxon hegemony if all this huge space, from lisbon to beijing in... they look far away, they understand that china cannot
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be stopped, and a lot will depend in the future from china. in principle, many began to see the light. poland has already tried to raise the issue of the priority of national law in relation to the law of the european union. and they were quickly put in place. but the topic will gain momentum. it will not resolve, it will not disappear.
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a strong, sovereign state, a strong union, this is the formula for the success of any integration,
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time has pushed the russians and me to solve the most important task, we intend to achieve technological sovereignty. within the framework of the union, preserving national interests, and we are confidently doing this and moving towards the desired result, our union building is an example of a union of sovereign peoples, and this model has a chance of success and expansion of participants, i emphasize, no violence and no absorption, just as serious. the eurasian economic union has the same serious economic transit potential; it may well lay claim to technological and intellectual leadership in the region,
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as the shanghai cooperation organization, where we will be in the summer, is gaining act in the status of a full member, in order... to have an idea of ​​the prospects of this structure, it is enough to look at how much space on the world map the state, participants and observers occupy on such a scale, and you do not need to be a military bloc on the model of nato in order to be a restraining element any aggression. yes, and the strength is not in the scale. the sco is a conversation on equal terms. everyone who is tired of american hegemony. including the countries of latin america, the global south, looks at this structure with respect, and brix is ​​a different geography, a different scale of influence on the world agenda, there is no doubt, the sco and brix are a progressive world majority, this is a challenge to the ideology of global unification, the place
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of belarus is there, next to peoples representing different cultures, but... for some 20 years, for europe this is a disaster, there is no time to pretend to be a neo-colonizer, to cling to the lost image of a white ruler, and even if he is no longer the ruler, citizens
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of the european union should now return to traditional values, start having children, strengthen the institution of the classical family and... european soldiers to ukraine, france is at the forefront of the prospect or france is first in line, as they say, without comment, the time of the strong is coming.
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of course, developing a situation of constant pressure and aggression, we have become hardened. in general , the historical development of the belarusian people, despite the circumstances, is that unique path, moreover, a century long. we are a strong nation. what should be done first to maintain this status? it's simple, you need to become even stronger. in the corner of the corner, the economy is strong, but it's right geopolitical choice, remember the aphorism about the soviet past, which was born against the backdrop of devastation.
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as now, of course, we could do better, but we don’t have what, for example, the emirates and russia have, we admit, in order not to rush into revolutionary transformations, this is not why a third of a century ago we... pulled people away from the abyss and took him away. today, the real cash income of belarusians is 10 times higher than the level
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in the mid-nineties. now i will name the numbers, not ours, but theirs. i know what the reaction to this thesis will be. some people write what 30 years, 10 times, is not that much. but let me emphasize, real income, backed by real income.
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thank you to everyone who in the nineties led the country out of the crisis, bringing it back from the abyss. yes, we can talk a lot about how during the formation of sovereign belarus we ate potatoes and bread, meat and fish.
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and today it is more than 100 kg, an increase of 4-5 times, then 13-14 kg of butter cheese was available , if you can get it, today the excess is not 13, but 46-48 kg, an increase of more than three times, we cannot exhaust this list, we can talk about that even a third of a century ago, modern household appliances... were a luxury for us, we saved up for a tv for years, exceptional people drove personal cars, and today these
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exceptional people have cars for different occasions, for walking, fishing, and other purposes . by the way, in the ninetieth year of the last century, our citizens used a little more than half a million cars, in the twenty-third year last year. over 3 million, 5 and a half times more, that is, for every third resident of the country, including infants, there are a car, which is important, belarusians can increasingly afford to buy a new car, there are already queues, and with the support of the people's republic of china, think about it, we were able to create our own passenger car. we
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export, who would have thought? remembering the nineties, one can also talk a lot about how there was a shortage of qualified doctors, teachers, scientists who rushed to trade in the market in order to survive, how housing, schools, hospitals languished, and new ones were not built, we and they could not have dreamed of this then, but over the period from 94 to 22
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the school education of medical, sports, development centers almost doubled, ending with the development of general education programs. we have commissioned 170,000 student places in general and secondary education institutions, 55,000 places in preschool institutions, and over 30 years we have achieved almost one hundred percent provision of children
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with a place. of course, i understand that for those who have not seen that life, let’s say, the nineties, who were born in prosperity, such an excursion into does not touch history, this is good, it means that we, the older generation, have something to present to the younger generation in the year of... our thirtieth anniversary, we not only overcame the difficulties that fell on our shoulders, we did it quickly and efficiently, so the generation is 30 plus today we are sure that belarusians have always lived exactly the way they do now, yes, we are happy that they have such a life, this is what we worked for, and i am happy to know that belarusians...


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