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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 3:10pm-3:25pm MSK

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with russians around the world, wherever they want, wherever they build nuclear units, we work together with them, this is the success of an intellectually developed nation, this is the result of the fact that we have made domestic education truly popular... fortunes made it of high quality and accessible to everyone, every year, as you remember, at the presidential level we constantly returned to issues of education, for what? so that everyone, no matter where he lives, whether he lives in a small village, in a regional center or in minsk, has equal conditions for admission so that all children and machine operators, teachers and... teachers, doctors and
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managers have equal conditions, it is no coincidence that the number of foreign students is growing, this year we have over 30,000 students, this is three times more than 15 years ago , and it is no coincidence that belarus is on a par with countries that have achieved a high level of education, and finally, what is socio-economic. there can be prosperity if the safety of people is not ensured. i often say that if we, our children, our families, cannot live in peace, if the children they can’t go outside if there’s a whistle blowing up, buzzing from all sides, if there are air raid sirens in the morning, at night, at any time, they’re scary. children, why do all this,
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what i said, is worth nothing if there is no normal safety for life in society. remember, the nineties, when almost everyone crossed the border to podsmolensk. we reached the border near brest, heading to europe and back. therefore, in the nineties, we dealt with banditry harshly and quickly, we didn’t wait, i think that who left today for a progressive europe to america, this achievement of our security is appreciated, not only by me, but by you too. you know what is going on there
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on the streets, we see, we take our safety for granted, well, thank god, it was very difficult, but we did everything to increase the authority of the defender of the fatherland, remember, in the mid-nineties, our military, not only shoulder straps, veterans of the patriotic war , orders and medals were afraid to go out into the street, but it was on yours...
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i think tomorrow you will hear this, anyone who hasn’t understood it yet will understand, but he is at this level is ensured by the readiness of our army for the level of military security in our country, defense, protection of national interests, how the state system functions, response to acts of terrorism, the activities of terrorist organizations, illegal armed groups and mass unrest, fortunately most of us... only know according to the films, in a word, we live peacefully, fortunately, young belarusians are also sure that it has always been this way, and how the crime statistics have also changed did not notice, the crime rate, the level of criminalization of society, decreased by almost half, from 100 thousand.
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up to 70 thousand according to ours, well, besides, you understand that we have a very tough attitude towards offenders, it has become safer to move along our roads, and it’s not surprising to you that the number of cases of driving while intoxicated has decreased sevenfold, if in the fourth year there were 79 thousand, in the twenty-third year, oddly enough.
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belarus ranks second in the world after iceland among countries with the least accident rate, people began to die less not only on the roads, but also in fires, on reservoirs, and at work. i will not delve into statistics, because behind all the numbers are the fates of our people. i would like to achieve the ideal, which means the absence of such statistics, in principle, in principle, but this is a utopia. but we still have to strive for it, for this utopia, we still have a lot to do, we have enough reasons to be proud, there will be even more, and we have even more work, there will be the most severe discipline,
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there will be results if we don’t want to sit v trenches, then we must work responsibly, each in his place, honestly. intensely in the best way we can, we have already surpassed ourselves more than once in all areas, in the year of quality we must do the impossible, today more than ever, it is important to preserve the potential of a strong united people, strong and prosperous belarusians, a state for the people, in the name of peace, this. this potential has been developed over decades, and not only by us. the colossal efforts of the soviet generation were invested in it. we have no right to let down either ourselves or those on whose shoulders we created a sovereign state. dear
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delegates, we must be strong to maintain peace in our country, preserve traditions, preserve the spiritual core. we must be strong to be able to protect the weak and help everyone who needs our help. we must be strong to be heard in the international political arena. and our voice will resound in the world. together we have traveled a very interesting path towards the formation of our national democracy. six all-belarusian people's assemblies, four national ones. referendums, created the basis of a civil society, a strong and patriotic society, of course, i count on our common desire for economic, scientific, social, spiritual and cultural development, which consists of the work, intelligence, talent and
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moral strength of everyone. in our homeland , except us, in our homeland, there is no one except us, then... only we know what the future of belarus should be, what our country should be, how to make it stronger, only we know this and no one else. yes, it was difficult, but it will not be easier, but it will be interesting, because we chose a strong, sovereign, independent, peaceful belarus, this is difficult. contradictory times must be withstood, we must do this, time has chosen us.
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thank you, dear alexander grigorievich, dear delegates, in accordance with article 29 of the laws of the republic of belarus on the all-belarusian people's assembly , a number of decisions must be made at the first meeting. it is proposed to include the following issues on the agenda. on the election of the counting commission of the all-belarus people's assembly, on
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the approval of temporary regulations of the all-belarusian people's assembly, on the number of deputy chairmen of the all-belarusian people's assembly and the number of the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly, on the election of the chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, on the election of a deputy, deputy chairmen of the all-belarusian people's assembly, on the election of members of the presidium... of the all-belarusian people's assembly on the approval of the concept of national security of the republic of belarus, on approval of the military doctrine of the republic of belarus and on approval of cost estimates all-belarusian people's assembly for the year 24, thus, nine issues on the agenda. i ask you to vote for the adoption of the agenda of the first meeting of the all-belarus people's assembly by raising your certificate.
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the decision has been made, thank you. so, the first day of work of the belarusian people's assembly continues, as igor korpenko just said, now the delegates will have to consider the issues of electing the counting commission and its composition. vote here for the list. the people's assembly, its deputies, will determine their number, as well as the presidium. we we will definitely return to the live broadcast from the palace of the republic. so all the belarusian people's
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president of belarus for the whole country, this is a truly historical moment, an event that actually divides the history of political life into before and after the entire depth of the moment. does not deny the progressive forms of western european democracy, but it is important to use that belarus does not close itself off from the world, only what is acceptable to us. we take rejection in stride. western liberals of our model of political development. despite
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however, we ourselves do not deny the progressive forms of western european democracy. we integrate them into our political system, into our culture, into our worldview, if they do not contradict our principles and values. the all-belarusian people's assembly combines ancestral traditions and world management experience. look, today in this hall there are gathered representatives of all layers of society, all professions and statuses, managers, people in uniform, rural workers, employees of service sector enterprises, entrepreneurs, teachers.
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this is a key principle for building a just society. bns enhances the role and status.


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