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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 3:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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the government is carried out by the all-belarusian people's assembly. look, today in this hall there are gathered representatives of all walks of life, all professions and statuses, leaders, people in uniform, rural workers, employees of service enterprises, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, scientists and artists, athletes, truly imagine.
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representation of each of us, and the only way to high positions is through the ability and desire to honestly work for the good of the country. and whoever we are, who are in this room, wherever we work, there is no distance between us. here we all have the same status: participants in the all-belarusian people's assembly, delegates and invitees, and this achievement of national democracy... “i am most proud of this, we are proud of the accumulated experience in strategic planning, for almost 30 years, the meeting largely determined the state structure of belarus, let’s face it , the first all-belarusian people's assembly saved our country, all five-year socio-economic development programs were implemented only after approval by the delegates of the supreme council, the time has come.
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to reach a new level, and we did this, with the acquisition of constitutional status, the role of the assembly and the competence of delegates increased many times over. now the all-belarus people's assembly approves all the main program documents that determine the economic development, security of our country, in a word, strategic issues. we will, the head of state noted. the assembly is a protective buffer and the collective mind of the country, with the broadest powers. there is no room for error here. belarus is truly incredible through efforts, a firm position, and unity , we managed to maintain sovereignty and independence. the president's speech touched everyone. we all see the realities of today and have not forgotten what we went through. preserving the country and the world today in a changed world is the main task. they understand this.
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to form the consciousness of the younger generation . and we are faced with very important tasks, it takes generations, to build routes along which our future generation will go, these are new professions, and new projects to master, and new areas, so all the directions that covers education, this is a very important strategic task that faces us, now we are connecting to our...
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on-site studio in the center of the capital, near the officers' house, this place was not chosen by chance, october square is clearly decorated with national symbols. experts victoria senkevich and pavel lazovik meet at this location. colleagues, good afternoon, over to you. good afternoon, we welcome you, yulia, we welcome all tv viewers here from the very center of minsk, we will discuss the main messages that were heard literally just from the president at the all-belarus people's meeting. our guests today are nadezhda velikaya, director of the minsk state palace of children and youth, representative of the belarusian women's union, and sergei shirko, leading engineer of the belkhudozh crafts association. hello, hello, yes, indeed, a lot has been said about the achievements of modern belarus, but still the president noted the strength of the nation is not in capital, not in military power, in real true values, which is why in strategic documents we we fix it and of course.
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and happy children are born, and this is the key to such a strong spiritual, moral, developing nation, then we will be able to preserve and increase our traditions, our culture, look, today, if we
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compare throughout, remembering the principality of polotsk, the 11th century, then the 17th, 19, 35, becoming.
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if we take small-town people, this is unique, today it is not necessary, we see, this is true, everyone knows about this, today, if he lives in the village of some kuzminich, i take the dobrezhsky district in my homeland, then he will not you need to get there up to 1.00 km to visit some kind of club, today it’s within walking distance, please look at how successfully the education system is developing, and we see it very well, please, here’s a school for you, here’s you...
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rejected by the world community , but the brave are courageous belarus, dear alexander
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grigorievich, dear delegates of the seventh all-belarus meeting, secretary general of the belarusian red cross. i want to nominate for the post of chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, president of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko. tell me a few words about alexander grigorievich not as a president, but as a leader, because there are presidents in the vast majority of countries in the world, but, unfortunately, not everyone is a leader. we can
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clearly see what this leads to. after frankly false accusations against the republic of belarus about the abduction of children, i was forced to go to donbass to show back. the consequences of the war, this is a terrifying picture, just yesterday successful people, today they are thrown back into a state of primitive communal system, where they can easily go to school, kindergarten or hospital... without ever knowing what real childhood is, where their parents love them, and where most importantly, the state takes care of them, but ukraine, unfortunately, we are far from the only country that pays with the lives of its own citizens, for the weak-willedness and worthlessness of its politicians, but we continue to live, we create
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families, take care of the future, about the future of our children, we live a normal everyday life, most importantly, peaceful, isn't that the point? real human happiness? many do not realize that behind all this is complex hard work, experience, professionalism, innate...
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thank you, dmitry evgenievich, thank you, there are still those who wish, please, dear alexander grigorievich, dear delegates of the all-belarusian.
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the unity of civil society, the atmosphere in work collectives in our families. 30 years have passed since the birth of the presidential republic in 1994. by historical standards, we are still at the very beginning of our sovereign journey. but already in this short period, led by our president, we created a developed economy, rose to nuclear and space heights in science and technology, and took responsibility. for private and public affairs, we have learned to call ourselves people, and we have taught others
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to call themselves people. most of my working life is related to the industrial complex. i can authoritatively say that over the years, belarusian industry has become an innovative sector of the economy. it’s not just the volume of production that’s obvious. but the constant development of technology, the quality of the products products, and accordingly increasing competitiveness in world markets, transport and energy infrastructure is developing, we have made the interests of belarusians a priority of economic policy. the social state is our unchanging national brand. dear delegates, before you voice your proposal. i want you each to answer my question: what would have happened if in 1920 our
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belarus did not have lukashenko, if our country had been ruled by a weak, weak-willed leader, a temporary worker, and even worse traitor, the answer is obvious, we would have lost everything, it’s scary for me as a woman, a mother, a leader to even think about it, as is customary, according to slavic tradition, any good ambitious business must have a leader. in a family it is the father, in the house it is the owner, in the country it is the wise leader. i want our leader, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, to lead us to achieve new achievements, and i propose his candidacy for
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election as chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly. only he can put this complex mechanism into operation. the highest representative body of democracy. thank you, nadezhda anatolyevna. are there any other proposals for candidates for the post of chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly? proposals, dear friends, well , without modesty, i will say that all this cheese, cheese-boring was started by the current president, you know why, i have spoken about this more than once, and you know, we, and i, including, first of all, me
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generation of outgoing politicians, and i really hope they didn’t lose criticism and didn’t give it to anyone, but i don’t dispute that the times have developed in such a way that you support, i’m sorry, i can see from the applause the current president, but remember, you should always keep your word, you should not be afraid of anyone if you
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feel and understand that the speaker just... that or i’m up to something... then you are wrong, you should talk about it, this is the essence of the people's evening, this is the essence of everything for which we have gathered. i emphasize once again that i do not criticize or refute those who spoke before me, and now after me, the most worthy people, these are people with a core who have shown themselves decently, how... whom i respect, i do not refute their opinion, i do not refuse anything, just remember, you must be real, you must act in such a way that no one dares to criticize you anywhere, why are the lukashists gathered there, as they write now, and you see, here they are, whatever he says, they will do, yes,
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the lukashists have gathered here, there are no enemies here, and there will not be. but i’m doing this for the future, when i’m gone, this commie sitting on the left won’t be there, and maybe our first cosmonaut will retire, i don’t know where you’ll be, natalya ivanna, but after us there will be you, the majority, and there will be ours. they should not be silent, so tomorrow, if not today, you must have your say, because by voting for the chairman, his deputy, members of the presidium, for the concept of national security, for the military
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doctrine, you are responsible, so of course i am on you i didn’t shift this responsibility, i was responsible for this alone for 30 years, making these decisions, and now we will be together, we will be responsible for this together, always be true to your word, be strong and wise, and don’t be afraid of anyone, you need help, call, we will come. thank you, and if there are no more people willing to propose candidates, then we move on to the speaking procedure, who wants to speak?
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at the beginning of such unpredictable hot nineties, our belarusian people collectively realized that it was only possible to move away from the abyss that yawned before us with a strong-willed auto
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. he achieved that we became nationally secure as a country, we had our own
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national security system, we became protected from both internal and external threats, we are recognized as a country throughout the world, and first of all, thanks to our... national leader, all people perceive alexander grigorievich as the people's president. and all these, all these years, responding to the decision of the collective people. he presided over them,
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strategic decisions were made there, vitally important issues were discussed there, and quite naturally, this meeting acquired the status of a constitutional one, it is now the highest body of power of the people. but this is a very complex system, and in order to debug it, integrate it into our state life, in order for it to produce results systematically and effectively , we need a person who can cope with this, who has the relevant experience.
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times have not become easier now, but we ask you to take this burden onto your shoulders, we will be there, we will help with all our might, because just like you, we sincerely love our homeland, our belarus, and will not give it up to anyone. thank you, alexander mikhailovich, there are still those interested, please turn on the second
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microphone. dear alexander grigorievich, dear presidium, delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, today is a historic day in our country, i am very worried, so i have compiled theses. today we are electing not just the chairman of the highest representative body in our country, the body of democracy. today we choose a leader with strategic thinking. who in difficult times for the country will not flinch, together with the belarusian people will be able to make the right fateful decisions. this person, confidently, is alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, our president. i'm worried, i didn't introduce myself. i, marina evgenievna anikeeva, general director of an open joint stock company.
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i have been working in the dairy industry for more than 30 years and can really appreciate the contribution of our leader in the development of agriculture and the processing industry. i saw in real time how in the nineties, under the leadership of the president , we raised our country, our industry and processing from its knees. thanks to the correct course that the president then determined, his strategic decision. we have become developed and strong, we now fully ensure the food security of our country. let me give you one real fact: belarus ranks 84th in the world in terms of territory, at this time fifth in the world export potential for dairy products, fifth in the world. and we also know how alexander
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grigorievich treats working people, the toilers of the belarusian land. alexander grigorievich, you are a man from the earth. therefore, i advocate supporting alexander grigorievich lukashenko as chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly. alexander grigorievich, farmers, processing is for you. together with you, together with you, we are ready to go into a time of new achievements, the time of the vns. thank you, dear delegates, well, let’s consult, another young man came to the microphone, maybe we’ll give him the floor and draw a line under the speech. do you think i can?
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rate your applause as agreement, in agreement, okay, please turn on the first microphone. good afternoon, dear delegates of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly. vladimir gennadievich, deputy of the chamber representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, delegation of the belarusian people's assembly, member of the belarusian republican youth union. dear delegates, the youth of the country supports the candidacy. our generation feels supported by the care of the state. today in belarus there is absolutely everything to live, make friends, study, work and earn money. today we are trusted with the construction of iconic historical buildings. today our voice is heard, our opinion
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is taken into account, this is evidenced. youth representation in the highest body democracy, and this does not exist in any country in the world. today it is fashionable to talk about social elevators. so, thanks to the support of our president and his preservation of komsomol traditions, a real belarusian social elevator operates in our country in the person of the belarusian republican youth union. judge for yourself, i, an ordinary guy from a peasant family, a small village in the dubrovnetsky district of the vitebsk region, having gone through all levels of the youth organization, today keep my word here, on this authoritative platform. we sincerely feel the fair policy of our president. the success of a young man depends on his patriotism, hard work and knowledge, and not on money and connections. and it should always be this way. and
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this can only be ensured by a strong and independent leader, for us this leader is alexander grigorievich lukashenko. dear alexander grigorievich, young people are ready to become your faithful support in creating the future of belarus. thank you, thank you. i turn to alexander ivich lukashenko, as a candidate for the post of chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly, with the question: will there be statement of recusal? well, this is necessary for the record, alexander. do you want to kill me?
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i remind you that the counting commission is already working, it sees the broadcast of our meeting and prepares a ballot accordingly. we are starting to nominate candidates for the post of deputy chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly. i also ask delegates who wish to nominate a candidate for the position of deputy chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly or to declare their own candidacy to make a proposal. yet again i invite those who wish to speak to the large podium or to the microphones located in the hall, please, there are those who wish, i ask you, well, this is one released deputy, all the rest
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will perform the duties of members of the presidium for free. house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus nikolaikin viktor pavlovich. dear alexander grigorievich, dear presidium, dear delegates and invitees. i am sure that who we elect as deputy chairman will largely depend the result of work from the belarusian people's assembly. i am convinced that it should be. a very efficient person, this should be a person who will lend a shoulder to alexander grigorievich, who will carry this difficult burden and guide all of us in the right
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direction of work. of course, this must be a patriot of our country, and a person who has extensive organizational experience and a high professional. applause knows this man, however, let me say a few words about his biography: alexander nikolaevich was born in 1959 in a village, in the varshansky district, vitebsk region. after graduating from
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the vitebsk medical institute in 1982, at that time, he worked his way up from a graduate student to the rector of this institute. subsequently, during his work as rector, this institute became a university. over the years of work, this is 8 years as rector, the university staff is still grateful to this man for what was done during these years to develop the material and technical base, to develop the educational process at this university. after that... alexander nikolaevich worked for others responsible positions, was the deputy prime minister of the republic of belarus, led the social sphere, therefore he knows first-hand
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all the problems of social development of our country, knows all the intricacies of sports, culture, education. alexander nikolaevich then returned. home he worked as the governor of the vitebsk region, during those years a lot was done in his development of our native region. he is really very demanding of himself
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, knows how to entice people to work for results, of course, he does not tolerate lies, he does not accept people who, let us say, treat lazy towards his work and therefore. we really need him, he will be able to organize help alexander grigorievich in the work of the presidium and in organizing all our work. this is a man, as i already said, who thinks on a large scale, on a national scale - he is a prepared person, and i am sure that he will cope with this work with dignity. i ask you to support the candidacy of alexandra nikolaevich kosenets. thank you, viktor pavlovich, are there
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any other proposals for candidates for the position of deputy chairman of the all-belarus people’s assembly, there are no applicants, would you like anyone to speak in support of the nomination of alexander nikolaevich kosenets to the post of deputy chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly. rumu oleg olegovich, please. deputy chairman of the all-belarusian
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people's assembly. my acquaintance with alexander nikolaevich began back in 1995, when i, a young graduate student, approached the still young, but already very well-known in our country, professor kosinets, with a question about planning my future scientific research. and for these many 30 years already. we discussed various issues, solved various problems related not only to the planning of scientific research, improving the activities of the medical industry, but taking into account the wide- ranging, extensive life experience of alexander nikolaevich devoted to various issues, during this time i was convinced not only that ... that alexander nikolaevich is a real professional,
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a highly educated, extremely principled person, but also a person who devoted his entire life to serving his homeland, his favorite cause, no matter what position alexander nikolaevich worked in, starting from doctor, assistant department of the medical university, ending with the position of senior official. the head of the administration, the president of the republic of belarus, he paid primary attention to the problems and aspirations of ordinary people. in recent years , as an assistant to the president, head of state, dear alexander grigorievich, he entrusted alexander nikolaevich with continuous issues of the development of our country, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, development.
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i appeal to alexander nikolaevich kosinets, nominated for the position of deputy chairman, maybe someone wants, excuse me, yes, maybe someone.
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to appoint, his peculiarity is that he is a workaholic patriot. i even doubted at one time, i wonder if someone from there, or from the east or west, was standing behind this man, he was so decisive in fulfilling the instructions that he gave, and often tested him with these instructions. many years have passed, koslenets, as he was. he became such a reliable patriotic person, a workaholic patriot - this is his peculiarity. i must say that yes, he he can sometimes be radical and harsh, so i’m sure that maybe someone, especially some members of the government, won’t quite
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like this candidacy, well, he’s such a joke, he’s radical, harsh, there are no authorities for him, if... somewhere at a meeting, discussing some question, sometimes it’s hard even for me to stop him until i hit him with my fist, i say, sit down, sit down, worries, but sits down, new meeting, new something, and he’s forward, checkers are dead, i generally like those people, brave, decisive, who can express their position always, everywhere, but in any case... he is a member of the government, an experienced person, and in general, as an experienced, educated person, he can be an example for any of us. i must say that alexander nikolaevich sometimes sees problems that are even bigger than they actually are. well, well, well
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, well, if there are people who will openly and honestly talk about problems that may not exist. we will make the decision together, here is a workaholic, a person who will not consider time and see the goal only ahead, go forward, we this is needed, so if you, your opinion, everyone has their own, but if you can, i think we will not be mistaken if we support the candidacy.
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no statements, thank you, alexander nikolaevich, what a recusal, he always said, i’m a soldier, but this is procedural, we say so, according to the regulations, you and i already got burned in soviet times without procedures, so it’s better to follow the procedure, absolutely right, maybe he no, maybe he’s not there, no, he was getting up, alexander nikolaevich, i saw him, he was getting up, but that’s it, here, here’s alexander nikolaevich, we see, we see, alexander nikolaevich, dear. delegates, according to the temporary regulations , the candidacy of alexander nikolaevich kosinets is included in the ballot for secret voting for the election of the deputy chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly. dear delegates, according to the temporary regulations
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, candidates for election to the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly are nominated on the basis of we will definitely return to the palace of the republic, but for now we will continue. so, the all-belarusian people's assembly continues its work, the seventh in a row, but the first in the new constitution.
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we ourselves do not deny the progressive forms of western european democracy; we
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integrate them into our political system, into our culture, into our worldview, if they do not contradict our principles and values. the role of the merger mechanism, ancestral traditions and global management experience is fulfilled. look, today in this hall there are gathered representatives of all walks of life, all professions and statuses, managers, people in uniform, rural workers, employees of service sector enterprises, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, scientists and artists, athletes, true representatives of the people. i am sure, a patriot, a slavic veche in its modern appearance, simply, a people’s
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gathering, which now stands above all branches of power, an opinion that the head of state must take into account. in belarus , the government does not separate from the people; this is a key principle of building a fair society. the bns strengthens the role of the representation status of each of us. and the only way to high positions is through the ability and desire to honestly work for the good of the country. and whoever we are appeared in this room, no matter where we worked, there was no distance between us. here we all have the same status: participants in the all-belarusian people's assembly, delegates and invitees. and i am most proud of this achievement of national democracy . “we are proud of the accumulated experience in strategic planning. for almost 30 years, the assembly largely determined
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the state structure of belarus. let’s face it. the first all-belarusian people’s assembly saved our country. all five-year programs for socio-economic development were implemented only after approval by the delegates of the supreme council. it's time to take it to the next level. and we did this with the acquisition of constitutional status, the role of the assembly and the competence of the delegates increased many times over. now the all-belarus people's assembly approves all the main program documents that determine the economic development, security of our country, in a word , strategic issues, the head of state noted, the assembly is a protective buffer and a collective one. the mind of the country has the broadest powers, there is no room for error. it is symbolic that the supreme national assembly begins its work by
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approving documents defining national security. in the current situation, nothing could be more important. on the western border, nato is only increasing its contingent, hiding behind the refugee problem. it is already known that a plan has been approved for the deployment of a 300,000-strong military force. belarus sees this, understands everything and warns. birth of babies, one thing is clear: they really want to drag us into a war like no one else, and i, as commander-in-chief, our military, special services, see this while they they are provoking us, digging trenches, modernizing military infrastructure, weapons, i have already said, we are on the other side of the border, here we are building a peaceful life. we don’t build walls, we don’t dig trenches, but our love of peace is not pacifism, i
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ask you not to be confused, as threats grow. we must be strong so that no one dares to bring us to our knees, as was often the case in our history, so that we, like a soccer ball from goal to goal, are no longer thrown, first in one direction, then in the other, we don’t ask anyone land, we... no one has anything i demand, we want to live on our land, our belarusian people have suffered for this right, and we will not allow it to be given to anyone. in his speech, the president drew attention to the work of international organizations that
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are called upon to work for the benefit of global peace. today it became clear. western-controlled associations exist only formally, while threats to global security are increasing, the voice of the world is drowning in the chatter of such structures. against the backdrop of a military spectacle on the border with belarus, let’s honestly answer the question: is there today, the real benefit comes from western-controlled national structures that have mushroomed all over the world. international law, the osce, the united nations, the world health organization and so on, have not been able to prevent a single bloody conflict, their main task is this, the european peace fund generally allocates funds for the war in ukraine, think about it, there is not
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enough money, the peace fund sponsors ...
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experts from all over the world talk about the engagement of these structures with the west, less radical ones call them hostages geopolitical confrontation, and what is the essence of the difference: ideological, globalists or hostages? look, the situation is absurd: security threats are multiplying almost every day, and the peacekeeping mission of international structures.
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yes, delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly will have to accept the concept of national security and the military doctrine of the republic of belarus. the documents underwent nationwide discussions, the first time they were presented at such a high forum. we are ripe to make the most important decisions in the state coalition, together, talaqa, that is, this is a vivid manifestation, so to speak, of democracy, which many people talk about, but who do not understand what it is. belarus is a country where the concept of democracy is not an empty slogan. today there is a restructuring of the world and, so to speak, a hot stage of the formation of a new world order. in these conditions, belarus, as an adequate state, must find its niche and must fully ensure its own security. today they only talk to the strong, we must be strong. national security, national
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security concept, military doctrine, documents aimed at ensuring. it is precisely this component that today’s military doctrine clearly shows who exactly the leadership of which countries is in charge of. our outdoor atn outdoor studio continues to operate near the officers' house, with a stunning view of october square and the palace of the republic, where the all-belarusian people's assembly is taking place. victoria
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senkevich and pavel lazovik have new speakers, victoria pavel, again, hello, to you word. yulia, we welcome all our viewers from the field studio, despite the cool weather, we, of course, have heated discussions with the guests, questions have accumulated, i will introduce the next guests, this is vladislav. doctor of historical sciences, professor of the department of international relations of the faculty of international relations of bsu and oleg yulievich ochisalov, deputy chairman of the liberal democratic party of belarus, good afternoon, hello, good afternoon, if you trace the history from the first all-belarusian people's assembly, although in ninety-six years, it’s scary to look at the numbers there, yes, but nevertheless, what a path the belarusians have traveled, we have traveled a very eventful path, an evolutionary path, as the head emphasized today.
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our viewers who follow international issues, not only international affairs specialists, but also issues, they know that sustainable development is, in general, a term, a definition that shows that the state is capable of solving political problems, developing the economy, and the environment don't forget, there's a lot, a lot, a lot more, this one sustainability and evolution, which the president and other delegates spoke about today, this is exactly what distinguishes belarus. and what comes from the belarusian people, belarusians are calm, reasonable, and hard-working people, our path, our achievements, this is also being discussed here today in the palace of the republic, and
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of course, the strategic tasks that remain to be solved, but probably challenges that they are trying to drag belarus into, but we are resisting this, again external conflicts, sanctions restrictions, which will help resist them, what do you think? you know, i want to start with the fact that this year we celebrate 80 years since the liberation of the republic of belarus, all the terrible events, we lost every third person, and belarusians, like no one else, know the value of peace and security, for a long time we have been a donor stability, and the minsk agreements, but now we see that being just good, telling everyone that we are for peace, is not enough now, so of course...
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absolutely true, but they are trying to avoid these issues and yes, absolutely true, this only an engaged position, on the one hand, well, on the other hand, there is already a clear distribution here, the world is becoming multipolar, we certainly have our allies in the person of the russian federation and the people's republic of china, in principle the east, well, that's more than that to say golden billion here. that’s
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why it’s very good, firstly, that we invited diplomats to the national assembly today, we saw them in the hall, they will again understand what our messages are and what goals we set and discuss, well, first of all, these are peaceful tasks and the concept national security and military doctrine are aimed at maintaining peace in the state, because we are constantly being shaken from the outside, this is the twentieth year, now these attempts to drag us into some kind of conflict, and constantly, and those who are shaking us, why themselves- then we have achieved it, so let's...
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very soon and continue the discussion, thank you very much to our guests, yulia, we pass the floor to you, thank you, victoria, pavel, my colleagues, continue to work in the atn mobile studio. at this time, the all-belarusian people's assembly is watched throughout the country, organized broadcast at their workplaces, in university classrooms, at bsu, and at various faculties, about 200 students gathered.
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student, today more than 150 interested students gathered in the auditorium of the faculty of physics of bsu, who sincerely came here, listened carefully, made some notes for themselves, and for me, as a student of the faculty of law, a graduate, this is especially important, especially interesting, compare even the sovereignty of our country of western countries, of course, like...
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the people's assembly, in my opinion, is a shining example of democracy. i believe that this form of governance is a guarantor of stability in our country, peace in the country, so that we can leave our children and grandchildren a wonderful state, a developed and modern belarus. belarusian women actively take part in the socio-political life of the country and support our president. as the head of state said, a woman’s happiness is the country’s happiness. only together we can build our strong state. i am proud that i was born in belarus. job the all-belarusian people's assembly from the inside in the palace of the republic is covered by correspondents
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from a television news agency. svetlana lukinyuk works in the on-site studio. delegates and invited members of the supreme council are visiting her. i give the floor to my colleague svetlana. good afternoon. over to you. good afternoon, colleagues, good afternoon, julia, good afternoon to all our tv viewers. yes, we are in the palace of the republic, here is the voting process, now there is a break, all delegates cast their votes for the chairman of the supreme council, as well as his deputy. and we already have a guest in the studio who has voted, yes, a guest in the studio, an invited guest at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is the deputy head of the presidential administration olga chupris. olga ivanovna, hello. hello, in his speech the president paid much attention to the all-belarusian people's assembly, its new status, which strengthens the role of democracy in belarus. in general, at this stage, to what extent was it really necessary to strengthen this role and is there any such thing in world practice?
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such, say, authorities of the people? svetlana, indeed, today we began work with the belarusian people's assembly as a constitutional body, a body of people's representation and... the same thought was voiced, and indeed we enshrined in the constitution and received a body that will be a support for the people and will be a support for government bodies in all periods, during smooth periods of development of the state, when
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it is necessary to make a decision on strategic directions of development, and god forbid in during some periods of crisis in our state, the president today has repeatedly emphasized precisely this authority. are legislative, but there are structures similar to ours and the belarusian people’s assembly, for example, there is a people’s kurultai of kyrgyzstan, where this status of such a body is also enshrined in the constitution, and it
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consists of 700 members, all regions are represented in the same way as in ours and the belarusian people’s assembly, but there is a peculiarity, our all-belarusian people's assembly is endowed with. said that in general, we still have such this is the power of the supreme national assembly, but to cancel the decision
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of any government body, even the president, if it contradicts the interests of national security, that is, we can say that time has chosen all the delegates, as today we say, time has chosen us, time has chosen the body that is needed in the country, and delegations of completely different ages, completely different professions, right?
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today, oh, well, it’s always unity that makes everyone stronger, if we are together, then today
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the president said this several times, we invincible, and regardless of who will be the head of state, regardless of how we will live further, who will govern us, and if we are together, if we understand, have our own position in life, if we understand what our country needs , then, in general, no one will defeat us and we will... develop the way we need, thank you very much, i will remind our tv viewers that our guest was the deputy head of the presidential administration olga chupris, colleagues, thank you, svetlana, we feel an atmosphere of importance today's event, without saying goodbye, we will return to you again during the first day of work in the vns, the most important aspects of the country and society are in the focus of attention of the delegates.
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everything that will happen in the near future in our country in terms of the long-term development of medicine and medical
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education, literally this year, after a meeting with the head of state on may 23 , we have re-modernized our approach. other areas where qualified assistance is provided to our population, regardless, this is a small, small area of ​​the first aid station, outpatient clinic, or is it an interdistrict center. i hope that this trend will continue, and thanks to the support of the head of state, the impetus that he gives for the imetsin community, this will continue. those people who are responsible for the health of the nation, for the health of citizens, in my
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opinion, are very important people in any state. the republic of belarus, as in general, the whole. "the modern world is now living in an era of very serious geopolitical upheavals, it is clear that we must, without looking at anyone, do everything to to strengthen our young independent state to ensure that it develops dynamically. our correspondents continue to follow the historical event, now i give the floor to evgeniy gorin, he is visiting at this moment an analyst from the belarusian institute of strategic studies." colleagues, good afternoon. evgeniy. good afternoon, the studio next to me is bc analyst alexey avdonin, let’s ask him about the most pressing issues concerning the spa. alexey, well, this year the spa has a new constitutional status.
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will this seriously affect the work of this body? yes, first of all. will affect the high level of responsibility that delegates will have in adopting the most important documents for our state, our belarusian people, what documents are these? first of all, this is, of course, the traditional acceptance of the direction of socio-economic development, but we know that since the nineties the supreme national assembly has always adopted these documents, determined the dynamics of the development of our economy, our society, now -
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this is exactly what we could only avoid thanks to the work of the all-belarusian people's assembly, historical experience, historical practice formed the basis of this constitutional basis of the supreme national assembly, attempts by the west to rock our society, they will be suppressed by those services, those structures that are supposed to diagnose society, if necessary, quickly
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make certain decisions questions at the ans level, accept. and thereby thwart any attacks from the collective west, preventing discord within our society, it was emphasized that today’s gns, a third of the delegates are representatives of civil society; how important is this element of the all-belarusian people's assembly? we are demonstrating through this structure of the supreme national assembly, the delegates of the supreme national assembly, that for us public organizations, parties, movements are extremely important, the opinions they represent, the opinions of our citizens, they are taken into account, they are taken into account.
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its goal is, first of all, to determine the strategic directions of the country’s development, and this is impossible without the consolidation of society without continuity, and of course continuity impossible to provide.
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famous quotes from the first about the main thing for the country, tricks of aerial acrobats. for the first time, viewers will see on the same stage the trio of winners of the loudest popular show in belarus, factor bai, dedicated to mothers. they will also remember the legendary return of our first cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya. the belarusian artists will be accompanied by guests from russia. viewers of the belarus 1 tv channel will be able to enjoy the concert. after the panorama. full version of the beautiful show from the sports palace. now in the palace of the republic secret voting takes place. let me remind you that the delegates will have to elect the chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, his deputy and the presidium. the whole country is watching a truly
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historic event. we will go on air again and of course we will return to the palace of the republic, because already in the next live broadcast from the vns, the chairman of the counting commission will announce the results of the secret ballot. meet me at 17:20.
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lenin street, surviving newsreels, photographs of past years convey the full flavor of this beautiful street in soviet times leninskaya, almost completely destroyed, it was formed anew, forming a single ensemble with the stalinist one... which was also erected in the post-war years. and the decoration of this ensemble was the publication of the national art museum. today it is recognizable among the iconic objects of the capital. minsk is one of the few cities in europe, in the post-soviet space, that can boast of an entire museum city. the future
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art school began at 29 karl marx street in the building of a former women's gymnasium. after it was handed over to the revolution at the higher communist agricultural school, and here the gallery’s exhibitions were first housed in fifteen halls. in the thirty- ninth year the collection.
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we are celebrating this significant day, significant for our republic, today, thanks to our working people, our government, comrade stalin personally, we are opening a state art gallery, thank you, thank you, i believe that today the minsk public of the late thirties, creative bohemia, pioneers, komsomol members, and of course the welcoming speech of the first director of the state art gallery of the bssr. art for the people. the new history of the art museum began here on lenin street; it began in the post-war period with the idea of ​​​​creating
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an entire museum city. its author was front-line architect mikhail baklanov. true, they planned to build a museum city in a completely different place, on the bend of the svislachi river, but it was not possible to implement it. the ruined republic simply did not have funds for ambitious projects at that time. the large-scale project to create a museum quarter was successful to be implemented already in the 21st century during the period of an independent, sovereign state. it was officially opened at the end of 2021. each season in the national art scene is interesting in its own way, with new exhibitions, the work of already famous artists and new names, but this season is special for the museum 85. today it has
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the largest collection of national foreign art, with a total of more than 30,000 exhibits. the history of the national art building itself is also interesting, built in 1957, decades later its halls no longer allowed displaying the richest museum collections. the problem was resolved during the period of an independent sovereign state. in 2006, an event was the opening of another museum building, popularly nicknamed glass. this was the first large-scale extension with modern climate control,
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lighting equipment and spacious exhibition halls. and a little more than a decade later, in 2021, the national art center opened a museum quarter. now history and modernity also converge in the architecture of the building. the pride of the museum is paintings by belarusian artists 19, early twentieth centuries, ivan khrutsky and yuri pen, ferdinand ruschets and witold belynetsky berulya, and of course , contemporary art. all events in 2024. will be dedicated to the anniversary, the museum will present a project called the collection of the national art museum of the republic of belarus, losses during the great patriotic war, return.


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