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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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the horse park is shrouded in secrets, legends, here, as if the stories of heroes of past centuries and... their love come to life. in spring, in the horse park, shrouded in legends, magnolia, the favorite flower of panna jadwiga, always blooms. that was the name of the beloved owner of the estate, stood up. lyubansky, he planted
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a flower in her honor in this picturesque place of extraordinary beauty. this park was laid out in the then fashionable english style, and a collection. crimean pine, siberian and european fir, american birch, silver maple, manzhur walnut, today the horse park is the real heritage of the park culture of belarus 18-19. centuries one of the best in europe in terms of
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its landscape design. and all this for the sake of panna edviga, with whom evstafi was madly in love, and she set the conditions: the estate and park must be the best in the entire area, then she will reciprocate, which you will not do for the sake of your beloved, however, the whim turned out to be for the good if everything was so, as the legends say, today we have an amazingly beautiful belarusian park. capital, but among
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the plant collections there is another one with amazing hundred-year history: this is the real attraction of the horse park: the mention of the food dates back to the 19th century; in all distant times people came to him to ask for a happy... family life, it’s a pity, only the oak tree was not preserved in its original form, it was struck by lightning , but even what ’s left of it probably has magical powers.
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a park dressed in bogryania with autumn colors, an old estate immersed in the gold of fallen leaves, at this time of year there is a special atmosphere that you so want to enjoy and which the artist strives so hard to capture on his canvases. using these paintings , more than one generation will study our history, the history of this beautiful park and many more interesting objects of the belarusian capital. minsk has been painted at all times, its history seems to come to life on the canvases of artists, and it is different, familiar with its pristine beauty.
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centuries and unknown, here are the first buildings, brisk trade, narrow streets, the first temples, the tradition continues today, when a generation of contemporaries with... strives to capture objects that have become symbols of modern belarus. in terms of the number of tourists visiting, the object is one of the top five attractions of the republic; it officially ranks twenty-fourth among the 100 most unusual buildings in the world and is among the top most beautiful. in terms of its holdings , dublin is on a par with the vatican library. australian, but at night it can be seen from space,
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yes, it’s all about us, about belarus, its pride, the national library of the republic, today minsk is strongly associated with this... original beautiful building. it’s hard to believe that just recently, a few years ago, this place was a wasteland, and the area itself, at the end of independence avenue, could not be called particularly attractive. march 7, 2002, important message right here on the front page. presidential decree on the construction of the building of the state institution national library of belarus. and this, this is already. for april 2003, and here too about the library, however, this is connected with the cleanup, the funds earned from the cleanup will be used for construction national library.
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the new library building was really built by the whole world; in addition to budget funding , money was collected from community work days and sundays, and personal donations from citizens, and not only from our country, came in. more than 500 specialists, more than thirty enterprise organizations throughout. for 4 years they took part in the construction of this unique building, and also students of bntu, bguir, bsu, for its original architecture, it was also nicknamed the diamond of knowledge, the building was erected in record time, but another important problem had to be solved.
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the problem had to be solved, a really important and complex one in technical terms, to transfer book stocks from six different buildings to a new storage facility, which is almost 9 million units, a clearly organized process, hundreds of pieces of equipment, the first truck alone brought 3 tons of literature. the new building of the national library, built in record time, was inaugurated on june 16 , 2006; it became a truly public construction site.
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the main library of the country for its centenary history has gone through different periods, especially difficult ones associated with the occupation. 80% of its funds were looted and taken to europe. after the war, only a small part was returned from germany, poland, hungary, czechoslovakia, and east prussia. once upon a time, back in 1922 , the year of its foundation, the library began with 60 thousand copies. today its book depository amounts to more than 10 million units. the real spiritual treasure of the belarusian nation, the original edition of francis skarina, is kept here. over 90 thousand
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early printed and handwritten books, among them oriental manuscripts of the 16th century. today , the national library is not only a large scientific and intellectual center, but also a cultural, business, and international center; meetings and negotiations are held here. with the construction of the national library building , the area became respectable, one of the most beautiful in minsk, it is also bright, modern, with high-rise buildings and parks, with a singing fountain, with flower beds and one of the largest shopping centers in the capital.
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minsk - surrounded by green parks and squares, a city with a unique flavor, its streets, avenues, boulevards. eras converge here, the recreated historical appearance of the capital and new buildings of the modern metropolis, large-scale projects that were implemented during the years of independence, and which became symbols of the sovereign belarusian state, cozy courtyards of old minsk, and also churches with gilded domes and chimes, saved and... minsk beautiful at
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any time of the year with its people, whose work and efforts preserve the appearance of the belarusian capital, so ancient and so young. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. these are news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. tv channel signal. broadcast in the clear and available 24 hours a day every day. be with
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the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. we continue our information broadcast. the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly is taking place in minsk, a historically important moment for our country, because from this day the supreme national assembly is the highest organ of people's power. all decisions made at the meeting are binding . today is the first day of work of the vns in new status, mainly on the agenda are organizational issues, the selection of the chairman, deputy and presidium of the supreme council. at these moments , the secret voting ends in the palace of the republic, as we already told you in the post.
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the first day of work was opened by the head of state, alexander lukashenko, making a speech to delegates and invitees for the whole country, this is truly a historical moment.
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we are calm about western liberals’ rejection of our model of political development. despite this, we ourselves do not deny progressive forms western european democracy. we integrate them into our political system, into our culture, into our worldview, if they do not contradict. the role of the mechanism for merging ancestral traditions and world management experience is performed by the all-belarus people's assembly. look, today in this hall there are gathered representatives of all walks of life, all
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professions and status, leaders, people in uniform, rural workers, service sector enterprises, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, scientists and artists, athletes, true representatives of the people, i am sure patriots, the slavic veche in its modern appearance, in simple terms, the people’s exodus, which now stands above all branches of power, whose opinion must be taken into account...
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and you know, we, and i, including, first of all, me, the generation leaving politicians, i really hoped that when we are gone, you will hold the country together, i know how difficult it is to do this alone, 10, 20, 30 people.
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whatever he says, they will do, yes, the lukashists have gathered here, there are no enemies here and there will not be, but i’m doing this for the future, when i’m not there, there won’t be this commie sitting on the left, and maybe our first cosmonaut will retire, i don’t know where you will be, natalya ivanovna. but after us there will be you, the majority, there will be our children, they should not be homeless, so tomorrow, if not today...
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this is to answer: always be with your word, be strong and wise, and do not be afraid of anyone, you need help, call , we will come. in belarus, power is not separated from the people. this is a key principle for building a just society. the ans strengthens the roles. the status of representation of each of us, and the only way to high positions is through the ability and desire to work honestly for the good of the country. historical moments, the importance of its
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significance will be discussed in our on-site studio of the officers' house, my colleagues, victoria senkevich and pavel azovik, work there, they already have new guests, victoria pavel, the floor is yours again. good afternoon, yulia, we welcome you. research at the faculty of international relations of bsu. hello. hello. good afternoon. yes, it sounds a lot today, more than ever, it is important to preserve.
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consumer rights, here is the experience of our work, it shows that this is our national the law of the republic on the protection of consumer rights, it is probably one of the best in the post-soviet space, which provides a set of rights to citizens in the field of consumer protection, this is the right to the quality of goods, the right to the safety of goods, the right to receive complete and reliable information, and these rights they are being successfully implemented, there are a lot of tools that help citizens protect these rights, including quality and safety, again. that more than
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90% of consumer protection claims are courts are satisfied in the republic of belarus, which suggests that the institutions of judicial protection are quite effective in case of violation of consumer rights, in general the person is the main element of the state, and our state is social, and if this is forgotten, it can ensure the internal security of the country , especially in the context of growing conflict confrontations with external threats that occur on the borders of our state, an important element of this, of course,
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is the granting of the status of an all-belarusian people's assembly with special powers, while approving the military doctrine and concept of national security of our country, in these conditions, of course, yes, and of course the important role of the president of our country , the republic of belarus, alexander. which we protect today, and of course, security, family values ​​and christian values ​​are important to me, they must be promoted as much as possible so that society,
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ours specifically...
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dear delegates, the floor is given to the chairman of the counting commission inni viktorovni medvedeva, please, inna viktorovna.
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dear alexander grigorievich, dear delegates of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly, dear invitees, the counting commission has processed the ballots for secret voting for the election of the governing bodies of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly.
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dear delegates, in accordance with article 30 of the law on the all-belarusian people's assembly, articles 36 and 44 of the temporary regulations of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the election
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of a chairman, deputy... make this decision, i ask you to vote, against, abstained, the decision was made, dear alexandrevich, congratulations on your election as chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, please, inna viktorovna, dear alexander grigorievich, dear delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly.


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