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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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in the election of the chairman, deputy chairman and other members of the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly , a decision is formalized. based on the protocol of the counting commission on the results of the vote to elect the chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, it is proposed to make an appropriate decision. a draft decision on the election of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko as chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly is being put to the vote. who.
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assistant to the president of the republic of belarus alexander nikolaevich kosins. in the vote accepted 1159 delegates, that is, all. total number.
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thank you, inna viktorovna, dear delegates, based on the protocol of the counting commission on the results of voting on the election of a deputy chairman, a draft decision on the election of alexander nikolaevich kosens as deputy chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly is proposed for adoption, please vote against.
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thank you, thank you, inna viktorovna, based on the protocol of the counting commission on the results of voting on the election of members of the presidium, it is proposed to accept the project the decision to elect vadim anatolyevich bogush, alexander vasilyevich brontsevich, konstantin viktorovich burak, nadezhda andreevna yarmakova as members of the presidium of the all-belarus people's assembly. strakhara ruslan
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borisovich, talets irina vladimirovna, chernyakov dmitry vladimirovich, shpilevskaya olga aleksandrovna and shuleik yuri vitoldovich. please vote. against, abstained. thank you, the decision has been made. dear alexander grigorievich, dear alexander nikolaevich, dear members of the newly elected presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly, we congratulate you on behalf of the central election commission of the republic of belarus, on behalf of all those present in this hall on your election to such important, high government positions, and we wish you good health, success, good luck and, of course, fruitful work for the good. republic
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of belarus, allow me to give the floor to the chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, president of the republic of belarus, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. dear delegates, i apologize for my voice, there have been a lot of meetings lately, it took a lot to speak, so i lost my voice a little, i think what to say in this situation is, well , banal, traditional, but very correct, i want to thank you uh.
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not entirely accurate, but correct, i consider you my children, who may not be old enough for me to still be children, but i consider you my children, and don’t be offended, i think this is correct,
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because very important and responsible for those who gave birth to you, but i... influenced you to become real political people, very responsible, as i said, yes, in mostly, probably, here, fuckers, and you’re not looking for someone to vote against it, i know who it is. no, no, you misunderstood, it’s not me, it’s kochanova. yes, i will say directly that i voted for the proposed chairman, deputy, and those who ran, the number of members
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of the presidium, i will explain why, the question is not in me, well, believe me, the question is not in me, then, that you elected me chairman, like many here... voted now or later, that means i would have calmed down, it wasn’t very pleasant, well of course, whoever is pleased, but i would think that, after all, 30 years is a long time, and you and i have done a lot during this time, i said in my speech, let those who replace us
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do more, so, well, probably that’s enough, but it’s your will, it’s your decision, you are responsible for it, if suddenly, god forbid, i really don’t want this, because i’ll still live, so even if i don’t live, i’m there too i will see what happens, so i don’t want it to be bad, but it’s your choice, so i don’t cling to this position, neither to one nor to the second, i i just want it to be good, i said it very correctly. and alexander mikhailovich radzkov said very correctly: the most important task now is that this reformatting, and at that a serious reformatting of state power,
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fits into the national assembly, so beautifully, as he said, into the political, political life of our society, this is very, very important . and we saw before our eyes a country, an empire collapsed when two people actually collided, what are two people, there are others behind them, unless...
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believe me, because you haven’t seen a single monument or banners or toasts to my honor on the street, so i’m umishami, i say, i don’t like it, but uh, nevertheless, it’s very important - now at this very fateful time, when much is being decided around us, not to destroy our unity, and unity is quickly destroyed when a crack appears from above, therefore... until we integrate the vns into our lives, and what the vns should be, i
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sincerely told you: you should not be silent, if you are like this, then i will made a mistake, it means that you, especially without me, will not be able to protect our country, and you will have to resist, even if the head of state made a mistake, you must tell him directly, without a live broadcast, like we have today, you can gather somewhere to say: listen , you’re going the wrong way, you’re doing the wrong thing, we don’t want this war, there’s no need to initiate it, we will fight only when someone steps on our land, well, for example, you should be like wolfhounds, you don’t owe anyone anything allow something that can disrupt our unity and...
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here is our land, this is the main thing, but the abyss, we are over the abyss, one step and we are there, it
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was necessary to take the people away from the gap, this is the last, last night before the publication of my programs, i wrote this slogan, at night, tomorrow it was necessary to give this seal the program probably hit the mark then, because there was a gap, and we took the people away, we suffered, you and i built what... we built, it’s not bad, we did the right thing, many in the world envy us when we have in the twentieth year something happened that happened, i said, many looked at it and we thought whether they would stand or not, whether they would collapse or not, we had no friends, no one was rooting for us to do well, as well as between people, there was jealousy at the top and between us. there are enough states, but simple, ordinary people who saw our policy wanted
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us to survive, and you and i did, the main thing for me is that there is a subjective factor, yes, i really, like you, want what is preserved we built it so that no one would break it. there is a very dangerous period going on, which lies within, neither the economy nor agriculture, generational change is a very painful process. when young people come, when they know everything, remember your children, imagine, they don’t let you say a word at home, there, when you discuss something, debate, they know everything, it’s dangerous, dangerous here, it’s likely that they can refuse those shoulders on which they will stand, like us, we
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stood on the shoulders of someone, but we did not reject, we did not refuse, not for the media, i will say, but you know that after the collapse of the soviet union, everything refused, everyone refused, and we often switch putin discussing problems, we discuss, they are tearing down monuments, that’s how it is there, and i say, listen, why should we worry, they showed an example, you are looking at me, i say, and the derzhinsky monument in moscow, who was the first to demolish it, who in russia? well, okay, under putin they came to their senses and are trying to return to those primordial traditions and values ​​that were cultivated not only by the communists, but by all of us in those days, we did not abandon this, we did not abandon historical memory, we did not reject our victors, there are already few of them left , but how
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they could, we helped them, they appreciated it, we returned the shoulder straps to the military. and medals of the order, they , as the property of our people, walk the streets today, they deserve it, we work with you, but no one knows who is guarding the peace, well, you probably know, you don’t know how to keep everything quiet and calm, in our time everything has passed here, this is military, so there is no need to point fingers at them, the police are bad, listen, yes, to the competition with the policemen, for example, i say: these are our children, we need to look in the mirror, they are like us, if we are bad, so what do we demand from the police, but what would have happened if this police had not existed, what would have happened in difficult times, you
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don’t know that either and you don’t need to know, if somewhere there is something i call kubrakov, i say, this... it will be decided in a day, it can be decided in a day, there are dozens of saboteurs across the southern border, through poland, they are throwing tens of kilograms of waste at us, tomorrow ivan stanislavich will speak, terter will tell you about it, and i set him a task, this shouldn’t happen, people shouldn’t even note, this problem is being solved, so what else needs to be done, well, yes, we can’t solve everything. serious situation, try today to fight against high-precision weapons of drones, especially russia, the empire, gun systems, god forbid, not like ours, oil refineries are bombed, there are shots fired and so on, a drone can be launched in any direction, and it will explode, dangers , a large number, and not everything,
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humanity today has come up with methods of confrontation. allocate, now we need to build a system, then we’ll get together, thank each other, everyone will mind their own business, maybe, god willing, i will survive and will watch from the side how you will work, my children, but i really wanted you to have teeth, but only for the good, not like it was during
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the gorbachev congress , we all remember, we watched it like a detective film, we saw that the country had collapsed, then there needs to be order, discipline, as i said, spread your fingers, no one holds power, look at the chinese, 200 billion, maybe more, as i ask, how much population do you have, he says, more than 200 billion, but who are they? i thought it was really a huge empire, a huge empire, maybe they don’t want to have less than in india, one and a half in india. well, who can count them, so here’s an example, no one jokes with the authorities there, they understand what could happen as a result. therefore, i perceive the support of the current president as serious trust, thank you very much, as i say again,
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there is nothing personal here, i swear to you, just like before god, if someone believes in god, there is nothing personal, we need to calmly pass the this period. but i want the end of my political life to be worthy, like all of you, and so that we do not ruin what we created with our own hands. i will retire only when you tell me in some form, that’s all. and when there will be a person standing next to you who will not give in, who will go to the barricades without fear, who will not take anything into account.
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“don’t trust anyone, i have never been a varyuga and i will never allow myself and my children to do this, don’t trust anyone, this is the usual escalation
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of the situation in order to turn you against me. i have not betrayed you and will never betray you, no matter what problems i have." each of us, dear friends, faces difficult tasks that in the conditions of the modern world acquire fateful significance, including belarus, but time has chosen us. historical moments, a strong, sincere, confidential speech from our president, the chairman of the supreme people's assembly. thus, the first
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day of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly is coming to an end . important organizational issues were resolved by the delegates by secret vote. elected the chairman of the supreme council and his deputy, the presidium. tomorrow also has a serious agenda. discuss the approval of the most important strategic documents, the concept of national security and military doctrine. this is the first meeting of the supreme national assembly in the status of a constitutional body with broad powers, which belarusians determined during the referendum on february 27, 2022. now the delegates have a short break, and the day will end with a gala concert. we continue our information broadcast on sodeynaya belarus 24. so, i decided all the organizational questions, tomorrow the all-belarus people's assembly will continue its work, the seventh in
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a row, but the first in a new constitutional status. the highest representative body of democracy in our country determines the strategic direction of development of society and the state. the meeting, the president of belarus addressed the delegates and invitees. this is truly historic for the entire country.


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