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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

6:00 pm
worked the seventh in a row, but the first in the new constitutional status. the highest representative body of democracy in our country strategically determines the direction of development of society and the state. the president of belarus addressed the delegates and invitees at the meeting. for the entire country, this is a truly historical moment, an event that actually divides political history before and after. the full depth of the moment may still have to be realized over time.
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and world management experience is carried out by the all-belarusian people's assembly, look, today in this hall gathered representatives of all layers of society, all professions and statuses, leaders, people in uniform, village friends, employees of service sector enterprises, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, scientists and artists, athletes,
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the vns strengthens the role of the status of representation of each of us, and the only way to high positions is through insanity, the desire to honestly work for the good of the country. and no matter who we are, who are in this room, no matter where we work, there is no distance between us, here we all have the same status, participants all-belarusian people's assembly, delegates and invitees.
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in bns. it's time to take it to the next level. and we did it. with the acquisition of constitutional status, the role of the assembly and the competence of delegates increased many times over. now the all-belarus people's assembly approves all the main program documents that determine economic development, the security of our country, in a word, strategic issues.
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pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, as threats grow, we will take symmetrical measures to increase combat power, and turning... to them i would like to ask you not to push us towards asymmetrical measures, we must be strong so that no one dares to bring us to our knees, as was often the case in our history, so that we are no longer thrown in one direction like a soccer ball from goal to goal , then to the other, we do not ask anyone for land, we do not demand anything from anyone, we want to live on our land, our people are belarusian...
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international law, osce, united nations. the world health organization and others could not prevent a single bloody conflict, their main task is this: the european peace fund generally allocates funds for the war in
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ukraine, think about it, there is not enough money, the peace fund sponsors the murder of people, and as soon as our peace fund, the management... went to ukraine to help the kids, they were immediately thrown out of our cohort, from our group, well, god bless you, we will experience what real results have been achieved during major international forums, the munich security conference, the g20 summit, the world economic forum in dovos,
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in this integration, our country will already act as a full member in the summer. and to understand the prospects, it is enough to look at how much space
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the participating states and observers occupy on the world map. we return to our exit.
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the russian federation was allocated a loan of up to one and a half billion dollars so that we could modernize our enterprise. yes, these enterprises are now in the stage of deep modernization. we have signed and are implementing 25 investment projects, it is very important that these projects meet not only the requirements of the economy of the republic of belarus, but do not fully and completely solve issues related to the economy, the economy of russia.
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purposeful, that is, it will be multifunctional, it is very important that we have not just shared some competencies in terms of production of this aircraft, but today we are talking about creating a development, that is, our designers of the republic of belarus, designers of the russian federation jointly, yes, jointly started implementing this project, as a result of the completion of this work, we will be the owners of the design documentation, the basis that will allow us to further develop. this is the direction, the second topic is shipbuilding, again this is the message of the last meeting of our prime ministers of russia and
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the republic of belarus and there was also an appeal to look at providing significant assistance in order to produce certain competencies, certain parts and components, and we also now took up this issue into consideration, well , we also have, uh, small, let’s say, ships that uh, rivers. yes, that's why the question is also relevant, and we will also develop this topic now, we will carry out separation statements, and we will work on another new issue, i think that such questions will appear, because i say again, these are the issues of import substitution, issues of technological sovereignty, they are here are on the surface, and here it is very important, to find the right design and technological issues as quickly as possible, and we are striving for this, well, the task that the president has set, you heard, is not to stop at...
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cooperation ties, how difficult it was to find suppliers of individual components that someone once produced, but we survived it all, we went through this difficult, i will say such a difficult path, and today we are proud that our industry provides domestic the market, well, i’ll say, it produces most of its products for export, what makes us stronger today, once again, stronger, what makes us?
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the difficult path must be conveyed, conveyed to these young people, who are now through some time will come for the management of our factories, our factories, so that they understand and value the path they have traveled.
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thank you, thank you, svetlana, we will contact you again in this issue. delegates of the belarusian people's assembly are not just witnesses to a historical event, they represent the interests of all residents of our country, determine the future of the state with their decisions, and share their first impressions. the president said, i was one of the first to start clapping, that we live well, quite well, but we could
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live even better. i believe that here this forum specifically.
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to give people the opportunity to work normally, it seems to me that no one doubts that the person whom people call dad is really a truly people's leader, i want to note that each of us would give a huge, fat sign in favor, and i think so , made by each of the delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and also...
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