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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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at the highest level, and we, as medical professionals, must make every effort to make medicine develop even better in our country. i absolutely agree with the head of state that we are all one, that is, we work for the good of our homeland, for the good of our people. it is very important that medicine remains available not only in the city, but in rural areas. belarus occupies a good position in the ranking of assistance to the female population. we are updating our equipment, we are trying to work out every position for the population in order to be accessible. thus, in the lepel central district hospital , the improvement of medical services continues, there is a high-level kat room, and surgical care is provided. from the thoughts of the officers , our outdoor outdoor studio continues to operate.
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in the public in principle, on dialogue platforms, on dialogue platforms, yes, we discussed it, everyone knows perfectly well, this is not a secret, these are not behind-the-scenes documents, that is, we can say that these are national documents, now they will be adopted at such a large forum where representatives will gather all segments of the population will discuss unusual documents, of course, but in this case it is justified in the situation in which we now find ourselves.
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this is the most popular organization that exists, there are also many women in it, and we have always said that we support the head of state, and why do we support it? because we are teachers, these are doctors, these are enterprise employees, these are friends of our agriculture, and where else in what country in the world can they gather on such a platform to participate in making very important decisions, yes, sometimes it’s not entirely clear, the military doctrine, the concept of national security, but what are we talking about there, about family, about work, about our...
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it depends on the people, the president said today that this is a time of strong-willed people, strong not aggressively, strong themes, their experience, their professional qualities, where they live in that country, yes, so these people know what they have to lose, our country is young, we only recently built it, remember, in ninety-six, today we were also talking about this, they also tried us to break, in in 2020, we were also constantly tested to the point of breaking, in 1996, the entire belarusian people's assembly, now after the events of 20, we said that everything would be decided here,
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studio near the officers' house. of course, the spc delegates will not ignore economic issues; this is the foundation, as the head of state has repeatedly said. the well-being of citizens depends on the sustainable operation of the economy. the beginning of the year inspires optimism. gdp grew by more than 4% in the first quarter. the volume at current prices amounted to 53 billion rubles. and this higher than the forecast parameter. anton malyuta will talk about the components of success. industry traditionally remains the main driver of the belarusian economy. production volume for 3 months exceeded 49 billion rubles. in comparable prices, this is + 6.5% compared to the same period last year. this result is thanks to our business cards. we have significantly
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increased the production of trucks and cars, buses, televisions, nitrogen fertilizers and cement. and another plus in agriculture. large increases were received for vegetables, eggs and milk. among the drivers growth, along with industry and trade , also included construction at a rate of 104.3%. steady positive dynamics are observed in the transport sector, including cargo turnover. all thanks to the fact that they began to sell more on foreign markets. exports of goods over 2 months exceeded $6 billion, this is plus 1.5% due to the growth in physical volumes. in addition, we successfully conquer the long arc. deliveries to asia increased by more than... 14%. as for annual inflation, in march it remained at the level of 5.6%, that is, within the forecast parameters. positive dynamics in the economy are reflected in the well-being of citizens. real incomes of the population are growing in the country. in january-february they amounted to 107.8% compared to the same level
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in 2023. and this is the best proof. even in difficult external conditions, the state takes care of ordinary belarusians and ensures not only stability, but also '. development of all areas of our lives without exception. anton malyuta, tv news agency. from a destroyed economy in the nineties, to a space power now. about how progressively did our country develop and what role did the folk evening play in this? we asked senator mikhail rusov, a delegate of all six supreme councils, including the current one. you were a delegate to the all-belarusian people's assembly in 1996 . what role did you play? people's forum in the life of the country, what was the state of belarus in those years? the economy was in a dire state, so the head of state found a unique form of council with the people to make strategic decisions, and this is how the decision was born by the head of state
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to hold the first all-belarusian people's meeting, almost 4,700 delegates in the sports palace, in the most difficult conditions, but the head of state found it. here are the approaches, the possibilities for how to get the country back on its feet, three main directions were defined at this highest meeting, this is development and housing, this is... jobs, with food it was like that, in the evening in minsk there was no bread, sausage, if
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you buy, so, well, they told the person what kind of sausage, what kind of sausage they meant, well , they said sausage when we set the first tasks, when we were modernizing our processing, that there are less than 350 types, if you if you don’t produce products, then we don’t need such an enterprise, but they did it, they supplied it, now there are 100 items of, say, meat products and 400-500 dairy products. went into our stores, my eyes widened, if in ninety-six we sold 17 tons of cheese for export, belarus, well, from all the union republics was one of the progressive ones, we sold only 18,000 tons, then last year 280 thousand tons of cheese were sold to export, but with full provision for their people, therefore, in principle, they started from scratch, and the head state, to a young person at that time in the...
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city, as for medicine, look at our centers at the level that we have today, but with the science of space, since well , we once said that we dream about space, but that’s always the dream becomes reality, our artificial satellite is working, just last year we reviewed a decree at the expert council and its head signed an order to extend the life of the satellite, that is, our scientists laid it down. a satellite is a resource that has already served its time, but it is capable of working even further, right now
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the next step, our girl marina, she ’s been in space and looked, this is the first step, if you evaluate this work, i can’t say it in two words, from a very bad state we came, in principle, to being satisfied with a high level of development, providing for people, then today all conditions have been created; in two words we can say: that belarus is a country of opportunities. the history of the all-belarus people's assembly is a journey of almost 30 years. if at the start the task was simply to feed the country and give people roofs over their heads, now the vns has completely different status. our people made this choice in the referendum. it is at the people's meeting that strategic tasks are solved, some of the powers are transferred to the delegates and...
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let's look at the form of the event in general: the supreme national assembly is the highest representative body of the people of power, it sounds very loud, but in essence it is so. so, vns are people from everywhere, so you understand, some leave at 4:00 in the morning to get there at the start time. the main criticism of our opponents: you can’t get into the national assembly from the street, you’re just a belarusian, you’re dissatisfied with something, you’re... do you want to change? of course it doesn't work that way. this is not what vns is for; we need to agree on the shore. vns. not for solving operational issues with roofs, fences, water quality , and so on. if you want to get into the bns,
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you must have a job or you can be nominated separately from the trade unions, normal conditions, or you must have an active civic position, that is, you must do something either in the youth union or in the women’s union, in belaya russia in a veterans organization. and this is where our opponents begin to suffer, well, how can it be, well, like this, to decide something in the country. example from civil society, 400 people were nominated , now almost half men and women , 356 of them with higher education 26.
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strategy in the country, even simpler, to put it simply, they can cancel any legislative initiative, they can change people, we believe that they have not finalized it, go think, in general, any strategic document, even a framework one, for example, a military doctrine, if , well, it seems to apply to everyone, but it’s simple to explain, we state that
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belarus exclusively defends itself, but we defensive military doctrine, we are not attacking anyone, the vns says, great, we agree.
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the belarusian people's assembly provides an opportunity to take into account the interests of different layers of society, here is the opinion and proposal of the delegates on the formation of a unified path of our development. our head of state has always relied on the people, he relies and it is clear from his attitude in politics that this will always be the case, so he laid down such a form, and this form, this is how
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life shows, it has not only justified itself, but is becoming effective, why? because today... the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, but it has already been supported by the people, it passed a referendum, it was included in the constitution, those origins were foreseen by the head of state, they were legitimized by the people. we all see what kind of world we live in, what is happening outside the borders of the republic of belarus, how electrified the entire globe is, now almost the entire globe, these sparks break through, and we remain such a green island. prosperity, peace of mind and god grant that it stays that way always, but so that it remains this way, so that civilians, those who live in the republic of belarus, those guests who come to us on vacation. then they decide to stay here forever, they felt protected, that question, which is actually so ripe, so exciting to all belarusians, i’m talking about military doctrine,
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yes, which will be considered, again, considered by delegates, that is , considered by the country - this is very a significant thing, thanks to the live broadcast with entry into the national assembly i could watch how...
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according to the devices, time chose us, made an incredible impression from the speech of our president, today more than 150 interested students gathered in the auditorium of the faculty of physics of bsu, who sincerely came here, listened carefully, made some notes for themselves, and for me, as a student of the faculty of law, a graduate , this is especially important, it is especially interesting and... to compare even the sovereignty of our country with western countries, of course, as our president emphasized, our country prevails in this case. to maintain a strong status
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nation, belarusians need to become even stronger. in his speech, the president once again emphasized: only we know what the future of belarus should be, what our country should be, how to make it stronger. true power is measured by the desire to become better, to make the world a better place, to help.
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adequate wealth, and this despite the beginning is established and strengthened, people have everything, no difficulties, no sorrows, no sanctions, the so-called head of state is our center on which everything rests, it cannot be any other way , he brings that position, the situation that is happening in our country, the situation that is happening around our country, and gives us a message on how to act, where to move and what to do in order for our country to be as strong in the future...
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forum, it is distinguished by the fact that very serious issues are put on the agenda that concern every citizen of the republic of belarus, of course i feel responsible for the decisions taken by the russian people's assemblies, and today i feel responsible for those people who promoted me as a delegate to the all-belarusian people's assembly, if you want peace, prepare for war? therefore, we do not threaten anyone, we have a peaceful policy, the head of state has repeatedly emphasized this, but if, god forbid, someone comes at us with
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a sword, they will die.
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people, and as you reflected, how can we maintain our defense under the close attention of all of us, you know, for this, firstly, we have already done a lot, firstly, we have, for many years it has been constantly formed
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the military was improved. organization of the state, the basis of which is the armed forces of the republic of belarus, today, the armed forces, we have all the components so that we can carry out our tasks to ensure both in peacetime, but also of course in wartime, and as it were it may not have sounded like that, but we are always preparing for war, like konstantinsky.
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which forced us to reconsider the doctrine, today the draft military doctrine.
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well, it was not easy to work with him, thank you thank you very much, tomorrow, i will remind our tv viewers that the draft military doctrine will be discussed at the all-belarusian people's assembly, and the guest of our on-site studio was the minister of defense viktor khrinin, colleagues, viktor gennadievich, svetlana, thank you, among the main... priorities of the belarusian society and economic growth , improving the well-being of residents of large and small cities: we live well, but we could do better,” the president emphasized during his speech. there will be no economy, there will be no country - this is also his position. and
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that the main thing in this matter is that there is no division between the center and the outback. a decent standard of living is possible only with uniform development of regions. for example, the gomel region, which is developing, shows positive dynamics. topic. our correspondent, natalya ignatenko, will continue. a european -level enterprise, an industrial giant with a full production cycle. pride of belarus. zhlobin metals rely on the sale of high-margin hardware products with a high degree of processing. serious orders for the twenty-fourth year. bmz hits their own records. we have reoriented our market, this is the first thing. to the russian region, to the countries of southeast asia, africa, and the cis countries. in fact, the twenty-third year was quite successful; we increased steel production by 12%. in physical terms
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, we increased exports by 15%. the company operated with a positive return on sales. a confident player among manufacturers of complex equipment in the top five global leaders in combine harvester production.
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they gave us 70% on a loan at 1% for 40 years, there is everything for a comfortable life, two pharmacies, a store and also a children's clinic were opened right in this area, very convenient, no need to travel, special attention to children, kindergartens of the future for preschoolers, immersion in the world of high technology, original and most functional child development centers appeared in petrikov and mozyr, educational environment with lego centers. game labyrinths, interactive sandboxes, outdoor terraces and swimming pools. the network of institutions became accessible and modern. today, a child can develop comprehensively and according to his needs, that exist in modern society, two large schools and five kindergartens have been opened. and also attention to the development of regional medicine, modern equipment and, as a result, more and more achievements in diagnosis and treatment, successes in rehabilitation. the possibilities of this gomel. in general, the healthcare system
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has made a significant step forward, we have significantly strengthened the material and technical base, put into operation a therapeutic building with a reception department in the emergency hospital , after reconstruction opened an operating unit in city clinical hospital number 3 with five operating rooms, and put into operation the children's department of branch number 5 of the central children's hospital. the state is investing in sports; cities and towns are growing with multifunctional centers, sports arenas, and workout zones. the forty-sixth indoor ice rink in belarus opened in svetlogorsk, gyms, places for choreography and acrobatics, a throwing area, all under one roof. the arena is very good, the locker room is very big roomy, they greeted us very well, in general everything was very cool, keep the focus on... the priority in social projects for the coming
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years, the effective functioning of the economy remains unchanged, it is the basis for the uniform development of the regions and the well-being of every belarusian. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, television news agency. so, let us remind you that the result of the first day of work of the all-belarusian people's assembly was the formation of its governing bodies. based on the results of a secret vote in the palace of the republic, he was elected chairman of the supreme council president of the country alexander lukashenko, deputy alexander kosenets, the composition of the presidium has been determined. the procedure took place at nine polling stations, according to the formed groups of delegates; voting booths were specially equipped for this purpose in the palace of the republic. that is, news for. even before the vote, the president said important words
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to the delegates and guests of the supreme council: keep your word, not be afraid of criticism, fight for the truth. this is the essence of national discussion when making the most important decisions for the country. dear friends, without modesty i will say that all this the cheesebor was started by the current president. do you know why? i have spoken about this more than once. and you know, we, and i, including, first of all, me, the generation of outgoing politicians, and i really hoped that when we are gone, you in the national assembly will hold the country together, i know how difficult it is to do this alone, 10, 20, 30 people, i am... saying this so that you...


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