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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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since then, the light of their crafts has shone on the slutsk weavers, the famous paisans, who have worked with their own handicrafts in this land. the dna of our culture.
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russia, france, austria, but the belt from the machine was so large that its branches were opened in the same name as the lutsk ones. bypassing the centuries, we have revived our heritage and its former glory. this is our, of course, national heritage, which at the moment is almost lost and every sample.
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the only rule applied to everyone was that belts should never be tied on knots, threads could break or crumble. the best imported silk, gold and silver threads. the rodevilles knew a lot about luxury. during the heyday of the sludsk manufactory, they created an exclusive, fashionable accessory of the kontush style. more than fifty weavers, the same number. master spinners. we trained one weaver for about 7 years. only men worked at the manufacturing machine. it was believed that the touch of a woman’s hand caused the precious threads to darken. it sometimes took our ancestors more than six months to create a belt. it so happened historically that ethnic the homeland of the slut belts has survived the least. for the first time, there was an anti-gentry policy,
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the presence of this accessory made the owner an enemy, then many relics were saved in the church from belts, the vestments of a clergyman or church decoration were sewn. and later, now the belarusian lands were at the center of conflicts, our values ​​were barbarically destroyed. 48 belts from the radewilovsky collection were given to our art gallery.
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we wouldn’t have had time to do anything, we began, on my direct instructions, to revive one of the main...
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one unit that has no analogues in the world capable of replacing the entire slut manufactory, this domestic experiment is the fruit of a large expert commission, from art historians to technologists, who literally took the relic apart thread by thread to create a legacy for future generations. it is a special order, very expensive and was made precisely so that it could weave sludsk belts, here we weave copies of sludsk belts and stylizations from ludsk belts, copies of ludsk belts are made exactly from the same fabric as
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the historical ones, we weaved the first train for 2 months, now, well, 60 hours, that's the most, but if historically, then it was woven for six months, i worked on... all this was selected, at the end of the thirteenth year, we already had the first belt, a modern judicial belt, like the great-grandfather from the 18th century, an indicator of the status of its owner, a gift
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of the highest national significance. the program for the revival of the tradition and technology of the sludka belts has no completion, it gave the necessary incentive, the impetus for the revival of our traditions, our history, we had simple production, since many arts and crafts enterprises, of course, today after the implementation of this state. the belkhudozhpromyslov segment, the sludsk belts enterprise, is not only about creating copies of our relics. the factory organizes a full
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production cycle from the creation of yarn to the decorative design of products. the name of the products produced by the enterprises, if we take it that way, is the name. doll, set, blanket, blanket, pillow, somewhere around 500, we have almost 2.0 types of approved patterns, our products are of very high quality, very highly valued, and people are willing to pay any money, knowing that this is, yes, a high quality product, that it is made with high demands, that everything has been checked, not just the finished product, even the thread in various museum collections in belarus, about 15 entire slut belts, everything else is fragments, these are details that museum staff also
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never neglected, they should be stored either in this folded state, or only horizontally. in order not to lose our woven heritage, we need special storage conditions, but they are hidden in the funds...
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font composition of sludsk marks in the center of the reverse of the commemorative coin collection. with a circulation of 7,000 copies, messages to the future on 925 sterling silver, already exclusive, like the pattern of radim vasilko in the heart of the belarusian capital, created in soviet minsk by artist nikolai mikhalap on lighting towers. effect of the twenty-fifth frame. i pass by these urban objects every day. thousands, absorbing the genetic cultural code of our nation. the slutsk belt majestically
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welcomes guests of the palace of independence, namely that first copy, woven on a modern loom in the most honorable place in the hall of ceremonies. the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly began its work at the palace of the republic . head of state alexander lukashenko takes part in the work of the most important forum for the country, opening the meeting. the president noted the significance of this event for the country; today is a historic day,
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the president emphasized. and no matter who we are in this room, no matter where we work, there is no distance between us. here we all have the same status: participants in the all-belarusian people's assembly. delegates and invitees, this is the achievement of national democracy that i am most proud of. we are proud of our accumulated experience in strategic planning. for almost 30 years, the assembly largely determined the state structure of belarus. let's face it. the first all-belarusian people's assembly saved our country. all five-year socio-economic development programs were implemented only after approval by the delegates of the supreme assembly. it's time to take it to the next level. we did this with the acquisition of constitutional status, the role meetings, the competence of the delegates has increased
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many times, now the all-belarusian people's assembly approves all the main program documents that determine economic development, the security of our country, in a word , strategic issues. the snc will last 2 days , the forum’s agenda will include the most important issues for the country, and projects will be presented. fifty delegates from all regions of the country laid flowers at the eternal flame of the victory monument. once again, remember to honor the memory of those who then gave their lives for the great patriotic war our future. during the great patriotic war, belarusians were able to resist fascism thanks to unity and a common goal. so today we can overcome it together. obstacles, the spc delegates have no doubt about it, wreaths and a minute of silence as a sign of gratitude for
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the peaceful sky above. 1165 people were elected as delegates to the supreme council. the delegates include presidents, deputies, chambers of representatives and members of the council of the republic, judges of the constitutional and supreme courts, the council of ministers, as well as chairmen of regional mountains and district executive committees. as for the chosen ones delegates, then there are 750 of them, 350 from local councils. and 400 from civil society, the gender balance is maintained, women and men are almost equally divided, by the way, the youngest delegate is 18 years old, and the oldest is almost 80, as for... the majority of fields of activity represent industry, transport and construction, over 100 delegates for their career managed to earn state awards. the country's strategy should, probably, as was correctly defined by the constitution, be chosen by us, the people, by those who are closer to to the people, because we love belarus, we work on the ground, it’s quite a serious
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body, there are representatives of different regions, different professions, and different ages here. and thanks to the new status, new powers, this will give a new impetus to state building. industry traditionally remains the main driver of the belarusian economy; production volume over 3 months exceeded 49 billion rubles. in comparable prices, this is + 6.5% compared to the same period last year. belarus has significantly increased the production of trucks and cars, buses, televisions, nitrogen fertilizers, cement, confectionery, paints. kilakov. good result in agriculture. large increases were received for vegetables, eggs and milk. along with industry and trade , construction was also included among the drivers of growth at a rate of 104.3%. steady positive dynamics are observed in the transport sector. freight turnover is also growing. exports of goods exceeded $6 billion in 2 months. this is + 15% due to
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the growth in physical volumes. concerning annual inflation in march it. on the welfare of citizens. the country is growing. positive dynamics in the economy is reflected in the real incomes of the population. in january-february they amounted to 107.8% of the same level , that is, within the forecast parameters. 2023. the patriotic project , initiated by the variety youth theater with the support of the ministry of culture , is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi occupation. victory in the great patriotic war. his goal is to convey through art the role and significance of cultural figures, musicians, composers, poets, in the liberation of the country. the project map includes dozens of large and small cities in belarus. there are plans to hold 33 dialogue platforms. the action has already been in minsk in breshchina. the vitebsk and grodno regions will meet the project next. in kobrin, it began with
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laying flowers at the liberation stele in the park named after arseny morozov, and then at the palace. residents of the city and region were presented with a large concert program, the red thread of which was the theme of love for the motherland and heroism people during the war. as part of the cultural and humanitarian project film lessons in schools in russia and the world in the brest region , the filming of a short children's feature film "fortress" is taking place. this is a film about love for the homeland, respect for classmates, and responsibility. the theme of false and true leadership, resourcefulness and unconventional thinking is revealed by the four main characters of a high school student. filming takes place in baranovichi and brest. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular
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way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology for today. a very reliable margin of safety, a colossal margin of safety is built into it, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply with technical regulations and comply with the model standard, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering , y i have no doubt that we... watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio
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tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest military analyst andrei bogadel. andrey petrovich, a huge number of videos appear on social networks, tiktok, instagram, where people, ukrainians , stand in huge queues, directly at ukrainian consulates, embassies, trying to renew their... identification documents, due to the fact that the ukrainian ministry of defense has designated a ban on certain actions in this area so that, as we understand, people begin to run out of these documents and are forced to return to the territory of ukraine. this, i think, is a continuation of the same mobilization of the law that was adopted with stricter measures, again of the news that we have already repeatedly discussed, whether there will be an extradition of ukrainians from european territory, again we came to conclusions in our studio. that europe will not agree to this because it is a big loss of image directly for the european union, violation of human rights, well, we found a way out of the situation so that the european union would save face,
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ukrainians would start returning to the territory of the country, what do you think about this, how will the situation unfold, won’t it turn out that ukrainians just will begin to massively accept other nationality and citizenship, and the same ukraine and kiev, which are now trying to return in this way. people will play opposites and people will just try to leave the country even more. well, i want it right away to make such, you know, a statement to those respected citizens who fought for the rights of belarusians abroad, when the question became how to exchange passports with us, you remember what a cry, temple, everything else, please, there is an opportunity today to support the ukrainians, those very disadvantaged people who today they are trying to drag to the front, where they will be dealt with accordingly, well... various events may occur related to the fact that people may lose their lives in the end, but separately i would like to appeal, well, for example, to that citizen who today is a candidate there for the nobel
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peace prize, come on, come on, maybe we can give a belarusian passport, which they show everyone there as a new one, to every belarusian, and maybe we can turn to those same citizens, such as kaya, kallas in estonia, the same edgar surinkevich, yes, the representative of latvia and... maybe the percent who ran with flags shouted: we are there for ukraine, get rid of everything there the rest, glory to the nation and death to enemies and these other crazy slogans of yours, please,
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today the state has given you the opportunity to return to your homeland, you will not return by force, and these same people whom i spoke above will help to put you in the appropriate shells and send you in the right direction, according to -they don’t know how to do otherwise, they will do just that, but remember, the baltic countries, the leaders of these countries have repeatedly suggested: let’s gather people and send the corresponding male population to you, well, so that they continue this endless carnage in ukraine, especially since the west has supplied new funds today, offers them, let’s, now we only need people, everything relies on people, but i think, andrei petrovich, they are just announcing the figure 250. this is the same number new mobilized who should appear. on the territory of ukraine, so that, say, the supply of weapons continues, because, by and large, the question arises that today there is no one to accept these weapons to use
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against the russian federation, well, this is yuliyan ryobki, the last one in the build, yes, as he talked about it, why 250 thousand, well, you know, you can of course question these words, but different experts give different numbers, that is, from 150 thousand to 3500 to 350 thousand, it’s up to you to decide issues with mobilization, issues related to demobilization. therefore , of course, it is impossible to reproach him for his lack of professionalism; he is a serious military expert, who, yes, may sometimes be distinguished by russophobia, but nevertheless, he has very sensible thoughts on so many aspects, without a doubt, he took exactly the same average figure. well, let’s still figure out whether these 250,000 are enough or not enough to truly protect.
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i think they start taking 250,000 for a certain time in mid-may and this law starts to apply, plus while they are recruiting and preparing, it will take about two months, that is, somewhere around the end of july, beginning of august they will have something like the fact that some part, so what part will appear in these 2 months, look, the possibilities of training centers in ukraine amount to somewhere around, well, according to various estimates, from 30 to 40 thousand for the training of specialists, but there, well , it usually takes about two months for the training of specialists to take place, i understand. something does not consist only in individual training, but lies primarily in coordinating units so that there may be military units, or maybe even the formation of a formation, then the period will accordingly increase in order to then be sent to the front, and not so, that sending someone simply to replace the dead, those who died in those out of action, and so on, then there are 30-40,000 - this is what ukraine can provide, there is further, as a rule, western countries help in the range of 10-20 thousand, that is, this also fluctuates
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within these figures. there is such a delta, that is, if we calculate together, within 2 months, they can prepare about 50,000, roughly, well, in how long will they be able to prepare these 250,000, let’s count it down in principle, this period is not very fast, so even what we are talking about, will they be able to quickly move into a counter-offensive, of course not, here primarily in connection with the arrival of new weapons systems, everything else will no doubt have to be prepared from specialists, or there is a second option, which is to use it as cannon fodder. you can prepare them there, put them there, explained how to move on the battlefield, learned how to aim everything, readiness within three or four weeks maximum and to the front, then god will send them there, and here are the specialists appropriate for air defense systems, for missile systems, artillery systems, send from relevant countries, about which the bundesfern officers recently spoke, and we have already talked about this more than once, and
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the french keep raising this issue. there won’t be, he said that he was waiting for them, in principle, i think that’s exactly what happened, we are waiting for the corresponding news in the newspapers, the next dead generals who accidentally drowned somewhere, accidentally tripped. about the teaching, about everything else, about which, by the way, poland has also begun to prepare more than once, we see what losses the training causes them, of course, during the training, that is, all this, you you see, well, often it’s just not by chance, it’s not by chance that all this happens, that’s why 250,000, i think this figure is so interesting, of course, ukraine definitely has the opportunity to gather these people, especially considering these latest draconian laws, but i want to say, that these 250,000 they absolutely do not
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decide. no problem, why not solve any problem, even if they recruit 650,000, the question is still that the front line stands today, well, let's say honestly and objectively, even the armed forces in the russian federation, they perform exclusively tactical tasks, even this is often beginning to be used in expert assessments of what is happening, like company platoon thinking, that is , today we have tasks that are solved even by higher tactics, we do not see this from the level of formation higher, that is basically...
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dear, we will protect you with our bayonets. believe me, today everyone clearly understands that the russian federation needs only one thing, a political decision to conduct operations. we can see this only in one case, like where and how
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this operation can be carried out. yes, avdeevka , without a doubt, a major tactical success, yes, bakhmud, a major tactical success, today there are military operations in the chasyar area. well, practically, i am sure that they will master it, well, maybe not... as quickly as they would like, but they will master it, the russians have the potential for this, and most importantly, they have the desire to carry out these tasks, but if we will see the beginning of the kharkov operation, consider that such a political decision has been made, well, this is an interesting topic indeed in fact, because it is being promoted quite actively in russian and western media, in your opinion, will there be a solution, that is the question, you know, a lot of factors influence, that is, firstly, you and i have repeatedly talked about strategy contrition to strategy... russia has moved, and today it is quite difficult for it to get out of this strategy of death, yes, it is grinding some forces and means, and i want to say, quite a lot, on average the losses are estimated, and i have spoken about this more than once army general shaigu, somewhere around 400-800 people per day, well
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this data, objectively, has always been there, these are those killed, well, maybe they were actually killed there, in essence, these are the irretrievable losses that exist in ukraine, of course, this is not the 30,000 that zelensky spoke about at the time, there 3000 is generally invented from the head. from somewhere it is unclear for what purpose, he recently stated that literally not many ukrainians died there, and not so many died, but at the same time he managed to declare that we could lose, but the number of flags with ukrainian flags on the territory of kiev it’s appearing more and more, all over ukraine, well, as they say, it can’t be hidden, everyone can see it perfectly well, well, the transition to this strategy of death is quite complicated in itself, you know that i think without a doubt there are concerns.
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there is closer to july, but we are talking about the fact that it should end somewhere in may june , they often leave equipment close to all this, that is. where these exercises take place and where nato troops are concentrated. just in case, today the russian federation needs to have time to form again two military districts, these are moscow and leningrad. and this is no joke. the entry of two more new countries, such as
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sweden and finland, forces these regions to introduce additional forces and concentrate them there; an additional burden falls on the northern fleet, the most powerful fleet of the russian federation. but we are only talking about the fact that... only in ukraine, but there is also the northern sea route, and there are also shelves for which the united states and not only the united states, all these countries are preparing to fight, otherwise , what is planned today in central asia in the transcaucasus everywhere, that is, today they are trying to take away the forces of russia’s means everywhere, so it may not be worth attacking today, maybe it’s worth saving your forces, because this will force us to react today and change our own then the far-reaching plans in relation to... were they based on the challenges that
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today face both the russian federation and the republic of belarus so acutely, especially taking into account our union state, a united groupings of troops, well, today is the all-belarusian people's assembly, of course we are all looking forward to these two with great impatience. they are the most important documents, in my opinion, they are significant, but they really stand right behind the constitution, and i want to say that one will determine our overall state policy in the field of security, this is a concept, and...
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the general staff, which i here now i can imagine, i want to say, there were a lot of disputes, a lot of things, the documents turned out, but in fact they were so significant, they large-scale, even if we just dwell on some particulars, but the military-political situation that we talked about, the trend of its development, you see, paradoxically, today this document will only be adopted today or tomorrow. this is what was provided there, it turns out that it is already working, you see, it turns out that it was already provided correctly, the analysis was carried out correctly, understand, when people take these documents, and these are open documents, they will be amazed at how correctly the policy was chosen, so based on this, this is our military construction, in particular the construction of the armed forces, who would have imagined that iran would deliver such a blow to israel, right? no one that the corresponding states should have developed in connection with this, on
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the one hand and on the second hand, that such a blow can be delivered as a retaliatory strike at the same time the opportunity to repel this strike, and look how well thought out the creation of air defense systems was with us, their isolation, modernization, improvement, new samples from s-400 tors to the modernization of beech everything else, we can say the same thing about missile systems, we have our own polonaise, and a very serious missile system, which today... everyone says rszzo, yes, the second iskander appears, we are modernizing with us aviation, including tactical nuclear weapons and everything, that is, in principle, construction issues that were laid down in advance, they were correctly predicted, what and how would be carried out, but i think we can’t stop there, rest on our laurels, ah what great fellows we are, oh iran decided, oh someone else decided, no, the poles are completely opposite, they are constantly being thrown from one corner. another, they objectively begin to misunderstand what is happening in
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the region in general, they have lost their imperial ambitions associated with the trimoria, they have lost the opportunity to create their own commonwealth, because well, belarus does not fit in there, they even managed to quarrel with the ukrainians in the end, but it turned out that today, but essentially nothing is working out for them, they they grab weapons, give us everything, as in the old joke, give us more pills against greed, more, yes, but this is crazy money. you have to pay for all this, why, why do they need 500 hymers? nine of their brigades or however many of them there are, a thousand military personnel, well, 3,000 military personnel is not that much, as it turns out, 250,000 is a professional army, 50,000 - this is territorial defense, they have another global problem that they did not foresee, they were preparing for a conventional war...
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they are trying to understand something from us, well, they are still
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lagging behind, they are lagging behind us, they they are lagging behind russia, they are even lagging behind their colleagues, and they are not just lagging behind by a day or two, they are already, it seems to me, they are falling, soon everyone will end up in the infinity of this lag with these huge funds, in the end they came running, give us nuclear weapons, well, it got there, but this in general, you understand, this is already what it reminds of, this is the unsystematic military construction of poland, i don’t see anything else there, the question is the amount of corruption that arose... to fight on the korean, let’s say, systems, but even if they suddenly become ready, and i'm sorry, you would rather carry ammunition if necessary, this is exactly what you are talking about, it seems to me whether the logistics are built or not, including just regarding logistics, this is also one alarming moment when they are conducting exercises on polish territory, we are all
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began to pay attention to the fact that the first priority is precisely the teaching regarding the establishment of logistics. supplies to the territory of poland, the rapid transfer of creating reserves, this is a really important complex moment that needs to be monitored, as i understand from your words, we are doing this, so here is an interesting question - including from our polish colleague, what is his name, brylka, called for preparations for poland’s exit from the european union, this topic has been discussed for quite a long time, it has already been said several times, that poland is about to leave, and so on, and i... have seen repeatedly, including on social networks, people sticking such, you know, posters to their avatars, poll exit, by analogy with brexit, about poland leaving the european union , in my opinion, poland not only split between two, conditionally ruling parties, such an analogue has become the american one, but
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now we see that there are only two parties in poland, all the rest are driven into such a position that there is no opportunity to even express their position or your opinion on the keys.
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the federation is called yes, that is , eurosceptic, they are divided into eurosceptics and those who precisely support the european union, in this regard. it should be noted that in general this is such a polish folk pastime, starting with how they initially entered the european economic community back there at the beginning, in the early nineties, ending with how it happens with them, that is, periodically once a year they they are starting to raise the issue of leaving the eu, and you are leaving the eu, but they are interested, just recently, let’s let's remember when barotiro. year, he shouted that duda, andrzej duda, is about to, either we will take andrzej duda and his pis, or he will take us out of the european union. well, if we talk about euroscepticism in general, then we can say that the polish people do not support this, they definitely do not support it, because according to various sources, from 60 there is
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data, up to more than 80% are those who still want to continue to be in the european is really in favor of remaining part of the european union. because people are used to a good life, they understand what this life is conditioned by is that it is possible to go, to earn money somewhere, something else, that is, money, theirs , theirs, what they are interested in today is not the war, not far from the militaristic ambitions that the polish leadership has, that is, at its core, it is still the administration of some kind of parties that are of a conservative orientation, and we know, that is, headed by this same andrzej dudae, without any doubt, his rights and justice are those that they are just engaged in this euroscepticism, then as for... the we also understand perfectly well that donald tusk is a pro-european politician, and he will stick to european positions to the end. we touched on the issue correctly, in my opinion , it should be viewed from the point of view that, of course, a lot of loans have been accumulated, it needs to be repaid somehow, these issues need to be resolved somehow, everything still comes down to money,
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because the whole ideology today is in the west , yes, it depends on how much it is financed to one degree or another. that's the way out. they don't have the european union will take place, because those billion-dollar injections that are even still taking place, we say there that allocation to taiwan, allocation to israel, allocation, and the money is gradually flowing, i think that the item of expenditure today is on poland, western countries collective west, significantly exceed the items of expenditure for the same israel for the same ukraine, the poles, i think, are satisfied with this, but periodically this issue must be raised, this is both for internal use and, of course, for external use, because ... today, why bother, poland is still one of the leading states on the european part of our continent, especially since it solves not only economic issues, but how we settled on issues, of course. military, and they understand this today, especially against the backdrop of the ambitions that
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europe is experiencing, after trump’s words that if you don’t pay money, then defend yourself as you do, that is, he was so abandoned , i understand that this is a comrade can bring the matter to an end, well, if this comrade is elected, of course, the question today is becoming very open, because after all, biden is beginning to slowly seize the leading position, there is no doubt, but europe. i understood this message correctly, why? because the leadership of the united states today sees that, in principle, the russian federation is mired in these armed conflicts, its interest today is somewhat different, the interest is, of course, china, that’s what the intelligence community, which the united states assembled, they were revising the strategy that national security, what is outdated there, what is not, they came to the conclusion that russia is still for them all this poses, without a doubt, an existential threat, but most importantly... to geopolitical opponents, they see china today, therefore what is happening today such, let’s say, in many aspects,
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are friendly relations between china and the russian federation, everything is being done to quarrel them very thoroughly, and the macrons, and the scholzes are going, and blinken is going there to china, all with one goal, to convince shinzen pin, not to support the russian federation, to convince in every possible way, after all, in order to destroy this union, well, we are waiting, as they say, we have brixes ahead of us, look how many new countries there are. develop a strategy, look, everything that was planned against russia specifically in ukraine failed, that notorious counter-offensive that was planned, and what
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was associated with the work of the fifth column, it was on it that a massive emphasis was placed, these are the campaigns of the same pmc wagner in the grave with prigogine in search of shells in the kremlin in total the rest, and of course, these are issues related to the presidential elections, look, all of russia voted for putin. russia is precisely an attempt to remove allies, turn the global south on its side and
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put forward some kind of next ultimatum for the russian federation to remain in the minority, they need to catch up before brix starts working, and then the brich conference is a related inter-parliamentary conference, then in the fall it will be held in kazan is the summit itself, precisely this organization, and this organization owes some kind of show your strategy, some of your approach. and what alexander grigoryevich lukashenko said, precisely in matters related to the turkish, these istanbul agreements, let’s be honest, we know almost nothing about them, what was there except a gesture of goodwill, we didn’t see or know anything about it , in essence, that is, there were some proposals that the russian federation considered acceptable for it, and which suited ukraine, judging by the presence of signatures, in all likelihood ukrainians, but then we stood straight...
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recently , more than 300 billion have been spent on ukraine. and two questions arise: either
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this money, to put it mildly, ends up in pockets and is not used for its intended purpose. or wow, what kind of inflation happened to the dollar, that 300 billion and 10 billion, they are not just equalized, they, judging by the fact that the result has not been achieved even at any level at the moment, in your opinion, what is happening? i would like to look at these pockets at least out of the corner of my eye, where there is so much money, i would like to see how they look in real life, how many high-rise buildings they are should occupy, well, i think there are enough ostaps. and there they absolutely know how to use these bronze bullets correctly, everything else, and the city of their dreams, rio deneiro , is not such a distant prospect for them and everything else, but the fact remains a fact, let's be honest about lenlis, after all, of course, help there was and the soviet union rated it as 4%, 4%, and many are now trying to shout, this is not the soviet union, why is everyone saying that the soviet union won the second world war, i want to say right away,
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guys, we never said, what we won the second world war, we always... mentioned the allies, this was a feature of our history, we never hid that there were americans, we never hid that on our territory we fought together with the normandy neman regiment and with everyone else, that is, we are saying that there was a resistance movement in france and throughout europe, we are sacred, we never took all the laurels, we always said, we won the great patriotic war, so people should never do this. firstly, it is confusing, and secondly, we should never forget this, that it was the soviet people who paid the greatest price in the second world war, who united all 15 republics, we paid a price that no other state in the world has already paid, probably in history they will never pay, to be honest, in order to live under a peaceful sky, so the understanding that we don’t need war, i think it’s already in our blood today, that’s what concerns the supplies
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that carried out to ukraine, these...
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our task is the strategic defeat of russia, nothing else. andrey petrovich, thank you very much for taking the time to take part in our broadcast. thank you very much for inviting me to the show. the information and analytical project “current microphone” was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus 24, with you the presenter andrei sych, and also our guest, military analyst andrei bogadel. see you. she works with the theme of the belarusian borok, the period of the rule of the radevils. i love my roots, i love my family, i'm interested in these topics, and these are very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history
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of my country. this is just a treasure for designers, for poets, for... creative people, creativity inspired by the endless love for native spaces, i basically, one might say, grew up in the countryside, so naturally, a love for nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, linen, what my current collection of fields is dedicated to, this is all first-hand, an extraordinary designer, elena pogernitskaya, and her warmest support group, my girls undoubtedly like it spin around in this world of fashion. where there are models, shows, the youngest has been drawing since she was 2 years old, so she says, i’ll be like my mom’s fashion designer. watch it on friday on our tv channel. we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience
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we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are you doing? we have breakfast today, oh, today it will be a very interesting breakfast, we will cook quiche with you with mussels, i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion and get charged. vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, do you have enough energy and vigor for the whole day? was it difficult to prepare? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. try this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us and answer everything questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero
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of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, but this, this is very difficult. i really didn’t want my children... to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions: you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel, belarus 24. we know exactly how to start the morning correctly. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook
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in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today it will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today. time and prepare a real breakfast of a champion and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. try this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel.
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the television news agency continues an information channel dedicated to an important event in the life of the country.


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