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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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the television news agency continues an information channel dedicated to an important event in life. this is already
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an established tradition of modern belarus, when all of us, people of different professions, age statuses, solve fundamental issues together, this is the real form of democracy, this day will go down in the history of sovereign belarus, because this time the supreme national assembly takes place in a new status, as the highest representative body of power of the people, if the resolutions of the people's council of the ninety-sixth year were advisory in nature, then the decision of this ... seventh meeting, mandatory. so, the first day of the work of the vns is coming to an end, right now its participants have a rich concert program, during the day we also took part in the people's studio. two field studios gathered different opinions today. guests and forum participants shared their impressions. the most up-to-date information came from our correspondents. we’ll set all the accents right now. elena nasacheva and we are with you. begin.
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the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly is declared open. you not just a general meeting. you are the national conscience. you are the voice of the people. this is now the highest body of power of the people. this achievement is national. democracy, i am most proud of. i, an ordinary guy from a christian family, today keep my word here, on this authoritative platform. our love of peace is not pacifism. i ask you not to be confused. the time is coming for strong, non-aggressively strong, strong spirits. lukashists have gathered here. there are no enemies here. and it won't. in our homeland,
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there is no one but us, only we know how it should be be the future of belarus, what should our country be like? time has chosen us. despite the deep roots of the slavic tradition itself, all the most important issues can be resolved together, many things today. at a national meeting with a prefix for the first time. for the first time, the all-belarusian people's assembly began work in constitutional status. for the first time, the presidential message, which according to our constitution the head of state must address once a year, was announced during a national forum, and this will now become an annual tradition. during a secret ballot, the chairman of the supreme council was elected, votes were cast for the candidacy of alexander lukashenko. his deputy will be presidential assistant alexander kosenets. the composition of the presidium has also been formed.
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about the geopolitical situation and the role of belarus, economic achievements, great work for the future. key messages of the statement in the report by ilona krasutskaya. many of them have solid experience, but there are very young guys, the future and new history of the country belong to them, they have someone to rely on. those people who are responsible for the health of the nation, for the health of citizens, in my opinion, are very important people.
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so that it always remains this way, but so that it remains so, so that civilians, those who live in the republic of belarus, those guests who come to us on vacation, then decide to stay here forever, feel protected. belarus has always followed an evolutionary path, without breaking, without abandoning traditions, we relied on
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the opinion of the majority, this was the case when we adopted new laws, an updated constitution, developed the most important documents in the field of security, concepts and military doctrine.
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delegates are the voice of the people, their collective wisdom. you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. you have no room for error. you have the right only to loyalty and devotion to your country and our people. your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. symbolically, on the agenda of the first all-belarus people's assembly. in the new status , two most important documents ensuring national security, the concept and military doctrine. we do not threaten anyone, we rely on our historical experience, which cost the life of every third person. this year belarus will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from the nazi invaders. when the enemy set foot on the ground
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, the soviet country had not yet recovered from the devastation of the civil war. people did not live in luxury, but they won. europe, rich, falling under the banner of nazism. they cleared their country of fascists and those who only yesterday looked at the soviet union. restore the destroyed and the strength not to take revenge, who were made stronger by acts of intimidation, such a battlefield, the strength to survive grief, the strength like the bombing of dresdan, atomic bombs dropped on jeroshima and gosaki. absolutely senseless and cruel, a shameful page in history: hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed
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at the end of the war, when everything was already decided, for what? to declare your dominance to the whole world and keep the planet in fear? it was not by chance that i delved into history; we saw the echoes of the bombs dropped on germany and japan. in korea, vietnam, angola, nicaragua, panama, yugoslavia, iraq, libya, afghanistan, syria, all these are new geopolitical goals, for which redistributed the markets for oil, gas, rare metals and other minerals. but tell me, washington and london have become stronger in terms of political reputation and authority in the international arena. over these years, no, on the contrary, we see how the image of once
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truly influential powers is collapsing, and there is not far to an economic collapse, experts are already loudly talking about the precariousness of the world dollar pyramid, wars for money and for the sake of money have never been fought by anyone before stronger, creditors of wars or trade became richer. using the example of our fraternal ukraine, and therefore either driving us into debt, as we now see that the hegemon is losing its hegemony, and hegemony in the world for them is a huge wealth, you can do nothing, having a machine, print dollars and hegemony in the world, and be rich, rhetorical questions are heard from the president, whose position was strengthened by the massacre between israel and palestine, and what? lebanon and syria, in parallel, everything is being done to push israel and iran into conflict. sometimes it may
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seem that this is not our problem, too far away geographically, but from the point of view the interests of belarus, including economic ones, are very close. however, the story with our neighbors is no better. what's in the north on our western borders? how many of our neighbors have become stronger today? for example, the baltic republics, which so strived for their independence. have you managed to become equal participants in the global political process, what do they influence today? they lost everything that the entire soviet union was proud of. ports, fishing fleet, industry, energy security, transit, tourism opportunities. and now they are sliding down, even despite the generous injections from brussels. the fight against belarus is very expensive. whatever you say to russia, it was the soviet period for the lithuanians,
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latvians, and estonians that was the golden age of their development. by the way, thanks to the soviet state, poland and finland gained their independence. and in this story, i note, none of them were ever reproached for the facts of betrayal of collaboration with the fascists, but this happened in their history. took care of their national dignity, and those like it turned out in those years, they were holding a stone in their bosom, the same story with ukraine, the once richest state, our close ally, was first mired in the maidans, then presidents changed, but to no avail the oligarchs literally divided the country into power, western intelligence services had already joined them, here the most an opportune moment to make enemies out of us together with russia, do you see we are to blame, gentlemen? revolutions do not arise and do not win out of nowhere, i have already
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spoken about this more than once, this must be admitted, where the people are reduced to poverty, and at the top in your pocket is bursting with loot, take people out into the streets and collapse the country, you don’t need much effort, just remember about the accounts in foreign banks, the rulers themselves will surrender. country, there are plenty of examples, from haiti to the philippines, in ukraine, not under volodya zelensky, all this was created, and it is not his fault. one thing is what is happening, before my eyes, from the work of the first president of ukraine, until the last, everything was divided, robbed and stolen. frankly, i warned everyone that this would end badly, because new presidents came, people
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i hated them, just like the previous ones. that was the end of it. there was an attempt at rebellion in belarus, but we survived all the events, we only united the nation, there was a reassessment of values, today no one needs to explain or prove once again what we could have lost. we studied in detail how the washington regional committee's manual works, from our own experience, i always said: lessons, lessons and more lessons. smart people analyze what is happening around them and learn from what happens. we did it, all this spontaneous the so-called self-organization of society followed one scenario, starting from south america, asia, ending with kazakhstan, serbia, kyrgyzstan, georgia, moldova and uzbekistan. the scheme of coups d'etat has not changed for decades, they didn’t even bother
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to adapt it to the national specifics of the country, to understand it.
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ukraine, right in the best traditions of that ukrainian scenario, and they were followed by those who in their lives had never held anything heavier in their hands, a computer mouse or a mobile phone. there were also those who did not immediately understand and succumbed to emotions. another thing is important then they looked at us from all sides of the world, looked and thought how it would end in belarus. what are these belarusians missing? some looked with hope; nato had already lost its hands and was preparing for military intervention in the western regions, at a minimum. we were counting on the chaos of the blitz-cry, if not for the fortitude and courage of true patriots , we would have lost the country, we would not have survived, then
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the nato hawks were already near smolensk and the ukrainian... believe me, we will not give up, no matter what efforts they made. our president will name ukraine a testing ground where the fate of the future world order is decided, the largest nuclear powers, albeit indirectly, are actually fighting on its territory, the government has sunk to a deal with the west, exchanging weapons for the lives
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of ukrainians. it hurts to see this, but let's abstract ourselves and look at what has happened. philosophically: who has become stronger in this new round of confrontation between the west and the east, who? not us, but not them either. new attempts to crush us, russians, belarusians, slavs, to destroy the sense of national pride, culture, united and motivated to restore our former power, and insure us. and everyone who looks at the ukrainian and other geopolitical tragedies, even if they don’t speak, understands that the one who is ready to serve. to any owner for handouts, sooner or later loses, everyone understands that the betrayal of the past, traditions is weakening and
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leads to the collapse of statehood, someone is waiting for the finale, such as poland, which has its own account in ukraine, remember, from books and movies, thank god for the volyn massacre. the outcome will be dramatic. if we don't stop, but she will and, apparently, will not save the old order, the president has repeatedly voiced his position: the ukrainian conflict can only be resolved through negotiations, and not somewhere in switzerland or by third parties, but by direct parties. all this is in tune with the policies and proposals of china, its initiative of a community of common destiny, an example of the unity of nations without threatening the sovereignty of saber-rattling, but it is so difficult for some to come to terms with the fact that the world is not unipolar. the world... has already changed and not as they dreamed overseas, but what do they want, what are they counting? listen carefully, maybe
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you will agree with me, the united states, just a few years ago, launched a swift attack on all the undesirables at the same time, you know all the evils, from belarus to north korea including. china, iran and others. so, having launched this attack on everyone, they realized that they had made a mistake by uniting disobedient russia and their main enemy - china. with their pressure they united these two states. russia, with rich resources and a powerful military-industrial complex. china with huge economic and human potential, they realized that they could not cope with this alliance, i know this, i had
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to discuss this topic with high-ranking americans 5 years ago, what to do, they made a mistake, found a way out, the conflict in europe, in ukraine, in this situation, shift . on the shoulders of the european union and nato they will help with money, the goal is to distract, drown russia in the war with ukraine, weaken it with sanctions through war, then russia will have a lack of alliance with china, there will be no time for unity, at this time it will deal with china, drag it into this showdown, if possible.
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they cut, kill, and then throw up the corpses and our colleagues. one thing is clear, they really want
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to drag us into a war like no one else, and i, as commander-in-chief, our military and special services see this, until they provoke us, they dig trenches, modernize the military infrastructure.
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the sick ball was no longer thrown from goal to goal, now in one direction, now in the other, we do not ask anyone for land, we do not demand anything from anyone, we want to live on our land, our belarusian people have suffered for this right, and we will not allow it to be given to anyone. it is absolutely obvious that belarusian honesty and peacefulness is unfavorable for the west, any excuses are welcome, reasons to turn the situation around, an example of how... it was when we helped ukrainian children, as a result we were simply thrown out of the organizations, but is there any real benefit today from national structures controlled by the west. international law, the osce, the united nations, the world health organization , etc., have not been able to prevent a single bloody conflict, their main task is the european fund. world generally allocates
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funds for the war in ukraine, think about it, not enough money, the peace fund sponsors the murder of people. look, the situation is absurd, all this is hidden behind a screen of chatter. a very recent forum on protecting the planet from dirt, remember, was widely covered by the media, i took part, me. i was offended and infuriated by the fact that the americans and the british took turns coming to the podium, the king came, they taught us how to live, how to protect the sun from darkness, well, very simply, then he spoke and said, well, protect with a simple method, stop fighting, emissions will decrease by a factor of , and money send, those who are in poverty and suffering today, behind this chatter, this chatter, they
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are counting on us not seeing the essence. just imagine what will happen to anglo-saxon hegemony if this entire huge space from lisbon to beijing is connected by the new silk road. and what will happen to the european union, whose citizens will see that they can develop and live in prosperity without trading their sovereignty, without betraying national interests and without...
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needing to build within the continent of greater eurasia. i am absolutely sure that the peaceful and creative agenda will be our allied relations with russia have been proven over the years. i would even say that the union of the russian federation belarus managed to anticipate today's tectonic shifts in all areas. and now is our time. our union building is a model of the union of sovereign peoples, and this model has a chance of success and expansion of participants. i emphasize, no violence and no absorption. all events only united
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belarus and russia. strong bilateral political and economic support, we are developing our cooperation in various formats, from the two to the cis, yas, a new stage of full participation of belarus this summer in the influential shanghai cooperation organization, taking into account the geography of participating countries, observers, plus the population and total area of ​​states, this is an alternative to nato to become a deterrent element of any aggression. the sco is a conversation on equal terms. everyone who is tired of american hegemony, including latin american countries.
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experts predict serious changes to the already unimpressive pan-european identity under the pressure of migrants within some time. 20 years, this is a disaster for europe. there is no time to pretend to be a neo-colonizer, to cling to the lost image of a white ruler, and you are no longer rulers, even on your own land, citizens of the european union should now return to traditional values, start having children, strengthen the institution of the classical family, they would fit into the new progressive.
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yes, without them, that is, in the embrace of those who introduced them against us by the west and america, there was a chance to get rich, but not everyone, only a few belarusians, we did everything to to prevent the stratification of society, excessive stratification into the poor and rich, even if not everyone understands this, not everyone accepts it, but we did what we promised the people and... we did it as best we could and as best we could, and let others do it better after us . knowing, like no one else, the geopolitical risks, weighing our
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geographic and resource capabilities against the efforts that we have made together, i am proud of our achievements. thank you to everyone who brought the country out of the crisis in the nineties. leading her away from the abyss. we've really achieved a lot in such a short period by historical standards. we saved enterprises, work teams, provided people with social guarantees, free medicine, education, flagships of industry, pillars of our economy, our number one export products. we built a nuclear power plant together with the russians, a biotechnology corporation with chinese partners.
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in banks alone, according to the data at the beginning of this month, the accounts of the population are stored almost 30 billion rubles, this data can be verified, on average this is about a thousand dollars per every resident of the country, and at home, i think,
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it’s hidden under the pillow, as people say, as we say, for a rainy day, we live poorly, this is our common success, from industry to medicine, which area don’t you take? it is important to preserve the potential of a strong united people, a strong and prosperous belarus, a state for the people in the name of peace. this potential has been developed over decades, and not only by us. the colossal efforts of the soviet generation were invested in it. we have no right to let down either ourselves or those on whose shoulders we created sovereign state. in our homeland. there is no one besides us, only we know what
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the future of belarus should be, what our country should be, how to make it stronger, only we know this, and no one else, yes, it was difficult, but it will not be easier, but it will be interesting, because we chose a strong, sovereign, independent, peaceful belarus. in this difficult, contradictory time we must withstand, we must do this, time has chosen us, an equally important agenda for the supreme national assembly, the election of the accounting chamber of the assembly, temporary regulations, the number of the presidium and, of course, the nomination of the deputy and chairman of the people's assembly, important posts, because these are the votes of belarusians who will...
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so that you
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don’t lose your right to vote, nominate, criticize and don’t give it to anyone, but i don’t dispute, time it turned out that you support, i excuse this, i can see from the applause of the current president, but remember, you should always keep your word, you should not be afraid of anyone. if you feel and understand that the speaker who just spoke, or i before, was wrong in something, you should talk about this, this is the essence of the people’s meeting, this is the essence of everything for which we have gathered. i emphasize once again that i do not criticize or refute those who spoke before me, or now after me. the most worthy people, these are people with a core who
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have shown themselves decently, whom i respect, i do not refute their opinion, i do not refuse anything, just remember, you must be real, you must act in such a way that no one dares you anywhere criticize, well, what are the luhashists gathered there, as they write now, and you see, here they are, what he says, then they will, yes, they are gathered here.
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that by voting for the chairman, his deputy, members of the presidium, for the concept of national security, for the military doctrine, you are responsible, so of course i did not shift this responsibility to you, i was responsible for this alone for 30 years, making these decisions, and now we will be together together we will be responsible for this, always be... with your word, be strong and wise and do not be afraid of anyone, we need help, we will come, alexander kosinets, assistant
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the president has repeatedly proven his ability to work with people, solve the most difficult problems and not let the belarusian people down even in the most difficult times. despite the open nomination, the delegates voted secretly, an important part of the rules of the supreme national assembly, alexander lukashenko went to the voting booth, however, our russian colleagues were already waiting for the president. these 60 billion that the americans gave to ukraine, in general how much belarus’ approaches are changing, well, i warned you that they would give them 60 billion, they played back and forth with democracy, oh congress, this is the unanimous opinion of everyone in america, as i said today. you listened, they are slowly putting this burden on the european union and nato here in order to restrain russia, to drown them, to deal with china separately, that ’s the point, so they will give a little money until the ukrainians are more or less healthy, do not run away or die there,
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this will not change the situation at the front at all, in every cell he put a bird everywhere for, so the president ...
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“we need to calmly go through this period, and i want the end of my political life to be worthy, like all of you, and so that we do not ruin what we created with our own hands. i will retire only when you tell me in some form: that’s it, when there is a person standing next to me who will not give in, who will go to the barricades without fear, who will not. to take nothing into account, not even one’s own life, so now they have allocated a lot of money, millions of dollars, to individual fugitives to launch a powerful attack against us in the media.


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