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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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our traditions, but ourselves. belarusians have always known that only with their own hands should they take care of their land, protect and love it as the most valuable gift. our land is our place of power. cells sabyaru vyanochak early race i will go to the singing birds of the little frogs of my dear father, let me allow you to seize the people of the pale, i will tell the holy krynichtsy pra kahanna pra svayo matuk na yaro. this ronika, this belarus of may,
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this of my sonika, mother's land, oh, vakilki ў polі, this belarus of may, this of may down, thin me yashche gadochka at my sister's torture, pradzyavochae kahanne, haramonku pagadats, key vada. judge sotak fresh mint clean fields dark night in the sky sony, matukna zamlya, may old ronilika, geta belarus may, geta mayo zonika, matukh damylya, oh vasiliki, upoi, geta belarus may, geta may dear. matokhna zyamlya,
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geta belarus may, matok na zyamlya, oh, vasilki ў poli, geta belarus may, geta...
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you must agree, despite the fact that today in dear friends, i think you and i are in the world with a large number of musical styles, genres , that's when you hear a folk song, you understand that it is not a person who sings, it is his heart that sings, these songs reflect. the soul of our people, there is
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something so eternal and reverent about them that reminds us of who we are. by the way, it happens that many original songs are perceived as folk, that’s how they have already fallen in love with the hearts of millions of people. and right now an artist will appear on stage who, for many years now, has been performing such beloved , literally folk songs. you meet the national theater of folk music songs, golden ring, people's artist of russia, nadezhda kadysheva, eka, come on belarus, that's when years have passed, but we are not old, unloving. we are sitting tired, you are happy, and
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how many colors are there, still fighting, still swearing. and i am no one’s, and you are of swords, the stream flows, the stream holds, and i am no one’s, and you are no one’s, i just remember how we shoveled, we didn’t become rich after all, we fought simply, we all walked in a crowd, now i ask, and you kotui and i.
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thank you very much, good evening, dear friends, i am very happy, i wish you all health, prosperity, may everything be with us good beautiful, peaceful skies to us all, and
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low bow to all of you, yes! no one married us in church, our whole soul is on fire, why did you, kazakh, rush off to the steppe? on your black horse, why did you meet me when you gave the horse water, why
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conquer the heart of a cossack woman with sensitive beauty, and fate, my fate, fate. and my destiny, tell me why, and my destiny, dear friend destiny, i just can’t find the answer, why did i throw flowers into the lilacs, my midnight window, why are you better than everyone in the world, the sun rings when it’s dark, why the desired you are like strong eyes, the decisive house, why is the village behind you, the cossacks
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walk in herds, and fate. my destiny, destiny, and my destiny, tell me why, but destiny, my soul, destiny, i just can’t find the answer, and sha, yes, e! how to ask your dreams? the misfortune of separation does not bother you. don't
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forget to blame for anything. i can't stop loving you. yes, why did you take off on your horse, watching the dawn dawn? neither you, nor me, nor fate has the answer, but fate, my fate, but fate, but my fate, tell me why, but my fate, devastation, fate, i just can’t find the answer.
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a wide recata is worn. the river is wide, the river is deep, you can’t get it
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, the bank is with you, low clouds hide the moonlight, i wish i could fly, but there are no wings, in a damp thief, an evil fire is boiling, a horse blacker than the night stands by the fire, he beats his hoof, looking for a sedan, then the horse pushed away, our shores, everything was knocking, uninvited pain, here it is love, kokantaya, we are shouting, the nights are long, unloved with unloved, black water, flows far, carried away without words, but broke the flesh, brought out. they were walking, the crows became, they met early, they understood late, the doors are new, they can’t tear them down
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loops, and one misfortune makes our bed, the river is wide, the river is long, the drive is blacker than the night, it walks around, a hundred knocked, the sick one, that’s what love is. we spend the long night unloved with unloved. river, deep river, you can’t swim from that bank, low clouds hide the moonlight,
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i wish i could fly, but the wings are outside, in the damp forest, an evil fire is boiling, a horse blacker than night is standing by the fire, with its hoof, looking for a sedak, that horse pushed away our shores, our shores, the house knocked, uninvited, here it is love, like a curse, we while away the long nights, unloved, unloved, someone knocked, he was uninvited, that’s love, that’s what it is. we recite, long nights, unloved with unloved,
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people's artist of russia, nadezhda kadysheva, national theater of folk music songs golden ring, thank you, artistic. director of the national theater golden ring, composer alexander grigorievich kostyuk. yes, thank you, we love you. here. belarusians welcome the dear guests of our close friends so warmly; one of the most important events in the history of belarus and russia was the signing agreement on the creation of a union state 25
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years ago, but the real unity of the two fraternal peoples covers much more. history, this document only officially consolidated our friendship and cooperation. yes, our peoples went through difficult trials and joyful moments together, but they always remained a reliable support for each other. and now our cooperation has gone beyond the boundaries of the earth and has taken hold on the international space station. about the light, we don’t know anything yet, the usual latest news, but it’s already flying through the constellations, the earth will wake up with in his name, my native country is wide,
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the familiar voice of the first call signs, we started our reports with them, and it’s not for nothing that i remember this, without asking anyone for help, to rise from the ashes of the war of ashes, my country, knowing no fear, is now sending into space our son, we remember everything, nothing is forgotten, but we are seriously for peace for everyone on... and put into a peaceful orbit, our man goes into battle with nature, excitement hits the nerves like a hammer, not everyone can handle this, stand up go on the attack first,
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i don’t want to look for other comparisons. when the storms and winds subside, settle down in your soul, leaving scars, you dream more and more often of home, that small corner that is waiting for you somewhere in
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your native land, who? this is a village of six courtyards, the capital city of which has a million people, and no matter where you are, it is ready to receive you, your father’s home is always, remember this when you return. home, this feeling only happens here, warmth in your soul, as if your mother is hugging you when you return home, to
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where it all once began. the axis where the first steps are remembered, blades of grass and apple trees sprout, planted by you, now blooming outside the window in the spring, you will always be understood here and forgiven, that is not... a repayable debt to the land that raised you out of love. i once gave all the best, when you return
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home, this feeling only happens here, it’s as if it’s warm in your soul, your mother hugs you when you... you turn home, this feeling only happens here, it’s warm in your soul, like a butto, mom
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hugs you when you get home. warmth in the soul, as if a mother is hugging, honored artist of the republic of belarus, victoria oleshko, real belarusian heroes inspire us not only... on earth, but in space. throughout our history, there have been many talented people among belarusians, many of them were and are truly unique. so many
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ideas, discoveries, and inventions have been made by the hands and minds of belarusians. the peculiarity of a talented person is that he does not do great things solely for himself. he does this out of love for his profession, for his family, for his own. people to their country, and not to be admired, but to make people's lives even better, even happier. by becoming an example, people inspire each other to new achievements, this is an unbroken chain of our unity, our well-being, which unites many generations throughout our history. and if each of us does our work efficiently, with love and...
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people's artist of belarus vasily rainchik. when there is no sun, smile at a passerby, he will smile back, on harsh everyday life, against all winds, make a wish. to people, so that they
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are lucky, so that children smile in this world on trams in the subway, i feel good, in i feel the frost, the zombies, you are friends, so needed, you are friends, so needed, help, extend your hand to them, i wish them well, so that they forget boredom and sing until the morning, in the morning, so that the sun warms everyone with warmth, happiness arrives at every end , that in this world, in the tram, the children were smiling, i feel good, and the frosts
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are freezing all around and... what in this world, the tram and metro, the children were pouring out, i feel good, in the cold there is cold and seasonburgs, you are friends , so needed, your friends need you so much, you help them, you are friends, so needed, you are friends, so needed.
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in which the main priority remains the preservation of family values, and belarus is just such a country. yes, family for us is the fundamental basis, the basis of life for our national unity. it is thanks to this inextricable connection between generations that belarus managed to withstand the most difficult periods of its history, and today it is still for...
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the song that will sound now, we are sure, from the very first notes, will take us back to childhood in mother’s warm hands. having dimmed the living room light, mom, let’s sit in silence, no words needed. not for you, friend to warm a friend, as i knew how, i lived like that, mom,
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don’t be sad about me, for everything i sinned on the way, don’t judge, but... and mom, mom, through years of separation, i returned to you again, mom! mom, in a deep breath, everything that i couldn’t say,
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i’ll give my daughter your name. in moments of adversity, your reflection, mother, mother, will save me from powerlessness! eight years ago i heard about it, i came back to you again, mom, mom,
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mom, i’m overwhelmed in my soul, all the things i can’t say. let's dim the living room light, mom, let's sit in silence. winners of three seasons of the factorby tv project andrey panisov, ivan dyatlov and daniil savenya, mother, she always so sincerely
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greets us with such warmth and joy, and we , too, from childhood, absorb this special national talent of ours, hospitality, the one who once... came to us as guests, returns as a good friend, like our next artist, we treat her and her work with sincere people. and we know that this is absolutely mutual, because she herself has confessed her feelings to us belarusians more than once. on stage, the winner of a special award from the president of the republic of belarus, through art to peace mutual understanding, people's artist of ingushetia, holder of the order of friendship, taistia pavali! good evening, my dress,
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your dear arms, my feelings have long lived. on the crucifix, at birth, on my lips i warm with passion, my happiness, your hands are a living embrace, in your eyes love has a question, don’t say. that there is no need for tears, you promised that
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love is serious, you are my happiness, my dear embrace, let’s sing with me, my dress, your circle, my dear embrace, well done, my feelings. fathers have long lived on the cross, in a hurry, on their lips i warm with passion, my happiness, your circle is a living embrace, i completely crossed the line. “i will follow you to the end, i will not give up
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and will not let you go, you are my happiness, my dear embrace with me, my dress, my circle of dear embraces.” my feelings have long lived on the cross, the hurries on my lips warm with passion, my happiness, the living embrace of your arms, well done, hey!
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my family hugs, my dress, my dear heart people, once in vitebsk in 1993... i received the grand prix at the festival
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of young performers, but the most interesting thing is that i not only received a victory, in me the fire of love lit up, i gave away my husband 30 years ago and i’m not giving it back, after a windy winter, after the blizzard, i borrowed you, from a friend, from a friend, from a friend, i gave you away... i lied to you, and your head was spinning, i promised that i will definitely return it, ah! but a change occurred in me, sing with me, borrowed, borrowed, shook your head, and swore to return you, but
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trouble happened to me, but trouble happened to me. happened, i fell in love with you, i fell in love, i forgot that i lent you, hey, that's it, thank you, we see, you're on loan for a week, and 7 days have already flown by a long time ago, i remember her debts before, i paid everything back, with you i forgot what i promised, with you i forgot
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everything in the world, well, how can i get you back now, but why return you, huh? lent, borrowed, bothered your head, and wanted to get you back, but trouble happened to me, but trouble happened to me, i myself. fell in love with you, i fell in love and forgot that i lent you,
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30 years have passed, i was young, sanka, now i’m also young, lent, borrowed, crushed your head, and brought you back to life, but with me trouble happened, but i will inflate the trouble, this is happiness to love. oh, what happiness, i fell in love with you myself, hey, i fell in love forgot, i completely forgot that i lent you, hey, what
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a great fellow, yes, thank you my dears, i also love my homeland, my creative homeland, belarus gave a step for me, a chance, and the day after winning the slavic bazaar, i became a very famous
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artist, i woke up already as a star, so i am so grateful to belarus, its... its divine beginning, thank you, belarus, my creative homeland, thank you, i love you , i a very happy person, and i want to wish each of you, to burn from within, so that this feeling, love, never, never leaves your hearts. my dears, you are beautiful, may you be lucky in love! don’t be afraid, i’m not shy, i was just happy, i wish you happiness, everything
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passes, but my love was beautiful and i want everyone to be lucky in love, and i... i want you to be lucky in love, with me, all together, to everyone who lost love, i was afraid to live, to everyone who through life did not learn to swim, to everyone who was hit by the bullet of human rumor, i am for you, i am for you. i sing, may you be lucky in love, may you be lucky in love, there are no different lives,
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may love come to you as a holiday that you are waiting for, when winter goes away, red summer comes and... i want, may you be lucky in love, my family, and i want you to be lucky in love, everyone is with me, everyone, everyone who lost love, i was afraid to live, everyone who did not learn to swim through life. to everyone who fell under the bullets of human bullshit, i say to you, may you be lucky
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in love, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you. if only i sing to you, may you be lucky in love,
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i sing to you, may you be lucky in love. people's artist of ingusheti, holder of the order
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of friendship, taisiya povali, accept these flowers as a sign of our sincere love for you and your songs, and come to us in belarus more often, we are always glad to have guests and our close, dear friends, thank you, see you, dear friends, we continue our evening with the brightest hits of our people,
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as if i’m writing in romance, i know, i know exactly where my address is in the house, where is my dark-eyed one, where are you, my dark-eyed one, where, volam, where, where, where, where , oxen, where, where, in the house, where from maid, where are you, my dark-eyed one, where?
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the dog does not roar, the earth has accepted everything, the care and affection of the flame, blazed over the earth, the vault of the sky is like god’s banner, the youth of may, belarus. i, the singing partisan, pine tree and tuma, songs of the partisans, fallen zanya, my youth,
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belarus. my youth, belarus, songs of the partisans, my own before the fog, songs of the patizans, and mine of the king, my youth. belarus!
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our young talents are the national brand of our country - the pesnyary ensemble! and we see that there is someone to continue the traditions of this legendary ensemble. children who are being raised by worthy examples, they will certainly become good citizens and true patriots, and for them we simply must preserve the greatest value. peace in the name of the great feat of our heroes. they gave us a peaceful today. and our task is to make a happy tomorrow for our children.
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fell to the ground, this will always happen if evil turns to blood, if people don’t believe the words. we will raise our sky again, for the sake of those who come after us, tomorrow will be a beautiful dawn, if we are strong now, if we are strong now, our tomorrow in the sunlight, we will give it to the children in the palms of our hands, we will give it peace on the planet. let’s remember yesterday’s gratitude, our tomorrow will be beautiful and will be like children’s happy ones, we just need the strength we have,
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to preserve the attraction of the map, to preserve the attraction of goodness, all this is the floor of the ocean, hundreds of hands can create the world. but the universe speaks directly, save goodness in order to live, and love will be found in every heart, if someone is alone on earth, shares his place in the sun, and does not spare goodness for others, oh, and does not spare goodness for others, our tomorrow in sunny light, we... what the children lack, we will give peace on the planet, with gratitude i remember yesterday, our tomorrow will be beautiful, and
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the children’s smile will be happy, we just need, with all our strength, to preserve the spirit of goodness. we will give the gift of goodness, even tomorrow in the sunlight, in the palms of our hands to the children, we will give it to the children. our lock in the sunlight,
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our tomorrow will be beautiful, and the smile of children, happy, we just need, with all our strength, to maintain the prestige of goodness. keep the attraction, keep the attraction, dabra, anna , good for you, yes, belarusians are peaceful and honest people, and if we talk or sing about something, it is always... very sincerely from the bottom of our hearts and from the bottom of our souls, when we sing our favorite songs in such a wonderful hall in such a friendly company, to our unity.


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