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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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athletes, i worked a lot, i worked towards this, it was my dream to play in zaminsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work, i think the game was not bad, just almost it was enough to complete everything, we also need to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was hard every game .
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am i too old? anatoly, which of your theater characters most like you?
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there are some doubts, some kind of unsettledness, some other something, some, well, this is how a person should be, you have to be a complete fool or an idiot for everything, everything to be fine , everything is wonderful, but i have nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it at all.
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my guest is a unique example of dedication to his profession. the beginning of his career was in the nineties, when most actors went into business and never returned to the profession. he also had such a temptation, but he then made a different decision. today i'm visiting. theater actor, film actor studio, anatoly golub. anatoly, hello. good afternoon. i am very happy about our meeting. it's been a while since our paths crossed. as far as i remember, you are from rakov. how did a rural boy dream of becoming an actor? there was no dream. it wasn’t very random, it was completely random, there were many options for where to go to study. at the military registration and enlistment office they prepared me for kgb school. to
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moscow, already starting from the ninth grade, so i somehow fit in according to some parameters, 10 of our people, my mother said, we have connections at the physical education institute, yes, football and hockey. and i was sitting like this in class and algert yanushkevich was sitting at my desk, he somehow got sick there, missed something at his school, he studied at an art school in parnat, parnat is such a good place for special children, she has older brothers, artists, sculptors, i say, where
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are you, leger, going to study, i say, theater art institute, for painting, i say, why theater, he says, there are some other artists there directors are studying, it’s interesting, well, it’s small, there were 500 people there, it was just an institute. there are 150 people from the theater department and 350 artists, of course the bpi is 25 thousand, i didn’t hear, i didn’t even know, he says, if you want, let’s go, i come already in may, i look like, hmm, such a beautiful building, columns, sculptures, portraits, oil paintings it smells like a portrait there, look , these girls are so beautiful, these girls are running around in such skirts, so cute, i think, well, it’s a good institute, good, good, you have to try, you said that after school you entered course, who did you study with? i applied to butakov, but on the third or fourth round i was offered the opportunity by the teacher kaladinsky, so, he recruited another puppet theater actor every 4 years, he says, you know, there are still questions,
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budakov has two extra people, what if you if you don’t get in, rewrite your application and you’ll be guaranteed to study, and then, as fate wills, you can then work in a puppet theater, in a drama theater? but after i went into the army, i returned, there was no longer a puppet course, i was forced go, how did you end up in the army go, you went to college, but we didn’t have a department, we had everything, we probably had options, you could write go after college, maybe for a year or whatever , i don’t know, but after graduating from a higher educational institution, but i decided to go with my year, you entered again and returned back to the theater institute, it just so happened that a teacher who had no skill taught.
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you have to live there, you have to live there, but he comes there at 80 leaves at 12 or or or one in the morning, it’s necessary to love students, to live like that, to be without silver, because no one pays her any money for this, but he gave a profession, our course was very good, a very strong course, anatoly, andrei fedorovich was a strict teacher , very, very strict, very demanding, whatever he looks at, that’s it. because the acting profession requires discipline, especially students, he was very afraid and very respected for this, i remember one time it was his birthday or whatever it was, he laughed like a child, but it was one time, we picked him up right at
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the entrance to the institute, the men carried him upstairs in the arms of a hahaha, there were girls screaming as they drove in, but you were like that... basically, she has these slightly darkened glasses, this is some kind of beard, but sometimes he gave the impression of such a gloomy person, a beard and yes, yes, yes, yes, i remember there was some kind of run-through we had before the exam, and some one was in a good mood, from the artist walked and walked past us, we lined up to run into this the audience to sing about androsik, normal children, normal children, and this... the artist comes to andrei fedorovich, and he sits alone, androsik, stood up, takes a cigarette from him, an aster from his pack, he goes, young man, where, they arranged their life in the village
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in such a way that any... city dweller can envy, you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far away it is, well , just meters away, so that yes it is opposite the house, today we will walk along. .. standing swamp, so along the swamp, which is near domatu, who, again, twenty meters away, uninitiated, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, leading from the capital, will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly has flown here, look, i don’t know who it is? what kind of bird is this, but did it work? well , it’s okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we
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don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes, for the uninitiated the question arises, how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? ordinary mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. project i’m from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located, so that the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted. definitely here not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is , a plastic fish blende with
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a weight of 41 kg and a length of 2 m, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness captivate. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . the graduation performance of your course was a legendary comedy staged by andrei fedorovich, why did he take this particular material for the graduation performance.
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and he has to tear off his tail, as if checking david returns to this end of the first act for strength and tears off his tail, so he tore off his tail together. along with this , let’s say, you graduated from the theater institute in the ninety-first year, such a turning point in history, yes, theaters, not
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they were working on films, they weren’t filming either, there was no money, many actors went into business, more. you, too, were no exception, what did you have to do, i was engaged in my profession all the time, i never left the profession, and i worked in the theater when we had very small salaries there for some time, there was no money, at the same time i i was doing something all the time, i had a friend who had a printing house, i went around like there was some agent there, we printed these leaflets there, then some forms, then we started some posters, then...
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white suit, white mercedes, black suit, but with this theater and cinema, because we need a boss, but there was a temptation to stay, or you didn’t even think about it. it was, well , there was some, but you see, when in general the work of a manager is a very interesting job, but for an actor it is boring, it is very monotonous, you come, there are faxes, there is money received, there is no money, it comes, it doesn’t come, it’s interesting , yes, as a result it is fun, there is money, there is, but i think, here i am, i seem to be able to do something in my profession, but i then i’ll sit on these money bags and
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think, this is what i spent my life on, this is why, well, it was possible? and i don’t regret it, now i don’t regret it, because in principle , i think in my profession, well, maybe not everything works out, but basically everything works out, i earn money for bread, and even sometimes for butter, you’re one of the few artists who came to the theater from an enterprise, and not a turnover, as often happens, that’s how it happened that you were basically lured into the theater, well, yes, one might say, yes they lured, maybe the time... came, because it was so, right after college i left, almost in andrep , mikhail semenovich magilevsky worked there for a year or a year and a half, i don’t remember, then i went to an alternative theater, where they immediately called me, it was the original theater at grigoryunas, he theater probably existed for 7 years, i don’t remember, about five years, maybe he worked there, then somehow it fell apart, there were good performances, good roles, ichatsky played there,
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someone else there, then there was the maly theater, that’s all enterprises that were everywhere i worked for... i was invited to the theater studio of a film actor, i was
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already there rehearsing wolves and sheep, an excellent role for lynyaev, as soon as i started rehearsing i immediately. the manager offered, he says, if efremov himself comes, but he offered a job, he offered, he says, if you want, you can come to work with us, for an agreement or for a contract, because we need such an actor, and i left with pleasure until now i work there, travel. this is not only an acquaintance with history and sights, the volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key points of support of this city is the wolf itself. translation of the slavic-baltic wolf's neck, hence also wolves. a student of evsey vsevich moisenko, oleg pavlovich marushkim donated a
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painting to the art gallery, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. seed, motherwort, but lafant, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant, but this too, this heart plant, is here with us. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. we're going there, you can do it
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yes, yes, let me know from the past. things will happen again and again at the past palesse. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in the ruzhany brest region, in one of the largest palace complexes of 16-18 centuries, residents of the magnate family of sapieha.
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uh, you said, i’ll read it, it’s much worse to live a life in abundance, but boring, now there is harmony in your life, fun, in abundance, well, yes, yes, in abundance, i’m not complaining, i’m not complaining, well, as an actor, in our theater, well, the salaries are ordinary, nothing there there’s nothing special about it, but sometimes cinema helps, that’s good. well, we film quite a lot, well, you have already shot more than 200 roles in films, which of these works is most dear to you? oh, i won’t name that one, i
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won’t name that one, there are of course many , several of them, and it’s even hard to remember, maybe i’ll name the most expensive first, well, yes, it was probably the most expensive, especially since such a significant project, it was a fairy tale. don’t leave, this is nechaev’s fairy tale, don’t leave, i was still studying at institute, after the army, i didn’t get a haircut, my hair was so long, it grew, i don’t remember what year, it was eighty-eighth, or when we were filming this fairy tale, i was invited to an episode, there is such, such musicians who sing forbidden songs , in the best castle in the kingdom, there lived the most, most, most wonderful king, he played magic with his children.
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the script of some film, what do you first pay attention to when they offer you, send you everything, what factor is decisive for you? well, of course i love films are like that, so that there is something connected with comedy, still i am drawn to comedy, although... i realized that i understood, i haven’t said anything yet.
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do you want to fire me? but i can say that no one wants to work with the social support committee except me. unlike your previous management, i just like initiative and daring employees, so we will make money. i read in one article that you have a difficult character, but do you yourself think that you are a convenient actor for directors? yes, you have your own opinion about what it is expressed? “well, i’m like that, well, it’s not like i’m a tyrant, i’m a little like that, yes, stubborn, stubborn, i’m generally like that in life, in life, i also suffer for this, i argue, i’m such an arguer, i prove, i’m right all the time, rightness is always on my side, in the family and with the children, with everyone, that is, it’s very difficult for me to convince me, well, sometimes i even understand, it’s not true anymore, but on the court, how
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do you put it, no”? on the stage, sooner or later you have to give up or convince with what you prove, it’s important to convince, in the theater it’s the same it’s easier, but in the theater, yes, come out, show, try, well, sometimes you have to, of course, because there is a concept, we are an actor sometimes i think, well, that’s good, that’s how it is, that’s good, he says, well, yeah , okay, just a little bit in the play this character has to carry a different semantic load, so excuse me, as it were,
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i myself like to improvise very much, so i think that for partners , well, this has never happened to me, so that someone would tell me, you know, don’t do things like that there anymore, but at home you’re so flexible husband or demanding, well, i think, i think flexible, mostly flexible, i’m quite inert, i don’t demand anything special, sometimes some kind of truth wakes up in me about why we don’t have strawberries in the garden , everyone there doesn’t have strawberries, then i go buy them, i think, what’s there, how much strawberries will grow in you, i went and bought the one you want , or something like that, the comedy performance is repeated, god, yes, well, now and sometimes others , and sometimes you want to quarrel with the children there too, you say there, here we are
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in my childhood there were people like this... if i had lived there in one, second, third, fourth, fifth family in a stranger and looked at what kind of relationships there were, maybe i would have said no, we are good, or not, we have it’s bad, but no one there knows how it really is with others, well, on the whole, it seems to me that we’re fine, you have two beautiful daughters, schoolgirls, yes, they’re graduating from school soon, and even, yes, well, the eldest is probably graduating , the eldest...
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is in tenth, and the youngest is in ninth, she ’s going to go somewhere this year, she’s here she is interested in drawing, maybe along this path, and the older ones are interested in acting, they even attend some studio, some courses, i would like to too, well, she is good at the elements, she even received some kind of grand prix this year at the international competition of poets of international russia and belarus. i read the poems, i was surprised, amazing poems, well, i think, well, what kind of children can write poetry there, a fly landed on the jam, no, it’s just brodsky, your girls were born when you were already 40 years old, basically like that serious age for fatherhood, how did your life change after the birth of girls, well, happiness, of course, happiness, i really wanted - well, for me...


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