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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 3:40am-3:56am MSK

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well, the eldest is in the tenth grade, and the youngest is in the ninth, she is going to enroll this year, she is interested in drawing somewhere, maybe according to this theme, and the older ones are interested in acting, even attends some studio, some courses , i want too, well, he’s good at poetry, she even received some kind of grand prix at an international poetry competition this year. international russia and belarus, i read poetry, i was surprised, amazing poetry, he, well, what kind of children can write poetry there, a fly landed on jam, it’s just not there, well, brodsky, yours the girls were born when you were already 40 years old, in general, such a serious age for fatherhood, but how did your life change after the birth of girls, well, happiness, of course, happiness, i really wanted to, well... well, very, very well,
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you live, but no children, well, there are no children, when they appear, some other volume appears, some other tasks, i might not have built the house, if these children were not there, then children appear, you think something needs to be done... then, something like that should be done, something like that needs to be left, i immediately got involved in housing and, in principle, literally in 3 years, i probably built myself the house i wanted, but you really built the house with your own hands. i had to do some little things myself, because let’s say in my house all the furniture that i have, it’s all made by my own hands, there’s not a single item that i bought, well, maybe from some grandmother’s old chair , to anya, to whom she gave and, well, perhaps everything.
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there are sofas, tables, beds, both for children and for themselves, and kitchen, study tables, and some benches, hangers, cabinets, all this, everything, everything, you built a house, uh, grew a garden, are raising daughters, right now, what do you expect most from life, the way i live now suits me quite well, work in theater, performances are staged. the number of films that there are also suits me with free time from work, i gladly give it to myself, i go there along the rivers, along the fishing grounds, through the forests, because it was not by chance that i went to my homeland in rakov to live, but i just i really love our nature, we have it’s probably happened there millions of times, it’s no coincidence that they shoot a lot of movies here, because it’s very picturesque there.
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give birth to me, so that some kind of meaning appears for me, but including, if, god willing, one of the meanings, yes, to give birth to children, somehow help them grow up, raise them, well, this is one of such basic ones, another the meaning, probably, well, not so as to leave a mark there, there, but in general, why not, well, yes, so that maybe... someone would someday remember with a good
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word and during your lifetime they would not remember with this bad word, well try at something to bring good things into our lives, that is , to somehow improve our lives, something, including our own. this was the meaning of anatoly golub’s life. snowy 25, 1926, near the hall of the minsk cinema theater culture apple noma dze ўpastі, there is a whole lot of bacon, kіraўnіtstva of the bssr, vydomaya.
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distributing the lines of hell to the apparatus and against the gray rusty background the white planes appear: a fairy tale, directed by yuriy tarych. in 1885, during the 10th year, the paryzha brothers lum'er had developed a cinematograph, and also paryzhy. yury appears the world is both in belarusian polack, and in polish plotsk. in some profiles, they... write a hell of a note at the name of the city, and in others - two, dze, it’s true, biographers haven’t figured it out. it’s all cinema, art, illusion and mystification. as a matter of fact, tarych could live in two garades. the father yagons were for the vaiskians, and the yanas
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were changing their muscles from month to month. darechy, in the dzyatsinstvo it would not be the atarychs, but the alyakseyevs. but then the nickname fell into a hole full of banality. alekseev. the world has a lot of money, if i haven’t been with anyone, i’m thinking about myself pseўdanim, і pakhodzіtsіn, darechy, not the hell of the packaging, as one could have thought, but the hell is called the garden in the tabolsk province, tara. the lad went there not of his own free will. at the age of 20 , i was accused of exile for revaluation zeinasts. devandrouka ў sibir seemed to be the original forest for the forest. yes, aryshtu yura is studying law at the muscovite university. and here at siberia. he opened for himself the enchanting light of the theater, only the muse of melpamena paved the way for the darkest and most deafening theaters, which began with local samadzeism, then the vocational, and even the right-wing theaters in tabolsk and chytse. first, the lad plays in performances, and then
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he begins to stage them, urashets, write songs for his sons, expelled. and here comes the yaraslav businessman to the family from magileushchyny, rygor lipkin. yong vyadoma yak kababasny karol, ale at the mroahs bachitz syaba paskyakhov kinapazyars, i eight over the pitch a meat expressed, nonkhbve, there is a pacynayu pakazvasvasvasvasvasvasvasvasvasvasvasvasvasi lipkin's dedicated screenwriters. the old man comes up with a shalamly plot for him: the hero is trapped in a lethargic sleep, the enemy knows death, the poor people are caught, and everything nyabozhchyk abujaetstsa ў school. on a sickly crypt. the film "the tragedy of syam'i nabatavykh" became one of the first among the russian trailers. well, this is the right way to live tarych at the expense of the revolutionaries. the right-wing actor moved to muskva, entrusted with the minkholds, large-scale events on the red
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square, and the kurdish theater near kramlia. among other things, he would be the worst of the first, who in the special scene of lenin himself, was already blessed by this entire month of death. but i’ll hurry up and the theaters will cover up the hole. tarych , of course, what's new in art, cinema, may a shalamal future, and move on to this new land. you're in pain, i'll hurry up with the secrets , a bye on the topic of revaluation. that's all i'll be watching at the pristine praletarian clubs. films are released one after another. spyarsha performs for screenwriters, then she masters the stage, she is self-sufficient, because she doesn’t study at all. and the raptam and yago burst out with the tskavay prapanovaya. in 1924 , the beldziarzhkino trust was created. i would give it up, i have all the money for the fire of the blockbuster: the landfall of the bssr, the daily abstalyvanne
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galowna viewers, like the uncharacteristic part of your films. don't grab the samaga halounaga. personnel. the first films developed the understanding of the problems that were considered the most important. in the history of the young republic, the current hell caused by the polish interventions. there were no problems with the scenario. mikhas charot would be not only for famous poets, but also for playwrights. the musical at kupala is worth the haste, and the theme is not new for iago. the guerrilla movement has supratsa palyakaў, it has a samychynny ўdzel, there is its own apovest svіnapas pіsaў from the right. ale dze know director? problem. simple ones, i clearly understood, then they didn’t take into account the same installation, film directors were in short supply, the first belarusian films were produced on the basis of propane, tarych pagadzhaetstsa, the commercial advance, and then you know. the bosses are nervous. as it turned out,
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the director of the film “the wings of khalop” is known to muskve. admovitsa hell he couldn’t have such a chance. and as for now... the swine herder, the pakryudzhana was tortured by the cadets, according to the director, i’m dying of a hulk and i’ll take charge of the swine herder. the officials expressed everything they thought to the right-wing director. and the production of other films has been launched, which are also included in the plans: in the absence of protection from the assatsialnye floods, there are many gentiles and prostitutes. tarych is not going away. stushka krylya khalopa, the tragic forest nugget of the originator, began to be cultivated and chalked quickly not only in the savetsky union, but also in america. eisenstein himself is overwhelmed by it, and as soon as the smoke is over, tarych takes up the forest reality. the name of the swine pit fell. the best choice for an epic film, director replace it. the leading role of tarych
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is given to the young russian actress galina krauchanka. darechy, a significant problem was rising in vaina and the worlds of bandarchuk. that 's it, and then wash it up: in the smoke , i'll take my love, please, there's no way i 'm going to marry my lover. the charming geisha became a noblewoman and played a couple of three scenes. you and galina were herding these little things and decided to put yourself in a movie. the film clear reality was a great success. on the screen , the last 6 days have passed, and it is shown that the yana is so addictive that everyone with the indians i'm not going anywhere. the film had prominent and named roles of kamiya, geta, and kali vykanautsa himself. ukrainians of the bssr alexander sharvyakov, wilhelm knoryn and yazep adamovich, in the smoke tarych is now working on a new film, the drama of the day can
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be seen in the past. dzeyanne adbyvaetstsa ў zahodnyay belarus, yakaya apynulsya pada polish settle down. after this cold weather, there is no doubt that the director comes from our region, from the rise of the roof of khersonsk. grains on the yago, you are small in thoughts not shuffling pavilions and calidors kinaatelier, and thick nuts, oaks. and the maples of the native belarus, the bare forest lakes and the sweet, deep rivers, and the endless natural breath of the winds of the village, the lifeless winds of the history of our people, and the quarry of yury tarych belarusian cinema has passed away, as it died, the hours changed, many former celebrities have become enemies of the people, tarych no longer raises suspenseful dramas and... zreshty yon davёv, that and this genre
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can be pa-mastatsku tsikava. in 1943, in the 20th century, a spark ignited, the chance for masters is not only russian and belarusian cinema, but also yashche and mangolian cinema. the historical drama “stepavy vitsyazi” has become a movie classic in mangolia. for the rest of yury's career... we will be the directors, the navatars. he came up with bold mantling maneuvers, but quickly, without hours, everything was folded. cinema became popular, young ambitious directors appeared. classic patrapia in other ashylons. the cold cold was no longer pressing on the pit. yesterday, the volume was processed with popular footage, and all the old blockbusters were gathering dust on archival fingers. passed the shmat of the bastard shepherding the death of tara. and ў
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polatsk has recently hosted a festival named after yury tarych for the director of the amatar. who knows, you can't get from them the implication of the belarusian film. on the right is the fee for uladzimir paley and i will give it on september. we produce only high quality, it’s easy to deal with
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the atk, it’s not easy to reject anything. when working with such small details, even the most insignificant adhesion transactions and marriages, the man has to take care of unnecessary reporting. control for the application of pharmaceutical devices. pavyalichyny. swaygo of great succession. the gray product has the most powerful planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign . businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from the minsk brand paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world. here are the acts of
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the patryman patrymans of the pachyn delegate of the 25th zezd of the cpsu peradova shvachki.


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