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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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good, but the state for the people is the main emphasis in the work of managers. each of us wants to maintain that stability, comfort and tranquility on earth. youth is the support that will serve for the sustainable development of the future of our country for the further, say, development of the well-being of the republic of belarus. these are the initiatives, the opportunities that are supported today, such opportunities have been created in our state, we are creating our history, creating our... the future has chosen today's youth, time has chosen us. one of the most important issues are the national security of our country. as the head of state noted, we have a peaceful policy, but we are ready for war, if anything happens. we do not give in to provocations, we simply do our job. and we do everything to ensure that our country develops. broadcast, on-site studios, live broadcasts from the spot.
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much has been done during the events to make everyone feel like they are part of the people’s evening. the delegates of the supreme council are true patriots, with broad views and healthy ambitions. we asked them about what topics need the right emphasis. of course, it is very important to talk about censorship in the information field. for children and youth, now this is the main battlefield, there is a struggle for minds for our future, what we can sow there today means we or our enemies from the outside, absolutely everything depends on this, we see how close our friends are, literally just yesterday, who were our brothers, having been subjected to such
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outside intervention, forgot about their past, forgot about their ancestors, about the heroic pages of our common history, and this is of course well, a threat. today , the education system, teachers, rectors, and employees of the education system are represented in a worthy manner; for us this is a very high honor, but at the same time a very great responsibility. in connection with the geopolitical situation in the world, as...
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the opinion of russian expert maxim cherkov, such events in belarus are actually an indicator that the government wants to be, well, together with its citizens, and citizens want, so to speak, to understand , that in general the distance between, let’s say, the usual by a person and by people in power, it tends to... forgive, that is, such
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collegial forms of decision with the involvement of fairly wide sections of the population, it seems to me, this is a very good practice, such discussions. serious political decisions, they, firstly, will give the maximum possible legitimacy to the decision made within the framework of such events, and secondly, it will actually strengthen trust between , so to speak, different groups of citizens on the territory of the republic of belarus, between representatives of various government bodies and , so to speak, ordinary citizens. of the republic of belarus, that is, in principle, it seems to me that such events generally characterize the political system in the republic of belarus as one that, in general, faces the ordinary people.
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a competent policy in the field of national security ensures a peaceful life for belarusians. already today. the country's new military doctrine and national security concept will be approved by the supreme national assembly. times are not easy, we need to take into account the challenges of the threat, ensure stability of the state, the main thing is to preserve the peaceful future of our country. we see what is happening around our country. we see a huge concentration of nato troops near our borders, we see an advance set of measures to prepare for war. we see aggressive rhetoric. states unfriendly to us towards us, political, economic, sanctions pressure on our country, and, of course, the conflict in the south of our country, this is also one of the conditions when we were forced to look at our to make
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appropriate changes to the current military doctrine, in addition to the fact that changes were made to the country's constitution, these are the main, so to speak, components that forced us to reconsider the doctrine. belarus is actually in the epicenter of a major military-political crisis using intimidation methods, and the appetites and activity of the collective west will only increase. the united states will continue to expand nato to the western borders of belarus and russia, today more than 1.0 units of armored vehicles have already been assembled, and also about 160 artillery systems and mortars. there are 235 planes and helicopters, and there are up to 20,000 nato soldiers in poland and the baltic states alone. in total , more than 60,500 us military personnel and over 30,000 nato soldiers are permanently based in western europe. at the end of january, the alliance launched the largest
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exercise in recent decades, stadfast defender 2024, in the baltic countries, poland and germany and will continue until may. they will take part in the maneuvers. as the head of the military committee of the alliance, admiral robbaur, stated, the purpose of the exercise is to prepare for a conflict with russia. the strength of the nation lies in true values ​​alexander lukashenko made a special emphasis on this when speaking from the podium.
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it’s comfortable, both in our enterprise and in the well-being of our people, everything will be
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in general and in the country. i, as an employee of a large industrial enterprise, am interested in ensuring that our plant operates stably and meets its targets, because the well-being of each of us depends on this, our families and children are behind us, it is important for us to know and understand in which direction we are going, what tasks and goals are in front of us, this is how we will achieve them, i heard the real one.


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