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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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fees for all recipients, both insured and uninsured. the state pays great attention to large families and runs a number of programs. one of them is family capital. from january 1 of this year it is 31,480 rubles. more than 136.00 deposit accounts have already been opened. you can use the funds ahead of schedule. basically, the money is used to build housing, pay for education or necessary treatment. the program has proven its effectiveness in quantity.
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february 2021 increased by 50% to 770 rubles. average pension by age compared to and if you go deeper into history, at the time of the first vns, it was $34, an increase of seven times compared to today. expenditures on pensions in the republic amount to about 9% of gdp. so over the past year ...
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it would have made it possible to raise the country from the ruins. 28 years ago it turned out to be an extremely difficult task, and what seemed impossible then is now a reality: exports, housing construction, food security, whales on which belarus will rely in the future . no matter what storms unfold around the borders, no matter how the country is pressed sanctions, our priorities remain unshakable, this is a social orientation based on concern for people. victoria sharkova, alexey petrov, television news agency. to maintain the status of a strong nation, belarusians need to become even stronger, the president in his speech the day before once again emphasized, only we know what the future of belarus should be, what our country should be, how to make it stronger, the importance of maintaining sovereignty, independence and statehood , say the delegates.
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were on the labor front, they most of all they know what peace is and value peace, and even more so these important documents, they are important for the country, and for us veterans, in general for... our people. in belarus they make it clear: we want to maintain peace in the region, but the wise remark of alexander lukashenko: if you want peace, prepare for war, it was picked up in the west as a threat, the suwalki corridor haunts them, in nato offices, it is called nothing less than hot point for the alliance. they throw wood into this fire themselves. will belarus seize part of poland and lithuania? exactly this proposes alexander lukashenko, the president of belarus, who wants to seize the suwalki corridor. our president has repeatedly pointed out that the suwalki corridor is not in belarus, we are not moving either along this
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corridor or to the corridor, we have enough of our own territory, the main thing is that it should be calm, but nato is pulling hundreds of armored vehicles into the region and increasing the number of personnel . it is to their advantage to present belarus’s retaliatory measures as aggression and alleged preparation for war. for them, this is also a false reason for erecting prickly fences on the borders. the key to a strong country is a strong army. these days, cadets of the air defense faculty of the military academy are undergoing field practice. before the final exams, future officers launch combat missiles from strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems. wasp, air defense missile systems and
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catapult weapons and the level of training of our cadets allows us to work with these types of interference. and the training system at the air defense faculty makes it possible to train specialists of the air defense forces, who will later transfer their knowledge skills. virtually connects to the all-belarusian people's assembly. residents of each region, so in the beloveshski farm , the broadcast is watched collectively, work on the land is always important for our country, because belarusians are hardworking people, among the delegates there are many who represent the interests of farmers, namely the honored worker of agriculture of belarus larisa khimich,
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who is present at the vnc and the head belovezhsky, i would like to focus on the younger generation, these are our youth who will move the economy, because in mainly... now the farm is finishing the spring sowing, less than a third of the future corn harvest remains to be laid, a total of 10 thousand have been allocated for the strategic crop.
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the 2023 agricultural season was a record year for them, and the same result is expected this year. representatives of different regions and absolutely all fields of activity, visiting guests. studio atn. speakers share their opinions with our correspondents, but everyone agrees on one thing: we are doing a great job when we build a further concept for the development of belarus. when the constitution was being prepared, and legislation was worked out under the constitution, including ensuring the activities of the all-belarus people's assembly, of course, every norm was thought through, but writing a norm is one thing, filling it with the spirit of real work is completely different, as the chairman said today.
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creation and development, this is a culture of participation, a culture of political participation, when all issues are resolved in a civilized manner, not on the street, within the framework of our new operating bodies, recall.
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views and becomes an internet trend. we we will continue the broadcast marathon at 9:00 am, ahead of the interview are live broadcasts from the palace of the republic, the work of an on-site studio near the officers' house. stay with us, it will be very interesting, because you will be the first to learn all the details of the fateful decisions during the all-belarus people's assembly.
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from may 1, the cost of living budget in belarus will increase, domestic manufacturers are presenting their products at an international exhibition in algeria, and musk has changed his mind about building new tesla factories. in india and mexico. about current economic news we'll tell you right now. in belarus, the cost of living budget is increasing. from may 1 it will be almost 419 rubles. an increase of almost 3% compared to february. traditionally, with an increase in bpm , social pensions and additional payments increase. thus, the monthly supplement to pensions for non-working citizens aged 75 to 80 years will be 78.5 rubles. and aged. eighty over, taking into account the allowance for care - 157 rubles. child benefits will increase, so in
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connection with the birth of the first child, the payment will be 4,187 rubles. at the birth of the second and subsequent 5.862 rub. in belarus , the employment rate of the working-age population in the first quarter was just over 84%, and according to bilstat, among women this figure is 85%, among men 83. half, as for the parameter of place of residence, employment in cities is slightly higher than in rural areas. the unemployment rate was 3.3%. there are more men than women unemployed in the economy. in terms of wages, the figures also increased; in march, the average wage was 2,161 rubles. in february it was 2025. thus, in total over the month this figure increased by 135 rubles. the highest was recorded in minsk. the lowest figure is in... lviv region. belarusians employed in the fields of information and communications, financial and
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insurance activities, as well as professional, scientific and technical activities receive the most. belarusian enterprises presented their potential at the food industry exhibition in algeria. our exposition includes a wide range of goods and services that take into account the specifics of the region. they are presented by the famous domestic dairy and meat companies. the exhibition features the largest satellite exchange in eastern europe. and the only commodity exchange in belarus is butb. a busy and business-like agenda includes business meetings, planned negotiation platforms with foreign partners and company representatives. thus, as a result of negotiations with the butb delegation, agreements were reached on the sale of belarusian milk powder and rapeseed oil to the algerian market, which are now actively supplied to asian countries. mtz plans to invest in purchase of equipment about 100 million rubles. as noted on... the process of technical re-equipment is ongoing, now they are increasing production volumes of certain
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models, and for this we need new machines. last year, the plant invested more than 70 million rubles in modernization. in total , 225 units of equipment were replenished by the enterprise's central storage and storage facilities. and compared to the current exchange rates, at the auctions held the day before, the russian ruble rose in price, the dollar and the yuan lost in value. and this morning the dollar is 3 rubles. 24 kopecks for 10 yuaniya they give four. 45, 3 rubles. 50 kopecks. costs 100 russian and euro according to the national bank - 3.46. elon musk has changed his mind about starting the construction of an electric vehicle plant in india, for which there is already a suitable site, as well as in mexico, electric car manufacturer tesla has decided to invest in its existing plants to produce more affordable cars, and before building new plants , musk intends to increase the production of electric cars by 50% compared to 2023, to almost 3 million cars. i note that
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tesla’s investment in the plant in india should have been about 2 billion dollars this was the economic news, i wish you success. and in a good mood, before the meeting, in a fit of jealousy he knocked down with a tire iron, a fifty-four-year-old resident of borisov ... is suspected of causing serious injuries to his cohabitant, a thirty-three-year-old woman with multiple fractures of the ribs came to the city hospital. doctors reported to the police about a patient with injuries of a criminal nature, and soon detained her roommate, who confessed to everything. on the fateful day, the couple was drinking, at some point the suspect became jealous of his companion to another man who showed her signs
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of attention. as a result of the scandal, a resident of borisov received at least twenty blows with a tire iron for. the district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case for intentional infliction of less serious bodily harm. crossed the pedestrian crossing in front of the cars. in minsk , an eight-year-old girl fell under the wheels of an electric car on the eastern street, zikr smashed a schoolgirl. the driver did not notice the girl who tried to cross the narrow street, despite the flow of traffic. the victim was taken to the hospital for examination. not i noticed a pensioner on the road, in the mozar district of mas, at a pedestrian crossing. hit a sixty-six-year-old man, the accident occurred on the p-31 highway babruisk, mozork, borders of ukraine, near the village of nagornye, with injuries the victim was taken to the surgery department. driver's license, car documents, how do you feel? a drunk driver was detained in minsk; while on duty, guy's crew paid attention to the skoda;
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the thirty-seven-year-old man's condition aroused suspicion; he was sent for an examination, which and showed six times. for excess alcohol. the driver was detained and faces a heavy fine and deprivation of his license for 5 years. a pensioner suffered severe burns in a fire in the lepel district. the emergency was reported around noon last day from the village of nesina. at the time of the fire, the owner of the house was in the bathhouse, and when he saw the flames, he tried to put out the fire himself, which led to serious consequences. the victim received more than 50% burns to his body. the man was in the hospital and had to be rescued to put out the fire. the fire seriously damaged the wooden building, one of the versions of an emergency is a violation of the rules for operating electrical equipment or networks. and in pinsk, an automatic fire alarm helped prevent a serious fire. the lightning system went off in one of the administrative buildings where an individual entrepreneur worked. hearing the sound of a siren, and then the smell of burning, the remaining
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landlords left the building themselves before rescuers arrived. the cause of the emergency will have to be determined by specialists. damaged the ceiling between floors and the interior decoration of one of the offices. a resident gave almost 6,000 rubles saligorsk to update the program on your phone. a fifty-two-year-old economist fell victim to cyber scammers. unknown people called on behalf of the telecom operator. the woman was convinced to install a remote access application on her smartphone. the pretext was an alleged software update. having gained access, the scammers distracted the subscriber by talking so that she did not see. those on the phone screen and using internet banking stole money from the account, the amount of damage was 5,800 rubles.
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good mornings belarus, good mornings belarus.
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young, yes, no questions, beauty, eh i propose further, also by numbers, but no longer by age, but a mongolian manchester united fan, his name is the bot bolt ochervan, rode the path from ulaanbaater to london on a bicycle, and this, by the way, is about 7.00 km, such a love for football, for which a huge distance is absolutely not distance, he started the challenge in may last year and spent 11 months on everything, and that’s 20 countries, a lot of acquaintances and 14.
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after all, when they recoup, no, he will buy a ticket, the plane will fly away, never come again, well, in general, we are angry this morning, you i understand, i hope that this fan liked the trip, not a trip for sure, but in order to get to the media league, which has been popular in recent years, it is not necessary to do such distances as the previous hero, because the hundred has now officially reached minsk, on saturday the media match was held for the first time leagues with the participation of a belarusian club, this is a project called the media, but the excitement... which happened a little earlier at the grant matches, these are the thudоds and fc10 clubs, to put it mildly, is an infrequent phenomenon in our football. someone may reproach that the target audience of medialga is early school age, but
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god be the judge of these critics, although i don’t know many media football stars. it’s a matter of time, i think everything will be fixable, you’ll get to know us, and you’ll also introduce the audience to them, but you need to figure it out there, there’s a really young youth culture there, we really don’t know everyone yet, but by the way, i saw it.
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drank, well, i’m a little bit in the commentator’s position, this is exactly how i imagine the work of a commentator, continue, but yes, but now i had to tell him, well, i didn’t want to, let him those two are the first to hit, it was a trial version, and now everything is for real, but no, this doesn’t happen in football, in fact, football is amazingly big, when you watch such moments, it’s still like children, but the coach shouldn’t have intervene in this situation, somehow shout from the sidelines, it even happens... that the coach is not an authority, well, this is most likely the case here, well, on the other hand, we have something to discuss, what else will we discuss today, but here’s the next episode goal of the russian vlatar goalkeeper of the florida team sergei bobrovsky's phanters have already been called the save of the century, the panther goalkeeper several times deflected the puck, which so wanted to fly into his goal, and in the end he gave us a real masterpiece, hitting the puck in a jump, this is the moment we are watching, while having our back to it. by the way, the safe turned out to be
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not only spectacular, but effective. florida is stronger there in overtime 3:2, you said, these are the panthers, so he himself was kakpana at that moment, it seems to me that he was a little inspired by the symbol of his club, well, it’s beautiful, yes, as soon as i have a question, of course, as if eyes and felt it everywhere, and, by the way, lvayashina was called a panther by foreign journalists, so i think the russian school, well , the soviet russian school, and the goalkeeper’s school migrated with this nickname and the raid, beautiful, congratulations to the goalkeeper, yes, in may there is already a bezon flight for the race 2800 participants are registered. it will be held in silichi, but this sunday in raobichi it was less, but it was a trail distance along difficult terrain hills around the complex. a real test of endurance and character, because if you immediately rush, then after a kilometer on the next climb, the strength will leave at once. for some, such a race was the first in their lives...
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andrey, as for preparing for such races, what would you recommend, i don’t know, go to the gym, run some minimum distance, and then try yourself at longer distances, well it’s hard to recommend here, in general you just need to go to these races afterward with an extra piece of clothing to change into and so that you can go down head over heels like that and eat less . less for everyone, well this is generally good history, that is, it’s good to eat right, but on the day before this very race, well, you need to eat seriously somehow, it’s probably better not to eat at all, that is, you didn’t eat before the race on that day, well, before the race, no, but it’s good early, that is, this is not an evening story, especially since it’s not a power story, uh-huh, then i ran, emotions, passion, that is, you, in general, these fresh raubichi forests, well, it’s cool, that is, you know, you’re so you often talk about such races, based on your experience, it seems to me that the most
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the main thing is... to find out how andrey vlasenko, an agronomist, once changed the world. andrei vlasenko was born at the beginning of 1840 in the mogilev province; unfortunately, no exact dates of birth and death, nor an image of the agronomist-inventor, have survived. at the age of 25, vlasenka completed his studies at the agricultural school of the city of gorki, became the manager of the agricultural estate of a large russian landowner and moved to...
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sky province. he worked there for 10 years, all this time he was developing various mechanisms that could make agricultural labor more efficient. at that time, peasants were cleaning. the will was threshed with flails using scythes and sickles. in 1868, vlasenka invented and independently assembled a prototype of a grain harvesting machine, which he called a horse-drawn standing grain harvester. the unit had a comb for picking ears, a thresher, a bucket conveyor, and a large wooden bin for collecting threshed grain. the combine was controlled using a steering wheel that turned the rear pair of wheels. they pushed the unit from... two to four horses, which were harnessed behind. only two people were required to operate the machine. a similar combine, presented 5 years later at the world exhibition in vienna, was driven by 24 mules and required a team of
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seven workers. after impressive tests, which were observed by government officials, vlasenko received a patent for his invention and great fame in the press. invention of a native of belarus. however, the industrial production of the combine turned out to be beyond the capabilities of many farmers and innovative agronomists at the russian plant of that time. the inventor was awarded the gold medal of the imperial free economic society and became an honorary citizen of the russian empire. andrey vlasenko, agronomist, inventor, who sought to change the world. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941
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. if i'm not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, there were many bosses himself. you're not wrong. fan of what sport? watch in intellectually entertaining show on tv channel belarus24. we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should
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not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare something delicious. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels, i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion and get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. try this recipe. look in the project. breakfast of the champion on our tv channel.
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good morning everyone, friends, we continue to wake up. and i remind you that today we celebrate thursday together, this is april 25th. so this morning i have a question for you: have you ever wondered why we were born like this with brown hair, with fair skin, blue eyes, for example, it’s all because of a tiny molecule, because it is deoxyribonucleic acid that determines our genetic composition, and we ’re talking about this for a reason, because today the world is celebrating dna day. and by the way, each person shares 99% and even 99.9% of their dna. any other person can tell how similar we are, and i ’ll tell you even more, dna is a very fragile molecule, something happens to it about a thousand times a day, there are, of course, many recovery mechanisms, but some the damage is not eliminated, and this means
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that you are a carrier of the mutation, we too, by the way, in general, something complex, but very interesting, by the way, international dna day, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh decided to understand the new development of the national academy of sciences, what is genetically? psycho-emotional passport, this is what we learn right now from the plot. in the 21st century, technology keeps pace with the times. at the institute of genetics. in the modern world, all people experience a variety of stressful situations, interpersonal conflicts, financial problems, diseases and much more. people's reactions to such events are completely different. most people experience these stresses without any pathological consequences, but still.
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a phlegmatic person was born, he will never become a choleric person, no matter how he was raised, no matter how his life turned out, on the contrary, if he was already born a choleric person, then he will not become a phlegmatic person either, that is, the family of genes is quite large, after a genetic study a passport is drawn up for the patient , which indicates favorable and unfavorable genes, their relationship, and also a conclusion is written, you can find out about your predisposition.
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prevention. development and implementation of modern dna technologies for genetic certification is the calling card of the institute. more than 70 scientific projects are carried out here every year. today we are talking specifically about human research, because we understand that these are the studies that are at the head of our economic policy, at the head of the quality of human life, of course. a lot of attention is also paid to what
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allows our economy to develop. in international dna day, we wish success to our scientists in the field of knowledge of the human genetic code and look forward to new developments. only for our tv viewers.
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watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning belarus. dear friends, we are back in the studio. m just to say that the time is approaching 9 am, which means that the 3:00 live broadcast is slowly ending like this, yes, but we remind you of important information, today we celebrated thursday together, this is april 25 , more one working day awaits us ahead and that means one more bright broadcast of the good
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morning belarus program, tomorrow it will be special, it seems to me, because we have never had such guests before, the first female cosmonaut in the history of belarus, marina vasilevskaya. we will have in this studio, it seems to me, there will be an opportunity to touch space like this, even if only for one moment, so be sure to turn on the good morning of belarus program tomorrow, be with us from 6 to 9 am, and we wish you a wonderful continuation of the day, ekaterina antonova, tatyana motasevich, see you on the air, dear friends, see you soon. i’m flying around the world like a lonely bird, unengaged, unnamed, changing the years of the country, city-faced,
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saying goodbye, proud, untamed, someone will say, you’re smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely not... brave, only the most important will say so that they can hear , you're awesome, you 're awesome, someone will say, you're smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely inept, only the most important will say so that they can hear, you're awesome, i write my destiny in white rhyme, imperfect, and my roles never finished, my stories are all unfinished, someone will tell me you’re smart and brave, someone will say you’re absolutely inept, only the most important will tell you to hear, you’re awesome,
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you’re awesome, someone will say, you’re not smart, brave, someone- then he will say absolutely not... brave, only the most important, he will say so that they can hear, you are awesome, you are awesome, my friends, thank you, yes, yes, yes, and, someone will say, you are smart, brave, someone will say , absolutely not... brave, only the most important will say so that they can hear, you're awesome, you're awesome, someone will say, you are smart and brave, someone will say, you are absolutely inept, only the most important will say so that they can hear, you are awesome, you are
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awesome, awesome! you are awesome, you are awesome! the belticiacam team continues to cover the main political event.


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