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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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the first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly is declared open, you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you are the voice of the people, this is now the highest body of power of the people, this achievement of national democracy... "i am proudest of all, i, an ordinary guy from a peasant family “, today i keep my word, here on this authoritative platform, our love of peace is not pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, the time of strong, non-aggressively strong, strong spirits is coming, the lukashists have gathered here, there are no enemies here, and there will not be.”
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“we are calm about western liberals’ rejection of our model of political development. despite this, we ourselves do not deny the progressive forms of western european democracy. we integrate them into our political system, into our culture, into our worldview, if they do not contradict our principles and’ the role of the mechanism for merging ancestral traditions and world management experience is played by the all-belarusian people's assembly. look, today, representatives of all walks of life, all professions and people have gathered in this hall. statuses, managers, people in uniform, rural workers, employees of service sector enterprises.
9:04 am
the result of the first day of work of the all-belarusian people's assembly was the formation of its governing bodies. by secret ballot , the president of the country, alexander lukashenko, was elected chairman of the supreme national assembly , alexander kosenets as deputy, and the composition of the presidium was determined. even before this, the president said important words to the delegates and guests at the supreme council: keep your word, not be afraid of criticism, fight for the truth, this is the essence of the national discussions when making the most important decisions for the country.
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you should always keep your word, you should not be afraid of anyone, if you feel and understand that the person who has just spoken or i was wrong in something, you should talk about it, this is the essence of the people’s meeting, this is the essence of it all , in the name of which we have gathered, i emphasize once again, i...
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and you see, here they are, whatever he says, they will do, yes, the lukashists have gathered here, there are no enemies here, and there will not be, but i am doing this for the future, when there won't be me, there won't be this commie sitting on the left, and maybe our first cosmonaut will retire,
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you are responsible, so i, of course, did not shift this responsibility to you, i was responsible for this alone for 30 years, making these decisions, and now we will be together be responsible for this, always be true to your word, be strong and wise, and don’t be afraid of anyone, you need help, call, we will come. in belarus , power is not separated from the people; this is a key principle of building a fair society, and the only way to high positions is through the ability and desire to honestly work for the benefit
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of the country before the start of the second day of the all-belarusian people's assembly. there are a few hours left in the palace of the republic, my colleague evgeniy gorin is already working. zhenya, good morning, what agenda awaits the delegates today? good morning, colleagues, delegates of the seventh all-belarus people’s assembly are now beginning to arrive here at the palace of the republic. today, well , so to speak, is the main day of work; depending on the results, two important documents are to be discussed and adopted: new edition of the national concept.
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not far from the officers' house, there is a kind of analytical platform for experts.


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