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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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meeting today, well, so to speak, is the main day of work, it is necessary to discuss depending on the results, to adopt two most important documents, a new edition of the concept of national security and the military doctrine of the republic of belarus, well, the protocol is as follows: first, the speakers, respectively, the secretary of state of the security council alexander volfovich, and defense minister viktor khrenin will also report and make his reports for the delegates of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. then there will be a discussion of these documents, well, depending on the results adoption of the approval, and today, of course, president alexander lukashenko is also expected to speak, well, our television company continues to cover the progress of the national assembly, we have two traveling studios, one here in the palace of the republic, the second nearby, near the officers’ house, there is a kind of analytical platform for experts. all kinds of
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opinion leaders, they discuss incoming news, there are interesting discussions, interesting points of view are expressed. that's all for now, colleagues, thank you, zhenya, see you in the next issues, ahead we have a big information day. today is a difficult time, we need to take into account the challenges of the threat, ensure the stability of the state, the main thing is to preserve the peaceful future of our country. new military doctrine. a very important task for the state and to adopt conceptual documents that will define strategic issues, assess all risks, threats, challenges and target all state...
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this is a world that is understood as an absolute self-sufficient value. the all-belarusian people's assembly was formed these 2 months, starting from a single voting day, council republic, congresses of public associations, meetings of councils of deputies, there were always these orders: peace, unity, prosperity, and i am convinced that those people for whom we voted will be able to fulfill this program. the theses that the head of state voiced yesterday are being discussed.
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let's say, the leadership, the people can demand an account for their actions, at this meeting, in principle, the further actions of the country are developed, in latvia this petgors, the gezident was appointed by some americans, petgor here runs around schools, imports his these gay lessons are there, they are promoting their ideology, and i would have turned to the latvian authorities at... the national latvian meeting and said: well, i apologize for the expression, how much is left in the country minus half of the population, half were 2.6 million , 2.6 million, 1.3 million left, and that’s unlikely,
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three times fewer children are born than 30 years ago, three times fewer newborn children in latvia, why are you bastards blaspheming russians, do you think that if you screw up the russians? then it will be good for the latvians, but where is it? it’s good for your latvians, they also give up on latvian farmsteads, but i can’t, latvia is a european union democracy, so they appoint deputies, the executive branch, the legislative branch, because of some oceans there, the people there, in principle, do not participate, by the way, among the belarusians and there is no need to ask your leadership, personally, if i were a belarusian, i would convene a meeting just to say: thank you, thank you for a wonderful country, for a wonderful, say, people, for wonderful living conditions for you, dear ones, executive, legislative branches and the president. by the way, the news about the historical event in belarus was not missed by most
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russian information resources; theses from the speech of our president are widely quoted. news about the election of alexander lukashenko as chairman of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly about the election of members. spread across the chinese media, and the popular egyptian newspaper egyptian today published a voluminous article with stories about the origin and content of the belarusian folk evening. well, now our on-site studio is connected to the officers’ house, the atn platform for communication with experts and guests of the all-belarus people's assembly continues. my job. and victoria senkevich and pavel lazovik join us. colleagues, good morning. well, let's start the information marathon. we give it, and what kind of one. good morning, tatyana, and good morning to all our viewers. indeed, we are in the very center of events against the backdrop of the palace of the republic and in the morning, well, just powerful
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speakers. let me introduce the guests. ivan mikhailovich eismant, chairman of the white television and radio company oleg sergeevich gaidukevich, member of the house of representatives, leader of the liberal.
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germany, great britain had no doubt about what their government was doing, the second direction is work inside those countries against which they act, well, let’s take the republic of belarus, these numerous, we remember, hundreds of non-profit organizations that, for foreign grants, under plausible with the pretext they gathered a huge number of people around you in order to pick up some kind of narrative at a certain moment, first to excite the people, turn them against the state, then to bring people out into the streets, recently i heard a very well-known extremely ... well-known participant from the other side of the events of the twentieth year, so i just retold his
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words: a huge number of people were gathered for money under a plausible pretext, so that at the right time these people stood up and went out into the streets, our task, our task is to protect the information field within the country, first of all, to tell people what is really happening, to provide alternative information, the president said you shouldn't be silent. once repeated the thesis that
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he is the only one who wants us, yesterday the head of state cannot be drawn into this war, and this is done in all ways, from provocation to... this same information war, because today’s modern war is without information war is impossible, we see that when they want to invade a country, information preparation begins, it can last for months, years, plus a fifth column, plus an attempt to split it from within, because no one will attack so easily wants, we must first split from within, and then do it, that’s why these documents are the most important, the fact that the supreme national assembly is dedicated to this very thing, it’s just us...
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they are not independent, so yes, that’s why they are trying in every possible way to drag europe into this conflict, but the question is that we really do a lot for safety, if you allow me to share my emotions, as participants of the vns from the first day, i still had a journalistic curiosity to see what our extreme resources wrote about the vns, nothing new, relaying lukashenka i'll settle the mess kishen, giving the vns powers, powers. as the president said yesterday,
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they have never held anything heavier than a mobile phone in their hands, they write what they need to write, yesterday the president shared an insider, the task was, in general, on their part to ignore this event, although many could not stand it, they have no idea, although they may have that a historical moment is taking place, i want to say again that after 5, 10, 15 years we will evaluate... what is happening, we are undergoing a profound transformation of the system of power, yes a truly, well , it seems to me, close to ideal system of checks and balances of different branches of power is being built, here we need to fit into, as alexander mikhailovich radkov said yesterday, into this political life the all-belarusian people's assembly, so that after 10, there 15-20 years no saakashvili came. or zelensky, then it didn’t turn into a war on the territory of our country, so that people could be found,
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so that such bodies, such organizations could be found that could stop it, stop it, these are not empty words, i want to say again, that the big one is seen from afar, we will eventually understand what is happening in our country now, well, this is insurance, yes, in order to save the country, i want to share my emotions, i was a participant in the all-belarus meeting of the past and present, and the atmosphere is different, which means there was unity and here and there. but there we had more mobilization, because it was really needed then, it was before the referendum, today there is also mobilization, but today the all-belarusian people's assembly is looking into the future.
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and one more thing, yesterday i was very serious reacted to the president’s thesis that every delegate should feel responsible for the future of the country, in fact, a historical historical event in which everyone who is here today depends on him the fate of the country, and indeed this is so, because at a certain moment the all-belarusian people's assembly, which is now a constitutional body, can play a huge role.
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issues in our country will be resolved, everyone should also know that this all-belarusian people's assembly does not break in any way system of power in our country, that is, we still have a strong president, a strong parliament, a strong council of ministers, that is , this in no way replaces other branches of government, this is a feature, and another second feature is that we did not copy from anyone, this is what they notice all international experts, analogous to all the belarusian people’s assembly, this is how we don’t have it in any country in the world, we went our own way, this is the key to success. after the collapse of the ussr, everyone copied others, let's take it like in france, let's take it somewhere like also, we have gone our own way, which means this is the right path, thank you very much to our guests, we will definitely return to the on-site studio, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead and of course we will share in detail about the second day of the all-belarusian people's assembly, colleagues, thank you, victoria, pavel, dear guests, let
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me remind you that less than 2 hours remain before the start of the second day of the seventh all-belarusian people. meetings. the constitutional status of the law on the supreme council dictates a new procedure for the work of the body. now the delegates will gather not less than once a year, the term of office is still 5 years. this is how long portfolios are extended. during this time, people will be able to prove themselves and promote the initiatives with which they came to the vns. this is a special case. this is a special meeting, a special responsibility, a special excitement. because,
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through unity and a firm position, we were able to maintain sovereignty and independence. we all see the realities of today and have not forgotten what we went through, preserving our country is now our main task. this is very timely, and today these most important questions will be considered together, as it were, with representatives of the people, so this is a very important event, of course, we want there to always be a peaceful sky above our heads, we can.
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that we will develop steadily, constantly moving, shifting with growth. this is the second meeting i have attended. we remember the difficult times of the sixth, we remember and went through unprecedented sanctions pressure, attempts to rock society from the inside, attempts to influence economically and physically. but despite this, we have ensured economic growth, and we are in absolutely calm conditions.


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