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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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publication of the current concept of national security and this is a document of truly strategic planning, such documents should look far beyond the horizon, forward, determine priorities for the development of our country, working on the document, and the president set such a task, do not cross out everything that has been developed in the current concept , according to scientists and analysts, some of the many provisions of the current concept of national... security today have not yet lost their significance, so i reported that we did not take the revolutionary path, but the evolutionary path, we took it as a basis, although we actually studied, before working, we studied documents, similar documents, of western countries, and the united states of america, and great britain, and of course , our neighboring countries, and strangely the sub-soviet space, they really agreed that our concept is really... relevant,
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so it is workable, for today, valid, but naturally, life moves forward, the geopolitical situation is changing, new risks, challenges, new threats to national security are emerging, so, of course, the document required objective adjustments; it sets out a new vision of our country for the geopolitical situation, for those modern risks, threats , challenges, for those red lines that cannot be overstepped, therefore, working on this...
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in principle, it will meet almost annually in accordance with the law, so we can always make adjustments and supplement our concept with some new provisions, new points, new threats in the field national security and propose appropriate new mechanisms for neutralizing these threats, which is why i think that we really worked on the document all together, together with you for almost 2 years, probably even more than 2 years. very seriously,
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purposefully, balancedly, thoughtfully, thoughtfully, so i think that it has a safety margin of at least 10 years, we have enough to work and be guided by this document, thank you, thank you for the detailed reports and answers on questions.
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judgments, then a decision was made, we have something to be afraid of, because the main task is to resist, if necessary, but how will the people resist if they do not know in advance what to resist, but in popular terms i will tell you, you know, often people they think and say that we are digging up here, it’s unclear how and incomprehensibly what, below... people don’t know anything, so you and i, or the leadership of the country through you, the entire people’s assembly, the all-belarusian people’s assembly, will bring this knowledge to people. to you, returning home, you will have to read the concept of national security again, if you vote for it, i advise you to definitely read the concept. and doctrine, i know that from
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my work in parliament at one time, that we are deputies, often laws that are not interesting to us or that we don’t seem to understand anything about them, we don’t even read them, but the professionals will report, we let's vote and so on, no, dear friends, this is a serious issue, everyone should be aware of these problems, especially since the secretary of state is very thorough and described the concept in detail, in extremely detail and presented it, this knowledge will help you understand the technology more deeply.
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viktor gennadievich khrenin, please, president of the republic of belarus, dear delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the military doctrine of any state is
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the basis of its military policy, it reflects the country's attitude to issues of war and peace, the state's views on the role of force. when resolving disputes in the international arena and determines the state’s approaches to the use of military force. since with the adoption of the current version of the military doctrine , the politics, power configuration and military-political situation in the european region have radically changed. the global confrontation between the west and the east has entered a hot phase. directly near our borders. there is a military conflict involved, which may become decisive for the further world order. international security organizations and other international institutions have actually ceased to be a deterrent against the outbreak of military conflicts. influenced
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western countries, they create conditions for legitimizing the use of military force against states that these countries dislike. at the same time, military. the military-political leadership of western states is considered as one of the main means of realizing their national and collective interests. the range of reasons for its use is also expanding. the aggressiveness of the policy of the leadership of poland and the baltic countries has increased significantly. they are actively militarized and the image of an enemy from the republic of belarus is being formed. this upsets the existing balance of power in the region and strategic stability in general, in our opinion, in the foreseeable future these trends will only intensify. speaking about internal political aspects, the main condition for revising the doctrine should be the decision of the belarusian people to amend
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the state constitution, adopted at the last referendum. in accordance with it , approaches to neutrality have changed. the highest representative body of democracy has been determined. national security, one of the main ones , a new edition of the concept has been developed documents, which, along with the constitution , form the basis of military doctrine. the revision of the document was also determined by the development of the national theory of military art. we have closed the gaps in the use of military force in peacetime and clarified the system of military operations.
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it is necessary, first of all, to use forceful measures of strategic deterrence, which is what we are doing now, demonstrating the high combat readiness of all components of the state’s military organization. the key innovation in military doctrine is a radical change approaches to the implementation of military policy and the formation of a list of state response measures based on the levels of military danger. the nature of military conflict has also been significantly rethought. for the conditions of the republic of belarus, based on this , their qualifications have been clarified, the goals
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pursued by the republic of belarus in them have been reworked , and the procedure for achieving them has been reworked. the new edition of the military doctrine details the issues of fulfilling the allied obligations of the republic of belarus to participate in activities to maintain international peace and security. we confirm our previous commitments regarding. union state, countries of the collective security treaty organization, thereby forming the legal basis for our actions in the event of events similar to the attempted coup in kazakhstan. in addition, we declare our readiness to fulfill our international obligations to assist the efforts of the world community and collective security bodies in maintaining or restoring international peace and security under auspices. international organizations. it should be noted that the declaration of non-military measures
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taken simultaneously with the armed defense of the republic of belarus made it possible to outline the place and role of ministries and departments involved in the defense of the country, but not part of the power component of the military organization of the state. in addition, the state vertical with a division of functions is clearly defined. to ensure military security and defense of the republic of belarus, starting from the president to individual citizens, the place and role in this system of the all-belarusian people's assembly, parliament and government, as well as public organizations and citizens of the republic of belarus are indicated. taking this into account, the document expands the content of the areas of military development. they are no longer limited to the issue of forming the equipment of power components. military organization of the state, this included issues of preparing state bodies for
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defense, mobilization preparation of the economy of the country's population, operational equipment its territory. the issues of economic support for military security and armed defense are revealed in a new way, the focus of the defense sector of the economy on import substitution with the simultaneous development of military-technical cooperation with allies is reflected. in general, the line under the innovation of the draft military doctrine, i consider it important to pay attention to the continuity of the developed document, despite the deep reworking of the content of the document, it retained the peace-loving aspirations of the belarusian people, our desire to contribute to the strengthening of international peace and security. we condemn any military conflict as a means of implementing policy and adhere to the principles of peaceful settlement of disputes, equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs, as well as other generally recognized principles and norms
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of international law. an important message of the new military doctrine is that the republic of belarus does not treat any nation as its enemy, independent from the actions of the government or their states. we also declared their readiness to act as a platform for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and launch a global dialogue on security. at the same time, we believe it is legitimate to use all means available to us to implement preventive measures aimed at preventing aggression.
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security and defense in general, other officials of the military-political leadership of the country and government bodies to plan and implement a set of timely measures to prevent the outbreak of military conflicts, carry out preparations to defense, and, if necessary, ensure reliable armed defense of our state. secondly, to demonstrate to the international community a peaceful policy and lack of hostility towards anyone, at the same time clearly indicating our readiness to use the full potential of the state’s military organization to ensure military security, including preventive measures. thirdly, to confirm the relations enshrined in the military doctrine with
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our military allies in the union state and the organization of the treaty on collective security. set the direction for the further development of all structural components of the state’s military organization, taking into account the change and expansion of the range of military dangers. dear comrades, i ask you to consider the prepared draft decision of the all-belarusian people's assembly and approve the developed draft military doctrine of the republic of belarus. i'll finish the report. thank you, viktor gennadyevich, please, questions to the minister of defense, please, please introduce yourself, ask questions. good afternoon, comrade, commander-in-chief of the armed forces
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of the republic of belarus, giving delegates to the all-belarusian. audience of people, including through my internet project, which is posted on three internet platforms, has a total of more than 900,000 subscribers, many
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of them are my voters, based on this... comrade minister of defense. today, there is no doubt about the need to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of our state. but at the same time, during the discussion of issues at the above-mentioned platforms, the most discussed issue was precisely. please comment on how this circumstance is reflected in the new military doctrine, thank you, thank you.
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refused to place nuclear weapons on our territory and withdrew them, for this we were promised respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, non-use of military force and economic pressure. all this was recorded in the budapest memorandum in december 1994. well, what we see today is that everything is broken. aggressive policy unfriendly states, economic, political, sanctions pressure, of course, in such conditions we had to
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react, at the request of the president, we carried out work to place non-strategic nuclear weapons on our territory, this is our effective response to the aggressive... policies of those unfriendly to us states, we hope that the leaders of these states will hear and stop escalating this situation, also thanks to the deployment of nuclear weapons on our territory, we have received a full arsenal of all means in order to inflict unacceptable damage on a potential aggressor, this is... not nuclear blackmail or intimidation, this is an opportunity to protect our state, to ensure peace for our people, it was on the basis of this logic that we
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made these decisions, and accordingly reflected this in the draft of the new military doctrine, in the position of the deployment doctrine. we consider strategic nuclear weapons of the russian federation on our territory as an important part of the preventive deterrence of a potential enemy, as well as our forced reaction on non-compliance by guarantor countries with the agreements recorded in the budapest memorandum. the report is finished. thank you.
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question: let me also express my agreement to the adoption of a new military doctrine and concept of national security and also urge you, dear delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, to support this position. my question to the minister of defense: dear viktor gennadievich, today in many regions of the world, for a number of reasons, there is economic, political... and social instability, as you quite rightly noted, wars and armed conflicts continue, unfortunately, to remain a harsh
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reality for us. the aggressive military policy of western states, their active and unlawfully high militarization, and above all of our neighboring poland, in my opinion, are forcing our country. sliding the state into an arms race, but dragging the state into an arms race, because we know perfectly well that... if
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we or we are drawn into an arms race, this is one of the forms of destruction of the state, because that this will destroy the economy, this will force the state to abandon its social guarantees to the population, in addition, in our opinion, as we believe that any arms race, this only leads to... to an aggravation of the crisis in international relations and, as a consequence, creates conditions for unleashing military conflicts. it is precisely on the basis of these understandings that we build our policy and develop the military organization of the state, therefore, precisely in order not only not to slide, but not to be drawn into this arms race, we choose other forms of methods.
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internal affairs of states, secondly, the implementation of the entire complex of measures that is provided for in the military doctrine, as well as the stage-by-stage preparation of the state for defense, also allows us to reliably ensure our military security, the third aspect, well, for
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a long time. we carried out careful painstaking work to create the military organization of the state, the basis of which is the armed forces of the republic of belarus; today the armed forces have all the necessary integral components in order to carry out their tasks in peacetime , including war, also an important deterrent... a factor against sliding or being drawn into an arms race is, among other things, the placement on our territory of non-strategic nuclear weapons, in general, all this allows we must pursue an independent military policy, the most important thing is to be guided by the principle of reasonable defense sufficiency, and
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, of course, not to allow ourselves...
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